Crown of Silence

Chapter 713 Goodbye

The black iron sheet has rounded edges. Although it is a prototype, it is not made roughly. A very thin layer of transparent water steel is poured on the outside. Under the refraction of sunlight, the alchemical matrix integrated into the iron sheet can be faintly seen. Complex musical notes flashed. As Ye Qingxuan turned it, the iron sheet jumped flexibly between his five fingers.

Just as Ye Qingxuan required, it is solid and durable, and the size can be carried with you. It can be put in any pocket, although there is a risk of missing it.

But if you are careless enough to lose it, then you can only say that you deserve it, right?

Ye Qingxuan said, "It looks good. How to use it?"

"Just like when using the ether ball."

Lola replied: "In addition to being a connection terminal of the ether network, it can be regarded as a variant of the ether ball."

Lola took the terminal from Ye Qingxuan's hand, held it in her hand, awakened and activated it, and a projection was reflected from the iron sheet in the air. The detailed icons showed the surrounding ether fluctuations and various values.

It has all the functions of the ether ball, and unlike the ether ball, it has a very thin layer of lapis lazuli as its core, which can store many small music movements for easy access at any time.

The demonstration is the "square" music movement written by Ye Qingxuan and Xia Er in the past. Since it was created, this thing has become popular and many musicians like to play it when they kill time.

After demonstrating various effects, Laura turned the terminal over and showed Ye Qingxuan the golden alchemy matrix on the back - the ladder music theory.

"It has locked resonance with the ether network. As long as you carry it with you, you can activate it when necessary, just like a bank, distinguish by account number, set a password, bind your own heart sound, and double verification."

As the ladder matrix lit up, the light of the Jiuxiao ring came across the air, connecting the terminal to the huge system of the ether network. Then, with Laura's guidance, the music theory was woven, and in the soft melody, warm light fell from her hands on Ye Qingxuan.

Hymn music movement

Through the Ether Network, even a demon-hybrid like Laura can use the opposing faction of the Holy Chant without any hindrance, without worrying about the music theory in his body being ignited.

Based on this point, the Holy City will never let him go.

But Ye Qingxuan still doesn't care about this.

It's nothing more than a little more hatred value. Too many lice don't itch, too many debts don't worry.

Compared with this, he is more concerned about the next demonstration.

"What about communication capabilities?" he asked: "I remember I asked Newton about this."

"With the Ether Network as a channel, it is not difficult to realize this function."

Laura showed Ye Qingxuan the bottom of the ladder terminal, the string of codes: "Each terminal has its own number. As long as you have the other party's number, you can transmit information through the Ether Network at any time. In addition to sound, you can also transmit images, but image transmission occupies too many resources and cannot afford everyone's use."

Ye Qingxuan frowned, "Is there a solution?"

"This is easy."

Laura said: "Newton Let me tell you, permissions can be graded, high permissions can be used at any time, and low permissions can be applied for and temporarily opened when necessary.

In terms of operation and maintenance, according to your order, the "Tienti Communication Company" was registered. Congratulations, you are about to become a monopoly giant in the future communication industry, and you will make a lot of money. "

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Income is just a number, the key is to promote the Ether Network."

Newton strongly protested to him in the report. According to calculations, the communication function of the Ether Network is expected to occupy one-fifth of the total resources, that is, one-fifth of the power will be wasted on it.

In contrast, the communication function is not the most needed ability for musicians, because products that can achieve this function have long been available. Through large-scale concertos, musicians can send and receive information to the outside world at any time, not to mention various revelatory music.

Although the communication of the Ether Network is easy to use, it is not necessary for musicians.

But on the other hand... what if it is not a musician?

What if it is a civilian?

Ordinary people who still communicate with their relatives and friends by writing letters, waiting three to four months or even half a year for a letter...

Ye Qingxuan can conclude that as long as the terminals of the Ether Network are open to civilians, there will definitely be a large number of people willing to sell their houses and spend a relatively expensive amount of money to get the terminals of the Ether Network.

Just for this function.

By then, the Ether Network will have a large number of loyal followers, and it is unknown how many of them have the qualifications of apprentices and can become musicians. Their bowstrings for the Ether Network alone are enough to earn back Ye Qingxuan's investment.

From the beginning, Ye Qingxuan has never restricted the independence of the Ether Network, nor has he thought of turning the Ether Network into something that belongs only to him.

The nature of the Ether Network determines that it must be open source and open permissions. The more people use it, the stronger its power will be.

It has no direct killing ability, cannot defend, and has no magical effects. As a natural disaster, it can be said to be the weakest natural disaster, but it has unlimited potential.

Every user will become a part of the Ether Network, making it stronger and sharing its pressure.

With the completion of the load limit test of the Ether Network, Ye Qingxuan now has a certain understanding of its limits.

At the same moment, it can support 40,000 official musicians using the music at the same time. If there are more, chaos will occur.

But this is just its own bearing limit.

In fact, Ye Qingxuan does not intend to rely on it to bear all the pressure, and does not even take its own bearing capacity into consideration. He only intends to use it for emergency purposes.

What really bears the pressure is the concertina associated with it.

Every additional large concertina can increase the share of 120 formal musicians. At the same time, the pressure can be transferred downward to the bottom layer, and all users can share it together.

The pressure on each person is almost negligible.

But for every additional thousand users, the Ether Network can increase the authority of a master. If the use is strictly controlled, it can even double.

The Ether Network is not something that one person can afford, not even the three kings.

And what Ye Qingxuan needs to do is to tie more and more people to his pirate ship...


It must be said that Newton is Newton after all. Every detail is done perfectly, and all of Ye Qingxuan's ideas are perfectly realized, and even exceeded, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Finally, Ye Qingxuan nodded and asked the last question:

"What else?"


"Anything else?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

"Do you think there are any more questions?" Lola smiled.

But Ye Qingxuan didn't smile. He looked at Lola: "You still have something to say, Lola, I can see that when you put on that professorial look, it's time for you to lie."

Lola was silent, and her expression became complicated.

After a long time, she said: "The things you asked me to investigate a few days ago have already been revealed."

"Your friend, Vito, is dead."


Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and said: "Continue."

"Our investigators found the ship that carried him smuggled. The captain signed a contract with the gold mine in the first colony of Burgundy and sent the smugglers there.

The people in the mine said that Vito contracted lung disease on the ship and died soon after arriving there. "

Lola put a paper bag on the table.

"This is his relic."

"I know. "

Ye Qingxuan did not look through the bag, and nodded slightly: "If there is nothing else, you can go back first, I still have work to continue here."

Lola looked at him with complicated eyes for a long time, then stood up and left.

The door closed.

In the long silence, the afternoon sun shone through the curtains, slanting down on the table, shining on the small paper bag.

The paper bag contained a coat of arms.

That was the most valuable thing on Vito. He always told others that it was something his father left him, but everyone thought he stole it from somewhere.

Once Vito took it and told Ye Qingxuan that he would make a name for himself in the future, never bow to anyone again, and be as noble as an aristocrat. Same.

At that time, Root Town was not big, but it could accommodate the childhood of two people and provide them with a place to live.

But now Root Town is gone.

The post-disaster survey team of the land department told him: Root Town has become a ruin. It should be the beast tide when the abyss broke that razed it to the ground.

When Ye Qingxuan left there by boat, he vaguely knew that it was no longer his home, but now he realized that the farewell came too fast.

It was so fast that he was caught off guard.

He closed his eyes tiredly.

"Goodbye, Vito."

This volume is finally over, but the outline of the next volume has not been sorted out yet... According to convention, I will take a day off. But in fact, there are other things to write tomorrow, so I can't take a day off at all... Life is so miserable...

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