Crown of Silence

Chapter 689: Change

The pure white moon rose slowly from the lightning. In the cold moonlight, countless swords and axes condensed out of thin air and flew out with a whistle. Wherever they passed, they chopped everything into pieces.

At this moment, in Ye Qingxuan's hands, the sword throwing style had evolved from the forbidden faction to the change faction. The murderous intent from the heart school gathered on it, forming a fierce poison that decayed and annihilated all consciousness and will.

The terrifying amount of ether was lifted up from the sea of ​​ether by Ye Qingxuan with the staff of fate. The terrifying power contained in each sword and axe was enough to drain any musician of the same level.

The vast amount of ether was restrained in the swords and axes of nothingness by the forbidden music theory. From the pure white at the beginning, it gradually turned into turbulent orange and dangerous red, and then to the end, a hint of terrifying pure black was faintly revealed.

Each axe seemed to be a terrifying black area, with lightning lingering on it, which was completely opposite to the tranquility of the Silent Moon, and was in turmoil all the time. Through the dark crack, it seemed that one could glimpse the horrible scene of the world being destroyed in chaos.

"With just this one move, you can deserve to be at the top of contemporary musicians."

Paganini praised softly, but his figure was so illusory, floating and letting countless axe chops, and wisps of black mist extended from his body.

The light and erratic mist contained the theory of music change, which easily distorted the material world. In the isolation between the inside and the outside, countless mists covered the sky and swallowed everything.

The outline of the mist kept changing, evolving into blurred shadows.

The musicians who were once eroded and transformed by the changing music theory continued to emerge from Paganini's scepter - that was not an illusion evolved by the scepter, they were originally part of the scepter. The more they were eroded by the changing music theory, the stronger Paganini's scepter became.

The musicians released from the scepter alone were enough to match the scale of the orchestra. In the end, even the shadow of natural disasters emerged faintly from it...

The scepter emerged from Paganini's hand and turned into a short conductor's staff.

The conductor's staff was connected to countless music theories, which gathered into a huge net. Just like the silk thread that manipulated a puppet, it controlled countless musicians, manipulated their gestures, and attacked brazenly.

It was like being trapped in a quagmire.

The harder I struggled, the harder it was to breathe. I could only watch myself run out of strength and sink into the darkness.

In Paganini's hands, the entire orchestra was at his disposal. Hundreds of musicians were together, and countless music theories did not interfere with each other. Instead, they were unified under the guidance of the changing music theory and were free to play.

He was facing an entire legion.

Some were responsible for containment, some were responsible for strong attacks, and some were responsible for assistance... What made Ye Qingxuan even more uncomfortable was that there were dozens of the most gloomy shadows wandering outside the orchestra, wandering around him, looking for opportunities to take advantage of.

This was the most dangerous. Once Ye Qingxuan relaxed a little, they would rush up fearlessly and give Ye Qingxuan a hard time.

Or, to be even more ruthless, they would hug Ye Qingxuan and detonate their own chapter of destiny.

These guys were all projections of Paganini's scepter. They were not afraid of death at all. If they died, they could be reborn with a little effort.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan heard Paganini's praise, and he couldn't help but sneer.

"Since I'm so powerful, why don't you show some mercy to my talent and let them catch me alive?"

"Are you still in the mood to joke at this time?"

Paganini waved his baton and attacked fiercely: "I can only feel at ease if someone like you dies - even if you only have one breath left, I feel uneasy."

"Relax a little, my friend, you think so highly of me, I'm afraid."

Ye Qingxuan waved his hand, countless swords and axes flew out, chopping a group of figures into pieces, but the shadow behind him suddenly fluctuated, and a dark shadow flew out from it, entangled Ye Qingxuan, and his whole body swelled up, and the chapter of fate exploded...

Ye Qingxuan's figure was erratic, turning into a lightning to break free from the restraints, but he still vomited a mouthful of blood in the explosion of music theory.

Paganini was also not feeling well.

The illusory projection suddenly stagnated, and a crack suddenly appeared on his chest, but no blood gushed out.

Countless mists lingered from it, trying to repair the crack, but they were annihilated by the moonlight and lightning on the scar.

That was the Moonlight Sword that he had learned from the battle with Lancelot.

Pure light, pure speed.

In the past, there was a weakness of insufficient lethality, but since the completion of the etheric transformation, this weakness has completely disappeared. The only shortcoming is probably the short and fatal gap before the attack.

"Look, what did I say just now?"

Paganini lowered his head and stroked the crack on his chest, revealing a self-deprecating smile.

His body has been hidden in a small interlayer between the material world and the etheric world, projected in front of Ye Qingxuan with the theory of transmutation. But just now, Ye Qingxuan's power actually passed through the projection and hurt his body.

In just a few minutes, even though he was at a disadvantage, Ye Qingxuan actually found the direction of attack from the changes in music theory...

Even with an absolute comparison of quantity and quality, Ye Qingxuan still made him feel like a hedgehog, with no way to start. If he was not careful, he would be stabbed with a hole.

As his eyes became more and more cold, the sound of the melody became more and more weird.

It's like thousands of melodies are overlapped in one place, but countless notes are compressed in the same moment. In the blink of an eye, it seems that countless movements are contained and evolved.

In just an instant, a small dot expanded from Paganini's fingertips and transformed into an erratic figure behind him.

Infinite movement!

The terrifying technique of compressing countless changes in music theory into one moment, the ability to complete a movement that lasts for several hours in just one moment, and the terrifying power of playing with time in the midst of applause.

At this moment, the orchestra plays a movement that relies on infinite motion to form the core of the scepter, which once welded the entire door to heaven.

——"The Witch's Dance"!

The name witch itself contains the contamination and rebellion against the music theory of the Holy City. It abandons the original concept of distinguishing between good and evil, and reveals its power with pure beauty.

He has faintly transcended from the sacred cauldron and the music theory of the abyss. He is no longer bound by common sense, but has formed a path that belongs only to himself.

Through changing music theory, we constantly plunder external forces to achieve ourselves, and achieve the status of god in our own way!

At this moment, the perfect body he created suddenly turned sideways under the attachment of the shadow, becoming blurry and huge, like countless stars gathering together, thousands of hands spread out, and the figure graceful.

There seemed to be a dance swirling in the silence.


Just stretching out his hand, the ethereal palm held the moon wheel in his hand and tightened it suddenly.


The whining sounds of countless gold and iron sounds sounded, and the electric light dispersed.

The vision formed by Ye Qingxuan's Chapter of Destiny was completely shattered. Immediately afterwards, the changing music theory marched in and fully controlled Ye Qingxuan's domain. In the end, the terrifying power suddenly gathered together.

Just a pure collision of music theory formed the ultimate destruction pursued by the school of change - the singularity of annihilation.

The black vortex tore Ye Qingxuan's figure apart instantly and swallowed him up.

But in the whirlpool of annihilation, there was a hoarse laughter.

Suddenly, a dazzling electric light burst out, and countless music theories evolved from it, converging in one place and turning into a blade of nothingness, compressing, compressing, compressing, and compressing again.

Until the end, the sword blade, which was like a condensed black area, no longer had any color, but returned to its original clear and transparent appearance.

But the killing intent contained within it increased hundreds of times.

What made Paganini feel even more horrified was the kind of power contained in it... that could truly kill him.

He froze.

In the induction of changing music theory, he finally understood the true essence of Ye Qingxuan's chapter of destiny, the true core of that weird electric light, and Ye Qingxuan's true desire.

That kind of will and anger hidden in the deepest part like wildfire.

- Deny everything in the past, destroy everything in the past, and bury everything in the past!

Destroy all the old, rotten, and rotten things, punish them with thunder and lightning, ignite them with flames, bury them with destruction, and then sprinkle new seeds on them, open up a new world, and establish a new order...

This is a complete negation of all existing music theories.

This is……


Paganini lost his voice.

The next moment, the sword of change roared.

Compared with the Dance of the Witches and Paganini's scepter, the blade formed by the Chapter of Fate is as small as dust. But at this moment, this dust is tearing apart the layers of palms, stubbornly denying all the old ones. The music theory completely wipes out everything in its path.

Tracing Paganini's true location, burning himself, penetrating through the layers of ether sea, and finally stabbing out towards his body!

Paganini's eyes widened, he stretched out his palm, and tightly grasped the blade.

A sharp voice sounded.

The sword's blade shattered, countless electric lights erupted, and from among them, Ye Qingxuan's figure emerged.

Then, wave.


The echo was loud.

At that moment, Selvin, Mabel, Chopin, Oden...

Guixu, sea, underwater, sky, fleet, sea fortress.

Anglo, Burgundy, Asgard and even the Holy City.

Musicians, saints, demons, natural disasters, strange things...

Countless beings watching this battle were stunned, looking at the red mark on Paganini's face in astonishment, falling into a daze like Paganini.

Is this a... slap?

In front of the whole world, Ye Qingxuan skillfully raised his palm and slapped his enemy on the face as he had done countless times in the past.


The slap that was enough to break a stone only made Paganini's face red and left a faint fingerprint, but it smashed Paganini's dignity and will into pieces.

In an instant, Paganini stretched out his hand, tore off all Ye Qingxuan's defenses, grabbed the ethereal electric light, closed his fingers, crushed the electric light, knocked Ye Qingxuan back to his original shape, and strangled his throat.

Eyes red.

Like the fire of hell.

"Ye Qingxuan..."

Sorry, I moved two days ago, and I tried hard to make up for what I left behind in the past two days.

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