Crown of Silence

Chapter 575 Avalon (Part 2)

Chapter 576 Avalon (Part 2)

In the lightless darkness, the city became firewood for the flames.

The flames spread across the city, like the footprints of a giant, step by step, dragging everything into destruction.

Thick smoke rose from the burning houses, like black hands reaching out to the sky that had been burned red, and then fell from the sky in the obstruction of rain clouds, turning into scorching ash rain, which not only failed to extinguish the spreading fires, but instead made the fires more frantic like grease.

The burning city seemed to boil the ocean.

Dense black shadows appeared in the rolling tide. Under the reflection of the fire, in the turbid sea water, the wriggling dark river extended from afar.

The dark rivers followed the ocean currents and tides, gathered here, and included Avalon.

That was countless evil sons of the sea.

They floated along the undercurrent of the ocean, and the tribes merged together to form a dark river with no end in sight. In the faint singing, they screamed wildly, climbed onto the shallows, and rushed to the city.

Like weeds that grow and die as they are killed, they flattened the defenses one by one. When the number increased to a certain level, it was so terrifying that it was jaw-dropping.

The lower city had completely fallen into the dark army of fishmen. Except for scattered defenses, only the middle city was still holding on by relying on its own terrain height.

During observation, all other roads leading to the middle city had been blown up, leaving only the tower bridge defended by the Knights of the Round Table.

On that wide bridge that could only accommodate a dozen carriages in parallel, the significance of numbers was reduced to the extreme. The knights in power armor held their weapons and formed a barrier, repelling the black tide again and again.

The knights who had been honored by the royal family flew in the air in the Archangel Armor.

The fully running ether furnace spewed out several meters of hot flames behind them, like wings of flame. The giant weapons that were tens of meters long were equipped on their bodies, and were wielded by the inhuman terrifying power, causing terrible damage.

Just a random slash could draw a blood-red gully in the black tide.

And at the forefront of the defense line, there was a three-meter-tall towering figure standing like a reef, repelling the tide of fishmen again and again.

The hot breath spewed out from the mouth and nose under the visor, and even at a long distance, the terrifying heat carried by the breath could be felt.

Round Table Armor·Geralt!

In the ten-meter range around the knight, the gravity kept changing like diving, sometimes close to and no, and sometimes it could surge to hundreds of times the normal!

All the demons who dared to rush forward were torn apart by the gravity turbulence.

Gravity formed an invisible iron ball, rolling forward, causing the earth to sink. Countless demons collapsed without warning, like sand castles, bones shattered into powder, blood rolled and pulled by gravity, outlining the outline of the invisible force, but adding ten times its ferocity.

However, no matter how much gravity crushed, everything within a radius of tens of meters was pulled toward the center, and the gravitational spears that compressed into super-dense matter... were helpless against the endless black tide.

The lower city fell into the sea of ​​fire, the middle city was struggling to hold on, but the upper city was shrouded in a dead silence of darkness, silent.

In the sea, most of the warships of the Royal Fleet had become dilapidated in the sweep of the Dark River, and more than half of the hull barriers had been broken. The fishmen and the navy fought fiercely on the deck. More and more old warships were pierced by the fishmen and sank into the sea after exhausting their firepower.

Even if wooden warships were equipped with powerful firepower, they could not cope with such a situation. After running out of ammunition and food, some old warships chose to rush to the deepest part of the Dark River, detonating their own ether furnaces and dragging a large number of enemies to their deaths.

Only a dozen new warships that had been replaced in the past few decades still retained their combat effectiveness, but the situation was already precarious.

And in the core of the fleet, on a reserve flagship, a figure suddenly rose into the air, holding up a rusty iron cup, and sprinkled clear spring water on the ocean.

That was one of the seven virtues.

——The Cup of Integrity!

As soon as the Cup of Integrity was activated, it drained all the strength and life of the musician, turning him into a handful of ashes and drifting away with the wind. However, the Cup of Integrity was suspended in the sky, gushing out "sweet springs" continuously.

The sweet springs were sprinkled in the air, and then quickly evaporated quietly, condensing into groups of clear water mist, reflecting the neon of melody in the light of the fire.

The mist had a colloid-like texture and did not merge into the sea. Instead, it floated on the sea surface and quickly spread to the surroundings, with the reserve flagship as the center and expanding to the surroundings.

The light mist spread rapidly, the air made crackling sounds, the sea water rolled wildly, and a large amount of white foam floated up. The demons exposed to the air screamed as if they were burned by fire, and the creatures that dared to breathe soon felt the burning pain from the respiratory tract.

All the skin exposed to the mist began to crack rapidly and hardened into keratin. Blood and water oozed out from countless small mouth-like cracks, and the flesh in the cracks also hardened rapidly.

The lungs were the first to be damaged. The lung lobes quickly lost their expandability. The hardened and deformed lungs could not breathe, lost water, and quickly cracked. In the end, the lung lobes dehydrated, shrank, and turned into black lumps on both sides.

Suffocation brings death.

Integrity took away all room for maneuver.

Fortunately, integrity only affects flesh and blood, and is insoluble in water. The mist was suspended on the sea surface, dancing quietly, and would not harm the navy on the fleet deck.

The offensive of the evil son in the sea was temporarily hindered, and the remaining fleet was able to hold on with difficulty.

As the Cup of Integrity was successful, the defenders in other directions also received permission from the command center one after another, and three more Cups of Virtue were also used on the battlefield.

The "brave" that produced a large number of super-active spores, spread with the wind, and grew wildly appeared on the shallows of the lower city. A large number of demons were parasitized by the spores. In just a few seconds, they quickly swelled, rotted, expanded, and exploded, spreading the spores bred in their internal organs to all directions.

Iron sand fell from the sky like rain. As soon as it hit the ground, it quickly decomposed into gas and spread in the air. After inhalation, it quickly caused hallucinations, fell into madness, and could not distinguish between friend and foe.

This was the "justice" that fell from the sky.

In front of the Tower Bridge, Gerald sighed, raised his arms, and gravity lifted the gray cloud, like a huge quilt, and fell forward.

That was the "tolerance" with the smallest radiation range, but it could cause drastic changes in matter.

Wherever the gray cloud was, whether it was metal or rock, it was eroded by the gray cloud, peeled off the skin, became bumpy, and broke at the touch. Not to mention the flesh and blood...

Except for the temperance and generosity that are not here, and the most dangerous cup of hope, the four cups of virtue currently owned by the headquarters of Avalon have all been used on the battlefield.

The most terrifying number of sea monsters has been temporarily curbed.

But their offensive has not stopped at all, but has increased several times!

Even ten times!

The black river is boiling.

The black river extending from the four seas has not been cut off. Although there are many sea monsters killed, they are just weeds that can grow in a day and night compared to the vast lightless sea.

This level of many as you want, as many as you want!

Then, one after another terrifying roars sounded from the dark river.

The huge mouths opened continuously, galloping in the starry night, and the huge sea monsters summoned from various seas opened their mouths and swallowed their food happily, swallowing a large number of fishmen into their stomachs, chewing them into mud, filling the hunger for days.

Then, onto the battlefield...

The first to emerge from the tens-meter tsunami was the hunchbacked fishman standing on the head of the humpback whale. The old fishman, who had aged to the point of losing all his scales, had grown a vague human face. The gills on his cheeks opened, sipping the blood in the water vapor, then lowered his head and struck the iron drum in his arms, which was already full of cracks and parasitized by layers of Fujitora.

The roaring sound burst out from the iron drum that had long been shriveled, and with it, there was a terrifying ether fluctuation comparable to a scepter.

That was the evil son of the sea created when Leviathan woke up last time. It has been surviving for 150 years. It has been dormant for 150 years, raising sea monsters in the deep sea, waiting for the awakening of the gods.

Once they appeared, the endless fishmen seemed to go crazy, their bodies swelled, and they went into a frenzy, consuming their insignificant lives and gaining far more extraordinary power.

It was born to be the supreme leader of the fishmen, a demon musician who listened to the words of God and played the song of the tsunami.

——Tide-calling priest!

Then, in the opening of the sea tide, a huge tentacle suddenly stretched out and smashed down, smashing a warship into pieces! The strange hand rolled up and deftly grasped the scattered human figure from it, and then the countless suckers on it opened, revealing the sharp teeth inside, and happily sucked the long-lost blood.

A huge shadow outline emerged from the depths of the ocean, the soft limbs spread out, and the countless tentacles in the depths fluttered like flowers.

On its head, countless red spots that resembled the holy emblem grew, and as the suckers continued to absorb blood from afar, they became more and more bright red.

The legendary deep-sea nightmare, the red-spotted squid known as the "Ten Thousand Hands Priest"...

There are sixteen dark rivers formed by the convergence of fishmen in the sea, and in each river, at least one huge shadow slowly emerges. When Leviathan sang a song of calling from the long dream before resurrection, they came quickly from all over the sea.

What arrived at this moment was less than one tenth.

There are more behemoths on the way...

They are the evil sons of the sea who were truly given the blood of natural disasters by Leviathan, and were divided into the seas and ruled the endless oceans!

If Leviathan is not dealt with before this, the situation will only get worse.

It was only at this time that the royal fleet on the sea found that the situation had become worse.

The first to discover it were the observers of the outermost defensive frigates of the fleet.

The sea water is flowing.

The irregular flow...

It is converging towards Avalon!

In the song of the tide-calling sacrifice, the sea water responded with a roar, and one huge wave after another brewed from a very far distance and roared in.

But there was no return...

The terrifying sea tide swallowed up the two warships that failed to evade in an instant. Under the tremendous pressure, the steel was crushed into pieces. The terrifying impact of the ether furnace's self-explosion was also suppressed by the sea water, and it could only spit out a huge bubble, which lifted the sea water in the air and quickly fell down.

More and more waves are gathering here.

Only now are observers noticing...the altitude is increasing!

At this moment, Avalon seemed to have fallen into a ‘bowl’!

In all directions, the waves burst and roared, rising slowly and intertwining into iron-grey walls.

All over the world at sea, there are terrifying loud noises made when countless tons of seawater are transported.

And the sea is still slowly rising.

It rose bit by bit, engulfing the shoal, and a tsunami several meters high roared in, destroying the burning houses, extinguishing the pitiful flames, and stepped into the outskirts of the lower city.

All the observers could no longer suppress the screams in their throats.

No longer care about defense, no longer care about the defensive line, no longer care about trump cards, and no longer pay attention to human things. Whatever you do is fine, it doesn't matter what you do.

They want to raise the sea water and submerge Avalon... completely!

At that time, what the suffocating human beings will have to face will be the true power of the evil children in the sea!


At this moment, the central flagship of the Royal Fleet, the Bridge and Inland Sea Defense Command Center, was completely silent.

In the suffocating hot wind, General Selvin, who was sitting in the commander's position, silently took off the cigarette butt from the corner of his mouth, took out his handkerchief, and carefully wiped the teeth marks on the briar wood caused by the shock just now.

But the originally round and smooth heather cigarette holder had two rows of dents that could not be wiped away.


It was supposed to be a work of art.

Selvin sighed, and slumped down on the chair as if he was deflated.

"It's really hard to be the temporary commander of the Royal Fleet."

He whispered softly.

The pale deputy looked at him: "Sir, we are now..."

Selvin smiled self-deprecatingly, raised his eyes, and said, "Command to everyone."

He paused and said softly:

"——The war situation is about to collapse, and the country's capital is about to fall. Angelou hopes that everyone will fulfill their duties. Later, our ship will take the lead in launching an attack, targeting the nine o'clock position in the north. I hope you will seize the opportunity to win."

He tightened his grip on the pipe and cut off the communication.

In the dead silence, the second officer said dryly: "Sir, this ship has no reserves available."

"Aren't there three more ether furnaces?"

Selvin glanced at him one last time, "Give me the order - attack!"

"For victory!"

So, the central flagship 'Military Quan' roared and launched an attack against the ten thousand-foot wall of waves!

Selvin closed his eyes.

"Marquis Lancelot, I'm going on my way first."

Angelou hopes that everyone will fulfill their duties! ! And, it’s the 29th in a few hours! Remember to vote for me with your monthly votes~

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