Crown of Silence

Chapter 52: Practical Test (Part 2)

The exam continued, and the next exam unfolded in an orderly manner as the examiners expected.

After a long period of time, until the evening, more than one hundred students had passed most of the exams, and after fifty-four people were admitted, the actual test finally came to an end.

Until now, the name that Sidney cared so much about was finally called out.

"Banner Adrian."

The door was pushed open.

The thin blond boy looked like he still hadn't slept well. His face was pale, his eye sockets were sunken, and his expression was cold. When he looked at the examiner, he just nodded slightly and sat down in front of the stone tablet.

Sidney was stunned for a moment and was about to say something when he saw Banner closing his eyes.

He closed his eyes and murmured something softly.

Immediately afterwards, the stone tablet released an unprecedented light!


Under the silver light, the image on the stone tablet is no longer a blurry light spot, but an abstract pattern like a beast's skull.

On that pattern, a ferocious beast skull grinned, leaving a general silhouette. There was a vague crack on the eye socket of the skull, causing the examiners to breathe heavily.

Sidney was stunned.

"The symbol of 'Call of the Wild', is he already an official second-level musician?"

Bain stared at the stone tablet and sighed regretfully after a long time: "I'm afraid not. The mark is too vague. He is still at level one."

"But a claw mark gash?"

Someone asked in a low voice: "He is only seventeen years old and he is already breeding his own beast?"

"Maybe Adrian's musician passed his 'beast' to him. Don't forget, the Adrian family has always been one of the representatives of the Summoning School."

"This is also possible." The examiner sighed softly: "Even if the manticore is relatively docile, it is not easy to control the beastly nature at this age."

Finally, all the examiners looked at Sidney. Sidney smiled with satisfaction.

"Very good, you have lived up to expectations, Banner, your brother will be proud of you.

Sidney said solemnly: "Congratulations, you have been admitted to the academy's summoning school. This is the most elite faction in the entire academy, inheriting the academy's core knowledge and music scores. I hope you will continue to work hard and not slack off."

Banner stood up, stroked his chest and returned the greeting, the etiquette was perfect.

Sidney and Bane looked at each other and chuckled.

You're done.

"The next one is the last one. Is he a descendant of which family?"

The examiner looked at the last name: "More serious than the children of Adrian's family?"

"Just a kid from the East." Someone who knew the inside story sighed: "Don't be nervous, just go through the motions for the principal."

"Is that the civilian?" the examiner understood: "Mr. Bach sent it?"

"Who knows." Another person shrugged: "There has been no news from Mr. Bach for several years. I'm afraid the principal stayed here to deliberately cause trouble for us, right?"

"Gentlemen, be decent."

Sidney glanced sideways at them: "You are the teachers of the academy, and you are responsible for recruiting new blood."

The examiners were stunned for a moment.

laughed. They nodded tacitly, yes, the responsibility of recruiting new blood rested on their shoulders, and all they had to do was recruit new blood.

"Next, Ye Qingxuan."

The door was pushed open.

Then everyone's eyes dropped.



When the boy entered the examination room, all the examiners' glasses were shattered on the floor - if they were really wearing them.

Originally, all of these people were prepared to show coldness, with cold expressions, cold eyes, and indifferent expressions... They were ready to throw their cold faces to this ignorant brat to let him understand that the academy is not something that people like him can do. A place to run wild.

But when they saw this guy, they felt like they were hallucinating:

What the hell is this? !

For hundreds of years, there have been students who entered this school who are modest, simple, low-key and pragmatic, as well as geniuses who are arrogant and ambitious, and there is even no shortage of special talents who wear black and white prison uniforms and come in shackles to take the exam.

But today... for the first time, someone looked like they were being carried from the operating table.

In the center of the examination room, the boy's face was pale, his body was covered with bandages, and he exuded a pungent smell of medicine.

He was holding a cane, and his right leg and arm were still in plaster - two turtles were painted on the plaster - and even his fingers were wrapped in gauze.

Except for the exposed face, the rest of his body looked like a mummy.

It was as if he had been run over by several carriages, bandaged on the spot, and then quickly taken to the examination room while the person was still warm!

——Are you going to die in the examination room? ?

"...Candidate, are you... okay?"

Bain was afraid that he would spit out a mouthful of old blood and then his whole body would hang here.

"Uh, I'm fine."

Ye Qingxuan forced a smile, and the scratches on his face twitched: "Sorry, I was hit by a carriage yesterday and almost missed the time. I was late when I came, but fortunately it didn't delay the exam."

He tried hard to make a spirited movement, but the movement was too big and hurt the wound, and his face twitched in pain: "Please don't worry, I'm ready."

But the examiners looked very ugly. They had prepared their poisonous tongues and eyes, ready to pick out every flaw in him and give this ignorant guy a warning.

At the very least, let him know what this place is. If he dares to express dissatisfaction with the support of the principal, then it would be even better. The offense to the examiner is enough to expel him from the examination room.

At the very least, he should be uneasy and at a loss.

Anyway, no one will remind these rotten fruits that they need to be calm and focused before sitting on the stone tablet, otherwise the results will be greatly reduced. The children of the nobles took some potions more or less before entering the examination room to calm their minds and calm their spirits, so that they would not be stimulated by the outside world.

But now that Ye Qingxuan walked into the examination room, their tongues that had long been stained with venom actually felt... unable to bite. It can only be said that sometimes being full of flaws is also a kind of having no flaws.

There is no way. This guy's identity is too sensitive. If he faints in the exam room due to some kind of stimulation, it will give others a handle and leave room for the musicians' faction to play.

But do you have to be so ruthless!

That cunning bastard and this dirty kid...

Bain rubbed his teeth impatiently and spit out an irritated breath.

"Um... can we start the exam?" Ye Qingxuan raised his hand and asked curiously, "How do I take the exam? Do I need to play the piano and sing a song?"


Seeing that Ye Qingxuan was about to start training his voice with that off-tune voice, Bain interrupted him: "Sit there."

"Just sit there?"

Ye Qingxuan twisted his body in confusion on the iron chair and found a more comfortable position: "Is this okay? This is so bad and impolite. In fact, I can just stand."

"No problem, just sit there and don't move!"

Bain was almost driven crazy by this chatterbox: "Just sit there!"


Ye Qingxuan sat down as he was told, and a light spot lit up on the stone tablet behind him.

All the examiners held their breath and stared at the blurry stone tablet, watching the dim light spot that gradually lit up. Bain was delighted. As long as the test results came out, the principal's tricks would be completely gone!

But as everyone was staring intently, the light spot actually...actually dimmed?

What the hell!

Bain rubbed his eyes dully, but saw another light spot slowly light up from the stone tablet. He hurried over and stared intently at the slowly moving light.

Then, the light spot went out again!


Bain felt like vomiting blood, but before he could say anything, another light spot lit up, and then... As expected, it went out again!

For more than ten minutes, the image on the stone tablet was hovering between startup and silence.

Sometimes there, sometimes not, sometimes strong, sometimes weak.

It was like torturing everyone's eyes, the irregular light spots sometimes flashed quickly, and sometimes disappeared quickly.

Sometimes it was about to be read, but it quickly turned into another ambiguous look. In the field, all the examiners felt that a mouthful of old blood was stuck in their throats and couldn't spit it out, and their faces were ashen.

But in the silence, Sidney heard a faint sound coming from the stone tablet.

The sound got louder and louder until it finally turned into a loud snoring!

On the chair, the boy with his eyes closed almost collapsed on the chair, his limbs relaxed, his mouth slightly open, a line of saliva slid down from the corner of his mouth. As his chest rose and fell, the snoring was loud.

This little bastard actually fell asleep! Fell asleep!

Fell asleep in this sacred examination room!

Sidney's face flushed, and he suddenly stood up to attack, but heard someone next to him exclaim:

"It's lit up! It's lit up!"

The sound woke the boy up, and he looked back blankly and saw the figure lit up on the stone tablet.


In the dim light, the stone tablet finally read Ye Qingxuan's data and displayed the figure for analysis. But the figure clearly looked like some kind of incomplete pattern, which was confusing.

On the stone tablet, a silver light spot lit up, turning the background of the stone tablet from pure black to rippling mist.

Something seemed to be spinning in the mist, but the fleeting appearance was too blurry to be seen clearly. In the various intertwined intentions, countless fine light spots overlapped continuously, interlocking with each other in a certain structure, and finally formed a confusing figure.

It was a strange curve from top to bottom.

In the mist, the curve was changing all the time. It was like an irregular wave, unwilling to stop steadily, sometimes vibrating rapidly like leprosy, and sometimes motionless, like a lazy insect, just twitching and rolling occasionally.

There was a long silence, with only the sound of eyeballs falling to the ground.

"What is the result of this...?"

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