Crown of Silence

Chapter 693: Drinking poison to quench thirst

Iron bow and bronze arrow.

The style of the longbow is still the original shape six hundred years ago, and the copper arrows that have been buried in the darkness as funerary objects for hundreds of years have long been rusted and covered with patina.

The enemies are many scepters and several strong men at the top of this world.

Totally funny.

Even the short bows used by children in the north are more threatening than it.

But the moment the bowstring was tightened, everyone felt a sense of suffocation for no reason.

It was as if an invisible noose was slowly tightening around his neck, a cold feeling spread over his heart, and his vision became dark.

That strong sense of fear jumped up from the back of the head, almost dominating the mind, making everyone confused and unable to control themselves.

The threat does not come from bows and arrows.

But it comes from the man who draws the bow.

The biting chill had just set in, and the arrows were already whizzing out. All the living creatures in the ruins suddenly became sweaty, unable to suppress the urge to scream.

All the murderous intent in the world gathered on one arrow, which silently penetrated the world and flew towards Ye Qingxuan.

Why is it me again? !

Ye Qingxuan, who was selected from the crowd, was confused.

But soon, he no longer had time to be stunned.

It was as if the rope of the gallows was slowly tightening.

In the perception, time seems to be stagnant, with no way to dodge or stop. The arrow is just like the arrival of death, calm and elegant, unhurried.

The dragon's power was like a phantom, passed through silently.

The realm of heaven on earth showed no response, and a small gap was penetrated.

The golden dragon flying outward was unbearably slow at the moment. It was easily chased by the copper arrow. Then, it tore the dragon's left wing, slowly spinning, and threw it at Ye Qingxuan's body. Heart.

Silent penetration.

Huge shocks burst out from every corner of the body, and the breath of death spread rapidly. The bones were weathered, the internal organs were rotting, the blood was drying up, the skin was cracked, and the organs were damaged.

In an instant, all life was wiped out.

At the same time that the blood circulation was broken, the etheric circulation was also forcibly defeated.

The newly condensed Chapter of Fate fell apart under this arrow, pulling Ye Qingxuan's remaining will into the deepest depths of darkness.

Turn into ashes.

But in the midst of the ashes and smoke, a bolt of lightning suddenly burst out.

The music theory of change erupted from the deepest part of the Chapter of Destiny, and the lightning evolved rapidly in an instant, repairing the disintegrated music theory, connecting the ladder again, correcting Ye Qingxuan's will, and angrily consuming all the death intention in that arrow, Injected into the body, the heart beats again, the blood is regenerated, the organs are renewed, and the bones are restored.

One moment he was reduced to ashes and died, and the next moment he denied this death and lived again.

On the dragon's back, Ye Qingxuan seemed to have exhausted all his energy. He sat down in a panic, stretched out his hand, and used all his strength to pull out the arrow from his heart, his face pale.

Extremely weak.

What the hell is this? !

He had just been killed once.

Although it can only be said that he almost died, the reason why he is alive can only be said to be thanks to his 'rich experience'.

If it weren't for the dragon's power, the beastliness of the heaven on earth and even the golden dragon, which weakened the strange arrow layer by layer, if it hadn't been that he had entered the vacuum and replaced the blood circulation with ether circulation, if it hadn't been for the chapter of destiny that had just been achieved, if it hadn't been for the transformation Music theory, if you are not experienced...

If there weren't so many prerequisites, he might just die.

What's even more weird is that this arrow is clearly an ordinary arrow. It has neither terrifying authority nor terrifying music theory. It just relies on elastic potential energy to shoot a rusty copper arrow.

Let alone one, even one hundred thousand should not be able to damage a hair on your head.

Soon, more people experienced the same pain as him.

As early as the moment Ye Qingxuan was hit, the others quickly dodged, and almost everyone was on defense.

In the silence, the white knight once again took out the second arrow from the pot and put it on the bowstring. The movement was so gentle, careful and slow, as if he was doing a very delicate thing, but the speed was incredibly fast.

It's like time overlapped at this moment.

Everyone saw the White Knight draw his bowstring and aim it at himself...

The next moment, countless phantoms emerged from around the white knight, and screams of piercing air were heard one after another.

It seemed like a blow, but the arrow in the pot was completely empty!

Then, the stars fell!

The scepters that were originally hanging high in the sky like stars were reduced by more than half in an instant. Under the penetration of the arrow, they were like mortals strung on spears, dying of despair.

The remaining light was all dim, like a candle in the wind, lingering.

And suddenly, the thunder and lightning was annihilated, the divinity was injured, and the copper arrow penetrated into the other eye socket of the second emperor son. At this moment, the God of Thunder had become completely blind.

Chopin flew out upside down, his music theory scattered all over his body, and a round mirror appeared in his hand at some point.

A fatal bronze arrow was nailed to the round mirror, bearing death on his behalf, but it was obvious that he himself was not feeling well either. He tried his best to breathe and stared at the white knight with frightened eyes.

At the same time, Guixu reached out, and Yuan Jing, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood. A scar silently cracked on the long sword in front of his knees, and the soul in the sword was wailing.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the pieces of Guixu fell from mid-air and fell to the ground.

"Do you feel it?"

Ye Qingxuan heard the voice that he didn't want to hear the most at this moment:

"——This is His elemental projection."


In the twenty-four illusions, Paganini was no longer in a hurry, and slowly destroyed one fulcrum after another. He was not in a hurry to break out, but brought great pressure to Ye Qingxuan, forcing him to maintain the cage with all his strength.

Otherwise, he would bear the worst consequences.

There was no way forward, and no way to retreat.

He could only drink poison to quench his thirst.


Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but curse, his expression became gloomy, and he slowly raised the staff of fate, ready to deal with the next impact with all his strength.

At the very least, he had to figure out what that ghost thing was...

But at that moment, a low drum sound rang from the distant sea.

The faint drum sound spread and came to Ye Qingxuan's ears in an instant, as if an invisible arm gently pulled him and wanted to pull him into something.

He looked back at the place where the drum sound came from.

Asgard's sea fortress.

The voice of the second prince sounded in his ears:

"Ye Qingxuan, we need to talk."

Ye Qingxuan hesitated for a moment, and then his own music theory connected to the pull of the drum.

The next moment, he felt that time had stopped.

No, it was not the time of the outside world that stopped, but the place where he was.

At that moment, a narrow layer slowly unfolded between the etheric world and the material world. The narrow layer hidden in the chaotic aftermath pulled his consciousness into it.

There is not even any material here, it is a realm that only exists in spiritual perception.

Through the unobstructed layer, he can observe the stagnant world. It's like looking at a mural with no details left, everything is reflected in the eyes, and there is no way to cover it.

Then, a chapter of destiny containing divinity was thrown here, transformed into the appearance of the second prince. But at this moment he looked extremely miserable, the remaining flesh eyes had been corroded, and only the divine flame in the left eye was burning angrily.

"The situation is out of control, Ye Qingxuan."

The second prince appeared beside Ye Qingxuan and proposed directly: "We can cooperate. Asgard and Anglu will share the ruins equally and develop it together."

"Why do we have to share equally?"

Instead of the immediate agreement he expected, Ye Qingxuan asked back: "As it stands now, I obviously have a larger share, right?"

The second prince frowned: "But the risks you face are also not small. With the sea fortress, we can just withdraw, but what about you?"

"I can give things to the Holy City. Don't forget that I am also the archbishop."

Ye Qingxuan did not show any weakness and did not retreat a step: "But if you withdraw, you will get nothing - your arrow will be in vain. .

And if I'm not mistaken: the natural disaster weapon you control must have revenge elements. If you don't fight back this time, it will be difficult for you to improve your compatibility with it, and it may even decrease. "

The second prince's expression twitched slightly, as if he was hit in the soft spot, and his tone became cold: "With your attitude, we probably can't talk."

"We should talk about you, not me, right?"

Ye Qingxuan asked for a sky-high price, but he didn't intend to force the second prince too much, so he changed the subject: "Time is urgent, we'd better be more open and honest-let the friend who is watching come out and talk together, how about it?"

The second prince was silent for a moment, as if listening to something, and soon, another figure emerged from the blank.

It was an old man holding a clay tablet, which was covered with wedge-shaped notes, faintly echoing with the surroundings.

The projection was surrounded by complex music theory, extending into the void, and connecting with the entire fault. I'm afraid he is the controller here.

"Is this 'lens' your scepter?"

Ye Qingxuan sighed softly: "Good idea."

"The chief judge has a sharp eye."

The old man couldn't help but smile bitterly. He didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan would find out his cards so quickly.

If Ye Qingxuan guessed, this etheric fault that couldn't even accommodate entities and could only be entered by consciousness projection was actually a 'lens'.

A lens used to observe reality.

This old musician from the school of revelation gave up all his fighting power and even made his scepter into its current appearance. He didn't raise his scepter into the depths of the etheric world like other musicians in order to get closer to the Great Source.

It was so paranoid that it was unbelievable - he sacrificed the opportunity to get enlightenment from the Great Source and see the future, but what he got in exchange was a terrible insight into the 'present'.

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