Crown of Silence

Chapter 556 Singing

Chapter 557 Singing

Of course the ocean can't be like a living thing, but at this moment, Ye Qingxuan felt that it was alive.

This is not an exaggerated metaphor, but a real touch.

It is the warmth felt when the fingertips pass through the skin, and the trembling when witnessing an unimaginable behemoth.

The ocean is certainly not alive, unless something makes it alive.

Then, there is only one worst possibility...


Leviathan has awakened in advance and returned to this country that is inextricably entangled with itself.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but feel fear when he thought about facing a fully awakened natural disaster.

This is not the Hundred-Eyed One who came from the Ether Realm and descended into the Material Realm after layers of consumption.

This is a terrifying monster that is active in the Material Realm, the strongest of the four living creatures that symbolizes the ocean.

Even though Ye Qingxuan was superior in terms of rank and represented the rules and the source of the Hundred Eyes, relying on the power of the Holy City, he dared to play a supporting role and brush up his resume, but he definitely didn't have the courage to face the punch of the Hundred-Armed Giant head-on.

This time, there was no Pope and Ye Lanzhou to hold him back, and he was not dealing with a god transformed by the Void Music Principle, but a monster that really existed and had been wreaking havoc on the material world for thousands of years.

In its heyday, it was wherever the water of the seven seas reached. The ocean is its territory and a part of it.

It is the ocean.

Fortunately, it should not have awakened yet.

Otherwise, the raging tide would have swept the entire world long ago, submerging all the continents into swamps. At present, the only unlucky one is Anglu.

And this lightless sea is probably already inside its body.

Ye Qingxuan smiled bitterly.

Then, he heard singing.

It was familiar.

The childlike singing voice echoed in the ocean, like a long whale song, echoing in the dark deep sea that humans could not reach. Following the connection of music theory, it sounded beside Ye Qingxuan's ears.

"The king and his accomplices kidnapped the queen and imprisoned her in her dreams...

We have the power, where should we wander? Yo ho, thousands of hands, hoist the sails! Pull, thieves and beggars, we will gain eternal life..."

The singing voice that sounded like a nursery rhyme was so shrill when I listened to it at this moment. The momentary trance dissipated in the distance. If I listened carefully again, it was hard to hear, but it sounded faintly, and I couldn't tell whether it was an illusion or reality.

The singing voice was like a ghost, echoing in my heart.

Ye Qingxuan's eyes drooped.

It seems that I should prepare for the worst now.

But before that...

The Nomadic Mountain roared, rolling up the waves, suddenly jumped out of the sea, opened its mouth and bit down on Ye Qingxuan!

The countless scales shook, cutting through the wind, and then performed a mournful melody. The animal nature that was pure to the point of almost condensing into substance permeated from the body, and wherever it passed, it was like a sharp blade, cutting the music theory layer by layer, chewing it into pieces, and increasing its ferocity.

In just a moment, the fishy wind blew in his face.

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head, and his fingers plucked the strings of the zither, without resisting the huge mouth that was about to swallow him.

As the sound of the zither spread, the ether was turbulent, and instead of resisting, it gathered strength from the sea and "gently" pushed the Nomadic Mountain, helping it to fly higher.

Adding fuel to the fire.

Ye Qingxuan's action instantly made the Son of Phoenix, who was watching the battle nervously, almost scream out in surprise, but the next moment, he saw the Nomadic Mountain roaring, and under that light push, the huge body rose several meters, seemingly more ferocious, but the bite that was enough to crush Ye Qingxuan to pieces passed by him, and the huge and heavy body fell into the sea again, splashing a huge wave.

Except for the hurricane and the foul-smelling water mist that came in the face, there was no impact at all.


The Son of Phoenix hammered his palm, and his originally tense heart was slightly relieved: Although the Nomadic Mountain was terrifying, it was just a demon after all, and it didn't even know language and music theory, and could only fight by instinct.

Ye Qingxuan's goal was not to win, but to delay time. He could just wander around calmly, avoid its edge, and easily delay time.

But Ye Qingxuan couldn't help shaking his head.

It's not that simple.

Although the beast is easy to fool, if it is enraged... it will only be more troublesome.

The next moment, incredibly thick fog rose from the ocean.

A hurricane rose out of nowhere, bringing with it the smell of disaster from afar.

The whole world was filled with terrifying fog, and it seemed that there were countless sand and gravel in the fog. Just breathing made one feel that his lungs were filled and difficult to swallow.

Then, in the dark fog, a pair of eyes burning with animal flames lit up.

That distance was already... within reach!

In a moment of horror, Ye Qingxuan subconsciously raised his hand, and the strings of the zither rang. The shadow of the moon in the sea suddenly rose and enveloped him.

Then, there was a sudden loud noise, and the turbulence that followed.

The shadow of the moon was almost shattered in an instant in the terrible impact, and Ye Qingxuan's body flew backwards. After finally stabilizing his body, he quickly fell down and flew to the right, as if avoiding the terrible attack of some tarsal maggot.

Under the moonlight, his figure cast many intermittent silhouettes. Following his guidance, those silhouettes seemed alive, flying in the air without any rules, and it was difficult to tell whether they were real or fake.

But what was even more terrifying was the huge mouth that came from nowhere.

Tear the phantoms in the sky apart one by one.

——It's the Nomadic Mountain!

The blue moon finally closed again, and the light suddenly shone through the fog, revealing the truth.

The suffocating truth.

In the thick fog, the Nomadic Mountain has risen from the sea... and is flying in the sky!

"Shouldn't the sea monster be in the sea?"

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but sigh: "It can even fly? Isn't this a bit foul?"

Regardless of whether it is a foul or not, the Nomadic Mountain has become... more and more troublesome. Not only did it fly into the sky, but it also became more and more cunning.

Several times Ye Qingxuan was in danger, strangled by it, or swallowed into its mouth.

He didn't want to try how terrible the stomach acid of this thing was.

He never thought that a monster of such a huge size could be so flexible, as if it had no weight.

But the hurricane raised by the heavy body really made people breathless.

Facing such a huge enemy, let alone a head-on collision, even if it was rubbed against the corners, it would be cut into pieces by the fast-moving scales.

Not to mention the green poisonous miasma that kept seeping out.

No other weapons and music were needed, the Nomadic Mountain itself was the most terrifying threat.

Every time this happened, he felt particularly sorry, how great it would be if he was a master of the School of Change?

Wind, fire, thunder and lightning came at any time, and if he advanced to become a war musician, or some other special profession, there would be no need to give in.

Among the seven systems of musicians, the best at destruction and construction is the Change faction, and the best at attack and cooperation is the Summoning faction... But Ye Qingxuan's specialty happened to be the Forbidden faction that focused on defense and music theory construction. If it was a positional battle, it would be no problem to fight this kind of monster head-on, but once it fell into someone else's home court, it would feel powerless.

Fortunately, he had other ways.

In the thick fog, Ye Qingxuan dodged the attack of Nomadic Mountain at high speed, but just when he passed by, the Cloth of Original Sin suddenly changed. The exoskeleton module from the Gospel Armor brought huge power at that moment, like a pair of pliers, forcibly tearing off a huge scale from the huge snake head that was comparable to a house.

The scale tore the wound that had just healed, causing the pain to penetrate into the bone marrow, almost making it completely crazy.

Ye Qingxuan did not get any good results either. Even after being cushioned by the layers of Cloth of Original Sin, his arms almost lost feeling and fell into numbness.

In the sharp hissing sound, Ye Qingxuan casually threw away the terrible scale that was as big as himself, and said to the furious Nomadic Mountain:

"It's too troublesome to always fight in the sky."

He paused for a moment and smiled meaningfully:

"--How about we go back to the sea?"

In an instant, countless illusory sea water fell from the sky, as if the gods were angry and poured down a flood that exterminated the world.

The seawater rain that fell from the sky was so cold, just like winter.

The sad melody lingered in the rain, sad and low, wailing in a low voice.

With pain as a hint, "False Sun" reveals an illusion.

"Winter Journey" plays.

Ah, today is the beginning of the month again... Monthly tickets~ Everyone, please hand them in quickly~

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