Crown of Silence

Chapter 636 Cheers to our friendship

Chapter 637 Cheers to our friendship

This is one of the reasons why the Three Kings are so terrifying.

They directly represent the Sacred Cauldron, the foundation of the Seven Musicians. As guardians, maintainers and controllers, the Three Kings can indirectly influence the Great Source through this system.

It is like the emperor promoting a mortal to become a consul under his command, and directly appointing him from the core. Therefore, the cult and the Holy City can have such a special status.

They give humans power, but they also hold the control of the shackles in their hands, maintaining the stable development of the entire world.

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan dared to conclude: If the Holy City knew that he was determined to open the Ether Network, it would definitely not give up. In Laura's unintentional words: He would definitely eradicate this scourge at all costs.

What the Ether Network shook directly was the foundation of the Holy City.

——It can make up for the gap in "talent" with tools!

The principle is just like the "bracelet" that Ye Qingxuan took out for Newton to experience.

Although it looks like alchemical equipment, it is fundamentally different. It does not directly play notes through the alchemical matrix above, combine intervals and music theory, and finally release the movement.

It is just an "interface", a "terminal" connected to the ether network.

According to the orthodox way, the musician releases the movement by sensing the ether through his own perception, and then controlling the ether with notes, intervals and music theory, and finally condensing it into a movement, and then releasing the movement.

And this complex process is simplified to one step under the control of the ether network. It has never been in place, and only needs to open the "interface".

No need to worry about thinking, no need to work hard, no need to sense the ether, no need to control the movement... Everything is left to the "ether network" to handle, and the user only needs to be responsible for how to use the movement.

There is no need to consider other things.

According to Hermes' final conception, the whole process is no longer completed by the musician alone, nor is it based on the machine. Whether it is the musician, the machine, or the small source, they are just different links in the whole process, and finally become a huge system.

It will be composed of a huge source, a complex system and countless terminals.

Under the rigorous system and control, the music is no longer a personal work, but a finished product on the assembly line.

This is not an absurd fantasy, but has been verified by Ye Qingxuan.

Or... this is the path that Ye Qingxuan has been walking.

As early as his apprenticeship, when his talent was sealed, he had gone through the crooked path of the classical school in an exhaustive way, stuffing the vast records into his mind by rote memorization, and using the notes freely.

This has proved that the induction of ether has its own rules.

There is no need to look for inexplicable feelings. As long as you choose a fixed pattern according to the environment, you can achieve the desired effect.

Under this system, this process will be replaced by a complex mechanical system, just like the terminal used by Newton just now.

Even ordinary people without any talent can use the terminal freely as long as they understand its principle.

After deconstruction through the "interpretation method", the music will be divided into several parts, which will be pieced together in the system of the ether network, and finally assembled at the terminal to achieve the effect.

Until now, all the prerequisites required for the ether network have been prepared.

The "Earthly Kingdom" that integrates "Genesis" will become the basis of the "Ether Network", and the Nine Heavens Ring and the Ladder Music Theory will constitute its main body. With the construction of the ether network, it will cover the entire Anglu.

And within the coverage of the Ladder Music Theory, the power of the Earthly Kingdom can be transmitted to every terminal at any time.

And the newly built external school of the Royal Academy of Music, those who were recruited in large numbers, became its first users after the most basic music theory training and the "interpretation method" course.

These civilians who are regarded as worthless will quickly master the power that only noble musicians can have, even if it is only a broken power, and become the new "war musicians".

Within the coverage of the etheric network, the impact of "innate talent" will be minimized. And the musicians will step down from the altar... and become a role like engineers.

Although limited by Ye Qingxuan's ability and the completion of the etheric network in the early stage, the music that can be used is relatively low-level.

But aren't the musician resources that are currently lacking in large quantities the bottom level?

Which infantry regiment's 100-man team would need saints to support the battle? Having three apprentice-level musicians is already enough for the commander to spend all his money to buy 100,000 indulgences, and the grace of God is great!

Although I am afraid that the entire musician community will boycott at that time and refuse to recognize that people trained in this way are musicians, because once they lose their autonomy and integrity, they basically cut off the possibility of pursuing the "great source".

But to be honest, how many musicians will fanatically pursue something that they can't touch in their lifetime?

Ninety-nine percent of musicians have never thought that they might be able to get close to Dayuan in their lifetime. Even if they get close to it a little bit, that is something that only the Scepters think about.

Everyone knows that Dayuan is powerful, perfect, noble, omniscient, and omnipotent, but what does this have to do with them?

In terms of practicality, the illusory not worth a penny.

But just from this point, Ye Qingxuan encountered the scene of being listed as a heretic and scolded to death. Fortunately, what he said and did now was guaranteed by justice...

It's so cool!

It's so cool!

Who dares to say that the Grand Inquisitor of the Inquisition is a heretic?

After listening to his plan, Newton saw the biggest weakness of this plan at a glance: "With your ability alone, I'm afraid that what you come up with can't even be considered a prototype, right?

The seven systems of musicians, even if you take into account prohibition, illusion and mind, but in the final analysis, you are really only good at prohibition. The special nature of the forbidden school itself is that it can provide interfaces for the other six systems with pure music theory, combining the only.

This platform is too scarce for musicians."

"I didn't intend to solve all the problems by myself, otherwise, what else would I need others to do?"

Ye Qingxuan was not worried about this: "All I can do is to complete the prototype of the entire system, and the rest will be handed over to Let the users fill it in themselves. "

Newton was stunned: "You want to open source? Are you willing to give up the initiative completely?"

"Why not?"

Ye Qingxuan asked back: "For me, the Ether Network is just a tool. The more people use this tool, the greater the power it provides to me.

I believe that once they discover the convenience of the Ether Network, they will automatically create new content for it and move their own music theory to it..."

Newton sneered: "Is it sent to you?"

"Almost." Ye Qingxuan shrugged, "Anyway, isn't it me who will benefit in the end? Since I have something to earn, why can't I share some of the soup with other participants?"

Newton was silent.

He didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan would actually... open the outer structure of the Ether Network!

Outflow, formation, creation, activity, in the four-layer alchemical matrix, Ye Qingxuan is afraid that except for the 'outflow layer' as the core foundation and the 'formation layer' that masters the principles and trunks, the other half will be fully opened to others.

He is so cruel!

He knew how tempting this thing was to other musicians, so in order to attract them to jump in, he did not hesitate to open a free buffet...

And it killed two birds with one stone, not only enriching the content, but also attracting a large number of supporters.

By then, there will definitely be a large number of musicians who are down and out and those who are limited in qualifications and cannot go further to be grateful to Ye Qingxuan! No, it would not be surprising even if they become Ye Qingxuan's fanatics, right?

"Even so, what about the infrastructure?"

Newton asked: "Although I don't understand music theory, I can see clearly that the requirements of the Ether Network itself for infrastructure are too demanding..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Ye Qingxuan's strange eyes and his voice stopped abruptly.

What emerged in his heart was an indescribable complexity.

I haven't experienced this kind of dilemma for a long time.

Is the Ether Network demanding on infrastructure? Of course it is demanding, and it is extremely demanding. It requires a large number of supporting mechanical terminals, and I am afraid it also requires a large number of relay stations and various supporting technologies. Otherwise, the Ether Network can't even leave Avalon...

The complexity and horrible workload are like a nightmare even for Newton.

At this moment, he only has deep regret in his heart.

He was tricked!

He was tricked!

Obviously, this is Ye Qingxuan's purpose!

He took great pains to find me, isn't it just to let me do this? Who else in this world is more suitable for this than me? Besides me, who else can do it?

Before I snatched that piece of torn page, Ye Qingxuan once asked him to think it over, and after reading it, there would be no turning back.

At that time, he thought Ye Qingxuan was exaggerating.

Now it seems that I am afraid that I have really boarded the pirate ship.

Now, there are only two choices in front of me.

'Do' or 'don't do'.

If I don't do it, then Ye Qingxuan will never allow him to continue to live in the world.

It's not that Newton is judging others by his own meanness, this plan is too deadly, and any possibility of leakage will bring disastrous consequences.

If Newton were Ye Qingxuan, he would definitely kill himself, and even bloodbath the entire institute.

Newton didn't want to die yet.

He really didn't want to die.

He still had a lot of things to do, to blaze a new trail for the mechanical engineering pioneered by his teachers and prove the value of this path.

He firmly believed that the future of mankind was in it.

So, he could only choose to bow his head.

But if he started to do it... then he and Ye Qingxuan would become the top heretics of the cult, and even their ranking would be above the Hundred Eyes!

Why is "Redemption" so terrible?

Is it because of its lethality that even the knight's armor cannot penetrate? Or is it the principle that once there is psychological preparation and defensive measures, it loses its terrible deterrent power?

None of them...

Because of its popularity!

Because of its subversion of the way of war...

In the face of Redemption, everyone is equal.

As long as it is made, even a peasant holding it in his hand can kill the king!

And the Ether Net is even more terrible...

It creates musicians!

All musicians will be pushed down from the altar by it, from gods to humans, from "magicians" to "engineers" serving the ether network.

And the power that is like a miracle will be distributed to everyone.

Once it appears, all those who are hungry for power will crawl in front of Ye Qingxuan.

It is up to Ye Qingxuan to decide who is qualified to have power.

It is up to him to judge who can control the miracles!


too crazy!

This is the reason why Ye Qingxuan still refused to hand back "Genesis" even if the neck of the advanced scepter was stuck by the Holy City.

Just relying on the Ethernet is enough for him to advance to the scepter, and after the advancement, the elements of the Ethernet are enough to make him ranked first in the scepter.

What's more, it can also leave Master Haydn's inheritance in the etheric network.

From the very beginning, Ye Qingxuan had been planning to poach the Holy City.

At this moment, Newton was silent, lost in thought.

His face changed slightly, sometimes fearful, sometimes frustrated... At this moment, his mood was full of mixed emotions. He was tied into a chariot by Ye Qingxuan because of his curiosity.

But now, the truth was revealed and the suffering was coming, but he didn't feel angry at all.

On the contrary... I am looking forward to this day.

He knew the consequences of what Ye Qingxuan did, but wasn't this good?

No, great!

Rather, for him, there is no better outcome than this.

Ye Qingxuan chose him, put the ax and shovel into his hands, and asked him to dig the musician's grave and carve the stone tablet. He would become the gravedigger.

Just thinking about this, he got goosebumps all over his body.

He slowly raised his head, looked at Ye Qingxuan, gritted his teeth and nodded:

"I did it!"

"very good."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, smiled happily, picked up the wine glass on the table, and blocked the dagger next to him: "Cheers to our friendship!"


Fuck friendship.

In response to Ye Qingxuan's attempt to hide his secret, Newton turned his head and spat, not even bothering to pay attention.

The whiskey with ice was quickly finished. Ye Qingxuan took out his handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, and praised: "Thank you for the hospitality, the wine is good."

"Get out of here after drinking."

Newton pulled out a piece of gauze, wrapped his hand that had not fully healed, and pointed at the door: "Don't bother me if you have nothing to do. I will write a list for you if you need anything. You just need to pay with peace of mind." "

"no problem."

Ye Qingxuan shrugged, took off the hat on the hanger, put it on and said goodbye. He was polite and looked like a complete gentleman.

But when he pushed the door open and walked out, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but pause and turned to look at him.

"Hey, Newton."

Newton was too lazy to look at him anymore. He just turned his back to him and packed up the drafts on the table. From today on, he would change to another laboratory.

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's voice, he felt a little impatient:

"Is there anything else?"

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a moment and then asked: "Although it's ridiculous to ask this, Newton, have you ever regretted what happened to Charles even for a moment?

Even for a moment. "

After a long silence, Newton replied coldly:



Ye Qingxuan smiled self-deprecatingly, "I'm just being sentimental, I'm sorry."

The door is closed.

The footsteps fade away.

In the dim light, only Newton was left.

He cleaned up the messy drafts on the table, but for some reason it became more and more messy, until finally, he irritably swept everything on the table to the floor.

Sit on the chair and lower your head slumped.

"Oh shit……"

He whispered softly.

Monthly ticket~monthly ticket~

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