Crown of Silence

Chapter 450 Dayuan Projection

Chapter 451 Dayuan Projection

Two hours ago

The Holy Resurrection Cathedral·Central Cathedral, martial law begins.

"Should it start?"

The silent musician smoking a cigarette stood outside the hall and looked back at the silent Central Cathedral.

In the low roar of steel friction, the iron wall slowly unfolded, the gears flew, the machine pivots unfolded, and the layers of steel machinery turned out from it and extended to the sky.

Like a sleeping giant, it slowly stood up and stretched out its palm to the sky.

The rail machine was preheated, and the hot water vapor ran in the brass pipes, making a low roar of a storm.

The stop was adjusted, the six-layer keyboard unfolded, and 2,400 pipes stretched out from the wall, piercing the sky, breathing in the atmosphere, brewing a soul-stirring loud noise.

The next moment, the hymn sounded.

The choir sang in unison, and the sacred melody spread in the air. The organ roared with the cooperation of six musicians, as if it was carrying the solemn melody to heaven.

The hot water vapor diffused in the sky, reflecting the brilliant light of the rainbow.

In the central cathedral, apart from the solemn melody, there was silence.

All the spectators sat quietly in their seats, staring at the huge matrix intently.

Ye Qingxuan stood in the aisle of the last row, his eyes narrowed.

A beam of light fell from the dome and sprinkled on Samuel.

He sat upright in the alchemical matrix, letting the hot copper nails pierce his bones one by one and connect to his blood vessels. The blood flowed out of the slender copper nails, blended into the mercury, and spread rapidly.

He merged with the entire alchemical matrix.

In a trance, something spread out from the white-haired old man's body. It flowed into the entire alchemical matrix along countless cables, connected to the Central Cathedral, and connected himself to the entire Holy Resurrection Cathedral.

At this moment, the entire huge church has become his body, sharing the huge pressure with him.

Samuel took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

Behind him, next to the huge organ, six musicians who were warming up the organ were shaken away by the huge pressure.

The huge six-story organ trembled, and under Samuel's control, it made a deafening roar, and the frenzied ether torrent gushed out from it, sweeping in all directions.

But under the constraints of music theory, they gathered together, stirring in every inch of air, following music theory, and evolving towards the end.

The huge alchemical matrix was expanding, absorbing the ether torrent, and the huge chapter of destiny slowly rose from it.

The originally empty chapter of fate finally materialized at this moment.

In the rush of countless notes, the interval combination, the music theory construction, until finally, it turned into a huge and brilliant three-dimensional movement. The countless notes vibrated one after another, the ripples gathered, and set off a solemn and cold melody.

It was like the cruel melody echoing in the dark church in the long night.

The cold melody without tenderness and mercy stirred, calling for ether, distorting the law, and tearing the reality apart.

So, a terrible big hole suddenly appeared on the huge matrix!

The empty sea of ​​ether turned into reality and rushed out of it.

The sea of ​​ether, appear!

Ye Qingxuan subconsciously held his breath, his eyes widened, greedily feeling the breath spreading in it, and the interpretation method ran at high speed,

"It's started."


In the high-pitched melody of the organ, the chapter of fate vibrated, the cold melody vibrated, and the sea of ​​ether changed rapidly.

Samuel is ‘falling’.

Towards the deeper depths of the sea of ​​ether… the bottom…

Until finally, the boiling silver light suddenly dissipated. It was as if an invisible wall was shattered!

He had already entered the etheric world!

At that moment, everyone couldn’t help but sit up straight, lean forward, and look at the realm around Samuel. That is the etheric world that does not exist in reality, only exists in theory and philosophy, and is even a miracle realm that is difficult to describe.

Some scholars believe that it is the bottom of the material world, the cornerstone of the world, and everything in the world is built on it.

Some people believe that it is the most real appearance of the material world, but human eyes and senses cannot detect things beyond the senses, just like it is impossible to describe colors that cannot be observed with the naked eye, so they can only rely on ether for side observation.

The priests said that this is the destination of the soul, the soul ocean of all beings.

The explorers firmly believe that it is the birthplace of all mysteries and the place where the truth is buried.

Countless musicians are willing to pay any price just to get a glimpse of the appearance of that realm.

And now, Samuel has finally broken the wall between the material world and the etheric world, and opened up a new realm of his own.

Everything here is blank, waiting for Samuel to create.

To those who don't understand music theory, it's empty and nothing has happened.

But in the etheric senses of the musicians, it's completely different.

Everyone observes different appearances through different music theories and heart sounds.

Some people see the original darkness of the universe, and the huge and vast starry sky is brewing from the darkness and is about to burst out. Some people see the elements drastically changing, and the earth, water, fire and wind are boiling in the chaotic cauldron...

But what Ye Qingxuan saw through the void was the deathly silence cemetery hanging in the distance - that was Ye's scepter lost in the etheric realm - under the guidance of the Jiuxiao Huanpei, he Observe that ethereal and ethereal world again.

Then, in the next moment, nothingness opened up.

In that blank area, the 'elements' composed of different music theories slowly appeared.

First, there is ‘blood’.

A wisp of bright red blood floated out from Samuel's body.

Under the interpretation of music theory and melody, the existence of 'Primal Blood' is engraved in the etheric world. Immediately afterwards, strict music theory was written, and endless movements unfolded from it.

In an instant, the masters present made a sound of exclamation.

No one has ever completed the first step so smoothly. After so many years of accumulation, it seems that Samuel has devoted his whole life to the 'original blood'.

Then, the movement expands, followed by limitations, the element of ‘heritage’. Based on the original blood, music theory is passed down and the future path is opened up.

In the smooth movement, until the end, countless magnificent movements gather together.

Amidst the jaw-dropping violent ether fluctuations, the upper elements representing ‘life’ successfully converged. In an instant, the old Master Samuel suddenly turned aside.

It's like turning back time.

His hair turned pitch black, his wrinkles disappeared, and his cloudy eyes became sharp again.

In an instant, the person sitting on the throne was no longer the old musician, but a handsome and cold young nobleman. The lips are as red as blood, and the eyes seem to have some kind of magic power, which is shocking.

The chapter of destiny has reached its climax.

In the gorgeous and cold melody, the legend of the 'blood clan' has been created and has been completely written into the etheric world. As Master Samuel has completely transformed into the first blood musician in history, the scepter has also been condensed. The most critical moment has been reached.

In the vague shadow of the etheric world, something magnificent suddenly emerged.

In a daze, Ye Qingxuan seemed to see a huge whirlpool. The dark whirlpool seemed to come from the deepest part of the world, pulling everything into it all the time.

But the next moment, he saw another blazing sun. The scorching sun was so brilliant that it spread endless light and heat.

The two contradictory sensations are now combined together, like two sides of one body, constantly switching, but causing a huge impact on the observer's sanity.

It was as if a certain concept was being constantly rewritten, giving me a splitting headache.

Ye Qingxuan's face turned pale, and his eyes were bleeding.

Wolf Flute stretched out his hand and suddenly pressed it on Ye Qingxuan's shoulder, and the shrill sound of the wolf's howl suddenly exploded in Ye Qingxuan's heart. The bestiality of the phantom wolf entered his consciousness, forcibly interrupting the observation.

"do not look!"

Langdi whispered: "That's the projection of Dayuan. If you don't have enough attainments, seeing too much will be harmful to you."

Ye Qingxuan woke up, sweating profusely and panting violently.

Even if he deliberately didn't look at it with his eyes, he could still feel that the huge projection descended from the depths of the etheric world, gathered here, and merged into that element.

Finally, the majestic chapter of fate transformed into some kind of magnificent miraculous crystallization.

The music theory suddenly collapsed, and the entire movement condensed into substance, like a scarlet gem glowing with brilliant light.

--That's Samuel's scepter!

The scepter has been condensed!

Everyone made sounds of relief and whispered in praise: From today on, there will be one more scepter in the Holy City, and I am afraid there will be one more saint in the world.

I just don’t know which saint’s name and artifact will be canonized by the Saint Canonization Office?

Just as everyone was thinking, a shrill scream suddenly sounded.

In the alchemical matrix, the blood-colored mercury matrix immediately boiled, vaporized, and rose.

Between the layers of pipelines, Samuel let out a sharp roar, as if his blood was boiling, and cyan blood vessels emerged from his pale face, ferocious and ugly.

collapse! collapse! collapse! collapse! collapse! collapse!

In a series of shattering loud noises, the copper nails popped out of his body one by one, and hot blood filled the air with a putrid smell.

The scepter was obviously integrated into his body, but Samuel seemed to be pierced by countless sharp knives, struggling in pain and twitching.

The extremely rich blood-colored light burst out from his body, transformed into a scarlet pillar of light, penetrated the dome, and rushed into the sky.

When Ye Qingxuan woke up from his sluggish state, he only felt as cold as falling into an ice cave.

Even he could see that on the newly created scepter, countless music theories were struggling violently, as if strong acid and strong alkali were poured into the same cauldron, strangulating each other and about to collapse. !

"there is a problem!"

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