Crown of Silence

Chapter 348 Happy Cooperation

Chapter 349 Happy Cooperation

Barro took a step back, but it was obvious that this was not his intention, but because he was afraid of Samuel.

His surrender in this situation made him feel worse again, and he was extremely manic.

The mood of the summoner was originally similar to that of a beast, and it was easy to be angered. Except for those who were born without emotions, few people could suppress this beast and control their restlessness.

The stronger, the harder it is.

"That damn bastard..."

He muttered in a low voice, grabbed a lemon and squeezed it indignantly, picked up the wine glass, and drank it all.

The musician who was serving wine next to him still filled his glass, without saying a word, and handed him a new lemon by the way. Barro drank the strong liquor indignantly, one glass after another.

During the long wait, Samuel stared at the wine glass in a daze, and Miller looked up at the dust on the ceiling.

After several drinks, Barlow's patience finally reached its limit. He angrily slammed the table, shocking the entire hall into silence.

"That guy, how long will he wait before he comes? Will he make us wait for half the night?"

In the silence, he angrily squeezed the lemon in his hand into a ball, threw it on the ground, and reached out to grab the gin on the table.

But he grabbed nothing.

The bottle of gin was taken away by someone else.

The remaining liquor shook in the bottle, reflecting the lights and reflecting the amber light.

"Don't be angry, the most important thing for a person is to be happy."

The musician sitting next to him handed him a glass of water: "Come, drink some hot water, are you hungry? I'll give you something to eat."

Barlow was stunned, turned his head, and looked at the man next to him.

The man was also looking at him, smiling and polite.

From the beginning, he sat there, silently pouring wine for Barlow, handing him lemons, smiling and listening, without saying a word.

The shrunken lemons piled up into a small mountain in front of him, like a family of unlucky people, neatly arranged.

It was not until this moment that Barro felt an unbearable sourness and stinging in his mouth, as well as a violent churning in his stomach. It was as painful as eating dozens of lemons raw.

But, more importantly: this guy sat next to him for so long, why didn't he care?


His fingers sharpened, tearing five deep cracks on the table, staring at Ye Qingxuan with his vertical pupils, full of anger: "Who are you?"


The young man smiled helplessly and took off his hat, so that his long silver hair revealed a metallic light.

"——The most limp burden you mentioned."

Facing his smile, Barro's expression twitched, and a vague roar came out of his throat.

Just like an angry lion restraining himself.

Until now, he understood that when he was speaking, Miller had a complex expression of wanting to say something but not being able to, and Samuel looked dazed - because from the beginning, he sat here, quietly watching his anxious look, and endured the laughter to watch the fun.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but grit his teeth, and the sound of teeth rubbing was sharp:

"Ye Qingxuan, what do you mean?"

"No meaning, I just don't want to offend you."

Ye Qingxuan piled the shrunken lemons in front of him into a tower, and finally carefully inserted a small umbrella on it, and then it was done.

Facing Barlow's furious eyes, the young man lowered his eyes, just staring at the small umbrella, and said softly: "Mr. Barlow, perhaps in your opinion, the most important thing is strength, so people without strength can be ignored.

But you need to be clear about one thing: the strength you are proud of... is nothing in front of me."


There was a furious lion roar in the void, shocking the heart, and the hurricane was so fierce that it almost overturned the table. It also destroyed the pagoda made of shrunken lemons.

"Ye Qingxuan, you! Don't! Go! Too! Far!"

Barro was on the verge of losing control, and his furious beastly nature was almost about to absorb the ether and condense into a fantasy beast that would choose its prey.

"Mr. Ye, I think..." Miller stood up to smooth things over, but when he turned around, he saw Samuel motionless. After a moment of stunned silence, his expression changed slightly, and he just shook his head regretfully:

"Forget it, it's up to you."

Seeing that they would not interfere in this matter, Barro smiled. His five fingers rubbed together, and sharp notes burst out, almost sparking out of thin air.

"Go out and practice?"

He raised a provocative smile: "If you are a man, just do it."

"Go out?"

The boy shook his head: "No, just stay here."

Barro was stunned, and then laughed angrily: "Do you think the ban of the Holy City can protect you? There are locals around, I can't do anything to you? Too naive, I..."

"You think too much."

Ye Qingxuan interrupted him, raised his eyes, and there seemed to be quiet moonlight flowing in his pupils.

He said: "-As long as you can use the music, I lose."

Barro was stunned, his face twitched, like fury, and like some kind of extremely crazy grin.

"Very good."

Barro's pupils burst into red light: "Very good!"

Before he finished speaking, the lion's roar condensed and burst out of thin air, and the passionate melody sounded.

A pure white lion's huge head emerged from the void, its hair reflecting the light of the metal like a sharp blade. In an instant, it had already stretched out half of its body, and its huge mouth encompassed Ye Qingxuan's half body, and suddenly closed it.

It can be seen that he kept his hand and did not want to kill Ye Qingxuan, but he also wanted to give this ignorant guy a good look!


The giant lion's jaws closed, but it was Barlow who screamed.

Immediately afterwards, the giant lion disintegrated like dust and disappeared in mid-air. The animal nature returned to Barlow's mind, and the conflict between the furious animal nature and reason made his vision darken.

A splitting headache.

"White lion, this is the signature phantom beast species of Dragonstone School, right? It can be seen that the animal nature is integrated with other parts. You are raising an iron lion in your mind? It's very creative, I like it."

Ye Qingxuan said lightly: "What a pity."


In severe pain, Barlow reached up to cover his face, veins appearing on the back of his hands. In the gap between the fingers, the pupil has turned red, and the red pupil trembled, distinguishing Ye Qingxuan's face.

In his daze, he saw Ye Qingxuan's face as misty as mist, as if it was about to disappear.

The surroundings began to darken at some point, with only a solitary lamp illuminating the place. And just behind the lonely lamp, Ye Qingxuan's smile was mysterious.


Barlow gritted his teeth: "Your this, "Winter Journey"?"

"Well, I took the time to learn it on the road. I use it for self-defense."

Ye Qingxuan nodded: "As you know, it comes from "Winter Journey", and the name of the movement is "Deception". The effect of "Deception" is to construct an illusion while causing the enemy's movement to lose its target and backfire on him. Very useful for the summoning school.”

As if he was defenseless, the white-haired boy told his music and details in detail, and pushed the lone lamp in front of him towards Barlow:

"I can tell you: its 'fulcrum' is the light in front of you."

Amidst the subtle crackling sound of the burning lights, the faint humming of a young man could be heard.

"There was a light of fire that swayed kindly before me. I wandered with it, and I followed it and watched it wandering here and there, luring wanderers to come.

Oh, how pitiful I am. Go and be deceived with joy. In this terrible night of ice and snow, I seemed to see a warm and bright house. My beloved is inside—

Even if what I see is just illusion..."

"Do you think this illusion can trap me?"

Barlow gritted his teeth; "Even the bitch Rebecca, the candidate for the 'Voodoo Crypt', wouldn't dare to expose her fulcrum in front of me!"

"No, it's just for the purpose of fair competition."

Ye Qingxuan spread his hands: "I have gained a good location, and at the same time, you don't need to worry about the destructive phantom beasts hurting innocent people. This is also a good thing for you.

How is it? What do you think? "

"——Just what I want."

Barlow grinned, revealing his sharp canine teeth, and a shadow slowly emerged behind him.

It was a huge and ferocious pitch-black organ, with countless totems of beastliness and claw marks engraved on the six-layer keyboard. The flowing notes transformed into different music theories, illustrating the war between giant beasts and dragons.

That is the iconic heritage instrument of the Dragonstone School - the whistling sound.

Barlow's eyes were red, fused with animal nature, as if burning, and had entered a stage of deep resonance.

"You will regret it, Ye Qingxuan."

He said every word: "After I tear you to pieces."

"Then you have to hurry up."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and closed his pocket watch: "We still have time to play a few rounds before dinner starts. I hope I can convince you."


Late at night, in the silent hotel lobby, there was only heavy breathing.

The musicians were silent among themselves in front of several already cold dinners. Only Barlow stared at the oil lamp in front of him like a man possessed, sweating like rain and looking pale.

"How about we eat first?"

Samuel sighed, "If you don't eat it, it will get cold. It will cost money to heat it up again. How long can that guy Barlow hold on?"

He doesn't mind eating cold food, but he does mind spending money.

And occupying the best table here will cost a lot of money... If he had been before, he would definitely not have cared about it, but he had just spent a lot of money just to rain in Oz, and his pocket was empty.

If Ye Qingxuan hadn't asked for a treat, he would have gone to treat Miller.

"It won't be long before Barlow's energy is almost exhausted."

Miller reached out and pressed Barlow's wrist, shook his head and sighed: "I hope Ye Qingxuan can 'persuade' him. After all, are all the summoning schools such obsessive die-hards? Studying animal nature has damaged your brain... …”

"At least the Dragonstone School is like this. My teacher told me that if you encounter a lunatic from the Dragonstone School, you should give him a good beating first, and only after the beating can you talk."

"...When you meet a guy from any school of thought, your teacher will let you beat him up first!"

Just when the two of them had waited for a long time and decided to eat first, they saw Ye Qingxuan reaching out and extinguishing the light on the table. The light dimmed.

Barlow's body was shaken and he almost slid off the chair. He was covered in sweat and panting.

As if struggling out from the suffocation of the deep sea, he gasped for breath, his lips turned faintly purple, his fingers trembled, and sweat fell from his hair to his collar.

Miller reached out to check on him, but he waved him away.

"I surrender."

He panted and looked up at Ye Qingxuan. Although he was unwilling, he still squeezed out a voice from his teeth: "In the ruins, I will listen to you."

So, Ye Qingxuan laughed.

"Then, happy cooperation."

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