Crown of Silence

Chapter 458 Scale

Chapter 459 Scale


It was like a ton of steel fell to the ground.

The left scale was instantly pressed to the bottom, and the ten-point scale was pressed to the nine part.


Ye Qingxuan stared at it for a long time, looked up: "What is the price of this?"

The dwarf took out a teacup from somewhere expressionlessly, took a sip and said lightly: "This means that you have to raise the price of a library of this size.

The music theory code second only to the control center of the Holy Tower in the central city is equivalent to ten gates of heaven."

"So expensive!" Ye Qingxuan was dumbfounded.

"If you think it's expensive, don't buy it."

The dwarf sneered: "Don't come if you are poor."


Ye Qingxuan was speechless for a while, and soon, he changed a note.

'Ye Qingxuan'

The scale sank, and the scale was 0.1.

Ye Qingxuan looked at it for a long time: "How much is it?"

"It's 'worthless'." The dwarf glanced at him: "You can buy it by buying two preschool textbooks."

"So cheap!" Ye Qingxuan was heartbroken: "I am at least one-ninetieth of the Pope's underwear!"

"Each whole scale increases geometrically!" The dwarf sneered: "And it's not worth 0.1, this is just the smallest unit, the things you want to know must be everywhere outside!"

Ye Qingxuan was speechless.

There is no way, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being fat. Now even if you pull out any musician apprentice, you know the story of Ye Xiaohou Ye beheading his enemy's dog head at the city gate.

If too many people know it, it will be worthless.

He thought about it, changed a piece of paper 'wolf flute', the scale sank, and the scale was six.

The dwarf said: "This price is almost equivalent to a state secret. You can buy it if you show some information such as naval routes, military deployment maps, and the status of treasury reserves."

"I don't accept it!"

Ye Qingxuan was furious and pointed at Lang Di: "Why is he sixty times more expensive than me!"

"Ahem, to be exact, it's six hundred and forty times."

Lang Di corrected, and added: "...more than that."

Next, Ye Qingxuan changed a series of keywords and had a lot of fun.

Holmes, scale 4.7; Maxwell, scale 6; Shaman, scale 5; Bach, scale 8; Aurora Emperor, scale 8.5; Mr. Hu, scale 6.5...

He thought about it and put Abraham's name on it.

Instantly, the scale soared to 7.5.

"It doesn't make sense to be so expensive, right?"

He was stunned. He didn't expect his teacher's confidentiality to be so high.

"Why ask so many questions? There is a reason why it is expensive." The dwarf was too lazy to pay attention to him.

He sighed, hesitated for a moment, and put Bai Xi's name on it, but the scale did not respond.

"Why is there no response?"

"You want to search for things like eating and sleeping, it doesn't respond either." The dwarf rolled his eyes: "Write in detail! If you are looking for someone, at least write the full name! It is best to mark the place and family."

"Full name?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned: "This is the full name."


The dwarf smiled meaningfully and reached out to touch the scale: "This is why you need it."

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

"You have played enough, how long do you plan to toss?" The dwarf looked at him and tapped the counter with his fingers: "Are you here just to see?"

"I haven't seen it before."

Ye Qingxuan smiled shamelessly: "I'll try again."

He wrote two notes casually.

'Son of the Phoenix', scale 2.1.

It is a unique advancement of the Anglo Royal School. Most of the musicians have heard of it. It is well-known. The price of this scale is probably the price that can be bought with an ordinary music piece.

"Yes, the price is fair and reasonable."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and put the second note on it.

Dream Weaver, scale 4.

This price is generally little-known or important precious secrets, which can be exchanged for information or knowledge of the same level.

Ye Qingxuan asked for paper and pen, and performed etheric copying on the spot.

A thin music piece "Autumn Wind Lyrics" obtained from Mr. Hu, the scale slowly recovered and stayed at scale 1. It seems that the price of music theory and music in the East will be slightly higher here.

Ye Qingxuan paused, thought about it, and grabbed another note and wrote: September, Hanmo Port, 60 kilograms of banned drug "Kuishi".

After the note was put on, the scale quickly recovered its balance and tilted 1.3 scales to the right.

"What if it's expensive here?" Ye Qingxuan looked at the dwarf.

"You can choose to change one, or deposit the quota here, or the balance of Nibelung will compensate you with a few extra relevant messages."

"I choose the last one."

As soon as the voice fell, the note on the left side of the balance evaporated, and the ether gathered and turned into two blank papers.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned and picked it up at the dwarf's signal.

A line of vague handwriting quickly emerged in front of him, fleeting. If he didn't read it carefully, he wouldn't have time to finish it.

Damn, profiteer...

Ye Qingxuan didn't have time to curse in his heart, and hurriedly looked at the paper with full concentration.

Dream Weaver

The Eastern lords Ye family have unique advancement, and the advanced ones need to have the blood of heaven and man.

The dream weaver uses special music theory and technology to write the music into the dream weaved by himself, so as to achieve the purpose of using the dream to carry the elements.

Because of the integration of heart music, each dream weaver's dream has a unique effect.

The musician can load the spirituality of the movement into his own dream, enter the state of 'dream state', completely become one with the movement, and reach the state of 'etheric incarnation'.

In this state, the musician can subconsciously control such things as the formula of the change school, the balance of the four fluids of the chant school, the fulcrum of the illusion school, the animal nature of the summoning school, the suggestions of the mental image school, etc. Turn playing into instinct and music theory into breathing.

In the process, he gradually condenses the elements that suit him best, paving the way for the advanced scepter.

Detailed information is lacking and needs to be collected.

Seeing this, the first piece of paper was finished. Ye Qingxuan opened the second piece of paper. This was the news from Nibelungen.

Twelve days ago, Ye Qingxuan, the only son of the Ye family, was granted the title of Chang Yuhou. He is suspected to have advanced to the rank of Dream Weaver, yet to be investigated.


"That's it?" Ye Qingxuan raised his head.

"As much as you give, that's how much you give."

The dwarf lazily raised his eyelids and said: "With just one point, do I want to give you a luxurious gift package?"

Ye Qingxuan suddenly had a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat and couldn't spit it out.

He is indeed a profiteer!

"Okay, you've played around and tried, it's time to get serious about it, right?" The dwarf seemed to understand his purpose, and his eyes were playful: "The only thing that is really valuable here is that they are all above scale five. Things under five have no need to come here.”

Ye Qingxuan was silent and pondered for a moment. He called up the ether, manifested it as a note, and wrote three notes.

The first piece of paper is "Giant with Hundred Arms". The scale on the paper is erratic, hovering between nine and one.

The second note, "Test", instantly, there was a crisp sound, the scale closed, and it instantly rose to above six.

Ye Qingxuan hesitated and put the third note on it.

‘Ye Lanzhou’.


The scale went up to nine point six.

During the long silence, the dwarf took a breath of air and looked at Ye Qingxuan with an extremely strange look.

"Hey, kid, whose underwear are you interested in again?"

"It seems that the underwear in the Holy City is more expensive than the Pope's underwear."

Ye Qingxuan smiled: "What price should I pay for it?"

The dwarf looked at him sideways and sneered: "Do you think you have something so valuable on you?"

Ye Qingxuan spread his hands: "It's cheaper, it's not easy to do business."

The dwarf looked at him expressionlessly.

After a long time, he reached out and knocked on the scale.

"Cut some content off."

The scale is back up, 8.7.

Ye Qingxuan didn't move, rubbed his hands, and said to himself: "The landlord's family doesn't have any food left."

The dwarf's expression twitched, and he knocked on the scale again.

"Cut another part."

Scale back up, 8.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the sky and laughed: "The weather is good today."

"Hey! Boy, don't be ungrateful!" the dwarf was furious: "I'm already much cheaper! Do you still want to get a 30% discount as a VIP member?"

"Sir, don't be angry. If you have something to say, please speak slowly."

Wolf Flute hurriedly stood up and comforted the puppet. He blocked the scale in front of him, took something out of his pocket, and placed it on the right side of the scale:

"Is this enough?"

In an instant, the scale dropped sharply to 5.7.

Although it is only reduced by 2.3 ticks. Calculated in terms of geometric multiples, the price has shrunk dozens of times in an instant!

I don’t know what exactly Wolf Flute put on it, but it’s worth such a precious price!

Ye Qingxuan was stunned and opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped by Langdi: "Don't worry so much. Am I allowed to watch your kid dig out his heart?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

Indeed, this was his original idea.

The most valuable thing he has is the music theory of the Philosopher's Stone... If there is really no other way, Ye Qingxuan does not intend to return empty-handed.

Isn't it natural to pay a little price?

But he didn't expect that Langdi would pay such a high price for him.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

"Don't be too happy, you owe me."

Langdi glanced at him: "You can make up the rest of the price difference yourself."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and sighed, that was all he could do.

Soon, he handed a stack of manuscripts to Langdi.

The Xiaoyuan technology of the Shixin School, after being modified and updated by Ye Qingxuan, combined with part of the music theory obtained from the Philosopher's Stone, is no less than the core music theory technology of various modern schools.

In addition to being able to alienate ether and move the sea of ​​ether, the created artificial organ 'Xiaoyuan' is also combined with the ability of the Philosopher's Stone to adjust the internal secretions of the human body and inject reserved hormones, medicines or antidotes into the musician.

Of course, when necessary, the blood can even be refined into nitroglycerin, and then naturally ignite a spark...

However, Ye Qingxuan kept an eye on the key music theory part and rewrote part of the music theory, leaving a backdoor for himself to take over control at any time.

He didn't want to accidentally fall into something he designed.

When the manuscript was put on the scale, the balance finally returned to balance, even exceeding two points.

"For the extra marks, let Nibelung compensate me with relevant information."

As soon as Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, a manuscript fell to the left of the scale again.

This time, it was no longer a copy that was burned after reading, but a notebook that was a bit old.

Experimental records.

——Ye Lanzhou.

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