Crown of Silence

Chapter 374 Hell Dusk

Chapter 375 Hell Dusk

In the secret temple, he bent down and looked at the thing in front of him that was less than half a person's height.

It was obviously not something that originally existed here, but was brought in by a later person.

The copper cauldron-like creation looked like a budding lotus, with fine details and rigorous production, and there was no gap in the whole body. Ye Qingxuan carefully put on a mask and gloves, opened its outer cover, and counted the large and small grooves in it:

"Mixed pool, fusion pool, culture pool..."

In many grooves, mold has grown because of being left unattended for a long time, and the water tank is already turbid and emits a foul smell. The internal precision circuits have been blocked and copper rust has spread.

This culture cauldron, which costs more than ten thousand gold, has been completely damaged due to neglect of maintenance.

This is a special alchemical equipment. For ordinary musicians, this kind of thing is useless. It can neither be used as a weapon nor can it play music.

It is an auxiliary equipment specially made for some hymn musicians.

The main use is...

-Cultivate viruses!

Holding the last hope, Ye Qingxuan reached out and shoveled off a piece of residual white spot from the bottom of the culture cauldron: in the observation of the Eye of Silence, the white spot was magnified thousands of times in an instant.

It can be seen faintly that countless dead viruses have dissolved, but there are still a few "survivors" with great vitality moving in them.

With Ye Qingxuan's layman level, he can't understand what they are. The Eye of Silence is not a professional analysis equipment, and it is impossible to determine what principle this virus is made by and what effect it can achieve.

He just needs to know one thing.

The virus found in this culture cauldron is exactly the same as the virus he saw in the church!

When he confirmed this, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

A few years ago, the strange influenza virus that broke out overnight and infected the entire Auschwitz came from this culture cauldron.

At the same time, there were traces of the arrival of the Yellow King at the scene.

What's more, everyone in the world knows... The Yellow King of this generation is a unique genius musician in hundreds of years. In addition to his excellent attainments in alchemy, he has reached an unprecedented height in the chant faction.

Now you say that this plague was not caused by the Yellow King.

Who believes it?

Anyway, Ye Qingxuan believes it.

—— Dare not not believe it.

If this was done by the Yellow King, then he should think carefully about what the Holy City means...

Because of their demon bloodline, the Romulans have been driven to a desolate land like Auschwitz, but in the eyes of the countries, they are still a cancer that must be eliminated at all costs...

Caligula once showed him the scales on his legs and told him: "We have paid too much for this innate sin." Ye Qingxuan didn't understand what he meant at the time, but now that he thinks about it, he probably already knew something vaguely.

If all this was instructed by the Holy City, then...

"You are so powerful, why don't you go to heaven?"

Ye Qingxuan sighed softly, pondered for a moment, pulled out his cane, and tapped the culture cauldron.

In the hot electric light, the culture cauldron quickly melted and twisted, and finally turned into a pool of hot iron liquid that could not be seen from the original shape.

It was as if the inscription of the Eye of Silence was right.

- Sometimes, it is not an easy thing to know the truth.

He has decided to keep the secret here completely in his stomach.

The relationship is too big, and he must not tell it to others, and he can't even let others know that he has entered here. Otherwise, if the news leaks out, he doesn't want to die inexplicably.

The assassins kept by various countries are not for nothing.

Moreover, there is the nightmare cloud above the heads of all musicians-the silent mechanism.

The only thing he can do is to leave here immediately after going out and find an excuse to take Elder Caligula and Elsa to other places. He believed that with the ability of the Fifth Department, it should be no problem to hide two people.

Before leaving, he took a last look at the statue, which seemed to be looking down at him, half of its face hidden in the darkness, with the corners of its mouth slightly raised, as if mocking.

Soon, he retracted his sight, closed the door, extinguished the holy fire, and looked back, but there was no trace.

Just as he was carefully eliminating his remaining clues, he suddenly felt a bang on his head, and dust fell. A huge gap broke out in the dome.


He subconsciously muttered to himself, but then he felt the blood in his chest flowing violently like boiling, and the moonlight flashed, almost uncontrollable.

Because he sensed the overwhelming breath of the abyss...

"Black Musician!"

He was stunned, staring blankly at the Eye of Silence. In the induction of the Blood of Heaven and Man, a huge ether source with the music of the abyss kept flashing and appearing. Soon, there were nearly a hundred black musicians sensed, near or far!

And just above the sky, there was a huge distortion wave that could be faintly sensed in the underground palace through the rock layer...

He ran out of the underground palace.

Just under the mine, a charred body fell from the sky, and a hot blood rain was splashed.

He looked up and saw through the terrible crack that the dark sky was burned red by the flames, as bright as day.

It was like dusk in hell.


He had no time to hesitate and quickly climbed out of the mine. As soon as he stuck his head out, he saw chaos and killing.

Surrounded by a group of monsters, Torre killed his way forward, and the monsters in front of him fell apart one after another.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan, his eyes lit up.

"Ye Qingxuan, you saw Casper..."

Before he finished speaking, several cold lights came at him.

The silver nail rubbed red in the air and poured straight into his throat. Then the horn roared, and the flames broke out, burning him from the inside out into a ball of charcoal.

Ye Qingxuan waved his hand expressionlessly and recalled his silver nail.

"You are playing an illusion in front of me, who are you fooling."

The body fell to the ground.

The thing had no face, and its face was blank. As the vitality passed away, it quickly stiffened, and the soft scales that kept changing colors quickly stiffened and withered.

In the end, only a piece of charred ash remained that could not be seen in its original appearance.

"——Faceless Actor."

Ye Qingxuan bent down and picked through the ashes, finding the remaining half of a bone fragment. The bone fragment on the skull looked like a mask with a mocking smile.

This was the offspring cultivated by the dark nobles with the power of the Earth Mother. Unlike the cannon fodder of the Lost Ones, the Faceless Actor, who was born with the power of illusion, was the best assassin.

As long as they had seen each other from a distance, they could imitate almost everything. In a hurry, they could not tell the difference at all. Moreover, this kind of ghost thing was proficient in the "way of mimicry" of the illusion school, and could imitate almost all the music. Except that the power was greatly reduced, there were almost no other flaws.

Not to mention pretending to be a musician, there were even Faceless Actor pretending to be a pillow man, and no one had discovered it for five or six years.

It was a pity that no matter how they changed, they were still demons in their bones. The moonlight was triggered at a distance of dozens of steps. In a hurry, it did not prepare for Ye Qingxuan's sudden release of his ruthless hand. As soon as it started, it directly released "Night on the Barren Mountain" stored in the Nine Heavens Ring, and greeted it with the firepower of the stake, killing it in one blow, so as not to cause trouble.

Otherwise, if it dragged on, who knows what other tricks this guy would have.

This disguise naturally did not constitute a hindrance to himself, but... what about others?

Ye Qingxuan looked around, and in the perception of the Eye of Silence, Auschwitz was simply full of red light. It was like he came to another world in an instant and fell into the nest of the black musician.

"Will the others be okay?"



Surrounded by a group of demons, Ge Lan snorted coldly, and his armor burned to red, the light was dazzling, and as the music played, dazzling flames gushed out from the soil under his feet one after another, engulfing the demons that pounced on him one by one.

Under the terrible firepower comparable to that of a crematorium, the demons that rushed over were instantly turned into ashes. Unfortunately, those ghosts were like insects, constantly crawling out from the caves and behind the walls, and they could not be killed no matter what.

One died, and ten more emerged. After swallowing the ashes of their companions, their bodies quickly expanded and became more hideous. Those things rushed over one after another, hissing and surrounding him.

"Glenn! Don't delay!"

Not far away, Torre led Caspar to kill a way and looked back at him: "Go first, and meet up with others..."

"What's the problem with more of this garbage?"

Glenn grabbed a demon at random, closed his iron fist, and turned the struggling demon into ashes in his hand, laughing wildly and pulling out a long sword from his waist.

Musicians rarely carry swords, because for musicians, ordinary weapons can't be compared with music. But Ge Lan's group of musicians took a different approach, combining swordplay and music. Wearing swords and armor, they looked more like warriors than musicians. When they fought, they were as desperate as warriors.

As the long sword was drawn out, the flames all over the ground suddenly choked. The frenzied wind pressure wrapped around the blade, almost forming a substance, and a vague layer of white could be seen faintly.

Wherever the long sword passed, the invisible wind pressure cut the earth apart, and a bloody splash.

Ge Lan jumped into the demons and defeated all who stood in his way. The long sword in his hand crisscrossed, stirring up a scarlet. In an instant, the demons were wiped out.

Amid the corpses, Ge Lan sneered, sheathed his sword, and looked back at Torre:

"Look, this group..."

Before he finished speaking, the flesh and blood all over the ground suddenly pounced on him as if alive. Unexpectedly, Ge Lan was swallowed up by the flesh and blood. The flesh and blood instantly turned into a rotten state, as if countless corpses were sewn together with clumsy means, and even the stitches were white bones, which looked extremely miserable.

The stitched giant corpse roared, and the huge "head" turned and stared at where Torre was.

Then, a red flame lit up from his abdomen, and the stitched giant corpse screamed, and Ge Lan, who was wrapped in flames, actually broke out of his abdomen.

But now, his iron armor had been completely corroded and softened by the terrible acid, and even his skin was almost gone, leaving only a layer of miserable blood color.

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