Crown of Silence

Chapter 664 From dust to dust, from ashes to ashes

Chapter 665 Ashes to dust Dust to dust

The music theory of the Ladder to Heaven in the Ring of the Empyrean, the dragon sleep barrier of Silent Moon, the Philosopher's Stone of Hermes, the purification music theory of the Inquisition, the natural disaster resonance of Abraham...

He listed everything he had learned on paper.

There is even music theory from Genesis, even the music theory acquired from those masters.

By the end of the writing, even a blind person could see that he had no intention of creating a normal chapter of fate.

Why does the ordinary Chapter of Destiny require so much effort? No matter which one is combined, it is the best in the world. The Chapter of Fate that combines the three is already a heavyweight among the heavyweights.

But Ye Qingxuan still had no intention of stopping.

He had made up his mind.

If you want to copy it, then copy it all!

Create new ideas, create friendship, create new realms!

Anyway, since ancient times, no one has stipulated what the Chapter of Fate must look like. Everyone's core music theory is also very strange. Even two students handed over by the same teacher of the same school are absolutely not similar.

So, it’s not surprising how it turns out.

Ye Qingxuan decided to make a big deal.

Since there is no one like this before, let’s just… there will be no one after us!


Two days later, he returned to the ruins.

The navies of various countries are still stationed in place and are heavily guarded against each other. Several frictions have broken out in the past few days. All parties have tried their best to coordinate and avoid meaningless battles, but the situation is still like a tight string that will break under the huge pressure of the war movement.

Everyone is paying attention to the situation in Guixu.

Over the past few days, long and mighty music has occasionally sounded from the ancient city. Although it cannot be detected from the inside, the changes are clearly visible from the outside.

The huge ether turbulence still envelopes the entire sea area, making it inaccessible to everyone. Everyone can only speculate through the vague changes after the ether turbulence.

It was obvious that a natural disaster was about to be born. But the situation seemed extremely strange.

But apart from the jaw-dropping rapid changes in the first two days, in the following days, the ruined city fell into silence.

The transformation became extremely slow, unbearably slow.

It's like... having a difficult childbirth.

Far away in the Holy City, under the surveillance of the huge nebula of the Central Temple, Archbishop Albert turned his head and fell asleep. Sometimes I lazily raise my hand, wipe the saliva from the corner of my mouth, raise my eyes to take a look, then look back, and continue to sleep soundly.

Unfortunately, after the injured half of the face healed, it was no longer the same as before. The muscles were exposed and it looked absolutely ferocious.

After a long time, when he was full of sleep, he opened his eyes and saw the figure next to him.

The cardinals of the Cardinal Church stood quietly under the nebula, looking up at the flash of light in the ruins, silent and still.

"you're awake?"

"Slept enough." Albert wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, rubbed his eyes, and stood up: "When did you come? Why didn't you call me?"

"We just arrived. You were sleeping soundly, so I didn't scream." The old bishop shook his head and looked away from the flash of light in Guixu: "How long has this situation been going on?"

"It's been over a week."

Albert said listlessly: "Can something like a natural disaster also make childbirth difficult? It will cause trouble for us guys who are not even midwives."

"Production also requires skills." The old man shook his head: "Don't be in a hurry."

"It sounds like you have experience." Albert smiled.

"Well, there is."

The old man sighed softly: "In the early years, I served in a small church in the south. There were two doctors in the town, but one was responsible for shaving heads, and the other only knew bloodletting and treatment.

Sometimes I can't find a decent midwife, so I have to come to the church to find help.

Women there get married very early, becoming a mother at sixteen is already too late, and difficult childbirths are not uncommon. Giving birth once is a gamble on your life.

Sometimes I had to go out all night with the priest at the time to deliver babies. But sometimes it’s useless no matter how good your skills are, and you often have to face a choice..."

"let me guess."

Albert pinched his chin and laughed: "Do you want a child or a mother?"

The old bishop shrugged.

"What did they choose?"

The old bishop said nothing, the topic ended here.

Neither man spoke.

A long silence.

After a long time, the old bishop raised his head from his contemplation and said softly: "Let Chopin send the signal. If it is too late, things will change, so as not to have long nights and many dreams."

Albert's smile stopped, "Are you sure?"

"Sometimes, just waiting is of no use and will only cause pain to both parties."

The old bishop's eyes were silent, "You always need to make a painful decision."

A letter of authorization signed by the Holy See was placed in front of Albert. Albert's expression twitched slightly, sighed, and waved.

The mighty sound of the pipe organ sounded from the central temple, echoing in the steel city. Thousands of bell towers chimed in unison, and the aftermath spread to all directions.

Listening to the bell, Albert seemed exhausted and lay down on the chair again, shaking his head: "Sometimes, I really envy you people who can make up your mind."

The tone seemed sarcastic, making the old bishop shake his head and smile bitterly.

"Do you know how I solved the problem of difficult childbirth in the past?"

The old man made an injection gesture: "Just give me an injection of oxytocin."

Albert was stunned.

"Albert, I was never the one who made the decision. How can humans have such courage?" The old bishop patted his shoulder and turned away:

"Whether the child or the mother survives, let the gods decide for us."

In the silence, only the footsteps faded away.

Albert did not speak and closed his eyes.


Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes from his dream.

He had not dreamed for a long time, but just now, he had a nightmare again, dreaming that countless music theories were like the ocean, burying himself.

But when he woke up, he saw countless pages of books around him, dense handwriting, and countless revisions, deletions and additions.

And in the corner, the trembling old nun.

Until now, he heard the faint sound of bells coming from afar.

In the bell, there seemed to be some signs and orders, which made the old nun tremble, kneel on the ground, look up, and roll her eyes.

It was like epilepsy, but there would not be such a strong fire in the body of an epileptic patient.

It was as if the furnace was ignited.

The dark hall was illuminated by the fire in the old body, and the etheric waves like a hurricane burst out from the body and swept in all directions.

All the masters woke up and looked at the old nun in astonishment.

Even though they had already seen the power of the saints, when Schubert was running at full power, everyone's body felt a pain of being crushed.

At this moment, they finally recognized the gap between themselves and the saints.

It was a huge distance like the abyss of heaven and earth.

In the body of the old nun, Schubert's music theory was running loudly, emitting violent power that was almost self-destructive. Completely disregarding anything, even himself.

Amid the roaring song that seemed like self-destruction, Ye Qingxuan heard the old nun's last prayer:

"Dust to dust, dirt to dirt, ashes to ashes..."

-May the gods protect my soul.

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