Crown of Silence

Chapter 702 Plague Reappears

For ordinary musicians, the etheric world is too illusory.

Most people cannot even understand the existence of the etheric world, and it is difficult to touch the mysterious realm hidden behind the nine layers of the etheric sea. In the early days, some people even believed that the existence of the 'etheric world' was just an illusion in the musician's perception.

A world without matter, purely composed of ether?

It is simply unreasonable.

There is only one world from beginning to end, isn't it?

For a long time, countless musicians have tried to explain the differences to their students, but few can explain it clearly.

Therefore, this wrong concept cognition has to be retained, and a new concept - 'material world' has to be created to explain the world that humans can see.

In the final analysis, the realm that humans can perceive is too small.

Just like a short person cannot see the scenery of a tall person, people living underground cannot imagine the scene of the sky above their heads, and insects that only exist in summer cannot understand the coldness of winter.

Humans are limited by themselves. They can only see seven colors, feel only cold and warm, smell no more than a thousand kinds of smells, and hear only sounds that are limited to the range of the flesh.

Scholars speculate that there are even seventeen dimensions or even more in this world, but humans can only touch three of them.

Therefore, musicians are eager to use the perception of ether to peek into the broader face of this world.

This is the misunderstanding of most people. The ether world is not a space hidden behind the "space", not a bubble outside the bubble, nor a world composed of ether.

It is the world in the ether "eye".

To put it more accurately, it is the "ether vision".

By becoming an extension of ether, humans can get rid of their own limitations, step into a deeper realm, further contact the reality of the world, and master stronger power.

However, this is only meaningful for distorted musicians and above.

Only when the ether cycle is formed in the body can the body be etherized. Only by using the Chapter of Fate as a carrier, carrying one's own consciousness and personality, and even forming one's own scepter, can one be qualified to go deep into the etheric world and call on higher-level power.

Even, by mastering the 'essence' of a certain existence, summarizing it as 'elements' in the etheric world, one can completely reach the inhuman realm.

Therefore, the master's domain is so mysterious, the temptation of the scepter is so huge, the origin of natural disasters is so mysterious, and the existence of the Great Source attracts countless musicians to pursue it.

But now, when this power is clamped or even controlled by the Wheel of Balance, as long as its user is willing, any scepter-level musician will be knocked down from the high-level domain - that is, the etheric world - and become a mortal again!

Just like the exiled celestial being in the oriental legend who fell into the mortal world.

Losing endless life and endless power, and being trapped in a tiny shell again...

This is the horror of the Wheel of Balance!

It is a checkpoint set in the Sea of ​​Ether, guarding the door for musicians to enter the etheric world from the material world.

As long as you master it, no matter how many scepters you have, it will be meaningless. When the etheric world and the material world are forcibly isolated, all you can use is your mortal body, and the power you can drive is almost pitiful.

At that time, under the volley of thousands of troops, even saints may only die on the spot!

Now, it doesn't even have anyone to activate it. Just existing here has forced the material world and the etheric world to be in a forced balance.

Even if it is not completely sealed, all the musicians in its domain feel that they are wearing heavy shackles, and they are no longer relaxed and freehand.

In an instant, everyone felt a chill.

Then, countless streams of light flew.

When they understood the nature of it, almost all the masters present desperately flew to the outside of Guixu. At this moment, Guixu is no longer a hot commodity, but a deadly trouble.

If it is a divine weapon used for killing, then naturally countless people will take risks. If it were a protective artifact, several large schools of thought would fight for it at all costs as a trump card to protect their own secret realms.

But now, the power involved in the Wheel of Balance is too terrible.

So terrible that they dare not even intervene.

For a long time, all musicians have enjoyed god-like treatment, but when the Wheel of Balance appeared, everyone knew that all this might be about to change.

Its existence is a shackle for musicians.

No matter who masters it, I am afraid that all musicians will be besieged by all musicians. No matter what force tries to control it, it will definitely not be tolerated by the whole world.

There are only a few people who are qualified to control it. Only those with absolute power can keep it in their hands and turn it into their own strength and deterrence, otherwise it will be an absolute trouble.

The more they fly, the more terrified they feel. Until they fly hundreds of kilometers away, the power of the Wheel of Balance still faintly affects their power.

The power called from the etheric world is like traveling through thick rubber, difficult to control.

The shackles seemed to loosen a little.

The masters turned around with lingering fear and looked behind them.

A sigh sounded.

A terrifying bright light rose from Guixu. From a distance of a hundred miles, the heavy ether fluctuations made their eyes darken, which made them feel lucky.

If they hadn't run fast, it would be difficult to run now, right?

"It finally begins..."

Many masters looked at each other, feeling heavy in their hearts and breathless amidst the constant loud and terrifying noises.

"Since you can escape with your life, don't think too much about it." A master shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's a good thing if you can survive."

But for some reason, his voice suddenly became shrill, like an actor's.

He was stunned, and immediately noticed the eyes of others looking over.

Shock, astonishment, and... fear?

"What happen to you guys?"

The master asked blankly, but before he finished speaking, his body began to twitch strangely, and his old face quickly dissolved, as if a ball of clay had been kneaded flat and reshaped.

Threads of gray mist seeped out of his pores and enveloped him.

The white hair turned to jet black, and the wrinkles disappeared.

Return to youth.

But this did not make him overly happy. Instead, he fell into despair from the bottom of his heart and screamed. When the scream suddenly stopped, his face lifted up again, with an expression that seemed to be crying and smiling. The face is completely different from the past.


Those frightened, dull, and stunned faces were frozen.

Soon, the same convulsions began to spread like an infection, and screams came and went, then ended in an instant. When silence came, everyone's faces had become exactly the same.


Infection... The terrible infection is spreading crazily within thousands of miles.

At the moment when the Wheel of Balance appeared, the musicians who had entered Guixu or even been close to Guixu were all possessed by the strange sound of the violin. The strange music theory planted in their bodies took root and sprouted, and all the power was transferred from the inside out. replace……

In just a short moment, the infection spread to terrifying proportions.

Even the dozen or so masters who were planted with purifying music theory by Ye Qingxuan and signed the contract of betrayal to the tribunal were involved. Even if the purification lock in the body breaks out in an instant, completely sealing off the infected 'affected part', and begins the burning of destruction.

The entire Sovereign was filled with a burning smell.

The flames that can completely burn ordinary people can't save their lives, but the pain that is ignited from the inside out is enough to make people collapse.

What's even more frightening is that the 'disease' appears and disappears, as if it has taken root, completely integrated with their destiny and difficult to eradicate.

With no other choice, Mabel could only control Long Wei to forcefully seal them and freeze them completely. Although not dead, it is difficult to live.

Even though he was well prepared, Paganini's terror was still far beyond everyone's expectations.

Not only within the scope of Guixu, but even outside Guixu, countless musicians were completely transformed in the mourning. I don't know when Paganini planted the theory of change for them, turning them into bacteria. And before the onset of the disease, the mutated music theory in their bodies had already infected an unknown number of people.

The teachers in the academy were dissolved together with their disciples, and the elders and students in the school fell together...

The plague, the horrific plague is spreading!

"This is...the Four Horsemen!"

In the lens where time stood still, the old musician looked at the 'black spots' emerging from his scepter with fear, and finally understood why his many defenses could not work.

The only ones who can transform the changing music theory into a virus and spread it like a plague are the Four Horsemen made by the Hundred Eyes themselves - the Lord of Plague and Pain!

Just like when he led half of the Holy City to fall under the nose of the Holy City, even though the Sage of the Abyss was so wary of him, he still quietly eroded one of the Four Knights and integrated it into his own scepter. among.

"It's easy, isn't it?"

A soft voice sounded in his ear: "It seems difficult, but you just need to set a small goal first."

At some point, Paganini's power had seeped into the lens.

At this moment, he had put on a green robe and was riding on a green horse.

He didn't get close, but just stared at him from afar, causing the black spots on his body to spread rapidly. At this moment, the old musician was in a trance, and even felt like he was splitting into two.

A self is rapidly declining, experiencing pain in this still time.

But the other self awakened from the darkness, quickly grew stronger, grew abnormally with joy, greedily devoured the remaining sanity, and wanted to throw itself into Paganini's scepter.

The old musician raised his hand in despair and pressed it to his forehead, wanting to commit suicide.

He can't live like this. There are too many Asgardian secrets in his mind, too many Asgardian files, and even the design drawings of the strongest force on land, the giant armor 'Heracles'.

Even if only one tenth of it leaks out, it will be enough to severely damage Asgard.

Fortunately, in order to protect these data, he has set up predetermined instructions in his scepter. He only needs to be lightly stimulated and everything will disappear without a trace.

Including himself.

At that moment, sensing his crisis, thunder and anger burst out from the god's single eye.

"Be bold!"

Endless torrent of thunder poured into the lens, divinity transformed, Odin's shadow loomed, and struck Paganini with a devastating blow.

Elements are turbulent.

Paganini's face cracked.

This is the accumulation of Asgard over thousands of years, the crystallization of the wisdom of musicians of all ages. In terms of sheer destructive power, no natural disaster can rival Odin.

"Your Highness! Don't come..."

Even though he was about to be saved, the old musician had no joy in his eyes, but was more and more afraid.

——His target is you!


In the frozen time, no one can tell how long it has been.

No matter how long it has been, it is only a moment outside.

And in the next moment, the lens broke.

The second prince soared into the sky, perched high on the throne of thunder, transformed into Odin, waved his hand and sprinkled countless destructive lightning.

The divinity in his left eye burned vigorously, and his majesty was inviolable.

And in the empty right eye, a strange light lit up...

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