Crown of Silence

Chapter 438 I changed my mind

Chapter 439 I changed my mind

During the short break in court.

In the tightly guarded room, Ye Qingxuan and Maxwell sat opposite each other, looking at each other in silence.

Ye Qingxuan looked at him and after a long time asked:

"Michelle...why did he do this?"

"Maybe you woke up from a dream?"

Maxwell said: "He should have understood decades ago that when the Inquisition was dissolved, that dream was shattered.

In order to continue this dream, he will pay any price.

Recruiting Colt was a risky move. He wanted to give the Doctrine of the Faith a shot in the arm. But now, the shot in the arm has turned into poison. The Ministry of Doctrine of the Faith has turned into a complete joke that will never rise again. day.

From that point on, he was at the end of his rope. "

"Actually, he didn't need to be like this..."

"For idealists, the most terrifying thing is to realize the huge gap between ideals and reality. This is more painful than falling into hell, isn't it?"

Maxwell looked at him: "I believe you understand this deeply."

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

"I know you don't want to accept it, but you always have to respect his sacrifice."

Maxwell looked at him: "But you have to think about the people you care about. You don't want Miller's incident to happen again, right?

As long as people are alive, they have something they care about, and for the things they care about, they will always do dirty things. If he doesn't stand up today, his family will fall apart... His parents, brother, and everyone he cares about will lose everything.

Don't give others an excuse to attack you, Ye Qingxuan, you are not afraid of death, but think about your teacher and Bai Xi. "

Ye Qingxuan remained silent.

After a long time, he asked in a low voice:

"Is there any cigarette?"

Maxwell dropped a pack of cigarettes into his arms. Ye Qingxuan was shackled, unwrapped the package lamely, bent over and put the cigarette in front of Maxwell's lighter, and lit it.

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath of the stinging smoke and sighed softly after a long time: "Maxwell, your world is so complicated."


Maxwell nodded, "It's complicated and dirty, so adults will become hateful."

"What did Angelou promise to Michelle?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

"a lot of."

Maxwell said: "It includes a new colony in the dark world, three thousand young people who can read and write, a large amount of supplies, fifty musicians every year, etc... As it happens, I have most of these things.

I gave him my fiefdom. "


Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "I owe you."

"You don't owe me anything, but you should indeed regret it. This should have been yours."

Maxwell glanced at him: "Just think of it as your life money. Remember to work hard in the future. At least you can earn back your pension for me."

He stood up and patted Ye Qingxuan on the shoulder: "Have a good rest. After you appear in court, I will invite you and your teachers to celebrate you at the best restaurant in the Holy City."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and watched him go away.

After a long time, he lowered his eyes, recalling the flash of gloom in Borja's eyes in his memory, and couldn't help but sigh in a low voice:

"I hope so."


There was silence in the office.

Dim light passed through the curtains and fell on Borja's face. His face was livid, and he stared silently at the holy symbol on the wall without saying a word.

Until a long time later, a hoarse voice came from the lightless corner.

"One-sided words should not be taken lightly."

"Everyone knows this is a one-sided statement, but who can say this?"

Borja shook his head, "Mr. Ludovic, if the situation is allowed to continue like this, I can only sentence Ye Qingxuan to be acquitted. Anyway, for the Yixin Monks, there are many ways to kill him, aren't there? ? Why are you here?”


Ludovic sneered: "If we really want him to die, there is no need to wait until the court. In the cell of the Tower of Judgment, in the toilet, or even in the bathroom... It is easy to want a person to die, but his death cannot solve the problem. problem, it will intensify the situation.

Only letting him die on top of the court's verdict would make sense and prove that the laws of the Holy City do not tolerate any blasphemy and provocation.

Don’t you understand this truth? Borja.

Otherwise, the laws and dignity of the Holy City will become a joke, and where will you be when the time comes? You don’t want to inherit a superficial pardon ministry in the future, right? "

Borja was silent, his eyes wandering.

"Borja, think of what happened to Michel."

Ludovic did not stop talking: "How did the Inquisition, which was so powerful back then, become what it is today in the hands of short-sighted and ignorant countries?

In order to revive the Ministry of Doctrine of the Faith, he could only die in humiliation in court.

That heretic who deserved to fall into hell had only the inappropriate dream of the Eastern Expedition in his mind all his life. When he was alive, he was like a walking zombie, and even when he died, he was no longer at ease.

You don't want to be like that, do you? "

"I'm thinking……"

Borja lowered his head and suddenly asked: "What if this is what His Majesty the Pope meant? What if..."

"But the problem is, this is not what His Majesty meant."

Ludovico's voice was hoarse, like the cold wind in the cellar: "Since he was injured in the battle with the Hundred-armed Giant thirty years ago, he should have understood that the position of Pope was no longer interesting.

Over the years, he pretended to be in his prime to intimidate the countries and natural disasters, but unfortunately, his injuries have worsened to the point where there is no time to lose.

It is impossible for him to express any clear attitude."

Borja was stunned, dumbfounded.

"Otherwise, why would he pretend to be so mysterious?"

Ludovico sneered: "He knows better than anyone that he is dying. If he reveals his weakness, the so-called majesty and holiness will disappear, and he will be nothing."

Borja took a breath: "If so, the Holy City..."

"The Bible says that you cannot worship idols except me.

But the most ridiculous thing about the Holy City is that all the honor and power are placed on one person.

Borja, all along, the foundation accumulated by our ancestors through untold hardships has been enjoyed by one person alone. But are you really willing to let all this be taken to the so-called heaven by him?

Don't be naive, Borja.

Do you think all this was brought to you by that majesty? What a joke , it's us! We have been keeping the world running and the countries stable for these years.

Don't succumb to the corpse sitting on the sacred chair waiting to rot. It's time to take back what belongs to us! "

In silence, Borja swallowed his saliva dryly, and after a long time, he spoke with difficulty:

"Does my father... know about this?"

"Since the day he joined us, he has known this clearly."

Ludovico came out of the darkness, stretched out his hand, and pressed his shoulder: "Borja, the Holy See One Hearted Brothers was born for this. And you will eventually be one of us."

"I understand."

Borja nodded, his expression changed, and finally made up his mind:

"I will get it done."


Ten minutes later, the recess ended.

But Judge Borja was five minutes late.

For the first time, Borja was late in court, showing his authority, but it made people smell something bad. When he hurried back to his seat, his expression had become solemn and dignified.

"The trial begins."

Borja knocked down the gavel.

In silence, everyone looked at him.

The trial began, but how should it begin? No one knew what to say, even Bastian was stunned.

Aldridge asked: "Your Honor, is this meaningless trial going to continue?"

"The case is not clear yet, the conclusion has not been reached, and the trial is not over."

Borja said expressionlessly: "The procedure is the same as usual, just continue. This is not the first day for you to appear in court. Do you want me to teach you how to do it?"

Aldridge frowned.

"Your Honor, I think the case is now clear and we can draw a conclusion!" He asked solemnly: "Are you going to ignore Bishop Michel's testimony?"

In the silence where a pin drop could be heard, Borja remained silent, facing everyone's gaze, and spoke again after a long time.

"The testimony of the witness has yet to be verified. The testimony of one person alone is not enough to draw a conclusion. A single piece of evidence cannot be established and the case cannot be decided."

He paused and said calmly: "Because the witness is involved in the case, he cannot appear in court purely as a witness. At the same time, he has not been registered through the tainted witness procedure. Therefore, before the testimony is confirmed, the relevant testimony will not be accepted by this court.

In an instant, Aldridge's face turned livid.

Tainted witness registration procedure?

Just kidding, if you go to the seven departments of the Holy City with an inch-thick form half a month in advance to collect stamps and register as a tainted witness, it is tantamount to handing all your cards to the One Heart Monk Association in advance, so that Michelle's testimony will be stillborn.

The testimony of the witness needs to be verified?

Then how to verify? Through what procedures? How long does it take?

After ten days and half a month, who will still remember this incident?

The court has made it clear that it wants to put Michelle's death aside, waiting for it to slowly cool down and finally be swept into the pile of old papers.

After a short period of time, Michelle The final sacrifice will disappear so quietly, leaving only a story for people to laugh at in the memories of a few people.

Aldridge clenched his fists and stared at Borja, with veins popping on the back of his hands.

The worst thing has happened!

If Borja had to guarantee superficial fairness, now under the influence of the Holy See One Heart Brothers, he has completely sided with the prosecutor.

No matter how strong the evidence is, he will not be able to gain any advantage. When the referee of a game is bribed, there is no suspense about winning or losing.

What's more, this is not a court where both sides do their best, but a court where the judge is supreme.

And now, Aldridge has no way to apply for a change of judge.

And if the Holy Wheel Court makes a ruling, there is no possibility of appeal even if you want to.

Appeal? Where to appeal? The Holy Wheel Court already represents the highest peak of the world's judicial institutions, second only to the Pope's decree, but will the Pope make a judgment for Ye Qingxuan?

This kind of thing is impossible to happen...

"I object!" Aldridge roared: "Bishop Michel's testimony..."

"The objection is invalid."

Borja interrupted him and said coldly: "Mr. Aldridge, I have warned you again and again not to roar at the court. Come, drive him out."

The expressionless bailiff came forward, held Aldridge up, and forcibly dragged him away without allowing him to resist.


Aldridge struggled and roared: "Where is the law! Where is the law! Borja, you will be nailed to the pillar of shame! Forever!"

The door slammed shut.

There was a dead silence.

Borja knocked down the gavel: "The trial continues, suspect Ye Qingxuan, if you need a defense, the court will appoint a new lawyer for you."

Maxwell's expression was livid.

He did not expect Borja to be so blatantly disregarding justice and forcibly expelling Aldridge.

Ye Qingxuan was silent, raised his eyes and stared at Borja, his eyes changed.

Became cold.

Maxwell stroked his forehead with his hand and couldn't help but feel a headache: Damn, the worse situation is about to happen.

The trial continues.

Bastian wiped off the sweat, his mind stabilized, and his eyes rekindled his fighting spirit: "Your Honor, we have new evidence to submit. In the war in Auschwitz, Ye Qing..."

His words were interrupted by a voice behind him.

It was Ye Qingxuan.

"Mr. Judge."

He raised his head and sighed softly: "There is no need to go to such great lengths, let's save each other some trouble."

"Suspect, watch your words."

Borja frowned, "It's not time for you to speak yet."

"Are you worried that I will repeat the scene in front of the Holy City Gate here?"

Ye Qingxuan asked back, and then smiled: "Don't worry, this is a court, I am a suspect, and the status of the judge is supreme. There is no need to be so nervous, you see, it's still tied here."

He raised his hand and shook his handcuffs, and the handcuffs rubbed against each other, making a crisp sound.

In the silence, the sound was so harsh.

He stared into Borja's eyes and whispered: "In fact, at the beginning, I had already prepared to plead guilty and accepted the ending of being hanged on the gallows.

The premise is that it is in a fair trial. Not like now, in this ridiculous play!"

When the slight noise sounded, Borja knocked down the gavel:

"Ye Qingxuan, watch your words. This is the last warning!"

But Ye Qingxuan's voice did not stop.

"I'm sorry, there is no justice and righteousness here - I should have known it from the moment you let Miller go to court."

"But it wasn't until Michelle died here that I realized: there is nothing here that I want to seek. So, I changed my mind."

"Ye Qingxuan!"

Borja was furious: "Can't you learn to be reverent!"

"Sorry, Mr. Judge, I came all the way from south to north and finally to the Holy City. What I'm looking for is not this kind of seemingly high-sounding ghost thing."

Ye Qingxuan stared at him, word by word: "Continue the trial, Mr. Judge, you can send all my friends here one by one, let them correct my crimes.

But I hope you will understand that I will never give up here.

I will pay them back a thousand times for the harm they have suffered!"


Borja roared: "Ye Qingxuan, this is the Holy Wheel Court, do you dare to blaspheme the holy emblem and sanctity? Come! The suspect disrupted the order of the court and will be sentenced to silence first!"

The gavel fell.

The bailiff rushed over, pressed Ye Qingxuan down, and slapped him on the throat, making his eyes go black and almost unable to breathe. Then the heavy shackles were locked on his neck, almost making him unable to stand up.

The shackles locked his throat tightly, leaving only a short gap for breathing.

Ye Qingxuan coughed violently, his voice was locked by the shackles, and he gasped silently.

"Mr. Borja, is this too rude?!" Maxwell stood up and questioned: "Excuse me, your actions make people doubt your impartial position."

"If you have any opinions about my position, you can appeal to the Ministry of Absolution." Borja said coldly: "But in the Holy Wheel Court, the status of judges cannot be questioned.

I warn you once, Representative Anglo, you have violated enough prohibitions today!"

The angry sword sound flashed and was suppressed.

Maxwell's face was ashen, and he sat back in silence.

Beside him, Mr. Hu reached out and patted his shoulder.

"Be patient."

He sighed softly: "There may be a chance of a turnaround."

Maxwell lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Bastian looked at Ye Qingxuan's embarrassed look with cold eyes, and his eyes became mocking. He was about to speak.

But he heard a commotion outside the door.

Amid heavy footsteps, a man in a black robe and a strangely styled lacquered gauze crown broke into the door.

The man had a fair and beardless face, skin like a virgin, and dark eyes. He pushed the bailiff at the door away, walked into the door loudly, and said in a shrill voice:

"Look at you dogs, you dare to stop me, the eunuch!"

In the stunned eyes of the crowd, dozens of guards wearing black armor and black clothes and carrying long swords behind him entered one after another, and actually broke into the Holy Wheel Court.

The sudden change made everyone stunned and dumbfounded.

But the man looked around and examined the appearance of everyone, but there were too many people and he couldn't see them all at once. He was dazzled and called out:

"Where is the Marquis? Who is the young Marquis Ye?"

In silence, no one responded.

He was stunned for a moment, and his eyes fell on the jury seat, and then they lit up.

"Mr. Hu, you made me look so hard! I came here at noon today and have been looking for you for a long time!"

"Sorry, sorry, something unexpected happened."

Mr. Hu suddenly looked embarrassed, coughed and stood up, and walked over: "Eunuch Zhao, why are there so many people here? This is a holy city, His Majesty, you can't do this?"

"Mr. Hu, you have to make the decision for our family!"

Eunuch Zhao grabbed his sleeve, and his expression was so excited that he was about to cry.

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