Crown of Silence

Chapter 441 Question

Chapter 442 Problem

After a conversation, Mr. Hu left.

While Ye Qingxuan was deep in thought, he was suddenly taken to a restaurant without knowing when. There was a dazzling array of delicacies in front of him, and he was sitting at the table with a confused look on his face, holding a knife and fork in his hand, his eyes dull, his expression Bewildered, as if thinking about the philosophy of the universe and the truth of the world.

who I am?

Where am I?

Where am I going?

In the past, Ye Qingxuan had always scorned questions like this that had no answers at all, but he never thought that one day he would fall into this pit.

Once you fall into this pit, it is extremely difficult to get out. For a moment, Ye Qingxuan looked lost. He even sprinkled a few more handfuls of pepper without realizing it, and couldn't taste anything in his mouth.

"Is it really okay if you give him the chili pot as a pepper pot?"

Abraham looked at Bai Xi, who glanced at Ye Qingxuan and shrugged: "He can't eat it anyway, teacher, eat more, you see this fish roe is really good, it is indeed the best restaurant in the Holy City... …”

Abraham was speechless for a while, and glanced at Ye Qingxuan's dull look, feeling a little unsure:

"You're not too happy, are you?"

"I heard that when something like this happens, two slaps will do wonders."

Bai Xi said mischievously next to the teacher: "I heard that this is how the Eastern musicians were treated after being admitted to the Taiyue Department and were so happy."


Abraham's eyes lit up, he raised his shining iron hand, gestured for a long time, then sighed and put down his hand: "I didn't move my hand lightly or hard, what if it breaks?"

"I'll come, I'll come, teacher, just watch!"

Bai Xi volunteered, stepped forward, and straightened her little hands, preparing to have a good time.

Ye Qingxuan was sluggish and unresponsive, but when the slap was about to be slapped, his wrist was lifted up by mistake, blocking Bai Xi's movement.

Bai Xi was stunned for a moment, and Ye Qingxuan finally came to his senses and looked at Bai Xi in shock: "Why did you hit me?"

"...Isn't this because I'm worried that you'll be too happy?" Bai Xi smiled with concern on his face, "Cousin, listen to me, you'll be fine after just two hits. Come on, be good."


When Ye Qingxuan saw that she was determined to be evil, he jumped up from his chair in fright: "Put down the fork first! You almost stabbed me to death just now!"


Bai Xi curled his lips and put down the fork between his fingers with a look of regret.

"I've been working too hard these two days and haven't had a good rest. Just get a good night's sleep." Abraham felt relieved and comforted in a gentle voice: "Let's go back to bed early after dinner."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head, "I'm fine, but..."

"Ah, yes, cousin!"

Bai Xi suddenly made a voice and came over with a curious look on his face: "I heard that a lot of big things happened in the court today! Master and I had a great time listening to other people's live broadcasts outside the court. Are you a Marquis now?"


Ye Qingxuan's expression suddenly became bitter: "This matter is a long story. We can talk about it later, but now..."

"Cousin! There is one more thing I remembered."

Bai Xi blinked his eyes, looking innocent and curious: "Then will you go back to the East?"

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

After a long time, he shook his head: "I haven't thought about it yet."

"Whether you want to go back is one thing, but whether you want to go back is another thing." Bai Xi seemed to be about to ask the question: "Just tell the truth."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said truthfully: "I don't really think about it, but I do."

"...What the hell is that!" Bai Xi was confused: "Are you playing riddles?"

"Since I was a child, I have never thought about going back. Although my white hair is strange, I thought that people in the East are all like this. I don't know what the blood of gods and the nine surnames of dragon veins are, and I don't think I am in the East. home. So I never thought about going back to the East.”

Ye Qingxuan prepared his words and explained carefully: "But it is different now. I feel that it is necessary for me to go back once to clarify some issues.

So, I'm still hesitating. "

"Oh." Bai Xi nodded seemingly understandingly.

"Don't think too much, even if I go back to the East, I will come back again." Ye Qingxuan smiled, ruffled Bai Xi's hair, and looked at Abraham: "But now..."

"Cousin, try this."

Bai Xi suddenly reached out and grabbed a mutton chop and slapped it onto Ye Qingxuan's plate: "It's tender and juicy, so delicious!"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned, looked at the juicy lamb chop on the plate, raised his head and said, "But I want to..."

"Don't talk when you eat and don't talk when you sleep. As the ancient saying goes, eat quickly and don't talk!"

Bai Xi grabbed another grilled prawn and slapped it on his plate: "Eat quickly! Only when you are full can you have the strength to speak."

In silence, Ye Qingxuan lowered his head.

On the plate were prawns cut into two pieces by Bai Xi and a terrible steak.

He looked up.

Abraham looked embarrassed and Bai Xi looked serious.

He put down his fork.

"Teacher, are you hiding something from me?" he asked seriously.

Abraham coughed violently, and Bai Xi stood in front of him and nodded vigorously: "Yes, yes. That is..."

She paused and looked surprised: "I applied for graduation early and passed the exam! How is it? Are you happy or surprised?"


Ye Qingxuan was stunned and smiled: "I can't see it. You skipped classes every day and passed the exam? Isn't it cheating?"

"No, no." Bai Xi shook his head, patted his small chest, and said with a serious face: "I am a genius, cousin, you have to believe me."

"Oh." Ye Qingxuan nodded and looked at Abraham: "Teacher, are you okay?"

Abraham nodded and smiled stiffly: "Same as usual, you know."

"Then now comes the problem."

Ye Qingxuan's smile disappeared, he stared at them and asked in a low voice: "Char, where are you?"


Abraham and Bai Xi were silent. One of them looked down at the plate, and the other whistled and looked up at the ceiling.

"Why haven't I seen Ciel from the beginning to now?"

Ye Qingxuan asked: "There is no reason for senior brother to be imprisoned in the Tower of Judgment even for spitting, right? Moreover, even if he was imprisoned, he should have been released by now, right? And, why don't you want me to ask Xia What happened to you?

Teacher, what happened? "

Bai Xi came out again and smiled strangely: "Cousin, actually Charles..."


Ye Qingxuan's palm suddenly hit the table, the dishes trembled, and the loud noise resounded throughout the restaurant, and everyone looked over in surprise.

Bai Xi's smile also stiffened.

Ye Qingxuan looked at her and his eyes became sharp: "Bai Xi, if you still lie to me now, don't call me cousin in the future.

Tell me, what happened to Charles? "

Bai Xi stopped talking and just looked at him, his eyes turning red and misty, biting his lip.

"Yi Zi, don't be angry."

Abraham pulled Bai Xi away and comforted her gently: "I asked her to hide it from you."

Ye Qingxuan was silent, his expression changed, and in the end, he became ashamed.

"I'm sorry, I lost control of my emotions."

He lowered his eyes: "This is my fault. But what happened to Charles? Teacher, why was he imprisoned in the Tower of Judgment? Why didn't he even have any time to relax?

I searched all over the place where a prisoner could go, but no one had heard of him.

What happened to him? "

"Let me tell you, how about it?"

A familiar voice came from behind.

He turned around in surprise and saw Wolf Flute wearing a black coat. After disappearing for a long time, Ye Qingxuan saw him for the first time. It seemed that he hadn't slept or shaved for many days. His beard was unkempt, his eyes were dark, and he looked extremely slovenly.

"You look terrible."

"It's bad."

Langdi smiled bitterly: "Don't blame them for not telling you. This matter involves too much. The Silent Agency requires them to sign a confidentiality agreement, and they must keep it secret. Besides, you were still in jail at that time, so it would be useless if you knew."

"Silent mechanism?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned: "Why is Charles related to the Silent Organization?"

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