Crown of Silence

Chapter 434 Questioning

Chapter 435 Questioning

The lawyer who defended Ye Qingxuan was from Avalon. His name was Aldridge, and he was an old man who looked like his hair was about to fall out.

He spoke slowly, and could not say a hundred words in ten minutes, which made people anxious.

Most of the time, the old man seemed to be in a daze with his eyes blank. When it was his turn to speak, he would ask the other party to repeat it again because he was hard of hearing.

Sometimes, he even had to flip through the thick law book next to him because he forgot the article.

The book seemed to be as old as him, with sticky notes all over it. The notes between the lines were so dense that people needed to use a magnifying glass to read them.

There were also two young men next to him who were responsible for serving tea, pouring water and handing over spittoons, and helping him to cough...

It was really doubtful that his lawyer's license was still valid when he was so old.

But in fact, the professionalism of this old man was beyond doubt.

When he showed up, the prosecutor's expression showed how difficult he was to deal with.

In addition to obtaining six lawyer licenses that were sufficient for use in various countries, Aldridge also served as the vice president of the Second National College of Avalon, a great figure in the legal community.

If you count carefully, almost all the high judges in Anglo are his disciples!

Going back sixty years, when this old man was thirty years old, he participated in the revision and evaluation of the laws of the Holy City!

Ghosts get smarter as they get older, and people get meaner as they get older.

And now, this old guy has become a piece of sticky candy.

He was almost in a trance the whole time, closing his eyes to rest, and occasionally talking about the other party's omissions, relying on his age, and recalling the past at every turn, but he spoke slowly and stumbled, making people want to lift him upside down and pour out all his words at once.

It has been three hours since the court opened. Both sides are still arguing about what Ye Qingxuan did in Auschwitz a month ago, and the scope is getting wider and wider. Almost all the musicians and schools who participated in the Auschwitz trial have been dragged into it...

If the judge fulfills his wish, the investigation and evidence alone will take more than three months to prepare, and the trial is expected to last for a year!

He is stalling for time!

"We can't waste time with him."

Next to the prosecutor, the person dressed as a recorder glanced at the old man who closed his eyes and whispered: "The old turtle Aldrich is best at waiting for a thing to end in vain. The longest property rights case he has spent ten years with someone...

Angel has no confidence in this matter, so he pulled him out. Don't be led by his rhythm and skim over those details. Thirty charges, if any one is confirmed, we will win."

The prosecutor was silent for a moment, threw away the manuscript in his hand, and took out another thick stack of documents from the suitcase next to him - strategy change.

Aldridge, who had closed his eyes to rest, opened them a little, glanced at them, and closed them again, as if he was in deep thought. But his lips under his thick white beard quietly opened and closed, making a slight hoarse sound.

"Bring me my glasses, and the medicine."


The student next to Aldridge was stunned, as if he saw a turbid stream rushing through his old eyes.

"I can't delay any longer. If the other party doesn't follow my rhythm, I can't make trouble anymore. Otherwise, it will give the judge an excuse to expel me."

Aldridge opened his mouth, swallowed two green capsules, drank half a cup of hot water, and muttered vaguely: "Next, we will fight in the ring, and we will fight fast.

At this time, we can't retreat a single step.

If we retreat a step, we will push the person involved off the cliff.

You have to stand in front of him."

Visibly, the old and listless feeling on him disappeared. He raised his head, his cloudy pupils widened, like an angry python, and exhaled a long breath of decay that was stagnant in his lungs.

"Don't worry, you killed so many people with your random punches when you were young, how could you be beaten down by such a routine when you are old?"

He put down the water cup, stood up silently, and said loudly:

"Mr. Judge, we question the so-called "hero" mentioned by the prosecutor!"

"As far as I know, from beginning to end, the Holy City has never admitted the existence of any so-called war heroes, and the halo around Colt is just a folk rumor.

The Romulus incident has not yet officially concluded. Regardless of the connection between the "winged people" that appeared in the latest dark world and this, I just want to correct one point based on the evidence we have at present: Colt Colt is definitely not the bright and upright hero the prosecutor said. On the contrary, many evidences show his dark side!

Is it too rash for the prosecutor to ignore the reality and characterize this incident?

Moreover, my client's contribution to Romulus is obvious to all musicians and cannot be denied by anyone!

If the title of hero exists, it must not belong to a villain like Colt who seeks fame and deceives the world! "

The prosecutor was stunned. He didn't expect Aldridge to take the initiative to stop the meaningless entanglement in the dead corner, but at the same time... he felt a toothache.

This old man is serious.

It's difficult...

"Everything must be based on the investigation of the silent agency." The prosecutor retorted: "Before the results of the investigation come out, no one is qualified to question him."


Aldrich threw out a document and sneered: "Even if Colt has confessed to so many people at the gate of the Holy City?"

"Words spoken in a state where personal freedom cannot be guaranteed cannot be used as evidence!"

The prosecutor glared at Aldrich: "What's more, as far as I know, Ye Qingxuan is an outstanding telepathic musician. How to judge that he did not use his ability to force Colt to say something that goes against his heart?"

Aldrich stretched out his hand, and the student handed over another document: "According to the autopsy results, there is no ether residue in Colt's brain, and there are no traces of forced control by the telepathic movement."

"No matter how you argue for this, it cannot be changed: this was a deliberate murder! It even caused the death of many clergy members of the order."

The prosecutor asked: "If Colt is really guilty, why did Ye Qingxuan not report to the Holy City and let him accept investigation and trial, but chose to ignore the law and use lynching?

Is it possible to kill people at will as long as there is a righteous excuse? "

Hearing such words, Aldrich smiled instead.

For some reason, the prosecutor felt instinctively uneasy.

"I want to correct something."

Aldrich raised a finger and said solemnly: "This has nothing to do with law and discipline. This is a duel between musicians."

The prosecutor was stunned.

"If I remember correctly, due to the complexity and particularity of the musicians themselves, among the laws recognized by the Holy City, there is this one: a duel can be initiated with the consent of the musicians on both sides.

Both sides live and die, each has his own destiny. In such a duel, there is no need to bear legal responsibility. "

Aldrich slowly opened the book of laws in his hand, read out the relevant provisions word by word, and looked up at the judge: "I wonder if what I said is wrong?"

"That's nonsense!"

The prosecutor was furious: "Dueling has its own inherent etiquette, how can it be confused with such a despicable murder?"

Judge Borja's face remained indifferent and he just nodded: "Defender, pay attention to your words and don't confuse the definitions."

"Is it?"

Aldrich nodded: "Then please look at the evidence. I think it is enough to prove the legitimacy of this duel."

"This is the image that the Apocalypse musician read from the ether at that time. Regarding the restoration of the scene, I think the prosecutor also has a copy on hand, which is enough to prove the authenticity of this piece of evidence."

The small etheric ball was handed over to the court musicians, and after being activated, the image was projected in the air.

A vague and panicked voice came.

" not...Ye, Ye Qingxuan, the matter can still be undone! Yes, it can still be undone! Don't be impulsive, I can..."

A melted sword stabbed the ground.

"Come on, Colt. Haven't you been waiting for this moment?" This is Ye Qingxuan's voice, "I will give you the opportunity to fight in an upright and fair manner. If you are a man, pick up the sword.

Do whatever you want, just don't talk. "

After a long silence, the figure representing Colt drew his sword.

"You will regret it, Ye Qingxuan, you will definitely..."

The scene ends abruptly.

A long silence.

The prosecutor's face was ashen.

From the perspective of the past, this was just an ordinary conversation, but from the perspective of the "Duel Law", it was completely in compliance with the rules. The only thing missing was a notary.

Moreover, since Angelou proposed this bill, he will definitely not miss this premise. Maybe they even dug a hole, waiting for me to jump into it.

If that's the case, then let's try another way of thinking...

Thinking of this, he hesitated for a moment. Looking at Aldrich's calm face, he began to hesitate: Could this be a trap that the old fox used to induce him?

Although Ye Qingxuan has committed so many seemingly certain and irrefutable crimes, for lawyers, especially for old foxes like Aldridge who have spent most of their lives playing with the rules, there are countless loopholes that can be exploited.

The other party is so aggressive. After returning to the passive strategy just now, is there anything to rely on?

The back of his neck felt damp.


Soon, the recorder next to him pushed over a piece of paper without leaving any trace. When the prosecutor glanced, his eyes lit up and he raised his voice: "I apply to interrogate the suspect Ye Qingxuan!"

Aldrich frowned: "I object!"

"invalid objection."

The judge dropped his hammer and nodded in approval.

Aldrich's expression remained unchanged, except for a gloomy look in his eyes.

If you can't find a breakthrough from yourself, will you start with the suspect... At the beginning of the poker game, no one knows what cards the opponent has in his hand, nor what the prosecutor has buried. Such a trap.

Just one wrong word... no, just one word can cause huge trouble!

Seeing the prosecutor approaching, Aldrich deliberately raised his voice and said to Ye Qingxuan almost offending the court: "Mr. Ye, you don't need to speak, and you don't need to answer any of his questions."

"Suspects cannot be forced to incriminate themselves. You have the right to silence rule."

He said to Ye Qingxuan, "If his question offends him, I will interrupt him at any time."

The judge dropped the hammer.

Warn once.

"Mr. Aldrich, I hope you will not interfere with the normal order of the court." Borja said coldly: "The prosecutor can start questioning."

The prosecutor smiled and looked at Ye Qingxuan.

The young man was also looking at him.

At that moment, the prosecutor had an inexplicable trance, as if his mind was blurred for a moment, and only the pair of eyes remained in his eyes, completely forgetting himself.

The next moment, he woke up and got rid of this illusion.

But the pair of pupils were still calm, looking at him.

For some reason, it made him a little flustered.

"Good eyes."

Before he could ask, Ye Qingxuan said: "I have seen such eyes in many people..." He paused and frowned: "Do you want to kill me?"

The prosecutor was stunned, his expression twitched subconsciously, and he suppressed his urge to look back.

But Ye Qingxuan seemed to have seen through what he wanted to do, and his eyes turned and fell on the prosecutor's original seat, and the recorder who was writing next to the seat.

So his expression became puzzled.

"You want to see him?" Ye Qingxuan asked: "Why?"

The prosecutor was stunned, silent, and his face was ashen.

"Ye Qingxuan, now I'm the one who's going to... "

"You've been seen through."

A sighing voice came from behind him. It was the recorder.

He stood up, took off the clumsy round-frame glasses on his face, revealing a thin and ordinary face with white hair on his temples, and shook his head slightly: "Let me do it."

The prosecutor was stunned, his face was pale and blue. And Aldrich's expression became ugly.


He sneered: "I didn't expect that the famous Holy City judge would condescend to be a recorder and let the young people stand in front of him. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Young people always have to exercise, Aldrich, and people have to learn to give way to others when they get old."

After Bastion finished speaking, without waiting for Aldrich to object, he submitted his identity certificate and qualification certificate according to the procedure. Soon, Judge Borja nodded:


So, Bastion stepped forward.

He stared into Ye Qingxuan's eyes, polite and serious, but not offensive.

He just took a stack of documents from the original prosecutor and said lightly:

"Mr. Ye Qingxuan, I will show you a few things next. I hope you can tell me your feelings after reading them."

After a moment, Ye Qingxuan nodded.

But when Bastien took out a photo, Lancelot, who was silent in the corner of the audience, suddenly raised his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"This is a bit bad..."

In the jury seat, Maxwell, who represented Anglo, also frowned.


I wanted to write more, but I had something urgent to do. Sorry, I will update 5,000 tomorrow.

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