Crown of Silence

Chapter 632 Genius Concept

Chapter 633 Genius Idea

Two months ago, driven by the Order, the Asgardians went to war against the Caucasus Kingdom controlled by the revolutionary army.

This was a battle destined to be won, at least that's what everyone thought at first.

There was a huge disparity in the strength of the two sides. The Caucasus Kingdom was retreating steadily, and the east and west fronts were completely lost. The Third Army marched straight in. At the most terrifying time, it was only 40 kilometers away from the capital of the Caucasus.

However, sixteen days ago, overnight, the situation was reversed.

The weapon named 'Redemption' was installed in the hands of two thousand members of the revolutionary army. Then, three hours later, this army composed of farmers, craftsmen, bankrupt businessmen, and landless owners , under the leadership of the veteran soldiers, actually wiped out the most elite third legion of the Asgardians.

The bones of 60,000 elite soldiers are forever buried in the snowfields.

It's like a ridiculous joke.

In the ensuing war, Asgard, whose national power ranked first in the West, was retreating steadily. In just two weeks, it lost the territory it occupied in the Caucasus. It did not even dare to fight a frontal war in a short period of time. It can implement an economic blockade on the Caucasus at sea through a roundabout way.

For a time, all countries set their sights on the weapon called 'salvation'...

Through the rough workmanship and rudimentary technology, what they saw was almost unlimited war potential!

Within this month, no matter how much the Holy City banned and scolded it, research institutes in every country were going crazy about it. Even half a month later, counterfeit products that were no less than the original ones were leaked out.

Just like a noble and powerful knight died under the crossbow of a peasant.

The way war is fought has begun to change.

This is just an omen.

Even though the Hundred-Eyed One was defeated, it was still not a complete failure.

At least, he threw the abyss into the material world, and completely liberated the increasingly powerful countries from the shackles of the Holy City. The Third Amendment Act has ceased to exist in name only.

It was clear to everyone that a turbulent year was coming.

The change has just begun. No one can imagine how many monsters this world can breed after breaking away from the guardianship of the cult...

Ye Qingxuan cast his gaze on the Stirling external combustion engine. After a long time, he suddenly asked:

"What medium did you choose for your work?"

Ronald was silent for a moment and replied: "After trying various gases, we decided to use mercury that has been transformed by alchemy."


Ye Qingxuan smiled: "Why?"

That smile made Ronald a little flustered for some reason.

He coughed twice, gathered his thoughts, and then explained:

"First of all, alchemical mercury is very sensitive to temperature. As long as it reaches the boiling point, two standard units of mercury can evaporate instantly. If it is lower than the boiling point, it can condense and cool instantly. As long as it is sealed well, it can be used as a working medium to push the piston. , simply perfect.

Moreover, its production method has become mature. Although it is slightly more expensive than gas, in the long run. It’s much less resources than what we would spend on re-researching and popularizing production. "

"Oh? Value for money?"

Ye Qingxuan raised his eyebrows: "This is not the way of thinking of ordinary researchers. It seems that Director Ronald, your talents are not limited to a small researcher."

As he spoke, he patted Ronald on the shoulder and praised:


Ronald smiled reluctantly and continued: "Furthermore, with the current design, we can flexibly replace external accessories.

In this case, it can be driven by any fuel, whether it is solid, liquid or gaseous. As long as there is a matching combustion furnace, we can make it fully compatible. "

"The popularity has been greatly improved."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and applauded: "Perfect. So how to solve the most important noise aspect?"

Ronald laughed at the mention of this.

"Nothing to worry about at all."

He pointed to the components of the external combustion engine and said: "Compared with the original steam engine, the biggest natural advantage of the external combustion engine driven by the Carnot cycle is that the noise will be greatly reduced. As long as the most basic sound insulation treatment is done, it will not cause any problems. Any etheric reaction.

And the most exquisite thing is that we use alchemical mercury. The alchemical mercury will absorb the noise from the operation of the external combustion engine, produce an etheric reaction on its own, and increase thrust for the machinery.

The only disadvantage is that the startup process requires a long warm-up, but with the new cycle designed by our formula, external combustion only needs to be provided during the warm-up phase. Once the body is running and enters the inertia phase, the alchemical mercury will absorb and run on its own. The noise generated during the process, in turn, provides power.

Moreover, the efficiency exceeded 60% of the original body. We only need a minimal supply of fuel to keep the entire cycle going.

Although miniaturization cannot be achieved, we have incomparable advantages compared to the Ether Engine.

Through calculation, at the same cost, the ether engine can only drive one piece of armor, but our external combustion engine can drive an entire factory! "

Having said this, Ronald could no longer hide his ecstasy and danced with joy.

Ye Qingxuan was not as excited as he imagined. Instead, he did not smile at all and just nodded: "Then, let's start the experiment now. I can't wait to see it."

Ronald was stunned for a moment and nodded quickly.

Soon, a cart carrying fuel was brought up.

For safety reasons, everyone else retreated dozens of meters away. Only Ye Qingxuan had time to stand in front of the external combustion engine.

Even though the prototype has all kinds of uncertainties, he doesn't think that the out-of-control external combustion engine has the ability to cause any damage to him. It's just a joke. If a broken machine can do something that neither Hundred Eyes nor Arthur can do, then it can do natural disasters.

After waving his hand to signal Ronald to start, Ye Qingxuan waited quietly.

Ronald hesitated for a moment, then swung the shovel and lamely added coals to the combustion furnace of the external combustion engine. It took several minutes and spread all over the floor.

Soon, after the loading was completed, a blazing flame rose in the furnace.

Ronald was already sweating in front of the stove.

Five minutes later, the huge external combustion engine started to tremble slightly after being warmed up. In the low sound like the flapping wings of a swarm of bees, Ye Qingxuan heard the low sound of the piston rotating rapidly in the core.

Startup completed!

The alchemical mercury evaporates and expands, pushing the piston to move, and then condenses into liquid again and contracts with the cooling flow at the other end.

Huge power was born from the cylinder as the prototype machine ran, and was continuously transmitted along the cables and mechanical structure, driving the large lathe that was the experimental object in the distance.

The gearbox was running low and fast, the low sound of steel colliding and rubbing was heard, the lathe trembled, the gears were running, and the spindle box started to run.

The transmission chain began to rotate, and pieces of solid steel were transported to the front of the tool holder. With a sharp sound, the steel was cut rapidly amidst the ear-piercing sound.

Everyone held their breath.

The heavy piece of steel was cut under the alloy turning tool. After going through a series of dizzying and complicated processes, in just a few seconds, a ground and polished hollow steel shaft rolled down from the transmission chain. There was a crisp sound on the ground.

The testers risked their lives by running up in small steps, taking out various tools for inspection. At the end, they raised their heads excitedly and waved their hands ecstatically.


At that moment, the suffocating atmosphere was broken, and everyone cheered. The external combustion engine finally took its first step and proved its industrial potential.

In the midst of the cheers, Ye Qingxuan suddenly stretched out his hand, directly bypassing the control equipment in the test site, and extracted a large amount of ether from the sea of ​​ether, and a silver stream of light rushed towards him.

In the blink of an eye, the alarm sounded.

In front of him, the location of the external combustion engine rose from a pure white area to a yellow area representing hidden dangers. The external combustion engine shook and continued to run, even at an accelerated speed.

Five minutes later, Ye Qingxuan waved his hand again, and the ether density climbed straight up.

Red zone!

The external combustion engine trembled violently and erupted with a deep sound, causing the ether in the air to burst into light. Countless ripples expanded each other and spread to all directions.

But still within the safe zone.

Under the influence of the external environment, the stability of the external combustion engine plummeted, and even cracks appeared on the main compartment of the body. Behind him, the researchers who were watching from a distance swallowed their mouths and prayed desperately that the external combustion engine could operate stably.

However, the noise became louder and louder, and the loopholes of the prototype were exposed.

Failure to achieve perfect sealing resulted in the operation of the fuselage being affected by the external environment.

Ye Qingxuan thought for a moment and waved again.

Black area!

In just an instant, a loud roar erupted, and the broken gears flew out of the casing, tearing huge gaps in it. The gear fragments whizzed in and came to an abrupt stop in front of Ye Qingxuan.

It was only an inch away from penetrating his head.

Everyone gasped.

The external combustion engine roared, spewing out a large amount of evaporated alchemical mercury, and then fell into silence.

As it stopped, everyone's faces turned pale.


But in the silence, there was the sound of applause.

It's Ye Qingxuan.

He clapped his hands and stared at the damaged external combustion engine in front of him, smiling with joy:

“Very good, very good, I should say, beyond my expectation!

Mr. Ronald, the results produced by you and your research team will shock the whole world! "

Ronald looked at him blankly for a long time, then asked hesitantly:

"But wasn't it... broken just now?"

"The black zone is a mechanical restricted area. Except for a few simple machines that can operate stably, there are no conditions for large-scale construction machinery to operate, right? What's more, there are prototypes that have not been tested and inspected at all. It is already unprecedented to be able to do this. It’s almost as expected.”

Ye Qingxuan shrugged: "Besides, I never thought about running it in the black zone, and I didn't even consider it in the red zone. It was originally a production machine, and was never used for development. As long as it can operate in the white zone and yellow zone By operating smoothly in an environment, all production needs have been met.

Being able to do this is already very good, no, it is unparalleled, Mr. Ronald, I am looking forward to the day when it is officially produced.

I hope you will not slack off and keep up the good work. "

As if he had returned from hell to heaven in an instant, Ronald nodded ecstatically and hugged and cheered with other researchers.

This reaction made Ye Qingxuan a little helpless. He acted like a tyrant. Was he going to kill them all if he couldn't finish it?

He shook his head and looked at the completely damaged external combustion engine in front of him.

His eyes couldn't help but be amazed.

It's not that I was surprised by its results, nor that I didn't expect its effectiveness. On the contrary, as the first person to come into contact with its principles, Ye Qingxuan was already mentally prepared.

However, through the rough prototype, what he saw was not just a crude prototype engine, but almost perfect ideas and ideas.

The Royal Institution did better than he imagined.

Its designers controlled its principles like art and created the most perfect prototype, just like invisible hands delivering the embryo that was still gestating.

Now, the newborn comes into this world. Although it is a little weak, it is destined to have a bright future.

Simply a genius idea.

It is foreseeable that the tram carriages will soon be eliminated, and the huge machinery equipped with Stirling external combustion engines will pull hundreds of carriages running on the rails.

Immediately afterwards, production and industry will also usher in earth-shaking changes, and a large number of manpower will be liberated from complicated and simple work...

The world will undergo further changes.

Ye Qingxuan laughed silently.


After a short celebration, the researchers showed Ye Qingxuan its design drawings and a large number of application plans. Just by looking at the thickness, you can feel the effort they put into it.

"By the way, I remember you said that you completed the main cycle through a new formula on the original basis, so that the alchemical mercury can stably absorb noise and convert it into power.

Now it seems that the efficiency of the entire external combustion engine has almost doubled. What a genius idea... What kind of formula is it? "

Ye Qingxuan flipped through the design drawings and asked casually: "I'm a little interested in this, can you explain it to me?"

For a moment, the atmosphere seemed to solidify.

The researchers looked at each other, and finally looked at Ronald. Ronald's expression was a little stiff, "Uh... this..."

"Ah, I found it."

Ye Qingxuan pulled out a drawing full of complex numbers from it, looked at it with a smile, and admired it from time to time. Finally, he raised his head and pointed at a few values ​​in the corners:

"Excuse me, how do you solve the variables here and here? I don't understand. How is this result calculated?"

Ronald was silent, swallowed his mouth, and was sweating profusely at some point.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Qingxuan raised his head, his smile still on his face: "Mr. Ronald, you seem a little uncomfortable?"

"It's...a little too hot here."

Ronald smiled reluctantly and tugged on his tie: "It's so hot."

Ye Qingxuan didn't speak, just smiled and looked at him.

As he watched, Ronald's face became paler and paler, and he could not suppress the trembling of his legs, until finally, he could hardly stand and fell to the ground.

"Hey, I'm a little dizzy."

He smiled awkwardly and wanted to get up, but his arms were trembling: "What did you ask just now? Let me explain to you..."

But Ye Qingxuan stopped laughing.

He shook his head, sighed, and threw the drawing in his hand to Ronald.

"Come on, sir. Lying is an advanced craft, and it's not for you."

He knelt down, looked into Ronald's eyes, and asked softly:

"Tell me, where did the formula come from?"

Ronald's expression twitched, and he defended incoherently: "The time is too short, your requirements are too harsh, and we have no choice but to..."

"I understand, a month is simply inhumane."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said softly:

"But if you don't do this, how can you go to Newton for help?"

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