Crown of Silence

Chapter 3 Musician

Musician, this is a sacred title.

As early as the dark ages when there was no history to trace back, when human beings struggled to survive in the cracks of natural disasters and did not dare to breathe loudly in shelters, some people discovered the 'ether'.

It is a mysterious force that is everywhere in this world, in every corner, but cannot be detected. It is precisely with its power that natural disasters, beast tides and evil gods can wreak havoc in this world.

At the earliest, some people named it 'Magic', 'Mana', and 'Vital Energy'. Finally, some sages discovered and mastered its properties and named it Ether.

It is the fifth element that stands above the four major substances of earth, water, fire and wind. It is the mysterious power that flows from the "Great Source" and has incredible changes and properties.

Only pure, special sounds can interfere with them, causing them to change according to will, turning into wind, condensing water, turning into earth, igniting fire, condensing matter, transforming animals, and reaching the state of omnipotence.

The earliest humans called the syllables that could be used to control them "spells." Soon, humans discovered that what was more powerful than the curses was the music passed down from the Dark Ages.

Therefore, the manipulator is called a ‘musician’.

This discovery announced the end of the dark age. Before the darkest dawn, countless powerful musicians emerged among mankind. By discovering ancient musical scores or creating new classics, they ushered in a golden age called the Renaissance.

Today, it has been five hundred years. With the openness of musicians, mankind has driven away natural disasters, slowly expanded its territory in this world, and advanced bit by bit towards the dark world in the distance.

"Yi Zi, you will become a musician in the the best."

Someone once said this to Ye Qingxuan. Thinking about it now, it seems like a joke.

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and copied silently, no longer recalling.

He knew that he no longer had the qualifications. Whether using instruments or simply singing, musicians must undergo strict training and education from an early age, and learn to control their own breathing and syllables, and ensure a close connection with the ether.


Ye Qingxuan suddenly laughed in a low voice with a hoarse voice: Before he was ten years old, he was a genius who astonished all musicians. We are born to resonate closely with the ether, as if we were one with each other.

But after the high fever he suffered when he was ten years old, he never sensed ether again.

Not even once...

After so many years, the genius in his father's words has turned into a wandering kid, and his career as a musician has been cut off. The only thing left is unrealistic delusion.


"Destiny leads the way."

He lowered his head and stared silently at the secret text in the monthly report.

After the end of the crusade against the ‘Calamity Bahamut’, Mr. Bach’s answer to the next destination came from the words in the Holy Scripture.

This sentence comes from ‘Aeneas’, the first Roman king who founded the City of Wolves, and the Holy Spirit ‘Jupiter’ who was welcomed into the Holy City after his death.

Aeneas became a musician at the age of eighteen, was inspired by the "Great Source", and went to the dark world alone. Thirty years later, he single-handedly founded the City of Wolf and was canonized as the Holy Spirit after his death. These are the last words he left behind.

He believed from beginning to end that everything he did was in accordance with destiny.

But fate does not guide the way. Otherwise, how could the City of Wolf be destroyed by natural disasters two hundred years later?

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head bitterly and started working again.

Outside the door, the shadow staring at him silently left without knowing when.

Only a faint, hallucinatory sigh remained.


"That's it for today."

After finishing the manuscript, the priest suddenly said: "Your efficiency is decreasing."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the pile of paper placed on the other side and suddenly had a headache.

Although Father Ben is old, his eyes are still good. He picked out all the wrong letters and parts that didn't conform to the format, and asked Ye Qingxuan to rewrite them tomorrow.

This was the rule set by Father Ben when he gave him the job of scribe. At the beginning, Ye Qingxuan often had his salary deducted because he was not familiar with the order's writing format. Later, the situation became much better. Only now did he remember that it had been a long time since his salary had been deducted due to a typo.

"Yes, you are already very proficient in the Dorian writing style."

After completing the inspection, Father Ben nodded: "You got used to it quickly. Moreover, you are very talented in rune writing."

"It's just that I have a good memory. If I don't write often, it will become rusty."

“If it’s not written well, I’ll say it straight away, so there’s no need to be modest.”

The priest asked: "How are you doing with the standard writing I taught you a few days ago?"

“I’ve been writing a lot recently, so I have some insights.”

"Very good. This writing format and font is the most commonly used writing format for official letters of the church. It will be very helpful for you in the future if you practice it." Father Ben returned the manuscript paper to him:

"There is also a dictionary on the table that you can take with you. That's it for today. I'll start copying the Holy Scriptures tomorrow."

After the priest finished speaking, he indicated that he could leave. Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Father, I'm just a scribe. Do you want to train me to be a monk?"

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Father Ben glanced at him: "With your ability, it is not impossible to be assigned to a good diocese and become an assistant bishop before the age of forty."

"Well, I'm not married yet."

"Only the cardinal requires purification of desires, and he can also find a secret lover." Father Ben paused after speaking, and looked at Ye Qingxuan with a strange look: "Did I underestimate your ambition?"

"No, no, that..."

Ye Qingxuan struggled to organize his words: "You see, I am an Oriental."

"You also have Western ancestry, don't you?"

"There's no food in the kitchen, I'm going to buy groceries. Father, what are you having for dinner..." Ye Qingxuan just wanted to run away quickly now.

"Just business as usual."

Father Ben gave final instructions: "Remember to tidy up the reception room at night, there will be guests coming."



When Ye Qingxuan finished shopping and prepared to go back to the church with the basket in his arms, it was already evening.

From afar, I saw Lao Fei wandering around the church, excitedly scaring the passing children, as proud as anything.

As a high-end dog, Lao Fei has never been raised by humans. If he can't get food from Ye Qingxuan, he will look for food on his own. If I'm in a good mood, I'll bring him some...such as dead mice, dead rabbits, dead snakes, and other strange things. Then use a kind of "Are you worthy of me if you don't eat it?" ’ looked at him.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan felt helpless.

Then, he heard a muffled sound and felt suddenly dizzy.


It was like something hit the back of the head. His steps staggered and he almost fell to his knees. But he felt a hand pulling his hair and lifting it up again.

"Hey, Eastern bastard, it's really late today."

A fat smiling face appeared in front of him...the three Thomas brothers whom he had just met this morning. To be honest, the situation was really bad.


Martin, the third child, pulled his hair, pulled him into the alley, and pressed his face against the wall: "I can't find that little brat Vito, so it would be good to find you, a little bastard."

Two other people who had been prepared long ago blocked the entrance of the alley to prevent him from running out. It seemed that they had been prepared for a long time.

"Uh, Martin, Paul, Ray, listen to me..."

Ye Qingxuan endured the pain and raised his voice.

"Want to call someone?"

The eldest brother, Paul, sneered: "It's useless. It's far enough away from the church that the priest can't hear it."

"Don't talk nonsense to him, teach him a lesson first." Martin's expression twisted: "Let this bastard know who is the bastard! At least remember to be grateful! Understand!"

If it weren't for their permission, the mercy and blessing of Root Town, and the acceptance of this beggar, this bastard would have died in the gutter! But this bastard doesn't know how to repay at all!

Not only did he shamelessly become the priest's apprentice, he even wanted to grab the precious place for further study in the Holy City!

"You did a good job last night!"

Martin punched Ye Qingxuan in the face with all his strength, until he bent over and squatted on the ground. He still couldn't forgive his hatred, and stepped on his head hard, his expression distorted:

"You bitch, how dare you... how dare you do this to me!

You can never beat me, understand? The place to go to the Holy City is mine! The only one who can become a musician is me! Not a bastard like you who deserves to rot in a stinking ditch! "

Martin kicked him in the face with all his strength, but this damn guy just held his head and curled up on the ground without saying a word.

This silent resistance made his expression more ferocious.

"Are you so stubborn?"

He spat on Ye Qingxuan and looked at his brother: "Hold him down, I will make this bitch pay the price."

Paul and Lei laughed, ww.nshcm held down Ye Qingxuan's hand and pushed him against the wall, and then...Martin pulled out the dagger.

"Please, tell me that you are a bitch and ask me to forgive you."

Martin pulled his hair, made him look up at him, and put the dagger against Ye Qingxuan's eyes: "Otherwise, I will write the name 'bitch' on your face."

Feeling the coldness of the dagger against his face, Ye Qingxuan was stunned. He wanted to struggle, but was held down tightly. He stared into Martin's eyes.

In the end, he finally understood what was about to happen and lowered his head in humiliation.


Ye Qingxuan murmured in a low voice, his voice lowered: "I..."

"Bitch, speak louder, I can't hear you clearly!" Martin came closer and put the dagger against his face: "Speak clearly, so that my brother can understand!"

"I said……"

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath, looked at Martin who was close at hand, and suddenly laughed: "——You, damn, are the bastard!"

At that moment, Martin was stunned for a moment. He saw Ye Qingxuan's head raised, raised high, as if he wanted to see the dimming starry sky clearly, and his black eyes were like flames burning.

Immediately afterwards, it suddenly smashed forward!



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