Crown of Silence

Chapter 345 It’s better to return home early

Chapter 346 It is better to return home early

"What is the result of divination?"

"Your fate is really strange."

The elder sighed and said: "The revelation says that you will encounter what you are destined to encounter."


Ye Qingxuan was silent for a while, his expression twitching: You will encounter what you are destined to encounter? It's the same as saying nothing! My friend, I am not well-educated, so don't scare me! Is your divination really useful!

The elder laughed, "Don't be angry, this is one of the best results."

Ye Qingxuan was speechless, he really didn't see what was good about this result!

"When the Romulus Empire still existed, the intestinal fortune teller was a prophet who served the emperor personally, responsible for interpreting the revelations from heaven for him. In this kind of situation, there are disasters and good news, but nothing is more reassuring than such a prediction.

The future will only lead to the future, your destiny is chosen by you, not controlled by others. If you were the emperor, you would be ecstatic about this revelation.

You will continue to move forward according to the trajectory of your destiny. It can be seen that your future leads to darkness, and in that twists and turns, you may be able to have light."

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time, and nodded:

"Thank you for your good words."

"Then, next, let's talk about business."

The elder was sitting opposite Ye Qingxuan, opening his clothes, and said lightly: "If I'm not mistaken, you are also here for the underground palace, right? Let's talk about the things in the underground palace."

Ye Qingxuan sat up straight and listened attentively.


Hundreds of years ago, after the Romulus Empire officially collapsed, the remaining city-states continued to survive for dozens or hundreds of years in various places. Until fifty years ago.

Like the former empire, under the invasion of natural disasters, the last home of the Romulus people, Wolf City, was destroyed.

The unconscious phenomenon-like natural disaster "Mercury Tide" swept through that place, and everything was crushed into a flat bottom wherever it passed. There are still traces of mirror-like flatness on the thousand-mile plain.

Looking down from the air, the silvery and smooth land is like a tragic trauma of the earth.

Since then, the Romulus people have no home to speak of.

The Romulus people wandering in various countries are engaged in the lower class industries, coolies, porters, thieves, robbers or prostitutes... The beast characteristics left on their bodies make them forever excluded from mainstream society.

Until 26 years ago, the survivor of Wolf City, Gaius, ascended to a high position in the Holy City Council as a survivor with demon blood because of his outstanding contributions and achievements in the dark world development plan. He was recognized by the kings and blessed by the Pope.

Thanks to his efforts, many Romulans were recognized, gradually accepted, and returned to society.

At that time, the image of Romulans improved for a time, and they received sympathy and help from people. And with Gaius's efforts, the lives of Romulus wanderers were no longer in poverty, and they could even make a slight surplus with OEM industries such as handicraft workshops.

Then, six years later, that is, twenty years ago.

Gaius rebelled.

His army occupied the New World colony on the other side of the ocean, and with the long ocean as a barrier, they openly resisted the rule of the countries and the Holy City.

For a time, the countries were in an uproar, and a wave of exclusion and expulsion of Romulans was set off. Overnight, the Romulans, who had been gradually improving, fell to the point where everyone wanted to kill them.

The whole process lasted for fifteen years.

The Romulans, who had no place to stay, lost everything and became wanderers, embarking on an endless long road amidst the hurling of stones and curses.

Finally, under the call of the six elders, they followed the ancient records and went to the wasteland in the south, where they found the land that God had promised them.

However, after many years, there were no fig trees and fragrant grass there, and the river no longer flowed with milk and honey, only the vast yellow sand.

This is Auschwitz, a paradise that has long been empty.

The last gathering place of the Romulans.

"If you want to make a living here, you have to find some industry."

The elder asked calmly: "If it were you, Mr. Ye, if it were you, what would you do?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned by the question.

He really couldn't figure out how to make a living in such a hellish place.

It was dry and water-poor, and it was impossible to plant. There is little vegetation, and breeding is impossible. There is only yellow sand and wasteland within a thousand miles, and hunting is nonsense.

Business? To put it in a vicious way, Auschwitz has no special products except the Romulans. Except for the slave traders looking for slaves, it is difficult for others to find business opportunities here.

After thinking about it, there is only one way left, which is the choice that the Romulans once made.

"So, have you opened a mine?"

He sighed and understood the cause and effect.

After coming here, the Romulans opened mountains and mined in order to survive. They signed an agreement with the Chainsaw Monks and borrowed a large loan, but the veins they found were not very rich.

A few thin copper mines, a few rare iron mines, and some associated lapis lazuli, but they are not worth mining.

They can support a small town.

But they can't support Auschwitz.

What's worse is that during the excavation, the remains left over from the era of the Romulus Empire were excavated.

"Worse than the ruins."

The elder corrected him: "It's a cemetery. The dead elder looked through ancient books and found that it was a place built by the emperor's order when the Romulus Empire was still there.

It is the resting place of the great men of the past.

Then? Then the excavation stopped. No Romulus dared to continue exploring and blaspheming the souls of their ancestors, which would bring shame to everyone's family.

We can only seal the underground palace, and even the excavation of copper mines has stopped. To be honest, we still owe a large loan to the Chainsaw Monks. "

The elder skillfully rolled the enchanted cigarette and said lightly: "When the loan expires in ten years, I'm afraid we old men who can't afford it will have to sell ourselves to work as mechanical slaves for them."


Ye Qingxuan was silent.

"Don't be sad, kid, this has nothing to do with you."

The elder was lying on the carpet, rolling a cigarette in one hand and stroking a bright red stone with the other. He narrowed his eyes and seemed to be talking in his sleep: "Where did we just talk about?"


"Yes, the cemetery."

The elder swallowed a mouthful of smoke and exhaled slowly: "You will know what happens next. One of your three kings, King Huang, ran to the cemetery of our ancestors for some unknown reason.

Then he disappeared inexplicably. If bad luck is a curse, then it is as if we have been cursed by God to encounter such damn things one after another.

Now, you little musicians are here again, making trouble at our doorstep, and then you are going to go to our ancestral graves to cause trouble... But we are powerless to do anything about it.

Tell me, what did we do wrong to deserve such punishment? "

Ye Qingxuan was speechless.

"When I came here, I actually didn't know anything about the Yellow King at the beginning, nor did I know anything about the cemetery and the underground palace."

He said: "I originally came here as an ancient scholar. I just wanted to cure diseases and save people. I didn't think about any rewards from the Holy City. I hope you can believe this, elder."

The elder stroked his exposed dry belly and laughed: "This is the truth, I can hear it, continue. If I can help, I will fully cooperate with you."

"There's nothing to go on."

Ye Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "Now the matter is beyond my ability. I originally wanted to find a guide to help me lead the way in the underground palace. At least let me figure out whether the flu was related to the underground palace.

Elder, do you have any recommendations? I can offer reasonable compensation. "


The elder fell silent and stopped talking. He just smoked cigarettes in a trance, staring at the curling smoke in front of him, immersed in the relaxation and comfort brought by the banned drugs.

After a long time, he was awakened by the cigarette burning on his fingertips.

He raised his eyes, got up, and put out his cigarette.

"Then I'm sorry, Mr. Ye."

He said, "This is the only one I can't help."

"For the Romulus, there are three possibilities that will make him and you die. You insulted his ancestors, you extinguished his family fire. And, you dug his ancestral grave.

Regardless of whether it is you or the Holy City who makes this request, we will not agree to it. Although your purpose is noble, don't say this again in the future. "

"Sorry..." Ye Qingxuan was a little embarrassed: "I will pay attention to this in the future."

"You can go find the church. The old man should have kept the records and some clues of the excavation."

The elder stood up and said, "I can only help you here. The rest of the matter has nothing to do with us. I hope the Holy City will not involve us in your affairs."

He paused and looked at the tiny scales on his toes: "After all, we have paid enough for the sin of this birth."


After lunch, Ye Qingxuan left the elder's house.

Lunch was very simple, but it was rare to eat in recent days. It was obvious that it was a very generous meal in Auschwitz.

After the meal, he once again invited Ye Qingxuan to come and have fun. After being rejected, the elder enthusiastically sent Ye Qingxuan to the door. But when they were saying goodbye at the door, she reached out and pulled his shoulder.

Just when Ye Qingxuan was stunned, the elder came up and gave him a close hug.

"A piece of advice, Mr. Ye, you are a good person, so this is the only advice I can give you."

He whispered hoarsely in the boy's ear:

"——No matter why you came here, for your own sake, please leave this hellish place as soon as possible."

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