Crown of Silence

Chapter 448 Asking for advice?

Chapter 449 Asking for advice?

"Who am I? Haha, who knows."

Hermes lay on the sofa and whistled: "Some people think that I am the homeless traveler's protector, and some people think that I am the trader of Avalon.

I am the originator of the steam disaster, I am the pinnacle that artists can never reach.

Some people regard me as a monster, and some people regard me as a god.

Many people call me a sage and say that I am in charge of one-third of the world’s truths. I like this title. Although the other two-thirds are in the hands of a bitch and a coward.

I am a watch shop owner, an external think tank for Anglo-Saxon Department 2, and a confidential advisor for Department 6. I am a personal doctor who has been fired by Her Majesty the Queen. I am also the owner of an antique shop in the Holy City...

If you want to know about my life, I can give you a six-volume, 2,400-page autobiography. If you want to know my true nature, my true nature is already as you see it.

Ye Qingxuan, what exactly do you want to ask? In your opinion, what shocking secrets do I, a fat man, keep? "

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time and did not speak again.

Soon, he stood up: "Then, I'll leave first. See you again if we are destined."

Hermes tied the napkin carefully and waved goodbye: "Be safe, there are a lot of people staring at you recently."

"Huh?" Ye Qingxuan stopped at the door and turned around in confusion.

"You're already famous."

Hermes showed a weird smile and chanted in an exaggerated tone: "Ye Qingxuan, your name is known to everyone from Northern Asgard to Tianzhu!"


Ye Qingxuan was speechless.

"Do you know what people say about you now?"

Hermes counted with his greasy fingers: "Madman, fanatic, executioner, genius once seen in a century, monster who broke through the resonance level within half a year, supernova among musicians! Invincible in resonance, the first person among masters !”

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment: "Isn't that too exaggerated?"

The first person under the master?

No matter what, it has been exaggerated. This is no longer a compliment, but a way to roast yourself on the fire!

"No, no, no, that's not an exaggeration at all."

Hermes waved his hand: "Boss, I have been around for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen someone like you who can stir up trouble. Count it yourself, how many people have been ruined because of you?"

Ye Qingxuan pondered, counting with his fingers, and then he found that ten fingers were not enough, and then he found... there were so many people that he couldn't remember them all.

It seems that there are quite a lot of people who are unlucky because of themselves.

Ever since he was preparing to return to Avalon, almost all the musicians he met had no good ending.

Ah haha, how embarrassing.

Seeing that he couldn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, Hermes showed a look of gloating: "Whether you admit it or not, people who want to challenge you can already line up from outside the gate of the Holy City to the central square!

Moreover, after I heard that Maxwell had set off back to Angelo with the Sword in the Stone at noon today, the number of people seemed to have increased several times. I thought you already knew, but you showed up in the central church with such a high profile... It was like you had a 'challenge' sign above your head. "

He paused here meaningfully, looking at Ye Qingxuan, as if he had seen a good stepping stone: "Little Ye Zi, the strong wind and waves haven't come yet, so don't capsize the boat in the gutter."

Ye Qingxuan had nothing to say and pushed out the door with complicated emotions.

Outside the door, at the end of the corridor, several musicians passing by heard the sound and looked over. After seeing his white hair, he was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up.

Ye Qingxuan also looked at them with a strange expression:

"No way?"

So fast?

"Ye Qingxuan?"

Soon, a young man with a handsome face stood out from the crowd and said in a polite tone: "I am Donatello, the youngest son of the Esposito family, and a member of the Gregorian Choir in the Holy City.

May I have the honor to ask you for advice? "


Ye Qingxuan was silent and turned around to look at Lang Flute in the distance, holding hot coffee and watching the show.

Langdi shrugged helplessly, saying that there was nothing he could do.

"I suggest you better hurry up."

He turned to look out the window. In the distance, people were gradually gathering towards the central church. The musicians who were rushing to the second floor could not help but whistle:

"Oh, the streets are empty. None of the black and white bears in the Holy City Zoo have ever enjoyed such treatment as you..."

Ye Qingxuan's expression suddenly became more and more ugly.

"Found it! He's right here!"

There was a noisy sound from the bottom of the stairs, and soon the musicians rushed up one after another. Before they even went upstairs, the voice was already heard: "Sanardo, the chief of the Jackdaw School, is asking Mr. Ye for advice!"

"Mr. Ye, Will, the chief of the Xiashan Middle School, is here to ask for advice."

"Where is Ye Qingxuan?" A rough voice shouted: "Goodman School Rafter, I challenge you. If you are a man, don't run away!"

"Mr. Ye, Professor Serolas from Trinity College in the Lower Holy City has a few interpretation problems. I would like to ask for your advice."

"Down here..."

"...Representative of Yantie Academy..."

"Chief musician..."

"Caucasus Ice Wind School..."

"The Plantagenet Orchestra..."


Groups of musicians rushed up, blocking the entire corridor. With rapid breathing and red eyes, they stared at Ye Qingxuan like a group of bulls in heat.

It was like staring at a stepping stone that could walk, a ticket to fame.

Naturally, there were many excuses.

There were questions, exchanges, challenges, and even people who wanted to avenge a name that Ye Qingxuan couldn't remember... modesty or arrogance, confidence or mysterious smiles, and so on.

Ye Qingxuan quietly looked at the surging heads in front of him. Those unfamiliar faces were full of fighting spirit, which was simply inexplicable.

He frowned irritably and his eyes became indifferent.

"Wait a minute!"

Just as he was about to speak, the young man who came first in the crowd, Donatello, stood up, blocked the crowd, and said loudly:

"Everyone, I know you want to see Mr. Ye's style, but with so many people, I'm afraid Mr. Ye will be too busy no matter what, and if it gets out, people will say that people in our Holy City don't know etiquette."

He paused for a moment and said solemnly: "Why don't we elect a few representatives to ask Mr. Ye for music theory? Two out of three games, I'm sure Master Ye won't refuse our sincere kindness."

"Not bad!"

"I agree!"

In a blink of an eye, those musicians said yes one after another, convinced, without any trace of the surging enthusiasm just now, even Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief... No wonder!

From a group of people taking turns to challenge, to two out of three games, it seems that he has taken advantage, but looking at their poor acting skills, he knows that this is premeditated.

And he has never agreed to a duel.

This group of bastards wants to use their numbers to suppress him.

Ye Qingxuan's expression became more and more ugly.

Turning back, he looked at Lang Di, not disguising his voice at all: "Are all the musicians in the Holy City like this?"

"Some of them."

Lang Di blew hot coffee, glanced at the group of guys, and said nonchalantly:

"These guys are all those who are not doing well in various places, and they come to the Holy City to study and get a resume. Most of them have money, but they are not very capable. They call friends all day long and make a big fuss, but in fact, the really good musicians don't care about them at all and don't bother to pay attention to them.

They have no sense of existence, so they can only criticize the politics of the Holy City and the major families every day. They are unscrupulous and make trouble in groups because of their status as musicians. People who don't like them can't do anything about them..."

He paused and laughed strangely: "Hehe, Xiao Ye, someone is unhappy with you and wants to make trouble for you."


"Because you are more famous than them."

Lang Di said with a righteous look: "Isn't that enough?"

Ye Qingxuan was speechless.

This is enough, enough. In the eyes of some people who have been craving for fame and fortune for many years but have not achieved anything, their existence is a thorn in the eye of reality.

There are all kinds of birds in a big forest, and there will naturally be no shortage of villains.

Hearing the sound of the wolf whistle, Donatello's eyes suddenly looked ugly, but soon, he returned to a humble and enthusiastic look with a smile.


Now that they have a big situation, under the witness and coercion of so many people, Ye Qingxuan can't help but get into this trap.

Ye Qingxuan doesn't need to fight, but from tonight, the whole Holy City will know that he is afraid of fighting and fleeing.

And if he fights, facing their preparations, the result will only be worse.

If you win, it's bullying the weak.

If you lose, hahaha, you will naturally be ruined.

Even, even if they just insist on a few minutes and then give up early, they will have something to brag about in the future: That Ye Qingxuan is not that good, I can’t tell who is better than him…

Even if Ye Qingxuan tries to defend himself in the future, with everyone saying the same thing and rumors abounding, it doesn’t matter what the truth is.

Everyone likes to watch dramas like ‘The genius musician was defeated by the Holy City’.

The genius who was once praised to the top of the world now faces the challenge of elites from all factions and flees without a fight!

Ye Qingxuan’s true face has been exposed, and his reputation is not worthy of it!

No matter how he defends himself, he will become an out-and-out clown.

As long as everyone says the same thing and occupies the public opinion position, there will be many people who will come to add insult to injury and beat the dog when it is down.

In less than half a month, the name of Ye Qingxuan will become infamous.

Ye Qingxuan quickly figured it out, and even helped them think of various arrangements and means for the future. The plan is really easy and comprehensive.

Perfect like heaven.


Things like that don't exist in this world!

He raised his head and asked calmly: "It seems that you have all discussed it?"

As if he didn't hear his mockery, Donatello's smile was still warm and humble: "Master Ye, what do you think?"

So, Ye Qingxuan smiled.

That smile was particularly disturbing.

Those who are familiar with this bastard know that every time he smiles like this, someone is going to be unlucky.

Under the gaze of everyone, he took a step forward, lowered his head and looked down at Donatello almost arrogantly, raised a finger, and pointed at his face:

"You, do you know who I am?"

There was silence, and everyone was stunned. They looked at each other in astonishment, not knowing what Ye Qingxuan meant.

"Ye Qingxuan?"

"Angel Swordsman."

"Genius musician..."

"The first person under the master?"

Listening to their noisy and confused voices, Ye Qingxuan's expression became satisfied, as if he was intoxicated by flattery.

I have to say, this feels really good.

It wasn't until those voices stopped that he nodded and looked at Donatello: "What else?"


what else?

Donatello's eyes darkened, his mind raced, and he quickly thought about what exactly Ye Qingxuan was up to. But suddenly, it felt like a thunderbolt struck in his mind.

In an instant, his expression changed.

Because in front of him, Ye Qingxuan slowly raised a jade plaque.

The texture of the jade tablet is gentle and rare, and the fine cloud marrow is carved with fine and solemn patterns.

The card is engraved with unique etheric fluctuations and stamped with the unique emblem of the Cathay royal family. It was produced under the supervision of the Ministry of Rites. It is the only one in the world and there is no other.

"Give me swords and shoes to go to the palace to praise and pay homage to the name of the Changyu Marquis Ye Qingxuan."

Ye Qingxuan bent down and looked at his face with a smile, as if looking at a child in kindergarten: "Do you have a title?"

Donatello's face was livid, he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

They calculated everything, but they missed this point.

Ye Qingxuan is not a talented musician worthless except for his good name. He is a registered Marquis of the Holy City, a representative of the Blood of Glory, a future Reserve Grand Duke, and a superior with all the honor and majesty in the world!

This bastard is now a prince!

A marquis who would bully the market, commit adultery, plunder, murder, arson, and be completely unconscionable without any problem!

He doesn't need to care about the so-called challenges at all, and it's impossible for him to care about the so-called fearsome words.

He has the entire Holy City behind him, no, the nobles all over the world are supporting him. If they dare to use any tricks that are not on the table or spread rumors or gossip afterwards... the Ministry of Pardons will not dare to let them go!

In the dead silence, Ye Qingxuan walked around Donatello, stretched out his hand, and pointed at the faces in the crowd: "Do you have it? What about you? You? Forget it, I can tell you don't have it by looking at your poor look. And you, you, and you..."

Finally, in the silence, someone made a voice:

"I have."

"Oh?" Ye Qingxuan smiled, "What title? Report it."

The young man's face twitched, and after a long time he squeezed out the answer through his teeth: "Viscount."


Ye Qingxuan smiled and said nothing. He just made a disdainful sound from his nostrils and looked at them mockingly: "Isn't that all?"

Donatello's expression was ashen as he looked at Ye Qingxuan: "You..."


Before he finished speaking, Ye Qingxuan slapped him across the face.

The movement was quick, the force was ruthless, and the intention was vicious. With just one slap, Donatello's eyesight went dark, and everyone fell into confusion.

Logically speaking, such an attack should have activated the shield long ago and failed.

But when the slap came down, it had its own musical structure. Before the shield was deployed, it was completely disintegrated. Even the entire alchemy ring fell apart and was covered with cracks.

In the current eyes of Ye Qingxuan, this kind of shield is completely childish, not much thicker than a piece of paper.


Donatello staggered back, touching his face blankly, feeling the burning pain, and finally understood what happened. When he looked at Ye Qingxuan, his eyes became furious, his expression twisted, and his face turned red with anger. .

Ye Qingxuan, on the other hand, downplayed it, just flicked his fingers and said calmly: "You didn't know before, and those who don't know are not guilty. But now, you have to learn to use honorifics and say 'you'.

Mind your identity, 'young man'. "

Ye Qingxuan emphasized the pronunciation of the word 'young man', and his mockery was palpable.

Before they could speak, Ye Qingxuan waved his sleeves.

"I'm tired, let's call it a day."

He stood with his hands behind his hands: "It's rare that you come here to see my majesty. Since you are sincere, I will not care about your offense."

He paused, looked at the gnashing faces, smiled happily, and said word by word:

"——Please kneel down."

In silence, he played with the jade token in his hand. The jade token was obviously so gentle, but it looked so bright that it stung people and made it difficult to open their eyes.

In the silence, the baron was the first to bend down and pay homage.

Immediately afterwards, everyone lowered their heads, those without titles knelt down on one knee, and respectfully persuaded the Supreme Being to leave, while those with titles looked respectful, not daring to show any trace of dissatisfaction or annoyance.

Seeing them lowering their bodies so tamely, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help laughing.

He kicked away the guy in front of him who was blocking the way, and stepped out of the dark crowd, as if walking on the road, with an indescribable ease and ease.

In the crowd, Donatello knelt down in shame, clenching his fists, his eyes bloodshot: Today was supposed to be the day when he would become famous, but the opportunity he had spent so much effort and money to obtain turned out to be Such a look!

And just as he passed by him, Ye Qingxuan's footsteps seemed to pause slightly, and a contemptuous voice sounded from his ears.

"Ask for advice?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled: "Are you worthy?"


Today is a big chapter with nearly 5,000 words~! It's the end of the month, monthly votes~monthly votes~

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