Crown of Silence

Chapter 723: Worse

Chapter 722 Better than worse

Northern seas.

This piece of public sea connects the territorial waters of Asgard and Angru, and is also one of the intersection points of the ocean currents that converge towards Avalon.

The warm currents from the east and north bring abundant fish here, turning it into one of the largest fishing grounds in the world. Every spring and winter, there are always fishing boats from all over the world fishing here, competing for parades. All kinds of fish come.

Within half a month, the plump fish meat will be sent to various places and served on the tables of nobles, becoming a delicacy that satisfies gluttonous appetites.

Unfortunately, this sea area has now become a restricted area.

Not only are the dense fishing boats of the past gone, there are not even many fish left.

The Royal Fleet stayed at the intersection of Anglo territorial waters and the high seas and came to a standstill.

And just on the bridge of the flagship, a group of generals were silent around a thing that had just been fished out of the sea.

It was originally a twelve-sided cube made of black iron. It had been soaked in seawater for who knows how long. It was covered with patina and even had a layer of barnacles and seaweed growing on it.

And under the careful dismantling of the Forbidden Musician, the dodecahedron, which was more than half a man tall, was slowly peeled off the barnacles on the shell, revealing the inscription hidden behind the rust.

Everyone looked gloomy.

"It's a new thing I haven't seen before. Can anyone explain it to me?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the artificial creation in front of him and turned around to ask.

"——The son of the six-type disintegrated water demon."

Selvin said: "Asgard's naval warfare weapon is equipped with a resonator specially made for the ship's ether engine. It has a sensing range of six hundred meters and will automatically move closer to passing ships. Once it approaches the critical range, it will trigger Fuze, the aether bomb inside will destroy the armor.

Just two of these things can destroy the armor of a warship. "

"so smart?"

Ye Qingxuan's next words made everyone pale: "I'll try..."

After saying that, before anyone could stop him, he reached out his hand without hesitation and slapped the ether bomb. The next moment, a crisp sound sounded, and the twelve-sided cube instantly disintegrated. Then, a terrifying glow erupted from it. , the high temperature brewing that was enough to evaporate the entire bridge crushed the air and swept in all directions.

But then, the terrifying shock wave and high temperature were trapped in the invisible realm.

In the hexahedron outlined by the forbidden music theory, the terrifying impact and high temperature continued to reverberate, illuminating everyone's astonished expressions.

Only Ye Qingxuan held his chin and nodded slowly:

"It's quite powerful, comparable to the destructive movement of the Transformation Musician."

As he said that, he turned back and looked at Selvin: "How many such things do they have?"

"have no idea……"

Selvin smiled bitterly: "The war reserves of the Asgardians have always been the best among all countries, and a specialized mine-laying ship can lay thousands of bombs.

They should have taken a walk in the ocean currents several days in advance. Now, they are drifting with the ocean currents, and I am afraid they have spread throughout the entire sea area. "

Selvin didn't finish what he said, but Ye Qingxuan understood its meaning.

If they don't stop them, more and more of these things will probably float along the ocean currents to Avalon. By then, there is no doubt that Avalon will be completely blocked by this kind of thing.

Pieces cannot be put into the sea.

"They want to consume our power..."

Selvin said coldly: "We have to dedicate at least half of the ship to clearing mines. Most of the musicians' energy will be consumed on this thing. Even if there is a war, some manpower must be allocated to prevent ships from hitting mines."

The captain of another warship said: "But if you want to get through the blockade, you must clean up these things first, otherwise there will be no fight at all."

"Want to clean up?"

Selvin looked at Ye Qingxuan. He was the actual ruler of the fleet, although most of the time he just took the blame and ignored things.

"Clean it up. After all, we have to walk on the road."

Ye Qingxuan waved his hand and ordered: "Organize a large-scale summoning of royal musicians. There should be many musicians who have raised phantom beasts in the water, and the cleanup should be faster.

There is no need to intercept them all, as long as we clear our route, it will be no problem, and the rest will float with them to Avalon. If the kingdom of heaven on earth can't even guard against this, then what's the point? "

These things sprinkled by the Asgardians were like caltrops on the ground. Although they were troublesome, at most they could only be said to make Angelo sick.

This is how war is, using all possible means. When necessary, killing civilians is within the scope of consideration, let alone something like this?

"It's a pity that the Asgardians overlooked one point."

Ye Qingxuan waved back, and a musician walked forward quickly carrying an iron box and placed it in front of Ye Qingxuan.

"They can dig traps, and so can we."

With that said, Ye Qingxuan used his power ring to unlock the seal on the iron box and took out two small wine glasses. Facing everyone's shocked expressions, Ye Qingxuan smiled.

"There's no need to compare with them."

He weighed the words 'integrity' and 'bravery' in his hands and grinned:

"——Let's compare ourselves!"


Amid the sharp sound of the war alarm, all the warships of the Royal Fleet were busy. Countless sailors rushed to seal all the gaps and distributed heavy protective clothing and breathing masks that covered the entire face at the bow.

Soon, after just half an hour, all the warships were in place.

And in the magnificent melody, the heavy clouds above the sky slowly broke, and the dark giant beast broke out of the clouds. The organ with the spine as the core played under the joint efforts of sixteen musicians.

Hot steam gushed out from the body of Nomadic Mountain, bursting out a harsh melody.

Under the guidance of the music theory of Jiuxiao Huanpei, countless lines of thought extended from Ye Qingxuan's body, connecting to Nomadic Mountain. With this as the core, countless ladder music theories covered the entire Royal Fleet.

Connected as one.

Compared to Mabel's phoenix incarnation, Ye Qingxuan's chapter of fate was shrouded without any strange phenomena, but in the musician's perception, hundreds of warships have now been completely integrated into one, becoming a body and incarnation of will.

Then, the mighty melody sounded.

The calm ocean boiled instantly, countless water vapors rose from the sea surface, turning into a thick fog that was invisible. In the fog, everything turned pure white.

The fog expanded crazily, and in the melody, it was like a white blanket, instantly covering the area of ​​hundreds of miles, and still slowly extending to the surroundings.

It was like alive.

After just a few dozen minutes, one-third of the entire North Sea was covered by this undispellable fog, and the remaining two-thirds was only a matter of time.

This was the fog that once covered the entire Anglo territory.

The heavenly kingdom on earth, which had obtained all the power of Leviathan, also bestowed this talent on the offspring of Leviathan when infusing the Nomadic Mountain with dragon power.

Unlike the weird weather at that time, which was almost a projection of the etheric world, the fog at this moment had no other effect except blocking the sight and the musicians' perception.

There was no killing.

It only needed to exist as a medium, that was enough.

At the bow of the Nomadic Mountain, Ye Qingxuan smiled and slowly raised the two cups in his hands.

The cup of virtue.

One was "integrity" and the other was "courage", both representing admirable qualities...weakness!

With Ye Qingxuan's actions, the entire sea of ​​ether seemed to have a huge hole in an instant, and countless ethers were forcibly extracted, causing waves that the Asgard fleet far outside the northern seas also felt.

At this moment, it was not Ye Qingxuan who extracted the ether, but the royal fleet that was unified by Ye Qingxuan.

The ether engines of hundreds of warships were frantically extracting power. Even if each engine was just a drop, when gathered together, it could turn into a torrent.

Such a huge ether wave was captured by the giant harmony instrument, which was as conspicuous as a torch in the dark night. But now, the night was covered by thick fog, and even the position of the torch was difficult to predict.

And under the irrigation of this power, Ye Qingxuan's hands slowly tilted, and sprinkled the virtues in the cup from the sky to the thick fog under his feet.

It was like nectar falling from the sky.

The wisps of water vapor falling from the cup of integrity quickly merged into the fog and spread rapidly, making the water vapor present a cotton-like texture.

Wherever it passed, the empty water vapor became like sticky glue. The terrifying toxicity quickly spread in the fog along with the nectar in the cup.

A pungent smell rose from the thick fog.

The mist attached to the sincerity turned into wisps of cotton wool, hidden in the thick fog, floating constantly, penetrating everywhere, and even steel made a hissing sound wherever it passed.

This poison gas transformed from ether is in a semi-colloidal state, which is a great enemy to all living things that can breathe. Once it enters the lungs, it will quickly dehydrate the organs and shrink them, until it finally turns into a mummy in the uncontrolled vomiting and dehydration. Even if the skin is in contact, it will cause each cortex to decay quickly, lose its activity, and become cracked rotten rubber.

In contrast, what is sprinkled in the cup of "bravery" is the grass clippings.

Just like the grains of weeds that are chopped and dried, and the willow fluff flying all over the mountains and fields after spring comes, those spores that absorb ether and grow wildly fall from the cup, just like salt sprinkled on barbecue, dotted in the mist, harmless, and there is no trace of the horror of crazy growth after parasitizing on the human body.

The cup of honesty takes away all moisture and vitality, making people inflexible.

The cup of bravery makes people blind and grow wildly.

After the weapon that was enough to completely massacre an entire city in a short period of time came into contact with the restriction, it absorbed a large amount of ether and completely changed the nature of the thick fog.

In the next week, the entire North Sea will become a desolate area.

Without protective clothing and breathing masks, even if you walk outside for a circle, you will completely become a host of plants and a pile of rotten meat.

It's just a pity for this pasture.

Countless fish floated up from the sea with their eyes rolled back, their abdomens gradually bulged, and in the end, countless grass seeds burst out of their abdomens and floated on the water.

Ye Qingxuan put away the holy cup and shook his head slowly.

The war has not yet come, and the consequences have already appeared.

I'm afraid this pasture will be difficult to recover within ten years.

The armored knight wearing a protective mask ran over and half-knelt behind Ye Qingxuan, "Your Highness, the fleet reported that traces of the Asgard Navy have been found."

"Leave the war to those who are good at war. Tell Selvin what to do. Don't worry about me."

Ye Qingxuan took the report, walked to the bridge of Nomadic Mountain, and ordered loudly: "Notify all ships, the target is 72 degrees south, 400 nautical miles!"

Amid the roar, Nomadic Mountain shook violently, and the huge figure passed directly over the accelerating royal fleet and melted into the deepest part of the fog.

"Then, let's go and say hello to our enemies first."

On the bridge of the steel behemoth, Ye Qingxuan tapped his fingers on the handrail and hummed a vague song softly.

——Facing Leviathan at sea?

Friend, did you get something wrong?

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