Crown of Silence

Chapter 475 Method

Chapter 476 Method

In the interrogation room, through a layer of one-way glass, Charles saw Constantine sitting upright.

He sat under the pale light, on a chair without armrests and backrests, with his back straight. No matter what the interrogator opposite said, he did not answer.

Just closed his eyes and waited quietly.

"The old man is still stubborn." Someone asked: "Do you want to try the Heart Movement?"

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but sneer after hearing this.

Although the Heart Movement has amazing control over people, it is not omnipotent, and the timing is the most important. In a place like the interrogation room, Constantine's mental rejection must be the strongest, and he will not give the other party any opportunity to implant hints.

And even if the hint is successfully implanted, Ye Qingxuan alone knows more than a dozen ways to deal with it.

The simplest one is to burn everything together. Pre-bury the self-destructive hint in your mind. Once the music theory of the Heart Movement enters the brain, the heart will stop beating, the brain's oxygen supply will be cut off, and the hormone secretion in the body will be disrupted.

It only takes a few seconds to die quickly.

"It's useless."

Wolf Whistle shook his head and pointed at the back of Constantine's head: "He is the deputy commander of the Revolutionary Army and controls the intelligence network of the Revolutionary Army. I'm afraid he can't even count how many shady things are in his mind. Do you think he really has no countermeasures?

You will know if you look at his hairline."

In the pale light, notes can be faintly seen under Constantine's sparse white hair and scalp.

"Blood and flesh, did you see it?"

Lang Di said: "It's really cruel. He asked someone to make his skull into an alchemical equipment. As long as certain conditions are met, it will start automatically.

And if it were me, I would recommend him to order a double insurance package, and do a "brain bridge cutting operation" to artificially cut off the connection between the left and right brains. He has enough time to kill himself..."

He paused and said lightly: "Unless he wants to tell you, don't try to get anything out of his mouth. Give up, hand him over to the people of the Judgment Tower after dawn, and our mission will be completed, although it is completed badly enough. Damn, it's cheap for those bastards again."

Ye Qingxuan was silent and looked at Charles.

Charles stood blankly in front of the window, staring at Constantine silently.

As if he noticed the sight behind the mirror, Constantine came back to his mind from his meditation, opened his eyes, and looked over. The two stared at each other across the one-way mirror window, with complicated eyes.

"I want to see him."

Charles turned around and looked at Lang Di: "Doesn't he want to see me? Let me go see him."

Without waiting for Lang Di to refute, he said: "If you want to take something out of his mouth before dawn, this is the only chance."

Lang Di was silent, lit a cigarette, smoked it, threw the cigarette butt at his feet and crushed it.

"Let him see."

Lang Di looked at the supervisor: "I will bear all the consequences."


Five minutes later, with the black door banging open.

Charles walked into the interrogation room from behind the door, and sat opposite him in Constantine's eyes.

"Mr. Constantine..."

He scratched his hair, not knowing what to say, and whispered for a long time: "I'm here."

"Long time no see, Charles."

It was only a few hours, but Constantine's tone made people feel that a long time had passed. There was no hatred in his tone, even though he knew that Charles was an undercover agent of the Holy City.

He looked at Charles and nodded slowly: "Nice uniform."

"Thank you."

Charles smiled reluctantly. Before coming, he was worried that Constantine had been tortured and insulted, and worried that he would not be able to bear his betrayal and collapse after Gaius's ruthless pursuit.

But now it seems that he seems to be fine.

So he felt inexplicably relieved.

At least he was still alive.

In the silence, it was Constantine who broke the silence first.

He said, "You shouldn't have followed me."


Looking at Charles's bewildered look, Constantine couldn't help shaking his head: "I mean, if you really want to fulfill your duties, you shouldn't have followed me, and even if you have followed me, you should have gotten off the pirate ship earlier."

His tone was calm, as if he was evaluating Charles' work, with a hint of regret and regret:

"You had so many opportunities to sell me to Gaius and win his trust. If you want to know what he is doing, you should do this."


Charles was silent for a long time, looked at him and asked: "Sir, have you never doubted me?"

"Of course I doubted it, I would doubt everyone around me."

Constantine smiled nonchalantly, stretched out his hand and gestured a smoking gesture, and Charles took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it for him.

The old man rested his elbows on the table, smoking and puffing smoke, as if he was sighing about his life: "If you become the leader of the revolutionary army, you will know, Charles.

No one in this world can be trusted, everyone is an enemy, you can't leave your back to anyone. Don't take anyone lightly.

Even if he is your old friend for decades, even if it is Gaius..."

Charles was confused: "Then why did you let me..."

"Because you are the stupidest, Charles."

Constantine sighed, "Where can you find an undercover agent as stupid as you? I put you by my side because you pose the least threat to me - even if you have ulterior motives."

"Yeah." Charles laughed at himself, "I can't even be a musician, let alone such a high-tech job as an undercover agent. In fact, if there is a chance..."


Constantine interrupted him and looked at him, "Stop talking."

The look was complex and compassionate, as if looking at a desperate man standing on a cliff.

"Charles, undercover is a very hard job, just like a prisoner who chooses to go to prison.

When you stand between the two sides, you will doubt where you are. The feeling of having your soul torn into two pieces will make people want to go crazy.

Become... like you are now."

He pinched out the cigarette and stared at the painful bloodshot in Charles' eyes.

Constantine stood up suddenly, stretched out his hand, and pressed his wrist, making it impossible for him to dodge. The old man stared at the young man in front of him and said word by word:

"If you can't find a way to face them, let me teach you one, Charles.

-Drink some wine, find some medicine, find a better doctor, find a quality-guaranteed psychoanalyst, and then treat those things as a dream and forget them all."


Charles smiled miserably.

"Do you remember the joke I told you yesterday?"

Amid the sound of alarms and reprimands, Constantine let go of his hand and returned to his chair: "Young people should not be depressed by temporary pain, because there will be long days of pain in the future..."

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