Crown of Silence

Chapter 397 A Heavy Responsibility

Chapter 398 Bearing a heavy responsibility

The moment the voice sounded, Ye Qingxuan's expression suddenly changed.

On the remaining armor of his legs, a dagger popped out as he moved. The dagger's blade was twisted and weird, like a snake, cutting through the wind, leaving a chilling steel radiance in the air, and finally It fell into his hand, and as his body twisted, it stabbed forward.

In an instant, his movements were concise and sharp, and he was refined over time. Ye Qingxuan exploded all his remaining physical strength in an instant, reaching the extreme speed.

Just for a moment.

The dagger pierced someone's body and came out from the back, but there was no sound. It was like it penetrated a mass of void air, without even the slightest touch.

But the dagger did strike.

"Recklessness is poison, young man."

The person who was stabbed slowly shook his head, as if sighing: "The poison is better than the so-called 'courage'."

He reached out, held Ye Qingxuan's wrist, and slowly pushed it out. The power was not strong, but it was filled with an irresistible stability. Little by little, the dagger was pulled out of the body.

The dagger fell to the ground and made a crisp sound.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't move.

At that moment, the whole body was shocked by the sudden and terrifying majesty. Every inch of flesh and blood froze in place in fear, not daring to show any presumption in front of that 'monstrous creature'.

Even his mind was overwhelmed, becoming stagnant and unable to function.

Behind Ye Qingxuan, there was a thin figure.

He was wearing a black feathered cloak, and his whole body was covered in the cloak. He was more than two meters tall, but he was not strong. The waist-length hair is like ashes, and the face is pale, without any color, and there is no trace of anger or gloom.

Just as being pierced by a dagger was nothing but a trivial matter, the young man in front of him was like dust.

He just lowered his head and looked down at Ye Qingxuan, as if he was looking at something interesting, without any irritation or disgust.

"Who are you?"

Ye Qingxuan struggled to make a sound.


He said lightly: "I have had many names, but I'm afraid they have been forgotten now. Only the one I dislike the most survives to this day."

"You can call me..."

He paused and said the name:



Ten minutes ago, Knights Templar, Iron Whale, Central Temple.

Colt, who was recruited, quickly walked into the hall, and under the guidance of the priest, he came to the hanging holy emblem, then bowed his head respectfully,

"Colt, the representative of Yantie Academy, is here in response to the summons. May I ask what your orders are to the Holy City recruiters who are here?"

"Colt, get ready to synchronize."

A hoarse old voice sounded from the Holy Emblem, full of familiarity and unceremonious. It simply ordered: "Enter the prayer room in ten minutes and guide the light of the beacon."

Colt was stunned for a moment, and immediately raised his head as if offended, looking at the Holy Emblem, as if he saw the old man in the distance behind the Holy Emblem.


He was overjoyed: "I haven't become a master yet, are you saying that I am already qualified to contact the 'Lighthouse'?"

For hundreds of years, successive generations of secret keepers have passed down the same mission from generation to generation, eventually building a magnificent 'lighthouse' scepter in the etheric world.

From then on, the light of the lighthouse was finally lit and hung high in the etheric realm, fulfilling the long-cherished wish of secret keepers of all generations - to light up the light, illuminate the dark world, observe the entire realm, and advance to the realm of omniscience.

Even though it is not easy to actually use it, and it cannot maintain global observation at all times, and the cost is high, the power is still huge. During the long history, the Keeper of Secrets has worked closely with the Holy City, enjoying a high status and becoming an authority in the school of revelation.

This is also the reason why the status of the Secret Keepers is so high among the Revelation Faction.

For any inspired musician, it is a great honor to be in tune with the ‘Lighthouse’ and to guide its light. Not to mention that using this to master the huge scepter is tantamount to becoming an omniscient god, knowing all the darkness and secrets.

Even if he is the current generation leader of the Secret Keeper School, the 'Lighthouse' is still an elusive honor for Colt.

Because of this, he was uneasy, fearing that this was just a bad joke.

But Master Heisenberg's voice remained cold.

"This is your chance, Colt."

He said: "Master Koch has fallen. Currently, you are the only musician of revelation who can become the source of coordinates in Romulus. I give you my authority, and you will represent the Keeper School and become the holy city in Auschwitz. The Eye is directly responsible to the Papal Office and provides reference for the decision-making of the Cardinal Church.

This is a huge responsibility, do you understand? "

Colt was immediately ecstatic, suppressing the excitement in his heart, lowering his head and replying: "I, I understand, teacher, please don't worry, I will definitely live up to it..."

"——Don't get carried away!"

The cold voice was like ice in the deep sea, making Colt stunned.

Master Heisenberg scolded in a cold voice: "The way to enlightenment lies in concentration and calmness. Only by transcending yourself can you understand the situation. Otherwise, you will lose your independence. What you see is just a blinding color, and there is no truth." Can it be said?

You have studied for so many years, but you cannot control yourself when something happens. Don't you even understand such a simple truth? "

"Teacher, I..."

"No need to explain, go down and get ready."

Heisenberg's voice gradually faded away, and the holy emblem slowly extinguished, leaving only the last faint voice: "After all, it is useless..."

Colt stared at his holy emblem blankly.

After a long time, as if he thought of something, he lowered his head.

"I understand, teacher."

Ten minutes later, the servant came respectfully: "The central prayer room is ready."

Colt raised his eyes and looked at him. The servant was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but take a step back.

The pupils were empty and calm, indescribable, like a whirlpool in the deep sea, just being looked at, it was suffocating.

"Please, please follow me..." The servant didn't dare to look again.

Colt nodded and motioned him to lead the way. On the way, he asked casually as if unintentionally: "Excuse me, before me, did the Holy City recruit other musicians?"

The servant answered, and Colt heard the name again as he expected.

"I know."

He smiled and nodded, but his eyes became cold, like a wasteland reflecting the cold winter.

In the desolate wasteland, there was a fire brewing.


With the help of the central prayer room of the Iron Whale Temple, the synchronization with the lighthouse went smoothly as expected.

But unexpectedly, he was so calm, without any panic or tension, nor any excitement or joy. It was as if the emotions had frozen, and there was no expectation or excitement.

Only a dead calm remained.

He closed his eyes and cast his sights towards the distant city with the light of the lighthouse.

Then, he saw it.

The ups and downs of the musicians from the abyss, and the masters strangled in the same place. The huge power and terrible rhythm contained in the holy fire in that strange city.


And the white-haired young man who pushed the door and walked towards the sacred fire at the top of the city.

So familiar, and so coincidental, just like every time in the past, Colt could only stare at his back and watch him disappear behind the door of the hall.

As if he was stung by the color left by the white hair, he closed his eyes.

"Ye Qingxuan..."

He murmured in a low voice, as if chewing flesh and blood, and there was a taste of blood between his lips and teeth for some reason.

"Ye Qingxuan."

He suddenly smiled, as if he had finally found a solution from the pain and madness.

He reached out his hand, and under the light of the lighthouse, he gently erased one of the infinite messages observed in an instant, and coincidentally spliced ​​two different logical lines together.

So, the result was very different.

The smile on his lips disappeared, his expression became serious and panicked, and he used his authority to connect to the Holy City again.

"Teacher, the current situation is unsustainable. The Abyss is taking over the control core. The masters are afraid... it's not going to be a good thing!"

There was a dead silence for a long time, and Master Heisenberg made a surprised voice:

"What did you say?!"

"The Abyss has been prepared for a long time and has now gained a comprehensive upper hand." Colt replied in a trembling voice: "I have provided all the observation data, but in a few minutes, I am afraid that everything will fall into the control of the Abyss."

"Do you know what you are talking about, Colt?" Master Heisenberg reviewed the data from the Iron Whale Temple and his voice became hoarse: "Are you sure?"

"Yes, teacher."

Colt's mouth curled up a mocking smile and repeated: "Action must be taken. Please ask the Cardinal to make a quick decision! Otherwise..."

The communication was cut off.

Colt sneered and counted down silently: ten, nine, eight, seven...

Before the arrival of 'three', the communication came again, this time it was a strange and serious voice: "Colt, this is the Cardinal Church."

"You will temporarily have the authority of 'bishop' and convey orders to the Knights Templar on behalf of the Pope's Office."

The voice paused for a moment and became as firm as iron: "The Holy City will issue the 'Purification Document' to grant the Knights Templar the activation code of 'Gate of Heaven'!

-Even if Auschwitz is wiped off the map, the abyss will never be allowed to succeed!"

"I understand."

Colt bowed his head deeply and bowed to this supreme authority.

Then, silently... smiled.

Goodbye, Ye Qingxuan.

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