Crown of Silence

Chapter 353: Snake in the Courtyard

Chapter 354: The Snake in the Courtyard

At the last moment, Ye Qingxuan only had time to push Barro behind him, stretched out his hand, and blocked everyone in front of him. The sound of hymns burst out.

"Holy! Holy! Holy! The Almighty God!"

Dozens of javelins landed on the barrier and landed silently, but more javelins pierced other places, and then there was a loud explosion. The red flames and fierce explosions tore the walls and bricks apart.

A frenzied air wave swept across, and the entire corridor was shaking violently, as if it was on the verge of collapse.

After the fleeting magnificent hymn, it was already a devastated place. The place where Ye Qingxuan and the others were located had become a huge depression and empty space. The foothold was still intact, but other places were already covered with lava...

After using the Holy twice in a short period of time, Ye Qingxuan's face turned pale and he almost fell to the ground due to overdrawn energy. Behind him, Miller reached out and pressed the back of his head. The gentle melody spread with the chanting of the saint, quickly restoring his energy.

"There are two more rounds!"

Ye Qingxuan shouted: "At least two more rounds!"

Behind the iron wall, the javelin-throwing warriors took off the javelins from their waists again, slowly raised their hands, and gathered strength to throw again.

"Don't hide your good cards - we are facing the alchemical puppets made by Romulus in his heyday, two hundred-man Romulus phalanxes! It's enough to confront the power armor company of the Chainsaw Monks!"

Ye Qingxuan's words extinguished the last bit of luck in Barro's heart: among the weapons and forces sold by the Chainsaw Monks, the hiring price of a power armor company is enough to bankrupt a commercial city-state, and its performance on the front battlefield also proves how terrible the killing machine built with a lot of money is!

"Let this kind of puppet guard their graves, how rich were these dead ghosts back then!"

He complained in a crooked way, flashing a trace of pain, and pulled out a bone flute from his arms and played it sharply. Samuel was faster than him.

The copper mountain roared, and the burning wind swept.

In a flash, the red storm swept forward along the corridor, and in it, the roaring melody suddenly burst out.

The melody was full of chaotic violence, hundreds of formulas emerged from the music theory one after another, combined and changed with each other, until finally, it turned into a series of complex and precise terrible forms.

In the music theory, the soil was burned into lava by the flames, and the lava climbed up along Samuel's body, cooled rapidly, and condensed into pieces of sharp black rocks.

In an instant, Samuel turned into a fire giant with terrifying enthusiasm.


The music created by Saint Liszt based on the legendary hero Mazeppa.

The hero who resurrected from the dead gained divine power, controlling the four different elements of earth, water, fire and wind. He was unstoppable on earth!

The flames became his warhorse, the storm was the hero's wings, and the iron and stone burst out in his hands, singing praises.

Samuel roared, controlling the melody, and rushed forward!

In just a moment, he was head-on with the Romulus phalanx at the same place.

In front of him, the spears in the air exploded one after another, destroying his black stone armor, but the armor was reborn as it was destroyed, as if it would never end. The spear pierced from under the iron wall pierced his giant hand, but the iron wall also shattered in the deafening roar.

In the midst of countless fragments flying, Samuel grabbed the clay doll beside him who had no time to dodge and smashed it in the direction of the spearman. In his hand, the clay doll was directly melted into boiling lava by the fire formula, and after landing, it splashed around, directly melting the clay dolls within a radius of several meters.

Then, Samuel took a deep breath, and the chest of the black iron giant bulged exaggeratedly - what came out of his breath was a wild wind with endless chill.

The pale storm enveloped the entire array in an instant, freezing them in place.

And with the sound of Barro's flute, the roar in the depths of the earth became more and more exaggerated, as if some huge monster was coming in response to the call. In the array, Samuel quickly retreated in Barro's shout, and then the wall of the corridor shattered, and a huge mouth suddenly emerged from the side and rear, rushing into the array by Samuel's side.

The huge mouth, which was tens of meters high, easily included everything in it, and then, it went through the wall. Only the extremely huge body followed closely behind, and after a few minutes, it became thinner and thinner, and disappeared without a trace.

And looking at the crack where it appeared and disappeared, it was only a few dozen meters deep.

At the original place, Samuel and Ye Qingxuan were already stunned.

"What is this?"

Ye Qingxuan was a little confused: he could only feel that this was some kind of projection, and the source came from the etheric world...

"The Dragon Stone School has raised the King of the Giant Devouring Earthworms for hundreds of years in the secret realm of the etheric world."

Barro's face was pale, "It is sixteen kilometers long, and only the Scepter Musician can call out the complete form. It is called the 'Snake Surrounding the World Courtyard'."

He put away the bone flute with heartache. There were already signs of cracks on the bone flute, and it can be seen that it can't be used many times.

Samuel relieved Mazepa's state, revealing most of the burn marks, which looked extremely tragic. Fortunately, Miller treated him, otherwise they would all have to go home.

After this battle, no one dared to underestimate the ancient ruins of Romulus.

Who knows whose tomb has so many damn clay dolls to guard the door...

But soon, they understood.


"This is simply a giant cemetery!"

In the huge underground square, Barro looked into the distance. In his night vision, endless stone coffins stood on the ground, extending to the end of the field of vision.

Along the way, they have seen no less than a thousand coffins, and judging by the scale, there will be more!

When Ye Qingxuan saw this huge underground cemetery, he was silent for a long time, and directly pulled out the crowbar and walked towards the nearest coffin. Barro changed color, and before he could stop him, Ye Qingxuan simply pried the coffin open.

In the dull friction, the coffin opened, and the dust that had been sealed for hundreds of years boiled up, and the dry bones were exposed under the light. The skeletons of the dead were sleeping in the coffin, grinning like a smile.

There were no traps, nor poisonous snakes and beasts.

"Sure enough."

Ye Qingxuan reached out and carefully pulled out a dagger from the dead man's hand. He waved it twice, and cracks spread on the dagger, which quickly rusted and weathered, making it unusable.

"All the people buried here are civilians of ancient Romulus."

He retracted his gaze and looked around at the dense coffins: "If I'm not mistaken, the lower you go, the more noble the status of the buried people will be. There may be tombs of soldiers, generals, and temple priests...even the tomb of their emperor 'Augustus'.

The Romulans worshipped all gods and also worshipped family fires. They firmly believed that the souls of their ancestors lived in the family fires. The remains of the ancestors were properly buried here and were not defiled by outsiders."

"...Then you just defiled it." Barro muttered, and his eyes lit up immediately: "Are there any musicians? Where are the musicians' tombs?"

Hearing his words, the eyes of the other two lit up.

The traces of the Yellow King are elusive, but the cemetery is definitely here. If we can take this opportunity to discover some classical music, precious musical instruments, and alchemical equipment, it will be worth the trip.


Ye Qingxuan smiled and shook his head: "First of all, I want to tell you that in ancient Romulus, although he was good at alchemy, all the musicians' instruments were inherited from their families.

The son inherits the father's business, and unless it is damaged or of great significance, it is rarely buried with the owner. The classics are collected in the Pantheon and rarely circulated among the people.

Second, among so many coffins, do we have to open them one by one to find which coffin contains the musician?"

"Mixed together?"

Barro frowned: "Musicians are also buried in such a large cemetery?"

Ye Qingxuan nodded, "In Romulus, musicians are just a profession, called 'Black Marquis', which means messenger. Although they have a high status, their identity is still that of a citizen. Only nobles, priests, elders, Augustus and philosophers are qualified to be buried alone."


Barro was stunned: "Why? Are philosophers more useful than musicians?!"

Ye Qingxuan curled his lips: "It's just because they were so annoying when they were alive. No one wants to be buried with them and be neighbors after death.

If it were you, would you be willing?"

"..."Barro was speechless.

"Shall we continue?"

Ye Qingxuan picked up his backpack again, unfolded the line, and walked in front. They passed many traps along the way, but it was obvious that after a long time, many places had been in disrepair for a long time, and the traps had long been rusted and could not be opened.

The hubs of some gates were difficult to open, and they could only rely on Samuel to destroy them by force.

The further they walked, the more they were astonished by the scale of the underground palace: they had already walked down two floors, and they could still see coffins and some halls and rooms for future generations to worship. And judging from the burial objects of the deceased, the buried people were still civilians, but they seemed to be getting richer and richer. There were many jewelry and jewels worth thousands of gold among the burial objects.

However, for the musicians, these things were only used as chanting supplies and to fill the huge deficit in Samuel's wallet. The remaining few people also symbolically divided a little as souvenirs.

However, when they opened a door again, they saw a mess on the ground, followed by the whistling of the wind.

Barro, who had been prepared, snorted coldly, and the shadow trembled. A scaly demon that looked like a lizard and half a human emerged from the shadow, suddenly poked its head, and closed its mouth like a crocodile.

With a snap.

The cracked stone monkey fell apart, leaving fragments and parts all over the ground. The Scale Demon shook his mouth in disdain, spit it out, and crawled back into the shadows, disappearing.

However, Ye Qingxuan and the others were looking at the corpse in the mess.

It had just died not long ago, and the blood had not dried yet.

It was probably just ten minutes before they came.

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