Crown of Silence

Chapter 483 No Solution

Chapter 484 No Solution

Forty-six years ago, Yunlou Qingshu was born.

He was the third child of Yunlou Feijing, born out of wedlock. His mother was a famous prostitute in Yunlou City. He was not taken home until he was six years old. He has an older brother and an older sister.

Twenty-three years ago, Yunlou Qingshu was twenty-three years old.

On his birthday, Yunlou Feijing died of poisoning. On the same day, Yunlou Qingxi, the legitimate heir of Yunlou City, was assassinated. Fortunately, he survived, but his face was destroyed and he disappeared from then on.

Yunlou Qingshu became the lord of the city, inherited the position of duke, dominated Yunlou, and mastered the sea and land hub between the East and the West.

This should have been the peak and the most glorious day of his life. Unfortunately, from that day on, there were constant rebellions in the city, holding the name of Prince Qingxi to start a rebellion, and people's grievances rose one after another.

And the Zhendan Empire was reluctant to issue an edict to recognize Yunlou Qingshu's position.

As a son of a concubine, he has no roots, no foundation, no foundation, and can reach such a level. His strategy, courage, ambition and scheming are terrifying. Unfortunately, he lacks one thing after all...

"Blood of a celestial being."

Ye Qingxuan understood what Hermes meant, and his expression suddenly became clear: "He is a mixed-blood, his bloodline is not pure, and he is not even a musician."

"That's right."

Hermes clapped his hands in praise.

The Yunlou family has inherited the artifact 'Emperor Jun' from generation to generation, and has controlled the Yunlou on the sea. The heads of the family in each generation are all powerful people of the time. The head of the previous generation, Yunlou Feijing, was in his heyday. He suppressed the sea with one person and controlled the power. He was called the emperor of the sea.

The Yunlou City is a war weapon jointly created by thousands of oriental alchemists who are good at alchemy. Its core center can only be activated under the control of Emperor Jun.

Otherwise, it will be impossible to resist the phenomenal natural disaster black tide in the Star Sea once every eighty years.

Yunlou Qingshu not only knew nothing about being a musician, but also because of his thin bloodline, he could not get the approval of Emperor Jun at all, let alone control Yunlou.

But when he killed his father and brother, there were still 25 years before the Black Tide, so it was not urgent.

The worst thing is...

"He can't prove that he is 'orthodox'!"

Hermes said lightly: "It's fine that he can't get the recognition of Emperor Jun. He is not a musician. But his blood is impure and his hair color is mixed... The Nine Dragon Veins can't recognize his status at all!

It's a great humiliation for the head of the Nine Dragon Veins to be on the same level as a bastard!

He will be restless if he doesn't get the edict from Zhendan.

As long as his brother who escaped from the city with serious injuries appears again and raises his arms, I'm afraid there will be a response from the world immediately. There will be countless people who will win food and follow him. Even the people are saying that Yunlou Qingshu won the country unjustly and will die at the hands of Prince Qingxi in the future..."

He paused and looked at Ye Qingxuan: "If it were you, what would you do?"


Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time and shook his head: "I can't do that kind of thing, let alone how to deal with it."

"Then guess what he did?"

Hermes blinked his eyes, keeping the secret, and was not in a hurry. Only after he found that Ye Qingxuan had no expression on his face and did he shake his head helplessly and reveal the answer.

"Since he is not orthodox, why not give birth to an orthodox one?"

Hermes said: "Anyway, as long as he can give birth to a pure-blooded child, then the nine dragon veins will have nothing to say, right? Even those guys who are obsessed with rebellion can't carry the banner of justice, right?

So, he did it."

"Did it?"

Ye Qingxuan frowned: "How did he do it? If he could simply give birth to a child of heavenly blood, not to mention the Yunlou clan, even the nine dragon veins of the entire Zhendan would be driven crazy by him."

"You are stupid."

Hermes shook his head, showing a look of pity: "Have you forgotten? He has a sister. A sister who has been very good to him since he was a child, like a mother..."

Ye Qingxuan was stunned, and his whole body was cold.

"You mean that bastard, he...he..."

"Yeah, that's right, he raped his sister."

Hermes said lightly: "Then soon, her sister became pregnant.

For this child, in order to get a pure-blooded child, he spared no effort and spent almost half of Yunlou City's wealth. From the womb, he used a lot of precious secret treasures that would drive even a scepter-level musician crazy on the child.

In the end, he got the pure blood he had always dreamed of, a child with a talent so strong that he was like a monster, and even in the embryo he was destined to have a promising future. It's really a cause for celebration, a cause for celebration...hahaha!"

When Hermes talked about this, it was like telling a joke, and he laughed very happily. But Ye Qingxuan couldn't laugh: "You mean, Bai Xi is that..."

"Bai Xi is that child, but that child is not her."

Hermes shook his head: "Yun Lou Qingshu spent all his family wealth, enough to buy a treasure that thousands of people would spend their entire lives on, to get a child favored by God. At the same time, because of his beastly behavior, the child was cursed."

"What do you mean?"

"Two talents."

He raised two fingers, his eyes were compassionate and cold: "That child has two talents at the same time, and they are absolutely incompatible and are as incompatible as fire and water.

'Taiyi' and 'Zhaodang'. What do these two talents mean, do you understand?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

How could he not understand? In countless ancient books about the East, he had already seen countless surprisingly powerful talents. Not to mention the 'ladder', which in his opinion can only be cheated by using more and less, Taiyi and Zhaodang are at the top of all talents.

One is as bright as the sun, governing the ether and forbidding all the sounds of evil spirits and heretics.

As long as the musician plays, no melody or movement can override it. He is the 'Emperor' of talent, the ruler of all movements. As long as it's there, no musician can resist.

One is as violent as fire, setting off the sound of chaos. Wherever it passes, all music theory will be completely out of control. Under the shock of that violence and madness, it will merge into it and turn into a symphony of destruction.

This is the ‘devil’ of talent, the destroyer of all music. Wherever it passes, not a single tile is left behind, and even the host will be devoured.

One will be lucky.

One is very dangerous.

And when these two talents appear in a baby's body at the same time, the baby will become their battlefield. Not only the child, but also his mother and everything around him will be involved in the war between the two. among.

"If there is a God, this is God's curse on Yunlou Qingshu."

Hermes said: "He wanted a child, and God gave him an incomparable child. Unfortunately, this child was destined not to be born and would die in the mother's womb.

Therefore, Yunlou Qingshu had no choice but to turn... one child into two for the sake of his great cause. "


Ye Qingxuan was stunned: "How is this possible?"

"Why isn't it possible?"

Hermes asked back: "Is it difficult for a chanter to make an embryo of a baby? It's just a matter of replacing the petri dish with her mother's uterus.

Yunlou Qingshu found the best chanting musician and used a knife to split the child into two from the embryonic stage.

The two babies inherited two different talents, receiving Taiyi and Zhaodang respectively.

The whole plan has no shortcomings except that the pregnant woman will suffer. To be honest, I kind of admire Yunlou Qingshu. If he were a musician, he would definitely be as talented as you. "

Ye Qingxuan frowned: "Being compared to this kind of thing makes me feel sick."

Hermes shrugged: "No matter what, ten months later, Yunlou Qingshu successfully obtained a perfect finished product and a defective product, a pair of twin daughters.

Their mother named them. The successful child born first was her sister, named Yunlou Chaoyue, while the failed child born later was named..."

"——Yunlou Baixi."

Ye Qingxuan gritted his teeth and made a sound.

"That's right."

Hermes shrugged: "Relying on Yunlou Chaoyue, he successfully obtained the edict of Cathay and proved his status.

All his glory was pinned on Yunlou Chaoyue, so she received the best education since she was a child and used her genius to give back to the father who raised her. She was an out-and-out princess.

The other child, who inherited the provocation, was not so lucky.

Although the power of 'provocation' is huge, it is an unmitigated omen. With this talent that is almost called a curse, no one thought that she would survive to adulthood. In fact, if her mother had not fought to death, Yunlou Baixi would have drowned when she was just born.

And your cousin, who grew up with her mother in a cold palace, has become increasingly unlovable. Until finally, I ran away from home...

In fact, if I were Yunlou Qingshu, I would be a little relieved: This unsightly piece of trash is finally gone. Let’s go, let’s go. It’s best to die outside. Anyway, there is only one princess in Yunlou City.

But anyway, if you are going to die, you might as well use the waste, get it back, and marry it off as a political bargaining chip.

You know what happened next.

Because of your interference, Miss Yunlou Bai Xi, who was supposed to be packaged and tied with a bow as a gift to Prince Angel, has since become Bai Xi and your cheap cousin. "

Ye Qingxuan was silent and did not speak.

"However, I guess Yunlou Qingshu must be very grateful to you now. Thank you for intervening and saving Bai Xi from Yunlou Qingxi's men. I am also glad that Yunlou Bai Xi can survive in good health."

Hermes's smile became weird and mocking: "Especially when he found out after Yunlou Chaoyue came of age that he could not get the recognition of the 'Emperor' with Yunlou Chaoyue alone."

"Chao Yue and Bai Xi are one person... Yun Lou's divine weapon 'Emperor Jun' will only recognize the two of them, it must be two, no less than one!

Without one, he would be unable to awaken Emperor Jun, unable to control the center of Yunlou, and unable to fight against the black tide of natural disasters two years later. The glory and power he pursued throughout his life, and his Yunlou Kingdom, would be destroyed by the power of natural disasters.

If I were Yunlou Qingshu, I would be thankful to God now and burn several pillars of high-quality incense for you and set up a memorial tablet for you to live forever. Ye Qingxuan, you are really a good person, an out-and-out good person, a hero who saved Yunlou City from collapse. "

Ye Qingxuan finally realized: "Does he want to take Bai Xi back and become his puppet to control Emperor Jun?"

"It's more than that now."

Hermes smiled and said: "If he can get a promising son-in-law, the future Minister of Angelus, he will definitely smile from ear to ear."

"Why does he think Bai Xi will be obedient?"

"Have you forgotten what I said?"

Hermes took out a handful of nuts from under the cabinet. Thinking that he was still losing weight, he couldn't help but sigh and stuffed the nuts back.

"Chaoyue and Bai Xi are originally the same person. They are twins from the same origin, and their connection with each other is beyond ordinary people's imagination. As long as he controls Chaoyue, can Bai Xi escape? I use a similar method You can think of more than ten kinds of things with your toes, don’t you understand?”


Ye Qingxuan was silent, lost in thought, but his mind was in chaos. He couldn't find any solution at all.

But after a long time, he suddenly smiled and felt relieved.

When he raised his head to look at Hermes, Ye Qingxuan's eyes became subtle.


Hermes shook his head unhappily: "It's troublesome to deal with a brat like you, and it will be revealed at the first moment. Even if I want to hang you, I will be in trouble."

"You said so much just because you want me to beg you to cut off this relationship, right?"

Ye Qingxuan asked: "Boss, you are Bai Xi's teacher after all. Just come to the Holy City without telling her and avoid seeing her. You can't just die without saving her, right?"

"I came to the Holy City just to fulfill a promise made by a friend."

Hermes was dissatisfied: "Although I am Bai Xi's teacher, but we have a fair deal, okay? I have never been in debt in my life, and I have never left an overnight account. If the deal of accepting her as a student is calculated carefully, she Make a lot of money!

Moreover, I gave her all the clock shops in Avalon, what do you think of me as a teacher? Take out the coffin book and give it to her as a dowry? "

"You want me to beg you?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at him with a confident expression.

Hermes rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Please."

"I beg you."

Ye Qingxuan spoke without shame.

"It's not sincere to ask for help in vain. Kneel down before asking."


Ye Qingxuan did not hesitate. He stood up and was about to kneel down. The whole movement was crisp and smooth, like a tiger landing on the ground. The momentum was extraordinary, but it shocked Hermes:

"Damn it, your shame, Ye Qingxuan! Your dignity! Kneeling down for a woman, Ye Lanzhou was so angry that he crawled out of the coffin!"

"It's none of his business if I kneel down."

Ye Qingxuan looked at Hermes, still looking like he was about to kneel: "Boss, do you want to kowtow? How many?"

"Sit down!"

Hermes had no choice but to say, "When you are with your bastard senior brother, you didn't learn anything about his talents, but you shamelessly learned them all!"

"So you agree?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at him eagerly: "What's the solution?"

"If I didn't worry about it until now like you, it would be too late already!"

Hermes snorted from his nostrils: "My agreement with Bai Xi is that if she becomes my student, I will give him freedom.

I solved this problem half a year ago. She is now the only two-hearted musician in the world and my unique inheritor. In addition to the music theory system, she also has a parallel alchemical matrix. "

Ye Qingxuan frowned: "Is a set of alchemy matrix enough?"

"Do you think the alchemy matrix is ​​just a jelly bean? Just give me as many as you want?"

Hermes' eyes turned contemptuous: "She is not the same as me before. It's enough to have a set in her body. Besides, that set of chain matrices is a masterpiece made by me based on the music theory of 'Ladder to Heaven'. It is not inferior to any other." A living artifact.

As long as that set of chains is there, she can control the provocation. The connection between her and Yunlou Chaoyue has long been severed by me. Yunlou Qingshu can't do anything to her, don't worry. "

He paused and sighed: "The more I talked, the more I felt I was in debt. Others who accept apprentices are filial sons and virtuous grandchildren. I accepted a student. Not only did I not feel sorry for the teacher, but I also used a set of facades and an artifact... "

Hearing what he said, Ye Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but patted Hermes on the shoulder: "Don't worry, after a hundred years, Bai Xi will burn paper for you every year."


Hermes spat: "You are the seventh person who has the confidence to say this to me. The grass on the graves of the six people in front of you is taller than you!"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said nothing.

"Also, don't think that everything will be fine after I cut off the contact for you."

Hermes glanced at him: "Yunlou Qingshu has been hooking up with the Holy See Yixin monks for the past two days, almost having an affair. For the sake of his great cause, Yunlou, I don't know what he is planning." Maybe there are other ways.”

"When the Winter Dusk Festival is over, I will take Bai Xi back to Avalon."

Ye Qingxuan said: "When we get to Avalon, I don't believe Yunlou Qingshu can stir up any trouble."

"What you have in mind is a good idea."

Hermes glanced at Ye Qingxuan with a half-smile: "I'm decisive, I hope you won't continue to avoid your thoughts."

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

After Hermes finished speaking, he didn't bother to pay attention to him and waved for him to leave quickly.

But before leaving, he took something from the cabinet and threw it over. Ye Qingxuan caught it casually and froze on the spot.

"This is something a little girl asked me to give you."

Hermes looked at his astonished look and laughed strangely: "Remember to keep it close to you, after all, it is a piece of love from someone else."

Ye Qingxuan was silent. He lowered his head and looked at the little thing in his palm.

It was a doll made of weeds, with strange facial features painted with ink. It looked like a girl, but it was not drawn well.

It was immature and rough, but it made Ye Qingxuan feel like being struck by lightning.

"Elsa... is she still alive?"

He looked at Hermes: "Is she really related to the group of winged people?"

"Ha, who knows."

Hermes whistled and pointed to the door: "It's closed, customer, please come early~ Remember to come back in two days, the boss has something good to give you."

He shook the notebook in his hand seriously.

Ye Qingxuan stared at the doll in his hand blankly, and after a long time, he put it in his arms and turned away.

In the shop, Hermes carried a feather duster and looked out the window at Ye Qingxuan's back going away, and couldn't help whistling.

"Love is the most difficult word to understand in this world... It's so difficult to understand! But you can't interpret it randomly like you do."

He laughed with gloating: "Not only did you interpret it randomly, you little bastard even went to the princess to interpret it! Bai Xi, the little princess of Yunlou and the second princess of Anglo, you even dared to mess with the empress of Romulus... Hehehe, you interpreted it over and over again, and you got yourself into it, right?"

In silence, no one answered.

Perhaps this question really has no solution.

Today's 5,000 words~Princess Killer Ye Qingxuan~

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