Crown of Silence

Chapter 626 Dawn

Chapter 627 Dawn

Before being killed by Ye Qingxuan, Nomadic Mountain was one of the strongest among the evil sons of the sea. It was a monster that directly inherited the blood of Leviathan. In addition to its amazing vitality and activity, it also had a huge body that matched its power.

Its total length reached a jaw-dropping 1,170 meters, which is more than five times the current conventional large warships of various countries.

In order to split it apart, the musicians of the Inquisition converted an entire safe haven into a dissection platform.

Among them, Ye Qingxuan obtained not only the scales with terrifying defensive power, the vital heart and the most terrifying hardness of the skull, but also the important organs that supported the huge body of Nomadic Mountain.

Without a doubt, it was the spine.

Thanks to the terrifying size of Nomadic Mountain, the length of the warship after recasting also reached a sensational 400 meters. The most important keel was made up of the hardest parts cut from the spine.

After secondary cultivation and rough processing, hundreds of vertebrae were fused into one. During the voyage, it showed unprecedented terrifying strength and performance, and this was limited to manpower and materials, and could not be finely processed, and there was no rough processing of other alchemical matrices attached.

It still has terrifying potential that can be improved.

In addition, most of the remaining vertebrae have undergone more complex processes and detailed production, and through the special technology of the Inquisition, they are called the main gun of the warship "Prayer".

Only 24 vertebrae are left.

These 24 sections are not waste that cannot be used, on the contrary, they are the essence of its body.

They are important organs that build the etheric circulation in the body of Nomadic Mountain.

With the ether and power in the blood, Nomadic Mountain can stimulate their power, control storms and tides, and call for terrifying tornadoes and storms that can engulf all fleets.

They are natural musical instruments, alchemical matrices generated by the music theory of natural disasters.

At the suggestion of Chief Engineer Carol, eighteen bone joints were embedded in the alchemical matrix of the hull and connected in parallel with the etheric pool, integrating the original floating ability with the power to call the tide and storm.

The other six bone joints were all made into weapons.

Weapons made for natural disasters.

After a long period of refining and manufacturing by alchemists, only three have been successfully made, and the material is no longer the rough bones of the past, but like crystal clear crystal.

After all the alchemical matrices were compressed and rearranged, the parts that were not related to the lethality were removed, and its volume was compressed to one-tenth of the original size.

And the destructive power has increased by more than a hundred times!

The ninth drive, overload operation.

Following Ye Qingxuan's order, in the roar of near collapse, the main gun of the Inviter was aimed at Avalon covered by destruction, and a terrifying glow burst out, a hurricane was set off, and then it was torn apart.

In the sky, the dark clouds also stopped turbulence.

It was as if a god had cast a sword of punishment from the sky.

The crystal spine shaped like the holy emblem fell from the sky. The temporary lapis lazuli coating rubbed against the air. In just a moment, it climbed to the burning point and burst out with a shrill burning red light.

In the blink of an eye, after piercing through the fault arranged by Ye Qingxuan, the thin lapis lazuli shell fell off from it, and the crystal holy emblem burst out with a terrifying and fierce light.

Endless lightning gathered on it, bursting out with a mighty wind and thunder.

The stars fell!

The short distance of a thousand meters was jumped over, and the burning light of the holy emblem illuminated the deformed head of the natural disaster dragon, and the shocked and stiff expression.

The next moment, it mercilessly tore the rotten face into pieces, and along with its head, it penetrated into the abdominal cavity through the crack in the neck.

The sound of the holy emblem breaking mixed with the belated roar and loud noise, which seemed silent, but brought about terrifying consequences far greater than mass impact.

Without a head, it could burst out with a shrill scream.

The body of the dragon of natural disasters suddenly expanded, like a low-quality hollow rubber doll that was blown up, and it became several times more than the original.

The burning red light like lava ran under the skin. Even at a long distance, the terrifying high heat could still be felt, but this was just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, the lightning that condensed to almost liquid burst out from every pore.

It was as if in an instant, a huge thundercloud was stuffed into its body and burst out. The lightning that had accumulated in the cloud for a long time was completely triggered, burning all the materials it touched into charcoal.

After being constructed on the theme of sea tides and storms, once the joints are triggered, they will affect the surrounding water and create thunderclouds that can cover the entire city in a blink of an eye, triggering the thunder of destruction.

And now, all the destruction has been stuffed into the body of the dragon of natural disasters.

Flesh, bones, etheric circulation... everything was smashed, destroyed, and crushed into ashes almost violently.

In the roar of turmoil, Arthur's body instantly stiffened and was burned into charcoal by the thunder gushing from the inside. The vitality of natural disasters made him reborn again, and was destroyed by the storm again.

This is a torture that is above the torture of burning, like endless thousands of cuts.

In a short moment, how many times was he killed?

The Scourge, which was evaporated into dust, roared, and the power of Leviathan was forcibly suppressed inward, forcibly extinguishing all thunderstorms. The body of the Scourge Dragon reappeared, but it was riddled with holes.

On the charred and broken earth, the sticky blood struggled angrily like a living thing, gathering towards the iron-cast skeleton in the center.

The broken skeleton vibrated, quickly closing the cracks, and a bunch of new granulations grew out from it like plants, sealing the chest cavity and forming a thin film. Under the film, the new huge heart beat rapidly.

The broken head increased in value, and the remaining pupils opened again.

This time, in addition to anger and madness, there was also a trace of panic that could not be concealed or disguised.


Something was wrong...

Becoming a Scourge, gaining power, never dying again, holding eternity, and power in sight. Everything in the world is waiting for his conquest. The dragon's might will cover the seven seas. He will dominate the entire material world and become the only emperor and eternal master.

But what is happening now is completely different from what he originally expected.

Not only did he lose all the prepared bodies and could only parasitize in a poor and unqualified body, but he was also forced to reincarnate before the road to godhood was completed. He constantly endured unprecedented insults, fighting with his hands tied, and the pain and anger of being hit hard again and again. Now, he has even begun to despair of this strange world.

"The old gods will die, your majesty... I am like this, and so are you."

Merlin's mocking laughter sounded from his ears again, making him crazy. He looked around angrily, his bare claws slapped the condensed soil, roared, and entangled with the golden dragon's might. He madly broke through the lines of defense, no longer entangled, and wanted to break out.

But when he broke through the towering shield wall, what he saw was not freedom.

But the silent emperor.

In the hands of the emperor, the elegant and holy long sword was raised high. It was obviously a false memory, a fake reshaped by Longwei, but it had a kind of resolute and cold beauty.

"It's over, Arthur."

The emperor said goodbye softly, and the illusory sword in the stone fell, piercing through its remaining pupils, causing the dragon of natural disasters to wail in pain.

Then, the army roared, and in the roar of the undead, the legion transformed by Longwei rushed up, waving swords and rushing towards Arthur.

Use knives to cut, axes to chop, and all weapons within reach to leave scars on Arthur at all costs. If the weapon is broken, pull it with your hands, if the nails are broken, grab it with bones, and if the hands are broken, bite it with teeth...

It's no longer a battle, but torture.

It's like hell has come to the world.

The hatred and pain accumulated for hundreds of years since death broke out today, and countless angry ants were disintegrating the dragon bit by bit, causing the natural disaster to wail in pain.

Behind the army, the emperor stood silently holding the long sword, his dim eyes staring at the crazy dead souls, and the dragons that were wailing in pain, twitching, and rolling.

Under the armor, the wounds were cracked.

The fingers holding the hilt trembled.

He gritted his teeth and swallowed the painful blood between his lips and teeth.

It's over, Arthur.

It's over.

"Useless! Useless! All useless!"

In the endless torture, the fragmented dragon of natural disasters laughed hoarsely, mocking the ants: "You can't kill me! No one can kill me! No one!

I am a natural disaster, I have grasped eternity! Even if I die here, I will be reincarnated a hundred years later... I am immortal!

I created this country, I spread my legends all over the seven seas, and countless people praised my name! I am already with Anglu, as long as this country is not destroyed, I will eventually return!"

"The Spring and Autumn Dream will end here, Arthur."

A hoarse sigh sounded.

Amid the roars and howls of millions of people, that deep voice sounded from Arthur's ears, with unprecedented coldness and indifference, which froze the Dragon of Natural Disaster, and a tide of panic rose from his heart.

It was Ye Qingxuan.

Outside the battlefield, the white-haired young man lowered his head.

He raised his hands full of cracks, fumbled out a broken paper box from his pocket, shook it for a long time, picked out half a cigarette that had not been broken, and lit it with the fire on his fingertips.

After taking a deep breath, he extinguished the flame on his fingers and exhaled a blurry smoke.

Although his eyes were closed, when he tilted his head and looked in Arthur's direction, it made people feel that his eyes must be full of ridicule and mockery.

In Arthur's daze, he smiled and asked softly: "Do you know that there is a thing called the 'Holy Grail of Destruction'?"

At that moment, it seemed as if despair had transformed into a form and fell from the sky.

The dragon of natural disaster roared madly, its broken body squirmed, and it crawled madly towards Ye Qingxuan. But as Ye Qingxuan raised his hand, the surging veins under Avalon made a thunderous roar.

In the heaven on earth, the ancient scroll of "Genesis" was unfolded again, absorbing endless power and descending on Avalon again. Countless forbidden music theories were unfolded out of thin air, and the super light domain music theory was completed.

First, there must be light.

In the cold light, the huge domain enveloped Arthur, isolating the inside and the outside. It was like a huge glass wall, closing the sky and the earth, pulling him into another world.

The hymn of creation, at this moment, contained the meaning of destruction.

Countless mechanisms are operating, huge gears tens of meters high are rotating, the alchemy matrix of the Homeland Defense Front is changing rapidly, and huge cables are springing out from the broken earth one after another, connected to the huge created by Genesis. Above the realm.

It was like a huge crystal six-sided cube falling from the sky, imprisoning Arthur in it, allowing the broken dragon to struggle crazily, but unable to break through the invisible cage, and could only watch helplessly as despair swallowed him up bit by bit.

In front of the fault of the six-sided cube, Ye Qingxuan finally opened his eyes, raised his head, and stared at Arthur, seeming to pity and sympathize with what would happen to him next, and his tone became warm and soft.

Just like someone reporting death with a death notice in hand.

"Don't worry, natural disasters will not kill you. Even if your consciousness will be burned in the fire, your strength will be merged into the heaven on earth and make your final contribution to this country."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and waved goodbye:

"Congratulations, Arthur, you are finally truly with Angel."

The dark dragon of natural disaster roared in despair, it seemed to be whining, but it also seemed to be completely crazy, roaring, the sound was vague and broken, like a human, but also like a beast.

As the Holy Grail of Destruction slowly started to work, he sometimes roared and sometimes begged. He wanted Ye Qingxuan to die without a burial place and suffer eternal torture, and then suddenly promised him eternal glory and glory, even giving away all his power. Immediately afterwards, he shouted some big secret, but in an instant he changed to another set of words.

From anger, to depression, from struggling and pleading, to finally numbness.

Total despair.


He looked at Ye Qingxuan blankly, "Tell me, why?"

Ye Qingxuan smoked the remaining half of the cigarette, raised his eyebrows, and shook his head in a troubled manner:

"If you want to ask why, I have a lot of reasons here. I can write a five-hundred-page book to justify your death and failure from multiple angles.

But in the final analysis, you have no chance of winning this war from the beginning..."

He raised his hand, took off the cigarette that was about to burn out at the corner of his mouth, and replied calmly:

"——Because you blocked my way."

The cigarette popped out of his fingers.

That dim red light drew a beautiful arc in the sky and passed through the crystal cube. The weak spark illuminated Arthur's numb eyes and ignited the fire of destruction.

In just an instant, terrifying flames erupted from it.

As if in an instant, the blazing sun was born from it.

Under the endless supply of ether, pure destruction burst out from it, thunder and lightning, earth, water, fire and wind shattered one after another, and a terrifying scene like the end of the universe was staged from it.

The terrifying rays of light that destroyed a thousand suns at the same time burst out one after another. Even if you blocked your eyes with your hands, you could clearly see the translucent bones.

Destroy the Holy Grail.

The terrifying power originally used to destroy all of Angelo erupted in the hexahedron realm, filling every corner. In just an instant, the dark dragon of natural disaster was swallowed up.


Across the realm of Creation, no painful wails and roars could be heard, only a heart-stopping silence.

How many times has it been reborn inside?

Hundreds of times? Thousands of times? Or tens of thousands of times?

Until finally, in the endless destruction, all consciousness and all spirit are wiped out.

Everything was destroyed.

Tangible and intangible.

Only the power of Leviathan, which had been stripped out again, was ruthlessly extracted by the matrix of heaven on earth, coldly cutting off all possibilities of Arthur's resurrection.

Death is so long and yet so short.

Between the quiet sea and sky, in the city that was almost in ruins, there was only the pure flame burning.

The light tore through the darkness between heaven and earth, dispersed the clouds and lingering fog, and illuminated the lightless ocean.

The country that had been buried in darkness returned to the light of day.

Returned to the material world.

Until finally, the fire went out.

In the crisp sound, the hexahedron shattered and dissipated. No ashes flew out of it, and even the ashes were burned into nothingness.

There was only the emperor's hoarse sigh.

it's over.

These hundreds of years of pain and struggle, the curse that has haunted this country and everyone, and that relationship that should never have started.

If the fisherman's son had never been to that mirror-like lake hundreds of years ago, would all this have been different?

He stood silently on the edge of the palace, staring at the pre-dawn sea in the distance.

"What are your plans from now on?"

Ye Qingxuan walked up to him holding his cane, stood next to him, tilted his head and looked at him, half-smiling: "Continue to rule this country?"

"forget it."

The emperor shook his head: "I only ruled once and it was so bad. Do you want to clean up the mess again? I will leave this country to you and Mary."

"how about you?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at him seriously: "You're not going to tell me such nonsense that you're going to die soon, are you?"


The emperor struck out so quickly that Ye Qingxuan didn't react at all. He only felt his eyes blurred and was hit hard on the forehead. The pain made him gasp and grimace.

Seeing his appearance, the emperor whistled rather undignifiedly and smiled happily:

"I've wanted to do this for a long time."


A slight cracking sound sounded from his hand, and a crack appeared on that finger.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned, and the smile that he hadn't had time to reveal froze on his face.

The emperor hid his hands behind his back in embarrassment. After a long silence, he couldn't help but sigh: "At least you guessed one thing right. I won't say such nonsense to say goodbye."

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and said nothing.

The emperor held his sword and suddenly asked:

"Where did Bai Xi go?"

"Dongfang." Ye Qingxuan replied in a muffled voice.

"Get her back as soon as possible. I want Mary to make her a female prince." The emperor gave the reward without hesitation, not forgetting to glance at Ye Qingxuan: "She is much better behaved than you and Vito."

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head, rubbed his nose, and said in a low voice:

"She'll be back."

The emperor nodded, "Abraham and Ciel will do the same, right? And that boy Vito must have gone crazy these years outside. Only you can control him. Remember to find him back."

"Will do."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, "Everything will return to normal, don't worry."

"That's good."

The emperor nodded, stared at the sea in the distance, and smiled from the bottom of his heart:

"What a wonderful world. Why didn't I discover it sooner?"

Ye Qingxuan said nothing.

He lowered his head, raised his hands, and covered his face, but he couldn't wipe away his tears and couldn't help but choke.

Like a homeless kid.

"Don't leave, can't you?"

"Of course not."

The emperor shook his head helplessly: "Arthur and I were originally one and the same, the fisherman's son and the madman who wanted to become a natural disaster are also the same. Today's decline is the result of my own actions, you don't have to be sad.

Merlin is actually right, the old era will pass, let the name Arthur be forgotten together with it. "

Ye Qingxuan said nothing.

The emperor sighed, reached out and rubbed his hair: "Get Bai Xi back soon."


Ye Qingxuan wiped his eyes and raised his red eyes.

The emperor sighed, like an elderly lady, who couldn't help but say: "Be stronger and don't let others bully you anymore."


Ye Qingxuan nodded.

"Don't let down the girls who love you, and don't be like me."


Ye Qingxuan nodded.


The emperor hesitated to speak, and for a long time, he patted his head helplessly: "There is anything else that I can't remember for a while, so let's stop here.

Remember what you promised me, I will supervise you! "

Ye Qingxuan nodded silently, and the emperor smiled. His cracked face was full of happiness and relief, and he looked at the young man with gentle eyes, just like when they met in the falling snow.

When we stand together with each other, we feel warm. Even if the world is cold, we are no longer alone.

"Ye Qingxuan, nice to meet you."

"Me too."

"We're good friends, right?"

"Yeah, best friends."

So the emperor nodded, satisfied and no longer craving for more.

In the silence, I don't know how long passed, only the sound of small cracks could be heard.

Gradually, more and more cracks appeared in the emperor's body, until finally, he could no longer maintain his shape.

"It seems the time has come, I didn't expect it to be so soon."

He sighed regretfully and looked at Ye Qingxuan: "Goodbye."


Ye Qingxuan nodded, as if he had adapted to this kind of separation, and smiled reluctantly: "Goodbye."

The emperor nodded and closed his eyes.

In a trance, the sound of the ocean waves sounded, which was a tune that had always accompanied dreams since childhood. In the distant sound of the tide, came the sound of singing, familiar and gentle, as if it had been lingering in this city forever, silently watching and waiting.

He chuckled.

Sorry for keeping you waiting.

I'll come right away...

The gentle sea breeze blows like a joyful embrace. The emperor smiled, opened his arms, and his broken body turned into dust and dissipated in the wind.

Return to nothingness.

The world returns to silence.

Ye Qingxuan was left alone in the ruins, reaching out in vain to touch the traces of his death.

A long time, a long time.

He lowered his head sadly, smiled reluctantly, and whispered in a low voice: "Goodbye."

He was obviously smiling, but his shoulders couldn't help but tremble.

He lowered his head.

Water stains slid down his cheeks and dripped onto the back of his hands, making no sound.


Until the end, he was left alone in this empty world with no meaning anymore...


A disdainful 'chi' sound sounded.

"Ah!!!" Ye Qingxuan, who was immersed in sadness, suddenly trembled, felt the severe pain in his calf, and screamed involuntarily.

The pain was so sudden and so familiar that even though I had experienced it countless times, I still couldn't help but fall to the ground and roll around holding my calf.

But while rolling, he saw a pair of familiar eyes.

A bird's-eye view of Linxia.

Such arrogance, but also full of helplessness, as well as contempt and disappointment that seemed to come from the whole family.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned, petrified, and stunned.

The golden retriever looked away from him, annoyed by his cowardly look, and slapped his face with its wagging tail, as if slapping him in the face.

Haven't you already said goodbye?

I said I would supervise you!

I just walked away for a little while... Why are you crying?

Ye Qingxuan looked at him dully, stretched out his hand, touched its golden hair, and felt a familiar touch on his fingertips, which was real. Feeling that contemptuous look, he couldn't help but smile and ecstasy on his face that was twitching with pain.


Ignoring the hound's struggle, he pounced on it, hugged it in his arms, cheered, rolled on the ground, and covered his serious robe with dust and mud.

In this terrible world, separation and reunion always come suddenly.

But it's not too bad that there is always hope to survive.

The former emperor has fallen asleep with the old grievances, but the hound that inherited the beast and dragon's power has nothing to do with this. It has long been preserved in the heaven on earth and is with this country.

In the ruins, the young man hugged the hound, laughed, and shed tears of joy.

"Old Fei, welcome back!"


The long night ended, and the morning sun rose from the end of the ocean.

A fresh breeze blew in the distance.

Dawn finally arrived.

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