Crown of Silence

Chapter 641 Prototype (Part 2)

Chapter 642 Prototype (Part 2)

The air was filled with a burnt smell, which was the smell of the notes on the body surface overheating and burning the flesh and blood.

The symptoms looked very familiar to Ye Qingxuan, and his mind suddenly remembered the gloomy old woman he saw when he first came to Avalon, the woman who was transformed into a half-demon...

"Did Angru secretly research human body transformation?" He frowned.

"Yes, that research did provide a lot of convenience, at least it contributed some mature technology to the technology of engraving music on the human body."

Newton waved his hand nonchalantly: "Don't worry, I know you are the chief judge, so I didn't transplant the demon bloodline into him. The ether network was originally used for humans, and the demon bloodline is unnecessary."

Ye Qingxuan just shook his head and said nothing.

In fact, it doesn't matter that he transplanted demon blood. The Inquisition has done a lot of things with demons. If Newton needs it, all kinds of weird technologies can be disclosed to him...

In fact, if Ye Qingxuan hadn't suppressed those old perverts, who knows what the dungeon of the Inquisition would look like now.

Of course, this kind of "family shame" is naturally embarrassing to tell outsiders.

Besides, putting Newton, a psychopath, together with the old perverts, who knows what kind of moths can be made.

He retracted his gaze and fell on the twitching body of the zebra.

To the naked eye, it was nothing more than a man trembling and twitching in a trace of electric light. But in the musician's perception, he could observe without a doubt that countless notes flickered in the alchemical matrix in the armor, compiled music theory, and went down along the cables to connect with the harmonium as a relay station.

Through the layers of armor, Ye Qingxuan could even see that in the operation of countless machines and alchemical matrices, there was a unique identification interval.

That is the unique "code" of this armored terminal in the ether network. It is precisely by relying on the different interval combinations on each terminal that it can be distinguished and authenticated.

Although it is useless in the early stage, once it starts to develop on a large scale, its existence becomes absolutely necessary.

Newton's vision can be so long-term, Ye Qingxuan is ashamed of himself.

At this moment, the ether network has been divided into three layers.

The top layer of the "heaven on earth" projects its own elements onto the middle layer of the concerto through cables, and the concerto as a repeater transmits the music theory through cables and extends it to the armored terminal at the bottom.

The three layers are clearly separated, forming a typical topological structure in mathematics, and forming the first "line" of the ether network.

In Newton's expectation: there may be a fourth and fifth layer in the future.

As the topmost ‘Heaven on Earth’, which is the main body of the ether network, it will become a huge music theory distribution center, continuously distributing power to the second layer below, that is, several large repeaters, and the large repeaters will further transmit ether and music theory along the cable to the small harmonizers on the next layer, and then the small harmonizers will uniformly allocate and transmit it to each terminal.

And the power on the terminal will also be transmitted upward layer by layer.

In a system with ‘interpretation’ as a unified music theory format, everything will be integrated into one.

It is like a post office management system, except that what is distributed as a parcel is not letter paper, but ether and music. In a very short time, power will be delivered to everyone who needs it through this network...

And now, the first line has finally been constructed.

At the moment of bridging, all that needs to be done is to verify each layer to ensure that there is no noise and error in the transmission of its music theory and music.

According to the process given to him by Newton, the terminal first sends a set of special intervals to the upper layer for verification. At the same time, it enters the transmission state.

"The first connection is complete!"

Then, the upper-level concertin received the interval, completed the verification, and confirmed that there was no problem with the one-way transmission. Then, a special interval was transmitted downwards, and the transmission state was entered at the same time.

Before the floor, a low organ sound was faintly heard.

"The second connection is complete!"

The terminal received the verification interval from the upper layer, and there was no problem with the one-way transmission between the two parties, so the final confirmation interval was issued. The two parties officially entered the connection state.

"The third connection is complete!"

Under the floor, the huge pneumatic organ connected to the concertin suddenly started to work, and the note representing the completion of the final transmission detection sounded.

A low roar.

The sound of the piano contained pain and joy, like the cry of a baby during childbirth.

A dead silence.

For a long time, for a long time.

From the brass tube, there was an ecstatic scream: "The music theory transmission is smooth! We succeeded! Mr. Newton! We succeeded! The first phase of the Ether Network experiment has been successfully completed!"

The chaotic noise was faintly heard, like the sound of researchers hugging each other.

It was a result that looked so simple, but it made them so excited, like sailors who discovered a new continent.

Even if it was just a faint trace in the distance, it was enough to make the explorers in the endless ocean burst into tears.

Even Newton, who never gave others a good face, showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help clapping.

In just half a month, Newton proved his ability.

Compared with his rigorous system, the system he designed by himself... is just like shit.

"What are you excited about?"

Newton quickly calmed down and waved: "Continue the experiment, strike while the iron is hot. The group responsible for music theory transmission, please give up the venue and give me the summary tomorrow. The new transmission protocol should be put into process. Make sure the key and precautions are in place. Don't let others sneak into the ether network with the terminal."

"Anything new?" Ye Qingxuan looked at Newton.

"Of course, otherwise we can just have fun behind closed doors. Why would we call you here? I asked those musicians to make a few simple music excerpts yesterday. Let's try the effect first."

Newton glanced at him, raised the speaker in his hand, and shouted to the experimenter in the distance: "That guy, Zebra or Cow... Yes, don't stand there stupidly, look at the buttons on the left arm.

Yes, press the red one!"

Zebra hesitated for a moment, and because of the transaction between the two parties, he reluctantly pressed the button that didn't look like a good thing.


Under the floor, in the darkness, the huge organ sounded again.

In the low melody, the music theory flowed along the King of Ether, sank into the terminal, and formed a fragment of the movement. Then... the figure of the zebra suddenly blurred.

Soon, there was only a faint shadow left in the original place. If you don't look carefully, you can hardly see it clearly.

The zebra was stunned, and then he couldn't believe it:

"I am... invisible?"

That's right, invisible, the sign of the illusion school.

Although the ether fluctuations were obviously like torches in the dark night in the musician's perception, they could not be hidden at all, but from the naked eye, it was difficult to distinguish the traces.

"Well done."

Ye Qingxuan was a little surprised: "I didn't expect it to be achieved to this extent?"

"More than that."

Newton shook his head and shouted again: "Hey, Zebra, press the red button, then press the blue button! Listen carefully, turn off the red button first, then turn on the blue one!"

Zebra followed the instructions, and in the low sound of the organ, the mice in the cages in the corner began to scream wildly and flee.

Although nothing happened.


Ye Qingxuan suddenly realized.

The entry-level skills of the School of Psychology, although he didn't even feel this level of deterrence, but those small animals could keenly detect it.

"Try green!"

This time, after a long silence, a soft pink thing appeared on the ground, twitching in the dry air, like a living thing.

Even Ye Qingxuan didn't expect it...

"Is this a sponge?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed: "You can think of it."

Although it looks weird, this is an out-and-out summoning faction. Sponges are also considered living things... although they are the least like living things.

He could guess why sponges were chosen, because sponges have the simplest animal nature...

They almost don't need animal nature.

Moreover, it is questionable whether such things really have consciousness.

Originally, the Summoning School was the biggest shortcoming of the Ether Net, because the Summoning School required several times more music theory than other schools. In the final analysis, it is difficult to create living things out of thin air.

Without musicians to feed with consciousness, the simulation of animal nature is a big problem. Without sufficient music theory and observation data, the summoned creatures will definitely be extremely rigid, but this can only be solved slowly.

Moreover, Ye Qingxuan's wishful thinking was crackling.

After intercepting Master Haydn's "Genesis", the foundation of the Ether Net was solved. If Wagner's "Valkyrie" was also obtained, wouldn't the problem of animal nature be solved!

At worst, you can also use the Golden Chapter of Victory!

Of course, the calculations in my mind need to be made slowly, and the road needs to be taken step by step. It is not suitable to stimulate the Holy City too much now. I can only study quietly and plan for the long term.

Just as I was thinking, I suddenly heard a loud roar.

The iron shell covering the zebra suddenly exploded.

The aftermath swept, solidified, and dissipated into nothingness.

Only the bloody zebra was left lying on the ground.

The alarm sounded sharply, piercing everyone's eardrums.

Newton was stunned at first, then furious, ran over and slapped the zebra's face angrily: "My prototype! What did you do, you bastard fool!"

Contrary to Ye Qingxuan's expectations, the zebra was not burned to charcoal in the music theory riot.

According to reason, the music and alchemical matrix on his body have been connected as one, and he should not be safe. Now it seems that he is only seriously injured, and he doesn't even need rescue.

Soon, Newton found the cause of the accident. He picked up the remaining half of the arm armor on the ground with an expressionless face. Both buttons on it were turned on.

The terminal's ability was not enough to support the operation of two movements at the same time. The music theories collided and exploded.

It was as if an apprentice wanted to perform a movement beyond his level without knowing his own ability. With a bang, it exploded.

"Drag this dead dog out!"

Newton jumped and roared: "Next time, find me a few testers who can understand human language, understand! Such idiots will only cause trouble!"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the giant man who was carried out on the stretcher: "What did you do? He actually survived?"

"I guess you don't want to know."

Newton laughed and kicked the fragments on the ground with his toes. A bloody twisted silver nail rolled out of it.

Ye Qingxuan's face also became ugly.

He knew what this thing was.

- Mass-produced surgical silencer.

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