Crown of Silence

Chapter 721 The Key

Chapter 720 The Key

Amid the roar, the steel cable suddenly straightened.

The air burst into a low hum like a string in the whip.

Under the blazing searchlight, the huge armor was slowly lifted up. At the commander's gesture, it moved closer to the behemoth little by little, and the steel fit on the dripping flesh.

Then, the screws, like giant spears, pierced into the sockets of the armor under the twisting of the pivot, piercing through the flesh, causing the heavy flesh under the armor to tremble and spurt blood.

In the painful tremor that was like the shaking of the earth, the screws were deeply wedged into the bones under the flesh. Then, the welding musician came forward, manipulated the flame, and welded the rivets and armor into one.

It was like putting on iron clothes for a giant.

"Higher, higher!"

In the scorching air, Captain Yegor commanded the others and shouted hoarsely.

Under the operation of the huge factory, piece after piece of armor slowly fits on the flesh and blood of Nomadic Mountain. This is the final step.

The last debugging of Nomadic Mountain was completed four days ago.

After disassembly and assembly again and again, the body of Nomadic Mountain has expanded by nearly half. The bloody muscle bundles are wrapped as the bone plates as the inner armor. The artificial muscle bundles as thick as a human body are wrapped in a complex alchemical matrix, swallowing and spitting ether, like the pulsation of blood.

So far, the original potential of Nomadic Mountain has been fully developed.

Moreover, the queen has given it new power.

——Dragon power.

Under the transformation of the Golden Chapter of Victory, the sea troll with the blood of Leviathan has its dormant beast nature reactivated and sublimated, turning into an out-and-out dragonborn.

It's as if the red dragon has turned into steel and destruction has turned into a warship.

Under the skull figurehead, a pair of huge pupils have slowly opened, and the red vertical pupils stare forward indifferently, enduring the pain.

Only the sound of the heartbeat is like a drum, resounding in the huge and stuffy workshop, making everyone's mind shake and in awe.

"Bad news just came."

Through the breathing mask, Shi Dong's voice is heavy and turbid: "Asgard and Burgundy have formed an alliance. The development rights of four lapis lazuli mines have been exchanged for Burgundy's opening of border corridors and territorial waters."

"At least this can determine their purpose."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, turned around and motioned Shi Dong to follow. The two left the high-level stand and returned to Ye Qingxuan's office. Ye Qingxuan picked up the plan delivered by the military on the table and threw it to Shi Dong.

After Shi Dong flipped through it, he put it down, was silent for a long time, and exhaled a turbid breath.

"Any ideas?"

"It's difficult..." Stone pinched his iron chin and said hoarsely: "If I'm not mistaken, the Asgardians will probably choose to advance on two fronts next."

Although Anglu is a maritime country, its four regions have a total of 27 counties, more than half of which are on land.

After Burgundy opens the border corridor, Asgard will be able to bypass the Blanc Mountains directly and directly threaten Anglu's grain-producing areas and many industrial cities.

What Anglu will face at that time is the Zhuniao clan, which is praised by Asgard as the three pillars of the empire.

After the Battle of Nebuchadnezzar in the past, the Zhuniao clan successfully ascended to the throne after personally dethroning the heavy cavalry and ushering in the era of power armor. It was under the leadership of that emperor that Asgard erupted with a terrifying enthusiasm for the new thing of power armor.

For a hundred years thereafter, the armored corps with Zhuniao as its totem was the nightmare of all armies.

Even now, the Suzaku Corps is still the largest armored corps in Asgard, no, in the entire world. Among the 160,000 members, 100,000 are other arms, and the remaining 60,000 are all centered around power armor.

In order to maintain the operation of the corps, there are even heavy industrial cities, and more than 14,000 mechanical engineers serve the corps. The number may increase several times in wartime.

There are 20,000 sets of power armor on standby, of which at least 4,000 sets are the most famous "frost giants" in Asgard. The frost giant knights, who have spent countless efforts and funds to cultivate, have not yet been able to gather 4,000 establishments, claiming to be able to fight against more than three times the same enemy.

Once the Suzaku clan's army is approaching, then Anglu may have to use all its national strength to recruit all the corps to resist.

Even the Queen's personal army, the Knights of the Round Table, will have to go all out.

Only in this way can Asgard be kept out of the country by relying on the special terrain of the Blanc Mountains. Otherwise, once the Blanc Fortress is lost and the Suzaku Corps marches straight in, the thousands of miles of plains and fertile land behind will almost all fall within three days.

Anglo will be completely trapped in the quagmire.

"And what's worse is that the Asgardian fleet will pass through the territorial waters of Burgundy and directly enter the territorial waters of Anglo..."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the map and drew a somewhat curved arc. The end of the arc passed through the territorial waters of Anglo and pointed directly to the location of Avalon.

"If left alone, it will only take a day and a half for the Asgard Sea Fortress to be at the gates of Avalon. In other words, once they enter our territorial waters, we will no longer have any strategic depth."

Shi Dong shook his head: "It's too difficult for Anglo to go to war with the old empire with its national strength that has just begun to revive."

"So I'm going there myself."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the map: "This battle will be won at sea."

Even if the Asgardians' land forces are more than three times that of Anglu, the Brown Fortress cannot be conquered by three times the forces.

Defense is much more advantageous than attack.

In this regard, Ye Qingxuan's mentality is very single.

As long as Anglu's army holds on, it will be a victory if they don't die.

Ye Qingxuan has even made a plan. Once he finds that the Holy City is involved in this war, even if it is just one soldier, he will have a reason to send the Witch Hammer to the front line.

Although the Holy City will not give him this excuse in all likelihood.

He wants to drag the Asgardians into a protracted war, the longer the better, it would be best to turn the Brown Fortress into a quagmire and drag several nearby small countries into the water!

As long as the Asgardians don't send out the land giant Hercules frantically, as long as they are not crushed by absolute strength, then this battle can still be fought.

Anyway, it's just a tiny place, and it's useless to have more people. What matters is the ability of both sides to fight a protracted war.

In short, it's a waste of money.

After considering this, Ye Qingxuan even began to suspect that Burgundy's alliance with Asgard was also ulterior motives.

Only the border corridor was opened, which limited the scale of the war. In this way, Burgundy lengthened Asgard's supply line and could also make a big profit from Asgard's military supplies.

What do you need urgently? I have it. I'll sell it to you. Ten times the price is not expensive, right?

On the other hand, Anglo, with the Stirling internal combustion engine, has almost increased its domestic productivity by more than five times after the industrial revolution. As long as it does not lose control of the sea, hundreds of routes are equivalent to a continuous lapis lazuli mine. The entire ocean is Anglo's bank. You can withdraw as much money as you want.

And there is no need to worry about food problems. The old grain stored in the previous fight against Leviathan has not been eaten up by one-third.

Now Anglo has a lot of stamina and is not afraid of any war at all.

And all this has only one premise.

The navy holds up.

The navy must hold up.

The significance of the Royal Fleet is to ensure that Anglo has a stable rear area and can keep the ocean, a money-printing machine.

Just as Ye Qingxuan said.

The outcome of this battle is definitely not determined by the fierce battle at the Brown Fortress.

But on the sea...


Similarly, in Asgard, under the Golden Palace, in the Navy Headquarters, the same topic is continuing.

In the empty and huge conference room, there are only an old man and a young man.

The old musician who has recovered to his original state no longer needs to hold the wedge-shaped stone tablet to prolong his life every day. Although he is still fragile, he can move freely.

Sitting opposite him is a silent young man.

He looks only in his twenties, but his hair is already gray, his back is hunched, and his pupils are cloudy, like a sickly person. His drooping pupils seem to be sleepy, but between half asleep and half awake, there is a flash of cold light,


This young man is wrapped in an inexhaustible chill, as if the murderous aura exchanged for the lives of countless people. Like a rusty sharp knife, only after the rust and blood brown peel off, can you see the cold edge underneath.

He is wearing Asgard's military uniform, but it seems inappropriate no matter how you look at it, as if this young man should have more suitable clothes... more sacred and solemn... and more gloomy and terrifying.

The old musician couldn't help but sigh: "Sorry, Asgard's military uniform may not be as comfortable as the Silent Agency uniform for you, but for long-term planning, please be patient for a while."

"Please rest assured, for me, the quality of clothes has never been a problem."

The young man sat on the chair, groping for the silver cane on his knees, with a cold expression: "I can understand the arrangement of the Holy City. After all, the head of the Silent Agency cannot appear on the battlefield of Asgard."

"It's great that you can understand, Rommel." The old musician nodded, feeling a little relieved, but facing this young man, he still felt a headache.

Since the last generation of Handel, a new generation of Handel.

After the previous generation of the head of the Silent Agency, the new generation of the head.

The young musician named Rommel was the successor of the Saint in the Holy City three years ago, and was also a student of Handel in the previous generation.

For his future, there are even guarantees from the Pope and the guardian of the Holy Cauldron.

He joined the Silent Agency at the age of fourteen - he was like a fish in water in this secret agency that made all countries afraid. At the age of nineteen, he was already in a high position, and was no less inferior to Wolf Flute. He was known as the "fast knife" and "mad dog".

Originally, everyone expected that he would break through the distortion level and enter the realm of the master, and it would take at least fifteen years until he became the successor of the Holy Name of the Scepter.

Fifteen years later, a thirty-seven-year-old saint was still young enough.

But no one expected that he would be so fast.

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