Crown of Silence

Chapter 467 Bell

Chapter 468 Bell

"Did you encounter any problem?"

Constantine looked at his sluggish look and became confused.


Charles shook his head and forced a smile: "Sir, don't worry about me. I'm fine. Look at me being so heartless. What else in the world can scare me?"

Constantine looked at him silently, as if he already understood that he was lying. For a long time, he couldn't help but shake his head.

"What's the trouble for young people?"

He sighed and lit the cigarette.

He smoked very hard these past two days and stayed up all night. Every morning there would be a mountain in the ashtray.

As if recalling the past, he couldn't help laughing at himself: "In the past, an Oriental named Ye told me a joke. He said: Young people should not be depressed because of temporary pain, because it will be painful in the future. The days will be long...hahahahaha.

This kind of witticism sounds very heartless at first, but it is true.

When I was your age, I often felt like the world was falling apart and fell into despair. But later, after encountering more things, I became numb. "

He paused and patted Ciel on the shoulder.

"It will pass, Ciel, it will pass."

He said, "All pain will."

Ciel trembled and said nothing.

For a moment, he almost wanted to stand up and tell Constantine that he was an undercover agent, a spy in the Holy City. He was about to betray him to Gaius.

But he didn't dare.

Ciel wanted to cry a little, because of his cowardice and something else.

He lowered his head and just said:

"thank you, sir."

Constantine laughed.

"By the way, this is for you."

He took out a small bag from his arms and put it into Charles's hand: "Actually, I have always been sorry for dragging you into this kind of thing."

Charles was stunned for a moment, then opened it, only to find that it was a brand new identity certificate, clean and well-preserved, without any criminal record.

"I forgot to tell you something yesterday."

"Gaius has agreed to see me," said Constantine, "today."

Ciel was sluggish, as if he had been petrified in an instant.

I felt as if my head had been opened with an axe, and my thoughts were crushed by Constantine's words.

Gaius? Meet Constantine? Just today?


Constantine smoked a cigarette and looked out the window:

"Some things must come to a result. I will help you plead with Gaius. If I die, you can leave the Holy City.

This is the identity I prepared for another person before. When he dies, I will give this to you, hoping that you can live with him.

From now on, don’t be a musician anymore…”

The unexpected change occurred suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, completely defeating the Silent Organization's plan. No matter what, the result will be fully known today.


too fast.

It was so fast that no one could react.

The situation fell instantly, like falling into an abyss.

Constantine was determined to have a showdown with Gaius. The result must be that he was completely eliminated by Gaius.

He already knew the consequences.

And because of Constantine's decision, all the subsequent plans of the Silent Organization were completely in vain. After losing Gaius's restraint,

But in a daze, for some reason, Charles felt a sense of luck and relief in his heart: maybe all subsequent investigations would yield no results, maybe his sin was unforgivable and he was destined to perish in the Tower of Judgment. lifetime.

At least, at least...he didn't die by his own hands.

I don’t need to betray myself.

At that moment, he felt ashamed because of this happiness.

But immediately, he felt a chill coming towards his face.

Cold, as if the actual cold came out of the bone marrow, the heart was beating wildly, the face was pale, the blood was pulsing and struggling to transport blood, but no warmth could be felt.

That's a sense of crisis.

An overwhelming sense of crisis.


A splitting headache.

In the severe pain, Charles fell into a trance, but his consciousness transcended from his body. Following the guidance of the sense of crisis, he saw vague scenes in the trance.

"Char...what's wrong with you?"

Constantine was stunned when he saw Ciel suddenly convulsing like an epileptic.

But in the next moment, Ciel jumped up from the chair and held his palm, his wrist like an iron pincer.

The car door was kicked open mercilessly, and the instantaneous burst of etheric fluctuations tore apart the deconstruction and hinge of the door lock.

In the bustling city, with countless cars and horses running by, Charles actually pulled Constantine through the car door and jumped out!

Such a change in an instant caused an uproar.

There was a series of loud noises, horses neighing, exclamations, and roars, and several carriages collided with each other to avoid them. There were even a few innocent rickshaw drivers who fell to the ground and broke their legs.

Innocent pedestrians screamed and got out of the way.

In the chaos, everyone glared at the two people who jumped out of the carriage.

Ciel and Constantine rolled into a ball on the ground. Constantine was already old and didn't react until he landed. He groaned and looked at Ciel: "Are you crazy?"

But Charles didn't seem to hear it.

He just turned back and stared at the carriage they were riding in.

The carriage was still moving forward, but the speed was getting slower and slower.

Until finally, amid the wailing of the two horses, the carriage stopped in the middle of the road. But the next moment, the driver fell from the driving position.

When he fell to the ground, his flesh and blood turned into mud, slowly melting, exposing his blue bones.

He was dead.

Then, the two pulling horses also dissolved, and blood gushed out. Soon, there was only a pile of bones lying on the ground connected by fascia, and a pool of flesh mud.

A gust of cold wind blew.

The carriage shook and disintegrated into dust.

Constantine followed Charles's line of sight and took a breath of cold air.

It was not until this time that the faint and mighty sound of the bell slowly came. Wherever the faint bell sound passed, everything trembled with it. Even at such a distance, the limbs and bones were still dominated by the tremor, making people weak in their hands and feet and nauseous.

——"The Bell"

This is a piece of music created by the saint Liszt in the past, which destroys all matter by transmitting vibrations through ether. Even the Ten Thousand Forged Alloy will turn into dust in the shock.

It has another name that people are more familiar with.

"... Curse of Ashes!" Constantine whispered.

Before he finished speaking, a middle-aged man in gray clothes walked out from the pedestrians, walked towards them, and sighed.

"Did I make a mistake?" He murmured in a low voice: "It shouldn't be, you shouldn't be able to detect any ether fluctuations... Could it be you?"

He looked at Charles, and a strange light flashed in his eyes:

"Forget it, my good luck ends here anyway."

The storm and fire brewed in his hands, and the music sounded loudly. The rhythm of the heart sound sounded from it, and everything showed signs of dissolving wherever it passed.

This is the effect created by the School of Change in the field of dissolution.

And then, it was the killer of the School of Change.

—— "Hero's Funeral"!

At this time, his purpose is clear.

Regardless of the possibility that innocent people nearby might be involved, and not caring at all that this was the main road of the Holy City, he attacked brazenly, wanting to completely kill the two people here!

The sudden sudden attack was not expected even by the silent agencies hidden in the surroundings.

Charles subconsciously raised his hand, and his fingers flicked, and the notes played.

In an instant, delicate and complex notes emerged from the air.

Barrier, barrier, barrier, barrier...

With just a flick of his fingers, the same barrier notes as before burst out from his hands. Even though he couldn't use music theory, Charles achieved an incredible level with simple note manipulation.

No one had ever tried to see what level pure notes could reach after being superimposed thousands of times.

They couldn't do it.

But in Charles' hands, it was natural.

In an instant, the barrier turned from colorless to pure white, and then from pure white to pitch black. It rose from the ground like a substance, blocking the front of the sweeping frenzy bombardment.

Then... it collapsed at the touch of a button.

Before the impact, the barrier was crushed into pieces.

Notes are notes after all, just like ants are still ants if there is no command.

Charles cannot control the theory of music, and any theory of music will be out of control in his hands. This has always been his fatal flaw, and the reason why his journey as a musician was interrupted ten years ago.

He worked hard, but all he did was to delay his death for a second.

And this second is the abyss.

At that moment, an angry cold snort came from the air.

The empty moonlight flowed out from an unknown place, and everything became real and illusory where the moonlight shone. The flames and impacts that came to the face, the suffocating burning wind and air pressure, and the curse of ash that followed...

Everything seemed like false light and shadow, and the breeze blew on the face, without being stained by dust.

"What are you still standing there for?"

Laura's cold voice sounded from Charles' side: "Run!"

She revealed a vague figure in the moonlight, and with a flick of her finger, she wiped out the traces of the two. Covered by the moonlight, their figures disappeared.

In a flash, the two disappeared.


At the same time, the gray-robed musician snorted coldly, and his right hand suddenly smashed into the void.

Behind him, the phantom of a huge bell tower appeared faintly, and the bells were ringing!

This is Liszt's "The Bells" - a heart music movement formed by the curse of the ash. Wherever it passes, the distorted power is beating, and the material world is distorted under the majestic music theory.

Everything collapsed!

The faint sound waves swept across, shaking everything around into powder.

And what is more terrifying is the terrible impact brought by the music theory level!

The change faction is not only controlling the changes of matter and energy. At its root, it comes from the conflict, turbulence and change of music theory...

And now, he used the bell sound as a medium to forcibly pull the music theory of this area into the turbulent state, and they all collapsed under the impact of the music theory in his body.

Because of this, when the change music theory is practiced to the highest depth, it is praised as "breaking all laws"!

Wherever the turbulent sound passed, the music theory collapsed, and Laura's figure emerged from the air.

Behind her, the phantoms of the moon in the water and the flowers on the sea were turbulent for only a moment, and then returned to their original state.

The moon came from the sky.

The turbulence of the mirror flowers and water moon did not damage the moonlight at all.

In the broken water surface, the moonlight was reflected again.

Facing the gray-clothed musician full of murderous intent, Laura smiled softly, but that smile was extremely weird. In her body, the blood inherited from the demon was running, emitting a weird and cold breath.

"I'm so lucky. I haven't eaten anything recently."

The bone flute played a mournful melody, and she narrowed her eyes and looked at the enemy in front of her.

It looks... delicious.


Monthly tickets, friends...

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