Crown of Silence

Chapter 46 Please Save Me

In the bloody wind blowing in her face, she closed her eyes, waiting for the blood to tear her apart. 【】That's good, that's good.

Perhaps only when she, this burden, dies can he escape.

I'm sorry, I don't want to live anymore, she whispered softly: "I'm sorry..."

But at that moment, there was an angry roar.

A hand suddenly stretched out, passed through the almost frozen moment, grabbed her palm, and pulled her into his arms tightly.

Then, Ye Qingxuan flew up involuntarily.

The invisible force hit his back, as if to crush him completely into pieces, and he even heard the sound of his bones breaking.

He rolled in the air and fell to the ground, coughing in severe pain, a sticky stream of liquid flowed out from the huge gap in his back, and the color of the bones was vaguely exposed.

At the last moment, fortunately, his left hand blocked it. Now, his left hand has lost consciousness. The broken bones pierced the skin, revealing a section, which looked funny and ridiculous.

He saw countless shadows spreading with the blood flow, blocking the entire hall. They were moving, looking for their traces like a group of mad dogs.

Those shadows seemed to sense the resonance of the invisible ghost and slowly gathered towards him.

He tried to get up from the ground, but his body was no longer obedient. If it weren't for the hallucination that isolated the pain of the body, he might have fainted by now.

However, if he could die in a coma, maybe it would be happier than watching death coming now?

He sighed softly and felt the trembling of the girl in his arms.

"Don't you still want to go home?"

He hugged her with his last strength, and sighed softly for the last time: "Be obedient, Bai Xi."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

The sticky blood plasma flowed down her neck and fell into her arms. The girl made a faint sobbing sound. Maybe she was scared? This time she was really scared.

If you are scared and cry, can you become a little bit better? Just a little bit better.

"It's my fault that you become like this. I'm sorry." Bai Xi's tears dripped on his neck.

"This is the first time I heard you apologize. I didn't expect it to be in a place like this."

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but want to laugh, but he couldn't.

He actually wanted to comfort her and tell her: Don't be afraid. Tell her that no matter what happens, it will end, and we will all live well. There will be a turning point in despair... But not everything in this world can end casually, and not every time you are desperate, there will be a turning point waiting for you.

This world is so cruel and terrible. Even if he can say a lot of beautiful words that sound very warm and help more people like Bai Xi and his past self... But there are some things that he is destined to be powerless to do.

That's right, that's it, no matter how many times it is repeated.

There seems to be a mocking voice in his heart, contemptuous and disdainful: Ye Qingxuan, haven't you experienced this feeling? Have you believed the lies you said for even a second?

Avalon is so big, and so many people are living in luxury, but it can't accommodate a homeless person, nor does it allow weak people to survive here.

So, it would be nice if all time stayed in the past.

Stayed in that snowy night in winter, the only night that made him sleep peacefully.

Just like now, hugging his own kind, warm in his arms.

This is really good, a thousand times better than those fireworks, and ten thousand times better than those pitying eyes. No matter how cruel and indifferent this world is, as long as someone stands with you, you don't have to be afraid of anything, even death.

As long as you are not alone.

But no one can be lonely.

You hug the girl in your arms, wanting to protect her at the last moment, but did you hear her cry?

Her heart is still buried in the abyss, and she can't find you in her pupils.

Still powerless.

In silence, the ghost mother screamed again.

The screams echoed loudly in the sewers, and countless limbs twisted in the blood shadows, as if something was crawling out of hell.

The outlines of those things kept changing, either a decapitated prisoner, or a three-headed evil dog, or some huge scales like a deep-sea monster... The twisted invisible ghost changed this image and crawled out of the blood plasma.

That was the resentment summoned after reading the ether here. The piles of bones buried in the deep wells over the years were the source of their power. The music score extracted the resentment that remained here and turned it into evil beasts and demons for the ghost woman to drive.

"Di Li Che·Prologue" - Animal Path

Until this moment, its power was fully revealed, dancing wildly in the darkness.

But Ye Qingxuan looked at them, but he didn't feel fear, just a little lost and relieved. It was like something painful was about to end, so he was relieved.

The terrible hallucination that had been suppressed finally came to his mind, and the pain was far away from him, even the crying sounds that lingered in his ears became distant... Perhaps this was God's last mercy to him.

He felt that the world in front of him was gradually getting darker, but he didn't want to fall asleep yet. He wanted to talk to someone, to the girl next to him...

"Bai Xi. Are there really people in the East who give out food for free on the streets?" He whispered: "The beggars in the East are really so happy."

"I lied to you." Bai Xi answered him softly: "How can such a good thing happen?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled: "So, no one rebelled because they didn't want to eat the meat pie given by the emperor?"


Ye Qingxuan sighed softly: "You really like to lie, Bai Xi."

"I can't help it, I am just that kind of person." Her shoulders trembled and she choked: "Isn't it annoying?"

"Yeah, it's so annoying."

Ye Qingxuan nodded. He could no longer see the things in front of him. He could only feel the girl looking at him, so he forced a smile. Bai Xi was stunned. She stared at Ye Qingxuan and asked softly:

"Will you save me even if you hate me?"

"Yes, I will."

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and responded softly with his last strength: "No matter what happens, I will save you."

Before falling into darkness, he heard Bai Xi's soft whisper in his ear:

"Thank you."

The girl hugged him gently, crying: "Now you can save me."

It was like the illusion came back again, but all the crying disappeared, and the world was silent for the first time. But in the silence, Bai Xi's heartbeat echoed, and there was a choking prayer:

"——Please save me."


At that moment, Ye Qingxuan heard a sound like thunder, a whistling wind, and the slight sound of tears falling from his cheeks.

It was like a moment, being rushed into the arms of the scorching sun.

So, endless enthusiasm and pain poured into the body.

It was like lava pouring into the blood, and the terrible stinging pain spread from the heart to all directions. The drowsiness and darkness were swept away, and the terrible heat filled every corner of the body, surging with the blood.

He opened his eyes, but was stung by something that filled every inch of the air. It was a brilliant light. It was like the scorching sun filling the sky and earth, reaching everywhere.

Countless ethers were colliding violently, releasing dazzling electric light, like a sharp blade bursting out, piercing the darkness, and setting off a stirring loud noise in Ye Qingxuan's ears.

In this agitation, he finally heard clearly... It was Bai Xi's breathing.

No one could have imagined that this little girl's body actually contained such a huge power, so huge that it seemed to tear herself apart completely.

Now that terrible power rushed into Ye Qingxuan's body, and came with that hug, it was like igniting his soul and lifting it high above the scorching sun.


Ye Qingxuan's body trembled violently, and a scar appeared on the back of his neck, deep enough to see the bone. But in that bone, a long needle that had been nailed into the bone marrow was ejected by an invisible force and pierced into the wall. But that force did not stop, and it still reverberated in his body, breaking through every inch of the obstruction between the joints.

Explode! Explode! Explode! Explode! Explode!

The silver nail that was deeply implanted in the bone marrow was squeezed out by the terrifying agitation at some point, flew out, pierced into the wall, and dissipated in the rapid tremor.

Until the end, Ye Qingxuan's whole body was stained red with blood, but in the severe pain he felt extremely relaxed, as if he had taken off the shackles and returned to the world.

——Return to freedom!

All the lights were extinguished.

But the boy's dark eyes had been ignited, releasing light from under his slightly closed eyelids, like the reflection of moonlight.

He woke up from the hallucinatory memory, but felt that he was no longer himself now.

A will that extended from a far distance entered his body. It was obviously foreign, but under the bond of blood, it was harmoniously integrated with his will. That will guided his thoughts, led him to look down at the world from another angle, and gaze at its true face.

For the first time in his life, he felt the existence of ether so clearly.

They exist in this world, hidden in the wind, sleeping underground, lingering in the flames, flowing in the water, and everywhere.

"Is this ether?"

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