Crown of Silence

Chapter 359 Siege

Chapter 360 Siege


As the blade moved forward, continuous loud noises burst out of thin air, as if layers of barriers in the void were penetrated and broken by the anti-tone. Every loud noise would set off a frenzy in the sea of ​​ether.

And in the center of the frenzy, Ye Qingxuan only felt his body trembling, almost suffocating.

A fierce look flashed in Colt's eyes, and he took a step forward.

The blade sank into the stone door.

Immediately, the underground palace shook violently, and roars burst out one after another.

Fierce light emerged from the door. It was countless delicate and frantic notes. They entangled with each other, formed intervals, and evolved music theory, forming a complex and huge matrix like vines, converging on the stone door.

Covering every inch of space.

As the anti-tone pierced in, one of the last circuits was cut off, and then, a piercing sound that made people's scalps tingle burst out of thin air. That was a timed interpretation, a melody that completely reversed music theory and notes.

For the Gate of Hades, this is ‘venomous’!

In an instant, the defense matrix of the Gate of Hades fell apart, a frenzied ether wave burst out, a loud roar, a turbulent underground palace, countless sounds collided and converged, and surged upward under the push of huge air pressure.

Finally, the ‘wave’ like a tidal wave gushed out of the mine and rushed into the sky.

It made a shrill sound like the earth breaking.

In the sky, the masters who stayed there all lowered their heads and looked in the direction of the mine, their eyes clear.

—— It finally started.


And in the depths of the underground palace, at the moment of the roar, Ye Qingxuan, Colt, and Torre all stepped forward at the same moment, resisting the suffocating ether torrent, pressing their hands on the stone door, and connected to the complex and huge music theory system.

Access completed.

Interpretation, start! -

At the same time, all the musicians were on guard and looked around.

Because the sound of the surging river sounded out of nowhere, echoing in this solemn and huge hall, like a tsunami. The vigilant musicians looked around, but found no changes.

Until a drop of wet and sticky stuff fell from the sky and landed on one of the faces.

"Is this rain?"

Someone touched his face, but saw the sticky mud spreading on his hand. He was stunned, raised his head, and looked up at the top of his head-above the dome, in the countless joints of the stone cracks, sticky mud gushed out continuously, falling from the sky.

"On the ground! On the ground too!" Someone screamed.

As the silt on the floor seeped in, cracks appeared on the wall. From the relief like a beast head, the beast's mouth suddenly opened, and mud gushed out like a tide.

"What is this...?" In the inner circle, Miller looked down at the silt spreading under his feet, instinctively felt that something was wrong, but didn't know where it was.

He could see that there was no poison or anything else in it. At best... it was just ordinary mud.

"Do the Romulans want to drown us with mud?" Someone couldn't help laughing, but couldn't laugh the next moment.

Samuel suddenly raised his hand, the copper mountain roared, and the burning wind blew. In an instant, the heat spread and almost ignited the hair of the people around. There was a scream in the crowd.

"Samuel, are you crazy!"

Then, the next moment, the boiling mud suddenly dried up, and a few ethereal shadows vaguely emerged in the evaporating water vapor. After they broke away from the mud, they let out angry hisses and dissipated in the air with the water vapor.

But there were more shadows, wrapped in mud, crawling out of the mud that submerged their ankles.

One, two, four, eight...

After the mud slid off, the porcelain that looked like gold and iron, as well as the huge square shield, heavy javelin and spear...

——That was the clay warrior on the upper floor of the underground palace that made so many people miserable!

As the clay warrior slowly climbed up, everyone was shocked. At this moment, when they looked at the mud again, their eyes had become terrified.

This is not mud at all...This is clearly the raw material prepared by the Romulans to make this group of clay dolls! In other words, as long as they are willing, they can use this to catalyze an endless army of clay dolls!

As all the musicians desperately suppressed them, the clay dolls stood up from the mud one after another, and then continued to fall apart and return to the mud. Until the end, when the first ten-man team and the second ten-man team stood side by side, everyone's pressure suddenly doubled!

When the first hundred-man team formed an array, the musicians' offensive suddenly became strenuous!

This is the defensive alchemy matrix buried when the underground palace was built. The Romulans' most advanced craftsmanship and technology can extract clay warriors from the mud at any time and anywhere.

Such defense is no less than the secret defense of any large school.

Facing this kind of guy who can be destroyed and reborn at any time, and there is no worry about shortage as long as the underground palace is still there, the simplest way is to destroy the entire underground palace... But who will agree!

Besides, how many people can do this?

Moreover, as their offensive slowed down, the speed of the clay dolls did not change! In a flash, four hundred-man teams roared forward, and the explosive spears and spear formations were thrown randomly, which made the musicians miserable.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that among these guys, there are assassins who specialize in assassinating musicians. If you don't pay attention, they will jump out of the mud under your feet, and their movements are as erratic as ghosts, and a jump will cause a bloody light.

Ge Lan, who originally relied on the change formula to move freely in the square array, suffered a great loss at the hands of an assassin hidden in the body of his companion, and was almost cut in half.

He retreated to the defensive array in cold sweat, and his armor was almost covered with traces of slashing.

Fortunately, many teams cooperated skillfully with each other, playing symphony music in a synchronous resonance, and resisted the advancement of the square array. Otherwise, the musicians would have been reduced to fighting on their own.

On the battlefield, small groups of enemies separated by battle arrays like this are as easy to eliminate as eating snacks... Facing the siege of more than ten times the number of enemies, everyone used all their skills to fight, striving to complete the encirclement and defense circle.

Many musicians who reacted quickly began to clean up the mud under their feet, but the amount of mud was endless. Even if they tried their best, they could only clear a small area as a position.

As a hymnist, Miller wandered in the inner circle, chanting hymns, healing the musicians who were seriously injured, and providing assistance to the musicians who were fighting. In a large-scale battle, the presence of a hymnist is like an angel to friendly forces.

But even so, there were times when he couldn't take care of it. He was distracted for a moment and was almost beheaded by an assassin who fell from the sky.

At this moment, all places in the sky and on the ground, in all directions, could face enemy attacks.

If it weren't for Barro's Fei Lian, I'm afraid he would have been beheaded long ago.

"Where's your macrophagous worm! The Serpent of the Courtyard!"

Miller grabbed Barlow and shook him: "Clean up the mud first!"

Barlow almost vomited blood: "My authority is limited! Even if I am the successor of the Future School, I can't pull it out of the etheric world again and again.

If it gets angry, one tail will come out of the etheric world, and we will be killed together!"

"What should we do?"

Until now, Miller realized that with the contraction of the defense circle, they who were originally in the safe area have been left outside. After a moment of carelessness, they looked up again and found that they were guarded by a group of clay warriors who were staring at them. Countless swords and spears were thirsty...

And Samuel, who was originally the strongest fighter, was still blocked in the distance and had no time to support.

Miller's face suddenly became bitter, and he regretted from the bottom of his heart why he chose to take the advanced course of "physical resistance". The only means to deal with the ground were viruses and infections, and there was no way to deal with these clay sculptures and wood carvings.

"Do you have any other ideas?" He looked at Barro with tears in his eyes: "It's enough to save my life."

Barro was looked at like that, gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and made up his mind:

"You said it, don't regret it!"

Before he finished speaking, he took out a particularly weird chanting consumable from his backpack - a snow-white skirt, which was inlaid with silver threads and embroidered with roses and roses. It looked extremely gorgeous and elegant, and also had a faint fragrance.

But when Barro held it in his hand, the atmosphere was weird, like a wretched man who stole someone's skirt in the middle of the night and wanted to do something with it.

Sensing the eyes of the people around him, he gritted his teeth with tears in his eyes - this was his harvest from an ancient ruins expedition a few years ago, a weird and strange summoning faction movement, inherited from a lost school.

The effect of the movement is powerful, the consumption is very small, the explosive power is amazing, and it is suitable for various situations.

However, after using it once, Barlow hid the music deeply in the bottom of the box, vowing that if his life was not at stake, he would never use such a shameful music again.

But now...

If there is anything good, don't hide it. It's better to be embarrassed than to die.

In the melodious and ethereal music, the white skirt in Barlow's hand suddenly fluttered up - the spirituality nurtured in the music emerged, and a stunning girl's silhouette appeared in the white skirt.

The girl's silhouette looked white as snow, black as coal, and red as blood. She was beautiful and moving. Her singing was ethereal and elegant, with a hint of sweetness, pure as a fairy. Countless musicians were attracted by the singing, looked back, and swallowed their saliva.

But in those countless fiery eyes, the girl's silhouette slowly turned back, revealing a sexy beard, a standing garlic nose, and a bloody mouth.

Under the spiritual cover, even the hideous scar looked much more charming, with seductive eyes, so ugly that it could make people love it.

——It was Barro's own face!

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