Crown of Silence

Chapter 611: The Art of Ascension

Chapter 612: The Art of Ascension

In the darkness, a sigh of regret came from the throne.

"It's almost the limit."


"Thank you for taking care of me since I was born, Maxwell."


In the silence, the sound of the tide came from afar.

"Maxwell, is that the sound of the sea?"


"I've been hearing it for more than 30 years. It's really annoying. I've been imprisoned for so long. I really want to leave this position and go out for a walk... Will you accompany me?"

"Your Majesty, I will always be by your side."

"Where should we go? How about Burgundy? Although the people are annoying, the red wine is good and the food is good. I heard that it will be warm there in autumn. Asgard is beautiful, but it's too cold."

"All good."

"Yes, all good."

The person on the throne whispered softly, "It's obviously this time, and you still want to live a free life. Father and brother will be disappointed to hand over the throne to someone like me, right?"

"No." Maxwell said: "You are the well-deserved master of Anglu, the master I recognize, and the emperor who no one can match."

The emperor laughed, just like the girl when they first met.

The laughter was freed from the shackles, took off the majestic disguise, and was as light as a flying bird.

"Maxwell, are you still here?"

"I am."

She reached out and groped in the darkness.

Her fingertips touched the man kneeling in front of the throne, and she stroked his cheek, lovingly and tenderly.

"Maxwell, I'm so sleepy, can I take a nap first?"


"When you wake up, please hug me."


She smiled, "Good night, Maxwell."

"Good night."

Someone in the darkness cried: "My majesty."


The Kingdom of Shadows.

Avalon, the Imperial Palace, the Throne Room.

Ye Qingxuan stared at the empty palace in silence, and looking around, he could only see dust and broken corpses that had already weathered.

The once heavenly kingdom on earth fell into the shadows. The magnificent city of the past has now become a ruin infested by demons, and even the throne room is in ruins.

It's like a cage.

Under the guidance of the alchemist, the armored knight raised the sledgehammer and smashed it hard in front of the throne. The floor cracked, giving off a hollow echo.

Not long after, a huge crack appeared on the ground. Under the illumination of the lantern, the darkness in the crack dissipated slightly, revealing the huge space hidden underneath.

"Is it here?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

"It should be right." Shi Dong nodded, raised the bottle and shook it: "Do you have anything else to add?"

The figure in the bottle screamed and begged, but there was no more useful information.

Soon, the knight lowered the rope, and the two organists hung the illuminated lanterns on their waists and descended into the dark space below along the rope. Not long after, the signal of safety came.

The alchemists and armored knights slid down one after another, and finally, Ye Qingxuan grabbed the buckle and fell into the space that had been sealed for hundreds of years along the zipline.

"Oh, it's so big."

Shi Dong fell down right after him, and saw the huge underground palace illuminated by the giant searchlight, and looked at the countless alchemical matrices on the wall that looked like lush branches and leaves.

"In theory, Avalon and its shadow correspond to each other. What Avalon has, the Kingdom of Shadow must exist. There is such a large space under the throne of the Kingdom of Shadow, so what about the palace of Avalon?"

"The Final National Defense Front."

Ye Qingxuan replied: "Its entity is placed there, three super-giant harmonies named after archangels. The entire palace is actually a huge alchemical musical instrument, like a giant organ. It connects various places through the etheric flow of the earth veins, and the whole of Anglu is under its control.

As long as the king sits on the throne, he can use the dragon's power as ten fingers and the country as an instrument to play."

"Where is the power source?" Shi Dong asked: "Such a huge war weapon, where is the ether furnace? I'm afraid that ten orchestras can't drive it to operate?"

Ye Qingxuan's expression was complicated, "I didn't know before, but now I know something."

Where is the ether furnace?

Where else can it be?

They can make the heart of the Nomadic Mountain into an ether road, so... why can't Leviathan? Especially when the entire Avalon is the original body of Leviathan.

Shi Dong understood what he meant and couldn't help but smile mockingly, "The kings of this country are really crazy, can I say they are of the same lineage?"

Ye Qingxuan didn't speak.

He just silently looked at the huge facilities in the underground palace, and the countless alchemy matrices extending out, and his brows gradually wrinkled.

"Okay, now the problem comes."

Shi Dong sighed beside him: "Although I don't understand alchemy, I think the thing placed here is definitely not what you said.

Ye Qingxuan didn't speak and retracted his gaze for a long time.

"Yes, this place is different from the outside. There is no harmony instrument and related equipment..." He whispered, "This is an alchemy cauldron."

"Alchemy cauldron? The thing that alchemists use to melt alloys and potions?"

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time, and suddenly ordered:

"Everyone go out. "

The witch's hammer and several alchemists who were studying the matrix were stunned for a moment, but after seeing Ye Qingxuan's expression, they didn't say anything, obeyed the order, and soon climbed up along the zip line.

Shi Dong stayed and stayed here with a smile. Ye Qingxuan glanced at him, but didn't drive him away. He just lowered his head and quickly analyzed the alchemical matrix.

Under the induction of the interpretation method, the complex surface of the alchemical matrix was quickly structured.

The outflow layer, the formation layer, the creation layer, and then the final activity layer.

The huge matrix connecting the entire Shadow of Avalon finally converged into a point.

Ye Qingxuan stopped and looked up.

Across the ceiling was the shattered remains of the throne.

"Sure enough, it's here."

He whispered softly.

Shi Dong seemed to be immersed in the role of a professional supporting actor, and asked at the right time: "Do you have any idea?"


Ye Qingxuan whispered: "This style is very familiar, classical deconstruction, orthodox alchemical formulas and inductive processes, and the earliest traces of music theory. I can probably guess who arranged this place..."

Who is it?

Who else could it be?

Who else in the whole Avalon, the whole Anglu, no, in the whole world, who else would do such a thing? Who likes to do things so much? Who else is so good at doing things?

There is only one answer.

Hermes, that bastard, has so many legacy issues after his death.

Ye Qingxuan pressed his temple, which was aching a little, and sighed in a low voice:

"You have done a lot of harm to people, boss..."

The core of the so-called alchemy is the basic formula of the school of change - equivalent substitution.

Hermes followed this and laid the foundation for alchemy.

It can be achieved by replacing everything with a formula, flowing through four layers of interfaces, and experiencing blackening, yellowing, emeraldization, whitening, and finally reddening.

It sublimates everything into a miracle and turns black iron into gold.

It is a startling creation.

And its true appearance, in the final analysis, is just to turn one thing into another.

The alchemical matrix engraved by Hermes here is no exception.

However, the scale is too large and the concept is too terrifying. It even integrates the entire seven systems of musicians, and the various music theories and propositions in the seven systems are intertwined and entangled in it. If it weren't for Ye Qingxuan's ladder, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to figure it out.

Even for Hermes, it is not an easy task to arrange such a large and complex alchemical matrix, right?

So, what else in this world is worth the former "Merlin" to mobilize so many troops and use such an exaggerated scale to refine?

The answer is so obvious that it is about to come out.

Ye Qingxuan exhaled the irritable breath in his lungs and squeezed out a voice from his teeth:

"The art of ascension..."

This is the true face of Arthur's art of ascension.

Using Avalon to extract the etheric flow of the entire Anglu's earth veins, almost mobilizing the entire country, unifying the huge country into one, truly gathering the power of the entire country, and achieving a miracle system. After it was completed, even Hermes regretted his recklessness and frivolity and wanted to bury it completely.

If Ye Qingxuan guessed correctly, even the national defense line was transformed with it.

"This is where Arthur established the kingdom of heaven on earth, gathering the manpower, material resources and financial resources of the entire country, and plotting to ascend to the gods."

Ye Qingxuan stood at the core of the alchemy matrix, overlooking the surroundings, and countless moonlight lines extended from his hands, placing the entire huge system in front of him.

Countless formulas were summarized into one by the interpretation method, and finally became pure numbers, and a simple conclusion was drawn.


Ye Qingxuan almost laughed at the answer, but he couldn't laugh.

"What is that? A strange formula?"

"The way of expression in alchemy, the format used by the earliest alchemists."

Ye Qingxuan lowered his eyes: "Alchemists regard the entire world as an organic transformation process, and in this process, every existence has its own rank. Whether it is a person, an object, or something else...

The higher the rank, the more important the proportion in the overall process, and the more precious it is. Alchemists use formulas to get results and name everything with the numbers of the results.

This is one of the reasons why the early church always killed alchemists without mercy: only God can measure the value of all things.

Whether it is ordinary humans, demons, musicians, saints, or natural disasters, they are nothing in the process of alchemy. It is just a pure unit.

The value of ordinary people is too rare, and can only be used as blank materials, so the grid is ‘0=0’. Above are musicians and demons who control ether, or alchemical equipment and special metals... Only things above the grid of 1=10 are worth refining.

And 9=2 is the maximum value that can be achieved in the world. 10=0 is already a category that only exists in the ideal, integrating all meanings, powers, pasts, and futures. Humans usually call it ‘the source’.

This is the true face of the art of ascension. Arthur, who stopped at the scepter, is unwilling to bow to the cult. He wants to be on par with the three kings, or even higher, and to surpass the natural disaster...

He wants to become the only emperor in the world, only one step away from the source. "

After listening to this, Shi Dong was silent for a long time and sighed: "That's really bad."

"There are worse."

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head expressionlessly and stepped on the alchemy matrix under his feet with his boots: "The basic principle of alchemy is equivalent substitution. The grid has determined the value of all things.

If you want to refine gold, you have to pay a price equal to gold.

Arthur's heyday was only the pinnacle of the scepter, so how could it compare to an existence that was almost above natural disasters? Who will pay for the vacancy in the middle? "

Shi Dong was stunned.

He understood what Ye Qingxuan meant, and with his dark thinking, he could naturally understand Arthur's intentions. With Ye Qingxuan's explanation and his skill, it was not difficult to come up with the only answer.

It's very simple.

too easy……

Hermes has already paved the way, all you need to do is move forward.

If there is not enough material, make up for it.

If the value is not enough, fill it up.

If your own Golden Seal of Victory is not enough, you will have the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. If the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is not enough, you will have Avalon. If Avalon is not enough, you will sacrifice the entire Angel.

If you want to become a natural disaster, then... find a natural disaster to pay the price for you!

What a coincidence, these things are all around us, and within reach...

"For example, Her Royal Highness the Queen is very close at hand - Leviathan."

This is the true face of the art of ascending to the gods.

Kill the Scourge, usurp the power of the Scourge, and make yourself a Scourge. Sacrificing heaven on earth, sacrificing Avalon, sacrificing all of Angru, sacrificing what you love, sacrificing everything... to achieve yourself.

From the very beginning, he had made all preparations for the day when he would become a god.

Everything is ready.

"The king and his accomplices kidnapped the queen and imprisoned her in her dream..."

Ye Qingxuan whispered the song that once echoed in the late night of Avalon, and his eyes gradually turned cold.

Stone sighed, "In other words, is Leviathan obsessed with Angelou for so many years in order to take revenge for what Arthur did back then?"

"Revenge? Why revenge?"

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head, staring at the alchemy matrix on the ground, and his voice became hoarse: "You don't think they can tie up Leviathan, put it here, close the cage, and then refine it, right?

This kind of super large alchemical matrix involving countless precise details cannot be done to that extent - it requires the absolute cooperation of the subject.

In other words..."

He looked at the alchemical matrix at his feet and felt a deep mockery from reality:

"Leviathan is voluntary..."

When the inference reaches this point, the result is already clear.

Leviathan's targeting of Angelou for hundreds of years was not at all out of revenge.

She loved Arthur so deeply, even if he took away her power, her life, and everything...

Although the art of ascending to the gods failed at the last moment for unknown reasons. But once the alchemical matrix is ​​activated, the first thing to be destroyed is definitely Leviathan itself. There is no doubt about this.

The real Leviathan is long dead.

Died hundreds of years ago...

Four thousand words, there will be another update later

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