Crown of Silence

Chapter 593 Stone Heart Heritage

Chapter 594 Stone Heart Inheritance

At the moment of collision, Sigmund raised his fingers slightly.

The six small sources, which were originally integrated into one, actually dispersed. The moon wheel hit the air and broke into the middle of the stranglehold between the two sides, shining brightly.

He instantly took the initiative.

Just give up the initiative so simply?

Ye Qingxuan was startled, but saw that the six small sources were actually scattered and surrounded around the moon, like stars surrounding the moon. The music theory rubs against each other and glows with rainbow light, which looks so beautiful and intoxicating.

But the reality is not so beautiful.

In an instant, Ye Qingxuan felt as if he was trapped in a cage and suffocated.


Each of the six small sources is simply qualitatively difficult to compare with the moon wheel combined with the Philosopher's Stone, but they echo each other, with Sigmund in the center conducting, and the seven lines of musicians connected into one. The power no longer lies in itself, but spreads into a field.

The six small sources resonated and echoed each other, the music theory was turbulent and collided, and the gravity that distorted reality overlapped and suppressed the moon wheel one after another.

Although it looks like six stars are surrounding each other and rotating around the moon wheel, in fact, the mutual gravity is tearing at the moon wheel all the time, and the terrifying pressure directly acts on Ye Qingxuan's destiny chapter.

The music has its own spirituality.

The Chapter of Fate is the condensation of the musician's soul, and after Ye Qingxuan entered the realm of ether cycle, the Chapter of Fate became the carrier of the soul's will.

The pressure at this moment had already acted on Ye Qingxuan's consciousness, causing him waves of severe pain as his will was turbulent.

One wrong move and I was suppressed...

Since his debut, Ye Qingxuan has always used his small skills and rhythm to suppress the strength of others. He never fights head-on, but travels around, looking for opportunities, and then kills with one blow.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan finally felt the pain of being suppressed by others in terms of skills...

This is an inherent weakness.

Sigmund is the founder of the Shixin School. No one can understand the music theory of the Shixin School better than Sigmund. Even if it is outdated, even if Xiaoyuan has been proven to be a seemingly spacious dead end, but No one can match his insights and understanding on this path.

Just like no human musician can beat Bach, the Blue King.

What he represents is the system itself.

All kinds of skills are amazing.

Every tiny change in music theory brought a huge impact to Ye Qingxuan. He had no idea that the basic music theory in the original theory could be used in this way...

In the Moonlight Domain, Ye Qingxuan raised his hand and pressed his aching forehead.

Underestimating the enemy.

At this point, he had to admit that purely in terms of Xiao Yuan's attainments, he and Sigmund were incomparable.

Fortunately, his chapter of destiny is not limited to this part, and Xiao Yuan has already broken away from the limitations of the original Xiao Yuan theory and opened up a new path...

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath.

The cold air had a faint rancid smell that melted into his heart, calming down the heat and discomfort caused by the ether cycle, and igniting the moonlight in his eyes.

——Chapter of Moonlight, start!


In an instant, the music theory changed, and the pure white moon wheel turbulence changed into a ripple-like light.

The invisible impact seemed to be hidden in the ripples. Just the moment of contact, the blockade created by the six small sources was shaken.

Xiao Yuan, who was surrounded by the moon wheel, was pushed away, and the invisible music theory blockade was stretched open, almost breaking in the first round of impact!

At that moment, the 'gravity' emitted by the moon wheel doubled!

The material world is also distorted by the gravitational pull emitted by the music theory itself, wailing, and layers of cracks appear. In an instant, Ye Qingxuan's Chapter of Destiny broke through its limitations and surged almost unreasonably!

Even if it hasn't touched the realm of the scepter, the infinitely stronger gravitational pull is enough to make one's heart palpitate.

The situation was evened.

No, the situation has been completely controlled by Ye Qingxuan!

When Sigmund gave up his initiative and chose roaming tactics, it put huge pressure on Ye Qingxuan and at the same time he also had to bear considerable risks.

And when the system formed by his six small sources could not suppress and block Ye Qingxuan's performance, he could only watch Ye Qingxuan encroaching on his own field step by step, and was completely at a disadvantage.

When he chose to compete with Ye Qingxuan in the master field, this result was actually destined.

Ye Qingxuan's Chapter of Fate is too huge.

The Xiaoyuan represented by the Philosopher's Stone is only one-third of the Chapter of Destiny...

This is an extremely unreasonable thing, because each of the three parts, namely the Moonlight Chapter, the Philosopher's Stone, and the Natural Disaster Resonance, is already extremely complete and can contain many advanced elements. The chapter of destiny.

Not to mention three parts combined into one.

At the moment when the three movements harmonize and collide, the pressure created by the music theory is enough to burst any musician, let alone blending them into one and running without hindrance to each other.

Even though Ye Qingxuan is best at the music theory structure of the Forbidden School, without the compatibility of the ladder across the seven series, the precise operation of the Nine Heavens Ring Pendant, and the unique and once-in-a-lifetime conditions of the Holy City, he would have exploded long ago. .

Now Ye Qingxuan's profound accumulation and attainments in the master field can no longer be matched by anyone.

Even the former scepter master is the same!

The music theory of the Philosopher's Stone itself is enough to distort reality. Once the Moonlight Chapter is activated, the power can be doubled!

Even if Sigmund has six small sources, it is a trick after all. He just uses the forbidden school to promote the music theory of other schools. Although the means are varied, the six small sources can resonate with each other, but it is still difficult to be called an absolute unity.

Otherwise, why would Sigmund separate the other six systems and why would he simply merge them into one?

What's more, his small source is limited by the material and cannot be compared with Ye Qingxuan, so he can only fall behind.

This is the limitation of the Stone Heart School itself.

From the perspective of future generations, the Stone Heart School is indeed powerful, but it also has its inevitable defects.

The final point is that when the small source is first manufactured, its future achievements are determined by the material. The special nature of the small source itself determines that it requires a huge amount of funds and many precious materials to make. Otherwise, the efficiency is even worse than an ether furnace implanted in the body.

Originally, Sigmund took the core concept of the Forbidden School, "abandoning oneself", as the starting point, and made an ether organ called Xiaoyuan to replace the musicians to bear the pressure of music theory, and even abandoned the body, and placed the chapter of fate in it, so that the musicians could get closer to the essence of ether.

But this means that it has a very high demand for materials!

Ye Qingxuan used "blood of heaven and man" to create Xiaoyuan, which is already a luxury, not to mention that it was later integrated with something unreasonable like the Philosopher's Stone.

Even Sigmund, as the deputy head of the Royal Music Corps, and in the most glorious Arthur era of Anglo, searched all resources, but only made six of the best Xiaoyuan. How can it be compared with the miracle crystal of Hermes's hard work and the Philosopher's Stone?

This characteristic of "poor people don't come" has led to the isolation of the Stone Heart School from most musicians. With the changes of the times and the progress of music theory, the cost performance of Xiaoyuan is gradually going downhill.

The same amount of time and money, rather than making a small source, it is better to go through other ways faster...

The Stone Heart School has no new blood to supplement, and no successor. The research on the small source gradually stagnated with the death of Sigmund. In the end, it was left behind by the times, and could only be a flash in the pan, and then disappeared after a long decline.

Back then, Sigmund betrayed the Son of Oak because of his dissent, spent his life's hard work, and founded the Stone Heart School with his extraordinary talent. I'm afraid he didn't expect to usher in such a sad fate?

A lifetime of hard work was abandoned by the times, regarded as chicken ribs, thrown into the corner, and no one cared about it.

For a musician, is there anything more painful than this?

In the field of masters, Sigmund was doomed to fail.

But contrary to Ye Qingxuan's expectations, he did not use the scepter. Ye Qingxuan had originally planned that if the battle entered the range of the scepter, he could activate the third part of the Chapter of Fate, the ‘Natural Disaster Resonance’, and after quadrupling, he would use the music theory of the Silent Moon to unfold the ‘Dragon Sleeping Barrier’.

Without the ether, regardless of the impact on the group of resurrected dead, it was unknown whether they could contend with their scepters and resonance.

But there was no problem in leaving a short gap for Christine to run away with Mary.

But from beginning to end, Sigmund had never made any other moves. He had never called his strongest power from the ether realm.

The moment Ye Qingxuan took the initiative, he no longer had any counterattacks.

He just bowed his head, raised his ten fingers, mobilized the six small sources, made them merge with himself, and carefully played the Chapter of Fate.

Countless music theories surged in his holy domain, constantly appearing in front of Ye Qingxuan. As Ye Qingxuan's nature interfered with the domain step by step, the changes in the countless music theories were actually revealed in front of him without any concealment.

Note changes.

Interval combinations.

The creation, combination and application of music theory, the secret techniques of the Stone Heart School... the further evolution and application of the small source technology.

Even the elements contained in the Chapter of Fate, his path to the scepter, are now revealed to Ye Qingxuan with his movements.

This is the source of the Stone Heart School.

Sigmund's life's work, in pursuit of the Great Source, he did not hesitate to burn the crystals obtained by his soul.

In the body of the deceased, the last obsession left in life is burning vigorously, not hesitating to burn himself, not hesitating to turn this new life into ashes again, and perfectly interpreting his former mysterious path to Ye Qingxuan.

Until the end, the melody ended quietly.

The last note went out.

The Holy Domain completely collapsed.

Surrounded by moonlight, the six small sources are already covered with spider web-like cracks, and the ether wave wind is like a candle, and it will be completely shattered in the next moment.

The winner has been decided.

Silent Sigmund slowly raised his head, his face like cracked ceramic, becoming more and more grim and gloomy, but there was a faint glow in his empty eyes.

Looking at Ye Qingxuan, he seemed to be expecting it.

——Have you learned it?

In silence, Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and bowed to Sigmund: "Please rest assured, the path of the Stone Heart School will not be cut off.

It will be passed on and last for a long time.

——One day, our souls will gather together in the Great Source."

Hearing his voice, Sigmund's mouth corners seemed to curl up slightly, revealing an illusion-like smile, which was fleeting. But the spirit of being born as a human emerged from the empty pupils.

The last candle in the wind was burning vigorously.

The passionate melody rose again.

Six small sources merged into his body, bursting out unprecedented ether fluctuations, making his power rise layer by layer. Towards Ye Qingxuan, towards the holy land that had swallowed him, Sigmund launched a final counterattack.

The light and shadow intertwined in an instant.

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes and waved his hand.

The moonlight was like a sword.

Everything returned to silence.

Under the high-hanging moon, in the bright glow, Sigmund did not move.

The body full of cracks gradually broke, disintegrated into ashes and dust, and fell to the ground. The last smile fell apart and gradually dissipated.

Dust to dust, earth to earth.

Sigmund, the founder of the Stone Heart School, returned to death.

In silence, Ye Qingxuan stared at his ashes and couldn't help but sigh softly... Then the Moonlight Sword fell without hesitation!

"How long are you going to hide?"

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