Crown of Silence

Chapter 444: Upset and Level Up

Chapter 445 Upset Level Up

"Ciel has now been recruited by the Silent Agency to perform a secret mission."

At that time, Lang Di took out a document with an oath from his arms and placed it in front of Ye Qingxuan, along with a pen that had been prepared long ago: "If you want to listen, sign this and join it."

Then, Ye Qingxuan finally realized: "So you want to recruit people to join the gang?"

Langdi shrugged: "Anyway, even if I don't tell you, you will find a way to mix it in, right? Instead of letting you mess around, I might as well give you a plan."

Ye Qingxuan stretched out his hand, scanned it once, and then signed his name. When he imprinted his own music theory, the secret music theory in the contract also seeped into his body, forming a restriction.

"Congratulations on joining."

Langdi handed over a glass of beer. Seeing that Ye Qingxuan didn't move, he didn't feel dissatisfied. He smiled, drank up his own glass, wiped his mouth and said bluntly:

"Four months ago, we secretly arrested Constantine, the deputy commander of the Revolutionary Army, and imprisoned him in the Tower of Judgment. Unfortunately, nothing was found."

According to the information received by our undercover, the revolutionary army mobilized a large number of elite forces to come to the Holy City, intending to plan a major event during the Winter Festival.

We have to figure out what they're going to do...otherwise we don't know how many people will die from this. "


In an instant, Ye Qingxuan understood the idea of ​​the silent mechanism and frowned: "You want Charles to sneak in? Don't be kidding, do you think he is an undercover agent?!"

"Yes, even if you don't believe it, who would suspect that he is an undercover agent?"

Wolf Flute's expression was strange: "We imprisoned him on the top floor of the Tower of Judgment. Our spy told me that there will be a prison robbery in a few days.

Before that, he must gain Constantine's trust, escape from the Tower of Judgment with him, and infiltrate into the revolutionary army..."

"Then it was exposed, cut into dozens of pieces, and the hands and feet were mailed to the Silent Organization. Can the head be left as a souvenir for us?" Ye Qingxuan said coldly:

"Char is not suitable to be an undercover agent at all. I'm afraid he won't even be able to complete the first step!"

"I told him all the consequences and he agreed."

"Yes, if you don't agree, you will have no choice but to go to the gallows!"

Ye Qingxuan raised his voice: "Who wouldn't agree if I changed it? It's all death anyway. It's better to die early than to die later!"

"I originally nominated you."

Langdi did not defend himself, but said in a low voice: "I thought you could bypass the lawsuit this way. After the matter is over, you can naturally disappear from the world and change your name to start a new life... But I didn't expect that you don't need my help." You can come out."

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

"If you're angry, blame me. There are some things I have to do."

Langdi smoked, "I promise, he will come back safe and sound. Believe me, Ye Qingxuan, did I lie to you? You can participate in the whole process. If you feel there is danger, you can stop this action at any time."

I will bear all the consequences. "

He put out his cigarette.

The conversation ends here.

But when Ye Qingxuan thought of this, he recalled what Maxwell said to him.

"Do you always have to do dirty things for the things you care about...?"

He opened his eyes and murmured softly.

The moonlight outside the window shone on his face, and in the silence, no one responded.

He sighed softly and got up from the bed.

It was two o'clock in the morning. He seemed to have dreamed of many things while half asleep, but he could not recall them after opening his eyes. But after struggling for so long, there was no sleepiness in my heart.

Can't sleep, can't get drunk, can't eat, can't laugh...

It seems that all the bad things in life have come to him in just a few days, and he has settled here with Ye Qingxuan. He wants to fight a protracted battle and is unwilling to leave.


He washed his face, picked out a few more expensive-looking bottles from Maxwell's wine cabinet, tucked them under his arm, and took out the music score Mr. Hu gave him from his backpack.

Sleepless nights, always looking for something to do.

He opened the first article casually.

""The Good Night"?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled self-deprecatingly, bit the cork in one bite, and drank half the bottle: No matter what it is, let's take a look first.

He summoned the Jiuxiao Ring Pendant at will, the strings of the piano criss-crossed in the void, the seven civil and military strings were arranged, and the crisp sound of the sycamore cracking echoed in the silent night.

The new Yan language behind the curtain is like the voice of an old dragon across the sea.

"I have really let you down all this time."

Ye Qingxuan murmured softly, holding the piano score in one hand and fiddling with the strings with his free hand.

As a result, the scattered and scattered sound of the piano spread from his fingertips.

Under the interpretation method, the music theory recorded in the movement was intertwined, diffused in the air, and slowly condensed into shape. After a while, the moonlight was filled with the quiet and gentle sound of the piano.

So quiet.

As the music theory took shape, Ye Qingxuan felt that the ladder in his body was eager to move. The huge music took shape in his body, filling his limbs and bones, forming a complex and rigorous system.

Until the end, it was connected to the music theory of "Liang Xiao Yin", and the two were blended together with Jiuxiao Huanpei as a bridge.

The silent ladder of heaven incorporated it into its own system without hesitation, just like the dew that suddenly appeared after a long drought, it suddenly jumped up a lot.

The originally scattered music theory in his body actually reached the limit of integration under its connection.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

Is this a ladder to heaven?

Across seven series, the operation is indistinguishable!

It was originally used to unify all music theories, be inclusive, and bring them under the same main axis. All music theory has its place here.

This is Ye’s special skill!

"...This way leads to the sky!"

Ye Qingxuan finally realized: "Is this what you meant?"

The ancestors of Ye's family refined the music theory that implemented the two realms of material and ether into the Nine-Sky Ring, and integrated the heavenly ladder that encompassed and unified all music theories into one body.

The purpose is to obtain a foundation that will last forever!

As long as the ladder to heaven is in hand, future generations can add all music theories according to their own needs to form their own way to heaven.

As a result, no one expected that the next generation would produce Ye Qingxuan, a strange man who had never learned any Eastern music theory since he was a child, and had never thought about the deeper meaning.

It's like using the jade seal as a sledgehammer. Even if you want to unify music theory, you can't do it at all.

Burning harps and boiling cranes is nothing better than this!

If it hadn't been for Mr. Hu's kindness in gifting his piano score, which gave the ladder a chance to grow, Ye Qingxuan might still be kept in the dark.

"It's really embarrassing and embarrassing..."

Ye Qingxuan covered his face and sighed.

But when he came to his senses, his expression when he looked at the piano score in his hand was particularly strange.

Although it can't be called surprising, "Good Night Yin" can be regarded as a standard formal movement.

The moon is bright, the stars are shining, the nights are sweet, and the dreams are sweet. This is a first-class mental movement. It is better than the spring breeze and the rain, and its scope of influence is even wider. Logically speaking, the difficulty should not be low.

Why did I learn it by myself while drinking wine, flipping through books, and playing a few random pieces?

Suddenly, Ye Qingxuan became extremely strange: "Mr. Hu, you won't tease me with Oriental children's songs, will you?"

He picked up the bottle and took another two sips, then opened the next article casually.

"The phoenix is ​​soaring, and the phoenix is ​​begging for it from all over the world."

This is "Feng Qiu Huang".

According to classification, this is the introductory movement of the Eastern Summoning School, which is good at taming phantom beasts, making phantom beasts such as birds have the aura of the divine bird phoenix.

If it is learned deeply, it might be possible to reveal the royal meaning of the legendary phoenix spreading its wings and the world becoming unified.

"The music for summoning factions? I haven't learned it before..."

He held his chin and thought for a moment, then shook his head: "No matter, let's learn first and then talk!"

Putting down the bottle, he pressed his hands on the strings, interpreting the complicated music theory in his mind, but his mind was empty under the influence of drunkenness, and he had no idea what he was doing.

It was stumbling and stumbling at the beginning, but it started to flow smoothly in the middle, and by the end, the clear and melodious sound of the piano spread. Under the control of Jiuxiao Huanpei, the music theory seemed to have its own spirituality, gathering from the ether and turning into a vague shadow, flowing under the moonlight.

Finally, the vague shadow of a flying bird perched on the Nine Heavens Ring and blended into the ladder to heaven.

The ladder shook, rising inch by inch, and countless music theories rippled, intertwining the melody of growth.

"Does this mean you know how to do it?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned, a little unsure, and opened another bottle of wine to calm himself down.

After a short rest, he turned to the next part of the music score.

"The fallen leaves gather and disperse, and the jackdaws roost again..."

"Autumn Wind Ci"

The piano sounds again.

Amidst the sad and lonely sound of the piano, the silhouette of a jackdaw rises from the lonely moonlight and lingers under the moonlight. The scene of falling leaves in the autumn wind blows in your face.

Long lovesickness comes from long memories, but short lovesickness comes from endless...

This is "Autumn Wind Ci".

Achieved in one fell swoop!

Ye Qingxuan took two more sips to calm down his shock: "It seems really simple?"

Come again!

"Southern Breeze"

In an instant, it was like a spring breeze emerging from the soil, and vitality rippled in the sound of the piano and spread in all directions. There is a hint of heroism in the sound of the piano, as if it is turning into the south wind and blowing in all directions.

As a result, everything grows.

The ladder to heaven grew again in this melody, rising happily, continuously integrating the scattered music theory into its own control, and in an instant, it had already taken shape.

"Is this okay?"

Ye Qingxuan scratched his head, opened the next volume, and continued!

"Song of Bliss", "Song of Clear Night", "Wind and Thunder"...

The bedroom was now in chaos.

Everything seems to be separated from the physical appearance, covered by the sound of the piano, blurred everywhere, and integrated into the melody.

Sometimes it’s like the sun rising and all things renewed; sometimes it’s like the long night, the moon reaches the sky, and the breeze lingers; sometimes it’s like the wind and thunder stirring up, impassioned...

The ladder is rising.

In that melody, a faint rhythm emerged, like a heart beating slowly as it circulates blood.

Ye Qingxuan still continued.

"Listening to the Spring on the Stone", "The God and the Man Smooth", "Ape and Crane Shuangqing"!

So the gurgling sound of the spring water gathered from all directions, transforming into torrents and waterfalls, and a mighty long river. The spring flowing on the stone is beautiful and new; sometimes it is solemn, solemn, simple and rough, just like the meeting of gods and men, ancient and vigorous.

At the end, there is a sudden turn, as if there are old apes fencing and white cranes dancing together. The shadow of the ape and crane emerged from the Jiuxiao ring and merged into the ladder to heaven.

The ladder trembled, and countless music theories fell apart in an instant, and then reorganized under the invisible force, until finally, the huge music theory of the Philosopher's Stone was completely included in it and merged into one.

The magnificent vitality spread from his limbs and bones. In a flash, countless hidden injuries healed without medicine, and the sound of blood flowing sounded like a torrent in his ears.

It seemed as if there were rivers flowing inside his body.

And in the sound of the torrent sweeping and washing, a heavy and low heartbeat slowly emerged. A vortex quietly appeared in the sea of ​​ether, and countless ethers gathered under the attraction of the piano sound.

Those silver streams merged into the strings of the piano, and finally gathered in his body, following the complicated music theory. Driven by the ether, the huge movement finally started to move and was about to manifest its own form.

Ye Qingxuan found that he could no longer stop.

He then threw the empty bottle of wine aside and turned directly to the next volume of his notebook.

"Guanshan Yue", "Canghai Longyin", "Changmen Yuan", "Huolin Cao", "Fengyun Jihui"...

The piano sounded again.

The lonely piano sound spread.

The bright moon shines on the mountains and rivers, and the wind is strong.

The sea is surging, and the dragons are roaring.

The night is hanging in the blue sky, and it shines only on the people in Changmen Palace.

Ye Qingxuan is completely selfless, his eyes swept through the music, his ten fingers plucked the nine heavenly rings, and the ether stirred up waves, spreading in all directions.

Until the end, the sound of the piano was like mercury pouring on the ground, spreading in all directions.

The criss-crossing strings covered the entire embassy, ​​and spread in all directions with the moonlight.

In the moonlight and melody, there was a faint heartbeat spreading, and in the blurred beat, the entire embassy became ethereal like fog, and countless phantoms emerged from the moonlight.

It was as if everything was out of reality at this moment and entered an unrealistic dream.

In the moonlight, the boundary between illusion and reality was blurred.

What I saw in the dream was now in front of me.

Until the end, all the scenes were compiled into a huge dream along with the sound of the piano. The upside-down world appeared in the dream, with the bright moon, the sun, the rivers and seas, the boundless earth, and the dragons roaring in the four seas...

"I'm so annoyed!"

Bai Xi woke up from the dream and threw a pillow out angrily: "What kind of bird's piano is playing in the middle of the night!"

She got up from the bed angrily, and when she looked around blankly, she found that her room had changed without knowing when.

The original Western-style decoration suddenly turned into a solemn and majestic oriental decoration.

White curtains hung in the huge hall, and two rows of long-burning lights cast light. The pearls on the wall reflected the firelight, illuminating the hall, a luxurious and elegant scene.

She was stunned, and her eyes immediately became indifferent.

She stretched out her hand, clenched her fist, and clasped her fingertips.

The sound of distant bells and chimes rang out with the snap of fingers, and the swing flashed away, shattering the dream that had penetrated into reality. The surrounding scene blurred and then shattered.

She put on her coat and walked out the door in slippers.

She looked angry.

Dreaming about such a ghost scene was already a bad mood, and seeing it when she opened her eyes was enough to make her furious.

She pinched her joints, ready to pull out the guy who pretended to be a ghost and have a good "talk" with him.

But in the end, she pushed the door open and walked two steps following the sound of the piano, only to find Maxwell and Abraham sitting on the stairs in the corridor smoking.


She frowned and said bluntly: "What are you doing again?"

"What else can I do?"

Maxwell smoked a cigarette and said faintly: "It's your perverted cousin. He was made a marquis on the first day after he was released from prison, signed an agreement with the Silent Agency, drank up my wine cabinet, and got a promotion by the way."

"The heart music resonates with the sea of ​​ether, interferes with reality, and illuminates dreams."

Maxwell stared at the huge moon outside the window and whispered softly:

"He is now at the interference level."

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