Crown of Silence

Chapter 491 Showroom

Chapter 492 Showroom

In the silence, Ciel finally recovered from his shock and looked around in disbelief.

"This...did you do this?"

Gaius laughed at himself: "Me? In this plan, I am just a logistics director and a supplier at best.

If they want blood, I will give it to them. If they want a knife, I will hand it to them. If they want everything, I will give them everything.

My job is to provide for their every need, no matter the cost. The nations have opened my way, and the Holy City has pledged my soul.

Everything I do is for humanity. Everyone told me that. "

Gaius smoked his pipe and said softly: "The person who really controls the scheduling and is responsible for this project is known as the pinnacle of the Psychological School for thousands of years. He was once one of the Nine Emperors of the East and the completed son of the Blood of Heaven and Man. . Maybe you haven’t heard of his name, it’s Ye Lanzhou, and he is the most terrifying monster I have ever seen.”

"Ye...Lan Zhou?"

Charles murmured in a low voice. The name seemed familiar, but for some reason he recalled Ye Qingxuan's face in his mind.

"On the surface, his job is to identify the possibility of communication with natural disasters and grant the hundred-armed giant the human language." Gaius said: "He has done a good job, both openly and secretly. ”

"What is he really responsible for?"

"Through communication, humans can learn language, and through language, we can create souls..."

Gaius smiled: "Ye Lanzhou's goal is the soul of the Hundred-Armed Giant. His mission is to implant humanity into the Hundred-Armed Giant and also bring the power of natural disasters to people.

He did a great job, accomplished something that no one had been able to do in several years, and opened the biggest breakthrough.

Thus, we were able to steal inhuman powers. "

He paused and looked at Ciel: "If you say this, it may not be intuitive enough for you. Come with me."

He picked up the lantern and walked deeper into the darkness. Ciel followed him for an unknown amount of time before entering a long corridor.

"Where is this?"

"This is the showroom of failed products." Gaius smoked his pipe and opened the first door expressionlessly: "All failed products are displayed here to provide warning for those who come after."

Behind the first door, sealed in the transparent albino steel, was a huge skeleton that was no worse than a giant. The deformed skeleton looked like a combination of animals and birds, but it seemed to have a human shape.

There are traces of ash on the skeleton, as if it had just been taken out of the furnace and flames, and then thrown into the molten steel. After waiting for solidification, it was sealed in the whitened transparent steel.

"This is a test product created by the first plan of the artificial natural disaster plan."

Gaius said in a low voice: "With Ye Lanzhou's genius idea, we were able to create artificial natural disasters through the flesh and blood of the hundred-armed giant. Unfortunately, what was catalyzed by the demon blood was too difficult to control.

It killed hundreds of people during the riot, and was finally pushed into the furnace by the Templars regardless of the cost, and burned until the flesh and blood evaporated, leaving only this pair of tempered skeletons. "

He put down his pipe and looked back at Charles:

"It can be said to be... your predecessor."

Ciel was stunned.

But Gaius continued to move forward and opened door number two.

In the huge space behind the door are hundreds of countless embryos.

The embryos soaked in antiseptic liquid are lifelike, as if they are still alive, and every detail is extremely vivid. But this doesn't change...their demonic nature.

Those are demons.

Countless demon embryos.

Even Ciel only knew a third of them, and the rest had never even been heard of.

"The second plan is based on the failure of the first plan. We gave up the demons that are more compatible with natural disasters as petri dishes, and used the chanter's bacterial forge. No external medium is needed, we directly cultivate the Hundred Arms The giant’s flesh and blood, with the intention of finding its prototype.”

Gaius stared coldly at the embryos soaked in countless glass vessels: "The result is as you can see.

As one of the four living creatures, the hundred-armed giant itself is the representative of all living creatures on earth, and the blood contains the source of all living creatures on earth.

Through his blood, we gain insight into the nature of demons.

Even if it is just a by-product, the transformation technology mastered by mankind has advanced by leaps and bounds.

It was from that time that someone realized that the blood of humans and demons could be merged to create inhuman super soldiers.

All the data from this experiment have been split by various countries. Perhaps you have heard of what Angelou obtained. "

Charles was silent for a long time and asked in a low voice:


"That's right."

Gaius nodded: "Under my instruction, the most suitable soldiers were selected from armies all over the world, a total of six hundred people. After the experiment, 201 people survived, and four were selected. one.

Through sacrifice, we gained the first legion capable of roaming the dark world. There is no need for supplies, no baggage, and even no need for command, but it’s a pity..."

What exactly Gaius was regretting, he didn't finish.

But when you think about it, because of his reasons, the Dragoons were abolished, and all of them were sent to prison and under supervision, and they have not yet been freed, you can understand.

This is where the tragedy of the teacher's life began.

"Let's go."

Gaius opened the door and stepped into the corridor: "Next."

The third plan room was empty.

There was nothing in the silence. There was a warm and sour smell in the air, like the nest of some kind of beast, but nothing was seen.

Gaius stood in the corner, staring at the holes in the wall, smoking a cigarette. After a long time, the faint sound of thick water sounded.

Some dark colloidal liquid gushes out from the cracks in the wall. The amorphous viscous liquid exudes the same sour smell that is in the air, and is squirming on the ground like a living thing.

Then with the dim light of the wind lantern, Ciel saw its face clearly, but couldn't help but feel the urge to vomit.

It was a puddle of...meat.

The pile of mud-like flesh and blood rolled on the ground, surrounding Gaius like a pet, making strange chirping sounds. When it squirmed, the dark red body rippled slightly, flowing indefinitely on the ground. , crawling.

Gaius studied its appearance, and after a long time he sighed softly, stretched out his hand, and touched it: "You are still alive, little one. How are you after all these years?"

The squirming flesh made a chirping sound.

"This is plan three."

Gaius said to Ciel: "It was also the only successful plan of all."

Ciel stared at the mass of flesh and blood, feeling cold all over his body:

"what is it?"

"The first step in man-made natural disaster planning, a crucial link."

Gaius said: “We transformed humans into demons and gave them the powerful vitality of a hundred-armed giant.

It has weakened over the years and you have never seen what it looked like in its original period. Swords, ice and fire, strong acid, and even annihilation and decomposition have no effect on it.

In an ultra-low temperature environment, it will evolve an astonishing layer of insulating fat, and in molten steel, it will produce an insulating carapace. In a vacuum, it can survive for more than four years... It is immortal. As long as it lives, no one in the world can kill it. "

" was originally a human..."

Ciel's teeth were trembling, and he was almost vomiting out of fear and nausea.

Gaius smiled mockingly and said nothing.

"It's still alive after all these years?" Charles asked in a low voice.

"I told you, it's immortal."

Gaius pointed at the empty room: "There were originally a lot of things here, including the big holes in the wall. Were they all eaten by it?

It is very obedient and will not eat whatever it says it is not allowed to eat. "

In other words, eat everything else.

Charles stared silently at the mass of chirping flesh and blood. He really couldn't imagine that it could have been a person... When he thought of this, he felt the urge to vomit.

Hairy all over.

"Let's go."

Gaius stood up, no longer looking at the flesh and blood on the ground, and walked towards the door.

"Just...just leave it here?"

"Let it live here."

Gaius took one last look at it and murmured softly: "Except for this kind of ruins, there is no place in the outside world that can accommodate it."

The fourth plan is a shriveled brain. It is said that it once contained endless sparks of wisdom and inspiration, and once entered the unknown realm of mankind with its thoughts.

On the seventh day after its birth, it died.

Plan 5 is a weird box...

Plan Six...

Ciel followed Gaius numbly until he pushed open the seventh door.

"This is Plan 7, Ciel."

Gaius said to him: "It was also the first plan that your mother personally participated in."

In the darkness, he raised his hand and illuminated everything in front of him.

Behind the huge glass wall is some kind of rotten and smelly solution, covered with moss and parasites, and turned into a vague dark green.

They seemed to be standing outside a huge bottle. Through the bottle, they could see the transformed giant soaked in it.

No, that's not a giant...

Through the moss and impurities, there is a huge thing soaked in the rancid solution. The short and fat limbs have turned black, and some of the limbs have even crystallized.

The bloated and stubby body, as the solution evaporated, half of its head was exposed above the water.

Outside the water, the head was rotting, but under the water, its swollen and white face was still intact.

Ciel finally saw its true appearance clearly, but couldn't help but stumbled back, holding on to the wall, and began to vomit violently.

Tears and snot came out unexpectedly.

Vomiting to the point where he wanted to spit out his own internal organs.

Where is the giant?

That was a... giant baby several meters tall!

"Every time I see it die, it makes me sad."

Gaius smoked his pipe and said to himself: "Children of the future, long babies, eternal embryos..."

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