Crown of Silence

Chapter 385 Whale Fall

Chapter 386 Whale Fall

Half an hour ago.

In the middle of the night, there were tiny sounds of horse hooves in the wilderness outside Auschwitz.

The dark horse slowly walked in the wilderness. On the horse's back, the knight was wrapped in armor, without an inch of skin exposed.

The heavy armor was made of hundreds of delicate and heavy parts riveted together. When worn on his body, it not only did not look bloated and cumbersome, but it was like another layer of skin, with sharp edges and corners, and it was a skeleton covering the outside of the body.

He carried a dark kite-shaped shield on his back. The shield was covered with sword cuts, and the emblem of two keys could be vaguely seen.

This is the representative of the Holy City.

The two keys crossed, representing the intersection of heaven and earth, implying the supreme status of the Pope.

Right at the knight's waist, hung the hilt of a bladeless sword. The hilt was slender, up to 40 centimeters long, and the whole body was dark and heavy. As the warhorse moved forward, it collided with the leg armor, making a crisp sound, without showing any power or sharpness.

"Sir, go this way~"

A flattering and attentive voice sounded, and the sloppy-looking old man held a lamp and followed the horse step by step, pointing the way for him: "Sir, I will lead the way~"

Along the way, only the old man's nagging voice was heard, while the knight remained silent.

The old man's tone was extremely exaggerated, and he would exclaim even if he saw a small crack: "Oh, sir, be careful of your feet!" After the warhorse passed, he would come up with admiration and sigh: "Sir, you are great, sir, you have worked hard!"

The knight remained silent.

In the silent wilderness, only this man and his horse were walking alone, which was extremely desolate.

Until a long time later, the knight suddenly reined in his horse.

He lowered his head and looked at the old man beside him:

"Mr. Caligula."

The old man paused and turned back attentively:

"Sir, what's the matter?"

"That's enough."

The knight lowered his head, looked at the small instrument in his hand, and then put it away.

Caligula took a few steps back tactfully.

The knight took off the hilt of the sword from his waist, clenched his hands, and raised it to his eyebrows. Then, the hilt twisted, and a distant sound like a holy bell sounded.

Then, the blazing blade of light burst out!

The dark night was suddenly illuminated by the dazzling light. The several-meter-long flaming sword slowly rotated and pierced straight into the sky. The light was like the scorching sun, engulfing his figure and making it impossible to look directly at it.

The knight clenched the flaming sword and raised it to the sky.

The blade flickered with his five fingers, changing lengths, with an inexplicable rhythm, as if calling out to the distance.

Then, above the dark clouds, there was the sound of millions of giant whales singing.

That was the roar from the top of the sky, thousands of meters above.

It shook the dust on the ground, and the dark clouds were like the ocean, stirring up thousands of huge waves. And in that magnificent roar, there was a hot fire above the dark clouds.

It was like hundreds of meteorites were ignited and about to fall from the sky.

The black clouds like an iron curtain were torn apart, and those huge dark shadows drove the flames, broke through the dark night, slowly pressed down, and hung high in the air.

There were suddenly dozens of suns in the world.

Under the light of the fierce flames, everything in the world was covered with a layer of silver from steel.

Above the flames, the overwhelming behemoth covered the entire sky, and the light from steel reflected each other, as if turning the sky into the color of steel.

It was like a school of whales migrating from the endless sea, riding the strong wind and coming to this desert.

There were countless flying giant boats.

With the close cooperation of alchemists from various countries and countless secret technologies, the Holy City forged this terrifying fleet that could soar in the sky.

——The Knights Templar!

Then, a roaring explosion sounded from the sky.

Among them, on the largest "Holy Place", countless black spots fell from it, like a rainstorm.

There were landing pods without any buffering measures at all. They smashed into the ground, tore the air, rubbed red in the strong wind, and made a roar like a roar.

Then, the earth shook violently.

There were roars one after another.

Like the wailing of a whale when it died.

——Whale fall!

In the turmoil of the earth, a landing pod landed right in front of the knight. Then, the hatch opened with a bang, releasing hot steam.

A burly figure slowly walked out of the bleak boiling water vapor.

His whole body was shrouded in majestic armor, and bronze and dark gold intertwined with cold holy emblems on his body. It was like a steel giant guarding the throne of God in the temple. The attendants on both sides walked out of the landing capsule and loaded him with a heavy chain saw sword and a huge tower shield, making it majestic.

The iron knight stood on this desert with endless scorching sun on his head, casting a huge shadow on the earth.

In front of him, the knight who led the way half-knelt on the ground, bowed to him, and offered awe to the apostle of God.

"Sir Bane."

He reported solemnly: "I will obey your orders."

The steel giant's mask slowly opened, revealing a cold face like iron. He slowly nodded and looked at Caligula.

"Elder Caligula.".

"I'm here, I'm here!" The old man came forward and forced a smile: "What do you want, sir?"

"Before leaving, His Majesty the Pope told me to be cautious in all actions against Auschwitz and not to harm innocent people. Unfortunately, we arrived a step too late."

Ben looked behind him at the gathering place covered in darkness: "Now, do you have any suggestions?"

"What can an old man like me, who is half-buried, say?"

Caligula waved his hand: "We have been spied on by the Black Musicians for so many years. Aren't the Knights Templar here to save us now? I have nothing to say. Please don't worry, just go ahead and take action."

Ben looked down at him, "It doesn't matter even if all the Romulans who were transformed into demons are wiped out?"

"Sir, what are you talking about?"

Caligula hunched over and whispered: "In wars, there will inevitably be casualties. If my family and compatriots can escape from the constraints of natural disasters, then it will be worth the sacrifice."

I only hope that the Holy City will remember our sacrifice. "

"Of course, all sacrifices should be remembered."

Ben glanced at him one last time, "But I hope you can understand one thing: you are not the only one who has to make sacrifices."

He turned around and stared at the dark city in the distance, his sword raised high.

On top of the chain saw sword, a divine light shines.

"—Chorus prepare!"

He ordered solemnly, and his voice was like gold and iron, echoing in the sky, causing the giant steel whales to roar in response one after another, shining with brilliant light.

"'War Mass'!"

In an instant, the whole world was suffocated.

In the frozen wind, a hoarse song sounded. It was a sacred chant, announcing the gospel from heaven. Therefore, the apostle of God told mortals:

"I came to the earth not to bring you peace, but to call you to war."

In a short time, the angel of God will shake the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all the nations!

As a result, the chilling and majestic melody resounded throughout the sky with the sound of drums and strings, and the arrogant bells rang, echoing between heaven and earth and reaching extremely distant places.

On the top of the Holy City, on the bell tower, the giant bell sounded, and countless bells roared, causing waves of turmoil in the etheric sea. The sound of the bell spread into the etheric realm, awakening the sacred city in the flames.

In that sacred residence, countless burning souls opened their eyes, chanted hoarsely, and gathered into this magnificent war mass.

At that moment, in Auschwitz, a divine light came from the sky and illuminated all the darkness.

A gap opened in the dark sky, like a road leading to heaven.

Then, amid the solemn chanting of the choir, the light of heaven shines!

But this light is neither warm nor kind. It is cold, like iron, containing murderous intent and without mercy. Under the shining light, the darkness suddenly trembled.

Under the impact of the sacred light, cracks quickly appeared in the dark sky.

The Clothes of Original Sin were burning, releasing a sharp cry, like the roars of countless demons when they were about to die.

Then, between the sky and the earth, in the center of light and darkness, a vague crack as flat as a saucer suddenly appeared. It was a battlefield where countless music theories entangled and strangled each other.

Laws are distorted here, and the boundaries between reality and fiction tend to be blurred. The foundation of the material world was torn apart, dragged into the etheric turbulence, and destroyed in the turmoil.

And right in the center of the impact—Auschwitz—the towering walls instantly fell apart and collapsed.

A burning and crumbling city is revealed.

On the ground, several figures suddenly rose up, and the black musicians lurking in the darkness flew into the sky, in sync with each other, resisting the impact of the war mass.

Immediately afterwards, in the void, a wind tunnel exuding the original darkness of the abyss opened. The flesh and blood of the Dark Earth Mother emerged from the ashes and turned into countless gargoyles rising from the ground and pounced on the Knights Templar fleet.

Ben looked at the whining city indifferently, raised his hand, and issued an order:


So, with the joint efforts of dozens of change musicians and the alchemy matrix, roaring music played, and huge meteorite fragments floating in the ethereal world were summoned.

Passed through the nine-layer ether sea and fell into the material world.

They penetrated the 'flesh and blood barrier' of Qiangnu Mo, and burst into flashes of light on the earth!

This is an attack that destroys, suppresses, and completely incinerates and sacrifices all those involved.

Everything will be enveloped in destruction.

No distinction is made between friend and foe.

"Xiao Yezi, I'm sorry..."

Ben murmured softly.

He pulled on his visor and mounted the giant eight-legged horse amidst the clanging sound of the armor. The war horse riding on the iron wind, thunder and fire roared loudly, spitting sparks from its mouth and nose, its eyes were red, and it neighed like a dragon's roar.

"Notify all members of the Second Legion..."

In Ben's hand, the chain saw on the giant sword rotated, and the flame was ignited, transforming into the blade of God's Punishment. He raised the flaming sword high and declared solemnly:

"——'Whale Fall' preparation!"

As a result, countless black spots rained down from the fleet again like heavy rain, the Templar Knights descended from the sky, and the long chant of "Whale Falling" resounded throughout the world.

The apostles of God blew the horn of killing!


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