Crown of Silence

Chapter 67 Results

The fourth day after school started.

At noon, bored Bai Xi lay on the sofa in the study room and yawned. When she felt bored, she rolled over: "Ah, so bored."

In front of the blackboard, Xia Er sighed awkwardly: "Junior sister, don't be like this, I'm still teaching you."

"I don't want to go to class. It was agreed that I only care about enrollment, not class!"

The little girl rolled her eyes: "I don't care, I want to go shopping! I want to go out and play..."

"Don't worry, wait a minute!"

Xia Er waved his hands helplessly: "Look, the teacher asked me to take his place in class before he went out today. Although you don't want to learn, I can teach you some other things. The teacher and I are experts in music theory. I go out as a tutor for hundreds of yuan an hour, you have to give me some face, right?"

"In my hometown, if you don't have the level of Jiu Yu, you are not qualified to be my teacher. Besides, I memorized all the things you taught when I was thirteen years old."

"Thirteen years old? Wait, this age is wrong!"

Xia Er was stunned for a moment and became confused: "Junior sister, "You are big this year" "No one tells you the age of the girl. People are the most pure little girl. Chu Chu is pitiful. My chest is still big. I wore a white clothes. At a glance, he quickly took a look at him with no interest: "Brother, you are so weak, ten will be hanged by her together?" "Ridiculous, my brother was also the famous genius of the Royal Academy of Music!" Sher looked serious, but obviously there was no persuasion, only Bai Xi laughed. Xia Er also felt helpless, scratched his head and sighed: "Hey, this is all brave in the past, now so cowardly, no more, no more.]|I{•------» «------•}I|[If you want to go out, wait for Junior Brother to come out, and then we can go out and play."

"He doesn't know when he can come out yet."

Bai Xi suddenly felt unhappy: "I called him for a long time last night, but he ignored me. He hid in the basement alone and didn't know what to do. Can you learn the musical notes by being locked up alone?"

"I don't think so. The feeling of the musical notes is not that easy to grasp."

"It's not that difficult, right? Didn't I learn it very easily?"

"That's just what you think."

Xia Er couldn't help but sigh: Let me give you an analogy.

A musical note is like a beautiful woman, noble and cold, with a changeable personality and mood swings. You need the charm of a playboy, the wealth of a prince, the tenacity of a fool and the enthusiasm of a madman to have a chance to get close to her and achieve resonance.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of the musical note, the junior brother is abominable, penniless, and of questionable character. He is not even on the list of spare tires, and there is simply no way to resonate with him. "

"...Is it that serious?"

"It's worse than this."

"Charles shook his head: "If she is really a beautiful woman, it would be simpler. At least he has a last resort."

"What is it?"

Charles laughed: "Use force."

"Go to hell!"

A book hit Charles in the face and knocked him to the ground.

Charles got up from the ground and sighed. Before he could say anything, he heard a dog barking in the corridor.

"Old Fei?"

Charles looked over in confusion, and soon he suddenly realized: "I know, it must be spring."

"Spring, you big-headed ghost!"

Bai Xi jumped up from the sofa and ran out without even putting on his shoes.

As a vicious dog, Old Fei has always believed in the principle of silence. He never barks when encountering anything. Things that can be solved with teeth and claws are solved with teeth and claws. Things that cannot be solved with teeth and claws... Sorry, because it is too powerful, it has never encountered such things.

If there is nothing, Old Fei will never bark like this. So Bai Xi was a little worried. What happened to Old Fei... Did he pick up something strange again?

On the second day of school, a mysterious thief appeared in the college. The door handles of the entire floor of the Revelation College were stolen!

God knows what the thief was thinking. He only took the door handles and didn't take anything else valuable.

In the end, the academy could only attribute it to a student's prank. Only Bai Xi knew that when Xia Er found those door handles running into his bed, he was almost scared crazy.

After giving the strange welcome gift to the new brother, Lao Fei resolutely turned around and left, hiding his merits and fame, which caused the two to feel sorry. They had to secretly dig a pit in the middle of the night and bury all the door handles that were dead.

She stepped into the corridor with the same worry as Ye Qingxuan in the past.

Then, like Ye Qingxuan in the past, she was petrified.


Bai Xi stared blankly at Lao Fei, who was panting, and the thing that was dragged from the basement to the corridor by it, and her expression couldn't help twitching:

"What's going on? Cousin."

"Hey, cousin."

On the ground, the unkempt young man made a weak voice, and struggled to squeeze out a smile on his pale face: "Do you... have anything to eat?"



In the lobby of the small building of the Department of Music and History, Charles and Bai Xi were sitting in the distance, looking carefully at the young man who was throwing himself on the table and gobbling down the food, with complicated expressions.

"I just went to the basement to take a look, and that guy has been there completely untouched for the past three days." Charles said with a sad look on his face: "Those things covered by the dust-proof cloth have not been moved, only a piece of paper on the table. All the bottles of ink were used up. There were still traces of his struggle at the door. It seemed that he was too hungry to open the door, and was finally dragged out by Lao Fei..."

Bai Xi's mouth twitched: "Is he committing suicide by going on a hunger strike?"

"All the manuscript paper has been used up, and I saw this on the table." Charles gave Bai Xi a thick pile of handwritten things in his hand. Bai Xi rolled his eyes and felt dizzy.

The manuscript paper, which is a finger thick, is filled with fine handwriting and some incomprehensible mathematical symbols. Only part of those words were in common language, but more were in various other languages, sloppy and complicated.

"What is this?" Bai Xi asked.

"Some are Asgardian rune scripts, and some are Latin languages ​​commonly used in the Order... It looks like they are organizing something."

Charles patted the manuscript and said: "It seems that he has not wasted these few days. It is not easy to sort out so many things."

"There is a woolen thread to organize things about musical notes."

The little girl rolled her eyes.

Right on the table, Ye Qingxuan finally stopped devouring his food and licked his fingers with satisfaction. He couldn't help but sigh: "I never thought that overnight pizza would be so delicious."

"Not just overnight." Charles patted his thigh: "That pizza has been there for three days!"

"...Senior brother, I just finished eating, can you please stop saying such embarrassing things?"

Bai Xi curled his lips and threw the manuscript on the table: "You worked on it for three days and you ended up with this pile of stuff?"

"Oh, that's useless."

Ye Qingxuan glanced at it and waved his hand lightly: "Throw it away."

"Throw it away?"

Bai Xi was stunned.

"Well, I've remembered it all anyway."

Ye Qingxuan twisted his stiff neck and made a rattling sound: "Writing it down is just a habit of taking notes, but after sorting it out, I found that it is actually quite easy to remember. So it is of no use."

"..." Bai Xi was speechless for a while, angry.

"Where are the notes? Where are the notes?"

She slapped the table and shook the boy in front of her: "Didn't you say you found a way to learn musical notes? Don't tell me that you spent three days writing books and playing in the basement."

"Ah haha, cousin, you think so highly of me." Ye Qingxuan scratched his face shyly: "I haven't learned how to write such a promising thing."

Bai Xi stopped talking and pinched his knuckles in silence, looking at his whole body with eyes, and began to think about where to start.

As a result, this thing was locked in the basement and did nothing! Her expectations were in vain!

Fortunately, she was a little worried!

"Don't do anything yet!"

Seeing her unkind eyes, Ye Qingxuan immediately raised his hands in surrender: "I have achieved results! I have achieved results!"

"Then take it out."

Bai Xi slapped the table vigorously, with a dangerous look in his eyes: "Don't blame me for saying ugly things in front of you. If you come up with something weird to deal with me again, just wait for three knives and six holes, Red knives go in and white knives come out!" "

"Ahem, junior sister, you said the opposite."

Next to him, Charles reminded in a low voice: "The white knife went in, the red knife came out... Ouch!" Well, this was the scream after Bai Xi stepped on his instep.

But among the screams, the young man's murmuring voice could clearly be heard.

Erratic syllables emerged from his throat, making Ciel look up in surprise.


In the sudden silence, the unkempt boy raised a finger and looked at the flash of ether.

As his lips opened and closed, those crisp or deep syllables overlapped in his throat and turned into faint sounds. It was as if the non-existent strings were being plucked slightly, and a faint lingering sound with a metallic texture spread out.

It was no longer as jerky and stumbling as before, this time the syllables came out like flowing water.

Because in his consciousness, there are clear notes emerging from the fierce light, transforming into the scorching sun, and running in his heart and soul!

In the perception, the silent ether also woke up under the shining of this fierce light.

Those tiny points of light gathered from all directions, gathered at the young man's fingertips, and turned into a real light. The light flowed in the air at the fingertips, tightly combined, entangled, and finally formed a small halo.

This is Note·Light!


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