Crown of Silence

Chapter 428 Fortunately

Chapter 429 Fortunately

I don't know when Ye Qingxuan fell asleep, but when he woke up, he found that outside the window, the sky was filled with red clouds, and it was already evening.

Now is the time to relax for an hour every day.

Under the setting sun, in the courtyard behind the high wall, prisoners who were released from prison sat together in twos and threes, playing cards or chatting. Some of them drank tea and wrote poems on the fallen leaves.

Watching them talk about poetry and the fun of drinking tea, it feels like this is an aristocratic club.

But for some reason, Ye Qingxuan felt that the sense of violation was getting stronger and stronger.

It's like a group of five big and three hairy horse bandits sitting in a pink room dressing up their dolls and having a tea party.

His smile was gentle, and even the scars on his face exuded happiness.

And on top of the tower, the sound of a pipe organ sounded.

This is not a movement that drives the ether, it is just pure music.

The majestic and melodious hymn melody echoed in the prison, and the ethereal and holy melody filled the ears, making people suddenly aware of the beauty and preciousness of life.

"What the hell is this?"

He frowned and murmured softly.

"You don't know yet?"

Not far away, an old man dozing in a wheelchair raised his eyes and looked at him, and couldn't help but mock: "This is the music prepared by the Holy City to cleanse the souls of us sinners.

I play it occasionally, hoping that the beauty of music can make us realize the beauty of life and the greatness of justice... That's probably it. After staying for a long time, you will get used to it. "

Ye Qingxuan was stunned and asked: "There is no way to communicate with the ether here. Will the music really be useful?"

The old man's smile became mysterious.

"Young man, you are still too young. Even if you are extremely talented, the time you have been exposed to music theory is still short after all. There are some things that you have not had time to appreciate."

He said calmly: "If you can live for a few more decades, you will understand that even without ether, music is a magical and powerful thing... worthy of intoxicating the soul.

Just listening shakes the soul. "

At that moment, Ye Qingxuan's heart was shocked, and a fragment of memory suddenly flashed through his mind: "Music notes...are they language?"

When the old man in the wheelchair heard his words, his eyes were slightly shocked and he nodded slightly:

"You can think so."


The so-called musical notes are the transcription of the sounds of the world.

By observing the world, human beings turn the sounds that convey mysteries into musical notes to drive miracles.

The beginning of the birth of all civilizations must be the birth of language. The ancestors of the Asgardians sacrificed themselves to the Tree of Truth and obtained Asgard's original rune notes.

The Sumerians said that the wise men stole the language from the divine fire to bring light to mankind, but at the cost of their souls falling into hell after death...

Musical notes are language.

This is what Abraham said during the first class.

He believed that musical notes were the language of the ether, and thus laid the foundation for the 'interpretation method'.

At that time, Ye Qingxuan didn't understand the teacher's words, but now he suddenly had an inexplicable understanding.

"It seems like you understand a little bit?"

The eyes of the weird old man in the wheelchair became subtle: "Even without ether, some melodies are enough to affect people's emotions and personalities. With some special seasonings and inducements, it is not difficult at all to achieve the effect of 'cleansing the soul'.

In such an environment, even the heinous villains will one day change their minds and change their past...even if the original self is completely wiped out. "

He paused and smiled maliciously: "Welcome to the soul transformation workshop in the Holy City, young man, you should get used to it soon.

Before long, you may join them to talk about art and the beauty of life. "

Ye Qingxuan's expression showed no change or fear. He just looked at the old man and asked, "So, how long have you been here? Thirty years, right? Or forty years?"

The old man's smile changed slightly.

He got to the heart of the matter.

"Fifty-six years, it will be fifty-seven next month." The old man replied: "You want to know why this method doesn't work for me? It's okay to tell you, but you may not be able to use it."

Ye Qingxuan shrugged: "You might as well talk about it, maybe it can be done."

"The method is very simple."

“If you enjoy good food, you will be overwhelmed by the deliciousness.

But if you know that the delicacies you are enjoying are made from rotten meat, mad cows, diseased pork and smelly water from the garbage dump, you will definitely not like it. "

The old man coughed and smiled strangely in his wheelchair: "As long as you pierce the sacred coat and see what's underneath, you won't like that glamorous-looking coat."

Ye Qingxuan frowned, looking confused.

The old man raised his hand and pointed to where the organ melody came from.

"What do you think of the violinist?"

After thinking for a moment, Ye Qingxuan said: "The basics and fingering techniques are very good. They should come from Trinity College, the inheritance of the classical school, but the control is very good, but not lost, quite satisfactory."

"That's it? You're looking too lightly after all."

The old man looked at him, half-smiling: "Music has spirituality, but where does this spirituality come from?"

Ye Qingxuan answered without hesitation: "Given by the creator and performer."

"That's right."

The old man laughed strangely: "The spirit of music theory is the way of the heart. People can hide it, but it can't. It knows what you think and do, and it will also reveal things that you don't even know... …

It was after I understood this that I became a black musician. "

As if recalling the desire and throbbing for power in his heart when he was young, his eyes became happy: "Boy, you can't deceive your heart, and you can't make your music lie.

Because of this, when the chapter of destiny that is integrated with your movement and soul is defeated, people will go crazy to death... It is the crystallization of your heart and soul, the truest version of yourself.


The old man pointed to his ear: "As long as you listen, you can see its true face. Do you want to know what the guy playing the piano is thinking now?"

Ye Qingxuan nodded.

The old man smiled strangely and pushed the wheelchair:

"follow me."


The old man took him to the corner of the yard.

Under the shade of the trees, a few old men who looked like they would die in coffins in the next moment were sitting around the stone table, playing cards or chatting. Ye Qingxuan looked worried, fearing that if they got a little excited, they would be sent to the hospital with a cerebral hemorrhage. Intensive Care Unit.

"This is Tom, this is Jon, you can just call them Lao Tang and Lao Qiao.

The bald guy next to you who reads pornographic magazines is a pervert, so you don't need to pay attention to him... Basically, the people here are heinous guys who will die for their crimes, so you don't need to have mercy.

There are only so many idiots who can stay here until now and haven't changed their ways.

Do you want me to give you a detailed introduction? "


Ye Qingxuan shook his head and chose a seat to sit down: "The deer-headed man Tom Klein. The bone collector Jon Varena, and this guy who shaved his head... should be the legendary murderer Mo in the Holy City. Mr. Lean, right?

I already know your deeds from the cult's bounty list, but I didn't expect that you are all still being imprisoned here. It's really surprising.

I didn't recognize this gentleman with limited legs and feet, sorry. "

"It doesn't matter. I'm just an unknown person. It doesn't matter if you don't know him. Just call me Old Cripple."

The old cripple in the wheelchair obviously didn't want to talk about what he had done. He just smiled and said, "I didn't expect that people would still remember the wanted list from decades ago. It's really surprising."

As he spoke, he looked at everyone: "I was just talking to this promising young man about the special concert the Holy City held for us. Do you have any opinions?"


Old Qiao glanced at him with a strange look in his eyes: "What are you doing again?"

"It's just an opinion."

The old cripple looked expectant: "It doesn't hurt to talk."

Lao Qiao shook his head: "I didn't listen carefully, but I knew that the person playing the piano had changed... It should be a man, relatively young, probably in his early twenties."

Ye Qingxuan was stunned and asked again: "What else?"

"Let me listen and see..."

Lao Tang, the deer-headed man, was also interested. After listening for a moment, he showed a strange smile: "Hey, this is something on your mind, hehehehe.

He was absent-minded, not sure what he was thinking about, and seemed to be preparing to work hard. "

"Does this need to be said?"

Old Qiao sneered: "The salary offered by the Holy City is so low. If you come to such a ghost place with such a small amount of money, you won't be able to buy a house in ten years. I would definitely not be happy if you changed it.

Since the future is not bright, it is only right to find ways to make more money. "

At this time, Molian, who had been silent, raised his head and said lightly: "I think it's because of the lower body problem."


Lao Tang rubbed his hands: "How about betting ten times on Dad?"


Morian smiled, seemingly full of confidence.

Sure enough, within two bars, Tom's expression became difficult to watch.

"Damn it, why are today's young people so full of sex?" He spat, "This guy is still thinking about some little whore from a brothel."

"I'll bet you ten more times, Dad."

Molian smiled strangely and raised a finger: "He is gay."


As soon as he said this, everyone was silent, no one wanted to gamble with him.

"Can you hear this?" Ye Qingxuan was curious.

"It's very simple." The old cripple's tone was complex: "Perverts know perverts best, bad people know bad people best, and gays know gays best.

It just so happens that some bastard has all three. When he used to have a murder license in the Holy City, he could smell other people's scum from three streets away, let alone find a gay now. "

Molian showed a smile on his face and seemed not to be ashamed of it. He just asked:

"Does anyone want to bet on who his boyfriend is? You can still raise your bets now."

"He's the manager of the lower area of ​​the tower, right?"

The speaker was Ye Qingxuan.

This time it was Molian's turn to be stunned, and soon he suddenly smiled: "Did you see it?"


Ye Qingxuan shrugged: "Anyway, there are only so many people with abnormal sexual orientation here, and there are even fewer people who are qualified to be paired with that musician. It's a simple elimination method."


Everyone's expressions became strange.

"Thank you for your advice. I suddenly figured out a lot of things." Ye Qingxuan stood up and said goodbye: "I won't disturb your poker game. See you next time."

Watching Ye Qingxuan leave, Lao Tang shook his head: "He is a troublesome kid."

Morian looked at the old cripple:

"What are you planning?"

"Hmm?" The old cripple didn't seem to understand.

"You are a black musician, but you want to help a young man who is notorious for being irreconcilable with black musicians? Are you going to change your appearance and start a new life?"

"I'm just curious."

The new cards were stacked, and the old cripple drew the cards slowly: "Anyway, he doesn't have much time. I just want to see how far he can go without this obstacle.

After all, it's too difficult to find some fun here besides playing cards."

"Then you will be disappointed."

Morian shook his head, his tone meaningful: "Because the person who wants his life is on the way."


Those old guys didn't have good intentions towards him.

This was the conclusion Ye Qingxuan came to quickly.

Neither the deer-headed man nor the bone collector were good people, and there was also the old cripple who seemed kind but mysterious. They seemed to have some plans, but more importantly, the bald man named Morian.

Under the seemingly calm and warm eyes, there was an undoubted murderous intent. He wanted to kill me, but he was afraid of the consequences and could only restrain his desire.

If this was not a prison, a deadly battle would have broken out if the two met on a narrow road.

Therefore, although they had cleared the fog for him, Ye Qingxuan still did not feel any gratitude in his heart, and even had some fear.

But the most urgent task at present was to find Charles.

He had to find his slutty senior brother to ask what was going on outside and how he got in.

But after searching for a long time, he still couldn't find Charles' center

After asking many people, no one had seen Charles at all. With the senior brother's appearance and that showy blonde hair, he should not forget him after seeing him, so the question came.

Where was Charles imprisoned?

Just as Ye Qingxuan was pondering, he heard the roar of the gate.

Behind the layers of fences, the iron car arrived at the prison under strict security and escorted new prisoners from above. As if he had been tortured cruelly, he couldn't even stand steadily, his eyes were empty, his hair was messy, and his face was pale.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

From a long distance, he saw that face clearly - it was the examiner who used to examine him every day!

As if he noticed his gaze, the examiner looked over, and his eyes became sad and complicated through the layers of fences. He seemed to want to say something, but he opened his mouth reluctantly, but couldn't say it.

In the end, he only showed a smile that was not much better than crying.

Soon, Ye Qingxuan found out his crime.

Attempting to assassinate the cardinal...

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a long time, turned around and left.

The time for the wind was over.


Under the dim light, Ye Qingxuan stared at the incomplete music on the wall. In his mind, a large number of details rolled, constantly broken and pieced together.

A new structure emerged from that kind of chaotic thoughts.

Notes are language.

Then, there must be a logical structure in it, which is music theory.

The spirituality of the music comes from the heart of the creator.

From the truest self.

Then, there must be a trace to follow.

Find yourself in music theory?

This is the first time that Ye Qingxuan has experienced this.

After switching to a different perspective to look at the problem, he has a completely different understanding.

Ye Qingxuan tried to understand it from the perspective of an ancient scholar. Just like sorting out broken documents, he carefully improved, repaired, and eliminated them.

According to his own understanding and requirements, he reorganized it and created a new image.

For a while, the confusion that could not be answered in the past found a new direction.

But now he has experienced new confusion.

When you need books, you will regret not having enough. Ye Qingxuan now regrets that he did not memorize more relevant books when he was in the library.

Fortunately, the teacher came to the Holy City, and he can ask him about this matter when he visits the prison next time.

Ye Qingxuan stood in front of the wall, holding a fountain pen, and quickly deleted the redundant paragraphs. In just two hours, he streamlined one-fifth.

One-fifth of the redundant structure was replaced by a simpler music theory.

More importantly, the four cores that were originally complicated have already found the direction of integration. And the advanced "Dream Weaver" in the original blood of heaven and man has finally taken shape.

Before turning off the lights, Ye Qingxuan looked at the music on the wall with a big change in structure, nodded with satisfaction, and felt refreshed.

Without the confusion of the blind man touching the elephant, it is only a matter of time to get the result after finding the direction.

This will be the best night he has slept since he was imprisoned.

But just when he was drowsy, he heard a vague sobbing sound coming from not far away.

The examiner who had just been thrown into prison curled up in his room, tears streaming down his face, as if regretting something.

Ye Qingxuan's mood suddenly became gloomy.

Although he didn't know what happened, he felt that he was locked up here and had something to do with it, and for a moment he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

But soon, he was attracted by a strange itch.

The back of his hands, elbows, shoulders, toe gaps, knees, buttocks, back, neck, face... The strange itch seemed to spread and quickly covered his whole body.

The scratching fingers felt a touch of a field, which brought great fear.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly turned over and sat up from the bed.

The dim light from the corridor passed through the iron bars and shone on him, illuminating his pale face.

He raised his head and looked at the mirror behind the toilet.

In the mirror, the thin young man had become unrecognizable. Fine blisters spread rapidly on his body. Thumb-sized sarcomas quickly grew out of the diseased flesh and were covered with pale blisters.

As long as it is touched a little, it will burst and shrivel, and after the pus is squeezed out, fine holes will be left.

It was as if he was instantly infected with some kind of advanced infectious disease, and his whole body was rapidly deformed, diseased, and corrupted, turning into a creepy and twisted appearance.

Ye Qingxuan roared, trying to wake up the guards.

But in the silence, no one's voice came at all, only the choking sounds came intermittently into the ears.

"It's music."

In an instant, he suddenly understood, and his expression became extremely gloomy. Because of the iron ring on his feet, he couldn't feel any ether at all, and he couldn't tell where the power came from, and he couldn't resist.

Then, there is only one way left.

Enduring the severe pain and itching, he rolled off the bed, crawled on the floor, and quickly crawled to the sink next to the toilet. His fingers knocked over the tooth cup and dropped the toothbrush on the floor.

Ye Qingxuan bit his toothbrush and used force with his left hand.

With a bang, the handle of the toothbrush broke.

The diseased and deformed palm grabbed the broken toothbrush, pointed the sharp end at the chest, and stabbed it down suddenly.

Plasma splatters.

He screamed, pulled it out, and stabbed it again, piercing the flesh and blood of his heart and widening the wound in a severe pain that could make people faint. Then, fingers roughly inserted into it, tearing at the scars.

Until finally, through the bones that had turned dark green due to disease, he saw his heart covered with poisonous wounds.

So he smiled, relieved.

"It's an illusion."

Fortunately, it's not a curse from the Psalm faction, but an illusion.

After the Philosopher's Stone transformed Xiao Yuan into the original point, to be honest, he himself didn't know what the beating thing in his chest was.

There would be no problems anyway, so why would he undergo a thoracotomy just to satisfy his curiosity?

However, regardless of whether it is replaced by the Philosopher's Stone, it will absolutely, absolutely not be a flesh-and-blood organ that can be infected by the virus!

"Are you so anxious to kill me?"

Ye Qingxuan sneered: "It's not that simple."

Fortunately, it's an illusion.


I have finally recovered recently. If I am in good condition in the future, I will probably be like today, with one chapter of 5,000 words.

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