Crown of Silence

Chapter 479: Legends and Wine

Chapter 480 Legends and Wine

"There are many different statements that seem to be valid, but they are completely different from each other. I can only tell you: the Holy Cauldron does exist, Charles."

Constantine closed the iron box and lit his pipe.

But seeing Charles's dumbfounded look, he couldn't help laughing: "You really deserve to be Abraham's student. Maybe I should expel you and let you become an ancient scholar."

Charles finally reacted and shook his head in shame: "I was scared. My teacher told me these as bedtime stories since I was a child, but I didn't expect the legend to be true."

"Are you interested?"

Constantine took out a bottle of good wine that was just delivered yesterday from the wine cabinet and put a wine glass in front of Charles: "Help me get some ice cubes. Good stories should have good wine."

Charles hurriedly condensed water vapor to make ice cubes, He presented it to Constantine with great care: "Don't talk about ice cubes, icebergs will do! How about I rub your shoulders and legs? Let you relax?"

Constantine looked at him unhappily, shook his head and sighed: "I want to make it clear first: I only heard this rumor from an antique shop owner. It may not be false, but it may not be true either.

After all, who can know the past except those who experienced it personally?"

Before the golden age of mankind, there was the dark age that could not be recorded in history.

After the illusory mythological age, mankind appeared in this cold and cruel world, suffering from hunger and cold, and scattered everywhere. There was no power, no civilization, no history, and even no records.

At that time, the world was dark and the winter was long.

That period of fault that lasted for who knows how many years was called the 'dark age' by historians.

At that time, the world was still under the control of natural disasters.

The first thing recorded in the murals was the existence of four living creatures.

I don’t know how long ago, except for the Silver Tide, a phenomenon-type natural disaster that is insensible, incomprehensible, and human beings observed for the first time a living natural disaster like themselves.

So powerful, so terrible, like a nightmare that is irresistible, and can destroy mountains and the earth with just a trivial action.

It is a monster rampant in the world, an irresistible natural disaster.

The hundred-armed giant occupies the earth’s courtyard, Leviathan stirs up endless waves in the ocean, and the descendants of the dark earth mother walk in the mountains and waters. Shadow sunflowers bloom in any place with ether.

Because of their extremely strong vitality and nature, the four are distinguished from the phenomenon-type natural disasters such as the Silver Tide, the Holy White Storm, the Bloodfield Scorched Earth, and the Illusion Mire, and are called the ‘Four Living Things’.

Following the ‘Eight Great Phenomena’, the ‘Four Living Things’ appeared in human history like this.

Humans were born in this world, but found that this world does not belong to humans.

The world is not kind to people, and it has always been.

It was like being alone in a foreign country, walking in a dark valley, and falling off a cliff if you are not careful. In the cracks of natural disasters, humans struggled to survive.

Just like the little flames scattered in the darkness, burning weakly and extinguishing silently, it only takes a gust of strong wind to leave nothing.

Therefore, that era was called the Dark Ages.

The emergence of the "Three Wise Men" represented the turning point in the middle of the Dark Ages.

When humans were about to become extinct in this world, three wise men with profound wisdom came from the East.

They each mastered one-third of the truth of the world, brought frankincense, gold and myrrh to humans, and guided humans to establish their own tribes and even... countries in the dark world.

Among them was Romulus's founding emperor "Aeneas", who was helped by one of the three wise men so that he could spend three hundred years as a human being and transform into a holy spirit after his death. With the help of the three wise men, humans found various prehistoric relics and took out incredible treasures from them. It is said that mechanical engineering was born at that time.

The three wise men brought not only language, civilization and treasures, but also prophecies from the deepest part of the etheric world, from the Great Source.

——About the birth of "God".

Following the guidance of the prophecy, humans built ships and went to the end of the world in the legend: "Guixu".

At that time, Guixu was not the end of all things, but the place where the etheric world and the material world overlapped the deepest, the place closest to the Great Source, and all miracles flowed from there.

There, humans found the prototype of God - "Sacred Cauldron". With this, humans created the existence of "God" from the chaotic Great Source.

The existence of omniscience, omnipotence, all-wiseness, all-seeing, almighty, and all-creating.

Omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, all-inclusive, invisible and formless, extremely benevolent, self-reliant, unique, and without second.

This is the first "element" created by humans.

When this concept was integrated into the Great Source, it changed from illusion to reality and gained the moment of existence... Guixu riot!

The terrible impact caused by the change at the core of the Great Source emerged from the deepest part of the etheric world, rushed into the etheric sea along the etheric world, and descended into the material world.

It can almost be described as... the sky is falling and the earth is splitting.

The rivers are reversed, the mountains are collapsed, and the ocean is rolled up into the sky, exposing the dry seabed.

It's like the end of the world.

The earth is turned upside down.

At that time, humans had no way of even knowing whether they were successful. We can only deduce from the horrific aftermath that the terrible changes taking place in the deepest part of the Great Source.

Seven days later, the god was born.

The world gains meaning.

Only now has the human world been created.

Humanity finally has the power.

——With the element of god being written into the Great Source, it is the etheric way constructed based on the existence of ‘god’.

Relying on the fulcrum of 'gods', human beings have leveraged the great source and written new rules into the great source, thus gaining access to the mysteries of ether and music theory.

They finally have the power to fight against natural disasters.

The seven systems of musicians, all movements, all notes, all music theories...all the sources that humans have mastered come from this.

Therefore, the cult regards the 'Sacred Cauldron' as the incarnation of a god that cannot be observed or described in the world, even though it has been silent for thousands of years and cannot answer all the prayers in the world.

This is the origin of the ‘Sacred Cauldron’.

The era of mankind begins from this moment.

However, in that terrible turmoil, there was not only one god created.

Just like once you have a ruler, you can tell the difference between right and wrong.

Once there is light, darkness will be born. When the clear air rises, the dirty air will fall.

When the elements of the 'Holy Cauldron' moved from the movement of the Great Source and issued the first command - 'Let there be light' - the dark abyss was born from the etheric realm.

The ambiguous chaos was broken, and along with the 'Holy Cauldron' representing the positive elements, the 'Hundred-Eyed One' was born that gathered all the negative elements.

What follows soon after is when two incompatible elements collide and fight each other. It was like heaven and hell colliding in the same place, stirring the power deep in the source, setting off a riot that would lead to the same death.

The two pillars of gods themselves are symbols of everything in the world, the representatives of all things, and the confrontation is also reflected in all aspects.

Everything in the world is involved, and no one can escape this huge struggle. Even humanity is divided over it.

As a result, the Tower of Babel collapsed, the only kingdom was divided into two, and both sides fought endlessly.

In that war, countless people died.

In order to compete for Guixu, countless holy spirits turned into stars and rose into the sky. The lower evil gods, the Lords of Darkness, were born from the abyss.

After countless people died, the war showed no signs of stopping.

The war will never stop.

This is the prophecy of the Three Sages: Their war will destroy all rules, destroy the existing world, reorder the earth, water, fire, and wind, and once again shape the Great Source.

Until they died together, Dayuan returned to calm.

Everything will return to the chaos of nothingness.

At this moment, the neutral element that separates the two - the 'Moon of Silence' was born.

The 'Silent Moon', which represents judgment, balance and ether, blocks between the 'Sacred Cauldron' and the 'Hundred-Eyed One'.

The three of them grow and disappear, forming a perfect balance and becoming the ultimate natural disaster that is what mankind is witnessing today.

——Three Pillars of God.

At this point, the musician's path leads to the Great Source, and the crowns of the Three Kings are forged from the sacred cauldron.

The three pillars of gods, the three sages, the four living creatures, the eight major phenomena, and the supreme beings in natural disasters all appeared in this world.

The world is perfected because of it.

That huge change caused a violent collision between the material world and the etheric world.

After creating countless disasters and miracles, Guixu was completely destroyed and became the end of the world, the place where all things died.

The Great Source sank into the depths of the etheric realm, and no one could touch it anymore.

The survivors who experienced all this personally recorded it all, and it became the "Book of Return to Ruins" - the highest interpretation classic in human history and scriptures.

When he said this, the slightly drunk Constantine shrugged: "Of course, I have heard several completely different versions since then. But I personally like this one better, so I am willing to treat it as the truth."

"What about you, Charles?" he asked. "What do you think of this story?"

Charles was silent and couldn't help but ask:

"Is this... just a legend?"

"Of course it's just a legend."

Constantine nodded and said resolutely: "Everyone at that time had long since died, and there was not even writing. How could there be any records left?

The Asgardians and Easterners also said that they came from the sky, but no one believed them. Ciel, don't let the wind be the rain.

Besides, people like antique shop owners like to tell lies and deceive people the most. That bastard used this story to trick me into buying this amulet that is said to be left over from the Dark Ages. You see. "

Constantine opened his cuffs and gave him the amulet tied on his wrist: "Does it look good?"

Ciel nodded blankly.

The amber and animal bones are strung on the rope, which is really beautiful.

"This bracelet cost me more than two thousand pounds."

Constantine sighed: “But in the Burgundy small commodity market, you can wholesale a box for only one pound!

So, never believe those who tell you stories.

——They will make up anything to get your money! "

Charles stared blankly at his bracelet. He was stunned for a long time and couldn't help laughing.

While laughing wildly, he raised the wine glass in his hand and toasted:

"For your bracelet."

"No, it's for my story."

Constantine sighed softly and raised his glass: "——Cheers!"

Drank it all in one gulp.

Everything in the past seemed to disappear in the wine.


After writing this chapter, I am exhausted.

The eight phenomena, four living creatures, three wise men, and three pillars of gods finally appeared.

Let me take a day off, take a break, and think about the subsequent plot.

A new month, a new day, if you have a monthly ticket, remember to vote~ (PS: There are three days at the end of this month when the monthly ticket is doubled. If you only have one, please keep it for me.)

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