Crown of Silence

Chapter 604 Dinner Party (Part 2)

Chapter 605 Dinner (Part 2)

As the head of the military spy, he is a prosecutor in the secret court who is used for internal review and to deal with his own people. He instinctively doubts everything.

Moreover, he doesn't believe that Watson really thinks that he will be fine after the handover.

For someone like him who knows too much, once he loses power, the best outcome is to stay in a secret cell for life, or plant a bomb for the country to continue to do dirty work in secret. Even if he is given freedom, he probably dare not step out of the cell without all his strength, otherwise there will be many people who want him to die on the street.

There must be something wrong, but he didn't figure it out.

"By the way, the rain is getting heavier."

Watson wiped the rain off his face and asked, "Can you hold an umbrella for me, sir? It would be better if I can have a hot steak after the work is done. I cooperate so well, you should give me some preferential treatment, right?"

The spy looked expressionless: "I hope you didn't play tricks..."

He stared at the dead building in the distance-the third shipyard.

Because of backward technology, after sailing was eliminated, this shipyard went bankrupt and was completely abandoned.

Except for a group of wealthy classical lovers who occasionally cleaned up the place and held competitions on the waterway, almost no one cared about it.

He could even recite the list of the heads of the sailing club, but now it seems that even a ghost can know that those heads are just targets for taking the blame.

The spy's son looked at Watson coldly, "Why is this warehouse not in the catalog?"

"If the catalog is useful, what's the use of brains?" Watson shrugged helplessly, "Besides, strictly speaking, this place is not under my jurisdiction. It is a confidential location belonging to the superior department."

"Superior department?"

The spy's son sneered: "You no longer have a superior department. Since Maxwell's assassination and treason, the fifth department has ceased to exist..."

"Okay, okay, you have the final say."

Watson sighed: "Just give me an umbrella, whatever you say counts."

The spy's son waved his hand, and someone helped Watson hold an umbrella, but the rain still fell on the blanket in front of his knees, soaking it. Watson wiped the rain off his face and sighed.

"My favorite blanket."

The advance did not stop.

They pushed open the door and drove straight in. The accountants accompanying them counted the supplies in the warehouse swiftly. One room after another, a large amount of precious supplies were counted out from them. Even the knowledgeable spy leader was frightened when he heard it.

How could this be the shaman's private collection?

This is simply a country's war reserve warehouse!

With so many war weapons and power armor reserves, what on earth does he want to do... or how long has he wanted to rebel!

Two hours later, he listened to the numbers reported by the secretary, expressionless, but couldn't help lighting a cigarette, his fingers trembling slightly.

"Hey, friend, can you give me one?"

Watson reached out for it, and the spy leader looked at him expressionlessly for a long time, suddenly raised his foot and kicked him to the ground. Watson rolled on the ground in embarrassment, his forehead hit the table leg, broke, and blood flowed out.

"You'd better not play any tricks!"

The spy prince stepped on his face, looking at his humiliation, but the uneasiness in his heart became more and more serious. Watson let him step on him without any resistance.

"I just want a cigarette...or, if you are worried about me, you can kill me here." Watson spread his hands on the ground: "Anyway, I'm useless, right?"

The subordinate looked over, his fingers slightly on the handle of the knife, but the spy prince did not nod, just snorted coldly: "Take him down, this bastard must have something to explain."

"Hey, this is different from what was agreed."

"Listen, Mr. Watson, what I say is what it is, understand?" The spy prince had a blank expression on his face and threw his cigarette box to him casually: "Your mission has been completed, now take the cigarettes you want and go on vacation in the military cell, the country will use you."

"Okay, okay, you have the final say."

Watson let others grab him and put him in a wheelchair. He only frowned when someone stepped on his blanket: "That's my favorite blanket! Be careful! It's the best Indian product. You can never buy a foot of something like this in your lifetime..."


The man who was guarding him laughed in anger. He twisted his foot on the blanket, leaving a dark footprint, and looked at him provocatively

"Are you talking about this?"

Watson took a deep breath, exhaled for a long time, and closed his eyes:

"You misunderstood, I was not talking to you just now."

He no longer looked at the damn guy, but took a cigarette from the silver cigarette case, rubbed the match on the back of the chair, and the yellow phosphorus ignited, releasing a faint light.

Then, a crisp sound rang out from the closed warehouse.


The person who stepped on his blanket fell to the ground, and his brain and blood dyed the blanket red.

The cigarette ignited, and a red dot lit up.

More people fell, silently, with only the sound of blood gushing out.

Until the end, Watson lay crookedly in a wheelchair, took a deep puff of cigarette, and exhaled the curling smoke. Through the hazy smoke, there was no one who could move in the warehouse.

There was a loud roar.

Amidst the belated screams, the spy leader who instantly sensed something bad turned around suddenly, and then saw the silver light coming towards him - the next moment, he was nailed to the wall by a crossbow arrow as thick as his wrist.

There was a big hole in his chest and blood was flowing out.

He looked at Watson in the wheelchair in disbelief and made a vague voice:

"Haha...ho ho..."

In the silence, there was only Watson's breathing and his uncontrollable whine.

It was only then that a vague figure appeared in the depths of the warehouse. In the heavy rain outside the door, figures appeared one after another and gathered together.

"I told you, be careful."

Watson looked down at the blanket covered in plasma and shook his head helplessly: "This is my favorite blanket."

Laura's figure emerged from the void and glanced at him indifferently:

"I'll pay attention next time, Mr. Robin."

"Are you avenging a private revenge?" Watson was helpless.

Laura shrugged, “That’s what you say.”

Soon, a thin figure wearing a white poncho came out of the darkness and nodded to Laura: "Madam, everything is solved."

In his hand, the dog-leg knife was dyed blood red, and the rain sprinkled on it, but it couldn't wash away the thrilling red.

"who is it……"

The spy leader who was nailed to the wall looked at those people in disbelief. He couldn't believe that all of his subordinates who had been arranged overtly and covertly were all dead.

In just a few clicks.

He stared hard at Watson and used all his strength to make a sound: "What is this...?"

"What else could it be?"

Watson exhaled a puff of smoke and said coldly: "This is the 'fifth department' you mentioned that does not exist. I told you earlier that this place is not under my control. It is the garrison of a higher-level unit. You still don't believe it."

He took the last puff of the cigarette, flicked his fingers, and the cigarette fell into the pool of blood dripping from the spy leader's body. However, it seemed to have fallen into fuel, and it burned with blue flames in an instant.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you."

Watson waved goodbye, "Thank you for the cigarette."

The flames swept across, and after a few snaps of the fingers, the spy leader had disappeared, leaving only a crossbow arrow stuck on the wall and a blackened humanoid mark.

Then he looked back.

At some point, the huge warehouse was filled with people. Some of them are wearing peasant clothes, some are well-dressed, and more of them are wearing tight-fitting hunting clothes and carrying weapons...

It's like he said, Department Five.

According to the plan and instructions given to him by Ye Qingxuan a few days ago, he cleared two routes, used up all the favors, coerced and bribed all the black ships in Angelo, and removed all the combatants of the fifth department from All the people from all over Anglia were transported to Avalon.

After the number was reduced and reduced again, within three days, a total of 5,700 people arrived at Avalon.

Everything follows Ye Qingxuan's will and plan.

Watson looked at the dozen commanders, nodded with satisfaction, reached out, took a thick stack of documents from his subordinates, and threw them on the table.

"Calculating, it's almost time. No need to wait for the signal. The plan is here, finish reading in ten minutes, and then... let Aunt Laura take you and move freely."

Watson smiled: "I wish you a good time!"

Before he finished speaking, a loud noise came from the distance.

Through the heavy rain curtain, one could see the flames burning in the middle city, as well as the commotion and turmoil one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the burning holy symbol rose into the sky.

Like the sun in the rain.

Watson was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but laugh, "The old men who have been eliminated by the times have done a pretty good job. The old ones are still the best. It seems that things are speeding up here..."

While talking to himself, a burly man came out of the rain, took out a new wheelchair from the dark rainproof felt, carefully lifted Watson up, and placed him on the new vehicle.

Finally, he was properly replaced with a new blanket.

Exactly the same as the original.

"That's how it feels, it's so good."

Watson rubbed his fingers on the blanket on his knees and nodded with satisfaction: "Derek, you can always understand my thoughts - you should be a housekeeper more than an 'executioner'."

Derek replied in a muffled voice: "If that's your order."

"Of course not. When did you hear that the housekeeper hired another housekeeper?"

Watson smiled and pushed the wheelchair into the rain. Derek followed suit, holding up a huge black umbrella for him to protect him from the wind and rain.

"Is everyone here?"

"As you command, sir."

"Then what are you waiting for? An invitation?"

Watson waved his hand: "If anyone needs it, I'll help them get a few pictures next time, but first come out and let the gentlemen above watch them.

Derek, tell them: after collecting money for so long, it's time to work hard. "

Derek nodded, took out a heavy whalebone trombone from behind his arms, raised it to his lips, his huge chest bulged as high as a tomb, and then blew it out with all his strength.


But in the heavy rain, a long echo echoed.

It's like the long song of a whale as it roams the sea. The long song is like water, penetrating the rain curtain of heavy rain and flowing in all directions. Wherever he passed, countless bronze bells echoed one after another.

So one door was pushed open, followed by the second, then the third...

In those charred houses, in the collapsed ruins, in the damp bridge caves, in the gloomy cellars... the sound of the friction of iron and grindstone stopped suddenly, and pairs of bloodshot pupils were raised.

A cheerful smile in the dark.

After a long time, the thugs who were huddled in the hiding place opened the door, walked into the rain, and breathed in the free air.

Whether they were Anglians, Sicilians, Asgardians, Tianzhu people, or Orientals who were desperate at sea, they followed the call of the horn and returned to the familiar streets, holding swords and iron in their hands.

Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands...

They walked through the streets and alleys, through torrential rain.

Until the end, they gathered in front of Watson and turned into a dark ocean.

"It looks like everyone is here, which is good. The steak I ordered is coming soon. Time is tight. Let's keep the story short."

Watson breathed a sigh of relief into his slightly frozen hands and rubbed them vigorously.

“God knows how difficult it is to reserve a medium-rare prime steak in Avalon today, so you must know how to cherish and be grateful, okay?

This is basic dining etiquette and an important thing, and I hope you take it as seriously as I do. This is the only thing you need to pay attention to, other than that, you are free to do whatever you want..."

Along with his words, Tower Bridge roared in the distance.

In the violent explosion, the iron gate shattered, and the blocked passage between the middle city and lower city was reopened.

Watson smiled as if he heard the bell the waiter rang before the food was served.

"It's time for dinner, gentlemen, this is a rare buffet feast. Enjoy the banquet."

The pair of iron-gray pupils reflected the sky lit by flames and turned red, like a demon, full of violence and hunger:

"—I hope your appetite is as good as mine."

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