Crown of Silence

Chapter 676 I don't care

As Ye Qingxuan's subordinate, although Mabel was protected by the contract, it seemed that intentionally or unintentionally... Ye Qingxuan did not stipulate that this subordinate could not attack the masters.

Only now did everyone realize what the hell this white-haired bastard was thinking.

There is absolutely no good thing in the whole Angru!

After another second, a dozen masters looked at each other and quickly selected a few unlucky ones. They did not dare to delay or hesitate anymore.

Those 'unlucky guys' couldn't help but grit their teeth and stamp their feet. They walked towards Ye Qingxuan bitterly and pressed them on his limbs, chest, back or forehead. They tried their best to help him suppress the turbulent music theory, not daring to make any more noise. A little slack.

Seeing that someone came forward, the remaining people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But within a few minutes, I saw an old man trembling all over, his eyes turned white, and he looked up to the sky and spurted out a mouthful of old blood - he couldn't hold on any longer!

Everyone was stunned and confused.

It's only been a few minutes!

It's not like these people don't suppress music theory for their juniors or students on weekdays, but no matter how big the students' problems are, there is no pressure on them.

And now, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, five masters went together to suppress a would-be master, but he couldn't even hold on for three minutes!

The other four people, after losing a helping hand, also trembled quickly and were about to collapse.


The old man gasped and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Thinking of the horrific music that he perceived that was beyond imagination, his face turned pale and he looked at his companion next to him:

"Five people are not enough! Fifteen, at least fifteen, with a staff... Hurry up! They can't hold on any longer!"

For a moment, the sounds of gasping for air came and went.


Regardless of the masters outside who were busy cleaning up Ye Qingxuan's mess, in the illusion, Ye Qingxuan was almost on fire. If there weren't people outside helping him support the situation, at this moment Ye Qingxuan was equivalent to leading a group of masters to fight a dead ghost, he would have been unable to hold on long ago.

I don’t know if this is an excellent irony.

The Grand Inquisitor, who always sent people to the stake, was actually sent into the flames...

But for some reason, he suddenly felt less painful.

‘Feeling’ is an elusive word that has no quantifiable value and no common sense. But at this moment, Ye Qingxuan had such an intuitive feeling.

The Sun getting weaker!

The most obvious thing is that he is not dead.

Although I was a little scared at first, after I got used to it, I found that it was just like this... After the initial outbreak of terror, it did not rise rapidly again, but there was a faint feeling that it was unsustainable.

It is obviously as hot as the scorching sun, but it is like a candle in the wind.

Ye Qingxuan raised his head with difficulty and looked at the Sun King. His two eyeballs were almost burned into glass, wide open, completely confused, and even a little disappointed that the expected torture did not come:

"That's it?"


In the flames, the Sun King's face was stern, but there was a faint expression of rigidity and a trace of astonishment that could not be concealed - the flames were decaying, decaying rapidly.

Like water without roots, fire without fuel. No matter how hard he tried to push it forward, the divine power that he used to do as he pleased was now unsustainable and powerless.

Moreover, the other kings did not take action, but remained motionless. As he activated his power again and again, his figure became thinner.

Through the distorted air, the Sun King's expression seemed to be distorted.

Although you can't see clearly, it must be interesting.

"so good."

In the burning fire, Ye Qingxuan let out a hoarse laugh: "The prophets who ambitiously plan the future of the world can also show such interesting expressions... The kings who dominate the kingdoms can't do anything to me, an ungrateful person like me. A villain?"

In the terrifying light like the falling sun, the burned figure laughed. In the laughter, the flames swept across like red silk, revealing the bones that had been calcined to pure white.

The skeleton was bathed in the flames, as if soaked in warm water, and the strands of facial muscles twitched, as if smiling contentedly.

Fire cannot kill him.

He is alive again.

Standing before the old master again.

"Perhaps, you think you can plan everything in the future. Everyone is obliged to make concessions or sacrifices for your grand plan.

But that’s not actually the case…”

In the hoarse voice, countless flesh and blood quickly increased in value on the white bones. Ye Qingxuan's mutilated face was revealed from the skull, and the flames were rendered pure white, rising like long silver hair.

"Just listen -"

The skeleton whispered.

Immediately afterwards, a harsh sound sounded, from the flames and from the bones. The bones in the fire flicked their fingers and moved the bones of both ribs, as if playing a melody.

The collision of bone and bone caused a sharp roar.

It's like the friction of the earth's crust, the roar of mountains, the roar of hurricanes, the collision of waves, and the falling of thousands of hammers at the same time.

At first, the sound was harsh and chaotic, maddeningly chaotic.

But soon, under the order of the skeletal hand, the turbulent rhythms were summarized into one, and the smooth flowing clouds and flowing water carried a sonorous melody.

On Ye Qingxuan's skeleton, countless notes emerged, flowing like living things - some huge monster emerged from the chaotic illusion behind him.

It was a terrifying embryo brewing, and the monster opened one eye from its slumber.

That was the chapter of fate that was forcibly frozen!

Now, the chapter of fate that only existed in the concept and draft was completed quickly, just like the sleeping behemoth in the ice slowly opened its eyes, with a loud roar, and the bleak white cracks spread from the ice.

At the same time, the phantoms of the kings kept flickering, like a candle in the wind, a spent crossbow.

Their existence was being rejected.

A pair of invisible hands forcibly stripped them from the projection of Guixu, broke the matrix they had preset that year, and erased the invading thoughts.

But their origins hidden in the depths of Guixu did not respond at all, and fell into silence,

The roar burst out from the illusion.

Outside the illusion, countless fine alchemical matrices suddenly emerged on the broken stone plate, trembling and emitting a burning glow.

The silent kings launched the final attack, and in Ye Qingxuan's body and consciousness, a double wave of surging waves was set off at the same time. It was not for victory, but purely for destruction, even if they would perish together.

Anyway, what they came here was just a copied projection, and the battlefield was Ye Qingxuan's body - even if they could not win, as long as everything was completely wiped out.

The only one who was still moving, the Sun King, stretched out his hands, extracted the shadows of other kings, and merged them into the huge sun wheel behind him.

The kings and himself were all ignited by the scorching sun, making the scorching sun unprecedentedly huge and solemn, like the master of creation and destruction.

"The future of this world will never let you get involved!"

The fierce light that could not be looked at directly launched a scorching attack on Ye Qingxuan's unformed chapter of fate.

In sharp contrast, there was a pair of unwavering dark eye holes, just like a pair of indifferent eyes.

"You can keep the outdated rags for yourselves..."

A hoarse voice responded softly:

"—— I don't want it!"

The notes were turbulent, countless musical theories gathered together, countless chaotic changes were completed in an instant, until finally, under unprecedented huge pressure, Ye Qingxuan's fate chapter, like a magic cube, quickly turbulent, overlapped, and transformed madly, swallowing up the incomplete bones, and then—— crashed into the scorching sun!

Like a moth to a flame.

At the moment of collision, everything was silent and silent.

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