Crown of Silence

Chapter 735 Truce?

Chapter 734 Truce?

Sweeping by the torrent of 240,000 movements, the shield of the maritime fortress was completely torn apart in the first instant. The mighty torrent swept through, destroying countless steel buildings, burning red, evaporating, and burning in several ether pools. After the detonation, the turbulent aftermath nearly broke the sea fortress apart, tearing open several huge rifts and causing the seawater to pour in.

Alarms sounded one after another, and the sea fortress activated the emergency maintenance system, but it was difficult to repair the damage. It could only maintain its own structure with difficulty, abandoned several cabin areas, and lowered the gates to intercept the incoming seawater.

At this moment it looks like a tilted plate.

The front end lifted up from the sea water, while the back half had sunk beneath the surface. The armor exposed to the sea has been completely burned, and red iron juice drips from the cracked armor into the sea.

It no longer has the terror and majesty of the steel fortress in the past, but instead looks like a garbage dump made of scraps.

In the center of the city, the savior has spread throughout the cracks.

All sixteen wings were broken and burned, leaving only miserable remains.

The savior seemed to have fallen into hell, his body was burnt to pieces, his face was broken, his arms and half of his body were missing, and he was quickly dissipating.

The savior is dying…


In the central control room, a clear voice sounded.

The Rod of the Messiah fell to the ground, rolled in deathly silence, and finally came to a stop.

Rommel stared silently at the projected Nomadic Mountain, looked at Ye Qingxuan, and looked at his face.

for a long time.

As if exhausted, he staggered back and sat on his chair.

In the silence, hoarse laughter sounded.

"I lost."

He looked at his broken hands, mocking his arrogance, and closed his eyes:

"A complete failure."

Snap, snap, snap... The sound of cracking rocks sounded from his body. He leaned back on the chair, and the cracks spread from under the dress to his face, like a cracked wax statue.

Elements break.

In the flesh and blood under the crack, as the scepter dissipated, the broken music theory fire spread quietly, burning, growing slowly, engulfing him in the flames.

How should you summarize your failures? One careless move and everything will be lost? No, that would be too much of a compliment, right? From the beginning, he was never regarded as an opponent.

He can't even control his own game.

Ye Qingxuan just moved one of his opponent's chariots off the chessboard.

He tried his best to guess his opponent's thoughts, but from the beginning... the two sides were never in the same field. He tried in vain to pursue a reflection in the water, but when the reflection shattered, he discovered that his The enemy is in the unreachable sky.

God, why do you give the world such suffering?

Why breed... this kind of monster?

Flames engulfed him.

In the silence, the old young man disappeared into ashes and turned into a handful of dust.

A faint stream of light flew out of the ashes and fell into the Staff of the Upper Messiah, and the saint's inheritance returned to the artifact again.

Klein stared at all this, sighed softly, bent down to pick up the Messiah's staff, turned back, and looked at the staff musician who also had a breakdown in music theory:

"He's dead, what about you?"

The scepter musician looked defeated and smiled miserably: "After betraying Asgard and facing such a failure, what dignity do I have to survive?

Klein, you still owe me, my student, please. "

Klein nodded.

The Mace Musician closed his eyes and disappeared into the flames, turning into ashes along with Rommel.

The broken scepter condensed into a crimson key in the ashes, which was the inheritance he left behind with his last strength.

A feeble atonement for his betrayal.

In silence, Klein stared at the remaining ashes of his old friend and couldn't help but sigh sadly.

He waved his hand, put the ashes of his old friend into the box, put away the Messiah's staff and the red key, and walked to the bridge.

The war is not over yet.


When the projection of the savior completely disappeared and the music theory of the Messiah disappeared without a trace, Ye Qingxuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. He only felt dizzy. If the guards around him hadn't seen the opportunity and stepped forward to help him, he might have fallen to the ground.


The two hundred and forty thousand movements were too dangerous a force for both the Ethernet and him. Even if he only provided some guidance in the process, it still consumed all his energy.

If he had not relied on Hephaestus, but had been released by himself, Ye Qingxuan would have been evaporated by the high temperature like the heart of an ether furnace in the first moment, right?

"Inspect the entire ship and report the damage."

Ye Qingxuan waved the order, and Yegor quickly directed the remaining musicians and crew members to start emergency repairs on the battlefield. If left unchecked, the Nomadic Mountain may explode before long...

The war seemed frozen.

The remaining strength of both sides did not bother to confront each other with swords. Instead, they unanimously chose to use temporary first aid to hang on to their lives first, otherwise there would be nothing left after they died.

He seemed to be afraid of Ye Qingxuan's sight.

Soon, on the sea fortress, an eye slowly rose.

The left eye of God stared at the Nomadic Mountain, and a ray of light was projected from the single eye, which fell in front of Ye Qingxuan, forming the projection of the scepter musician.


"First meeting, Your Excellency the Grand Judge."

The inspired musician nodded to Ye Qingxuan: "I am the current supreme commander of the maritime fortress, and I hereby submit a proposal for a temporary truce to you.

We have all paid enough, can we stop here? "

Following his words, the yellow flag representing the truce was slowly raised in the maritime fortress.

In response, Ye Qingxuan just raised his eyebrows slightly: "The style of the flag is good, and the material is also good, but the color is not right... Don't you think the white color suits you better now?"

white flag.

Klein frowned, "This joke is too much."

Ye Qingxuan sneered: "Are you not going too far? Understand, you are the ones who invaded, you are the ones who chose to go to war, and you are the ones who want to annihilate us... Start when you want to start, and end when you want to end. Asgardians really think Is war your own toy?”

Facing Ye Qingxuan's indifferent expression, Klein showed no fear: "This is the best proposal now, for you and us.

Your Excellency, after both sides suffered losses, are we still going to fight to the death? "

"If you don't want to fight, you can surrender."

Ye Qingxuan spread his hands: "This is also my proposal, the best proposal for both sides. Your maritime fortress plus half of the fleet was almost annihilated by a dozen of my ships. You have the nerve to temporarily truce? Where do you come from? s face?"

Klein's expression twitched due to the mockery in Ye Qingxuan's tone, and his eyes turned cold, with a gloomy expression: "Okay, we will open the door of the fortress now and invite His Excellency the Grand Judge to come in and accept our surrender. "

Ye Qingxuan rolled his eyes.

Am I mentally ill? It's not right to ignore the good situation and run into your fortress and let you catch him in the jar... It's not right to close the door and fight... It's just stupid to believe the other party's bullshit anyway.

"If you are sincere, why should you hide in a turtle shell? It would be the same if you came out and surrendered."

Klein stopped talking nonsense with Ye Qingxuan and asked directly: "It seems that even at this point, do you still want to continue the war?"

Ye Qingxuan sneered again, "Does the sea fortress still have the ability to fight?"

"Does it mean that there is an Anglo fleet?"

Klein looked down coldly at the first-generation royal fleet that was riddled with holes on the sea, and then glanced at the almost half-broken Nomadic Mountain: "As a revelation musician, let me predict the future for you.

If our war begins, after ten minutes, our remaining peripheral fleet will be completely wiped out by you. After fifteen minutes, our backup engines and weapon systems will be activated to wipe out your first-generation royal fleet.

We still have 700 formal musicians and 19 backup warships. There is a 15% chance that Nomadic Mountain can sink the maritime fortress.

But before it sinks, I will definitely detonate the central ether pool of the fortress and drag you to be buried with me..."

"Let's not care about the truth or lies of what you said, old man, but where do you get the confidence to keep me?"

How could Ye Qingxuan be frightened by Klein's nonsense? Just kidding, he is also a beginner of the Revelation School, okay?

Besides, if he wants to leave, who can stop him?

If we consider the utilitarian cost, sacrificing the incomplete royal fleet to replace the maritime fortress would be a huge gain.

If the Sea Fortress were allowed to go back in such a swagger, with the industrial base and construction capabilities of the Asgardians, I am afraid that the Sea Fortress would reappear in the Anglo Sea with a brand new appearance in two years. Today's maritime fortress is an old ship from 90 years ago, and some of its equipment is a generation behind. The Asgardians are probably eager to take advantage of the battle damage to carry out a major renovation.

How could Ye Qingxuan make the other party happy?

Facing Ye Qingxuan's words, Klein just smiled, turned back, and looked in the direction of the sea fortress.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of projections slowly rose in the chant, making Ye Qingxuan's face become gloomy.

How do you say that? Even a rotten ship has three pounds of nails. A dead camel like this in Asgard, even if it is extremely thin, still has hundreds of kilograms of meat on it.

With the activation of the alchemy matrix, Ye Qingxuan clearly sensed the breath of dozens of sacred artifacts.

In just a few minutes, the sacred vessels either from Asgard or from the Order along with Rommel were in place, exuding a threatening atmosphere.

Although they may not have the ability to activate all of them, if they are forced to jump over the wall, simply learn to be a black musician, kill all the crew members and perform a large-scale blood sacrifice, it is enough to easily keep the first-generation Royal Fleet and Nomadic Mountain here.

And Ye Qingxuan, who is now seriously injured, will capsize if he is not careful.

The old man opposite me is the scepter of the Revelation Faction. Although his strength is not very good, to be able to reach this level, he must have mastered the timing and the situation.

He has been forced to a dead end by Ye Qingxuan. If Ye Qingxuan is unwilling to let go, he will definitely drag Ye Qingxuan to die together. Even if Ye Qingxuan cannot die, he will still make him suffer for a year or two.

Given the current critical situation in Angelou, if Ye Qingxuan were to be idle for a year or two, I'm afraid the day lilies would be cold.

Ye Qingxuan fell into silence with a gloomy expression.

He almost laughed out of anger.

He has always played the role of the barefoot one, leaving other people wearing shoes helpless, but now, when he puts on shoes, he is tricked by the barefoot people.

As expected, you have to pay back everything you do when you come out to hang out.

But do we really want to throw away this golden opportunity and let the sea fortress leave in a swagger?

He didn't say anything, and Klein didn't urge him.

He didn't care whether Ye Qingxuan delayed or not.

Anyway, delaying time is more beneficial to him. Even if the sea fortress only recovers the most basic combat capability, it can still launch a counterattack.

He hoped that Ye Qingxuan would think about it for a little longer.

The longer the better for him.

In the silence, both sides were silent, only the fearless white birds landed on the side of the ship and chirped.

Finally, Ye Qingxuan let out a long breath and raised his head.


He looked at Klein and replied calmly: "I refuse."


Klein was silent for a moment, his face became more and more ugly, and he didn't get hysterical, but just nodded: "Then, you made a disappointing wrong choice, and soon you will realize your mistake."

"No, I won't."

Ye Qingxuan laughed, as if he didn't care at all.

He fumbled in his pockets and found half a pack of cigarettes, but after rubbing his fingers for a long time, he couldn't even rub out a flame, and looked at Klein helplessly.

"Excuse me, can you lend me a light?"

Klein snapped his fingers expressionlessly, and the divine eyes on the sea fortress looked at Ye Qingxuan, his eyes focused, and from a distance of several miles, he lit the cigarette at the corner of Ye Qingxuan's mouth with incomparable precision.

Being able to light a cigarette, naturally, can also take Ye Qingxuan's life now.

"Before leaving, can I ask you - where does this inexplicable confidence of yours come from?"

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath, exhaled a puff of smoke comfortably, and just shrugged without saying anything.

Behind Klein's projection, someone answered on behalf of Ye Qingxuan:

"I think it probably came from the reinforcements?"

At that moment, Klein turned back in horror.

Seeing the man in the wheelchair, and his eyes.

It was like a mixture of black and white, the two pure colors entangled endlessly, and in his eyes, they transformed into iron gray.

A roar burst out from afar.

As the dawn ended, when the first ray of sunlight jumped from the sea, it illuminated the dark and sharp silhouette at the end of the sea level.

It was a ship.

A dark warship!

"No, this is..."

On the bridge of Nomadic Mountain, Yegor jumped up from his chair, almost unable to believe his eyes, "This is... the Queen's Revenge!

Damn, the No Return Fleet! Damn it! How could the No Return Fleet of the Illusion Islands appear here!"

With just one glance, he recognized the true form of the warship.

He was familiar with it! He was too familiar with it! There was no pirate who had been in the Illusion Islands who had not heard of that warship!

The Queen's Revenge!

The legendary warship, the famous ghost ship, after gathering the resentment of countless sunken ships, the legendary warship created by the Archipelago Illusion School is the core of the No Return Fleet!

More than half of the pirates of the Illusion Islands are notorious for this fleet!

Accompanied by the roar of artillery fire, the mighty melody sounded, and in the solemn singing, countless rotten wood floated from under the sea, and pieced together in the singing of countless souls, forming a tattered warship, following behind the Queen's Revenge.

Even under the inspiration of the singing, even the sunken ships of the Asgard Fleet and the Anglo Fleet, which had just been silent in the war, floated from the deep sea, the wreckage was pieced together, and countless barnacles and mosses grew on them, forming a chilling ghost warship!

This is the true form of the No Return Fleet of the Illusion Islands!

Except for the Queen's Revenge, which has a physical body, all other warships are formed by music.

Just like a scepter made by legend, this is a ‘mobile illusion’ created by the power of ghost ships on the sea and the illusion school of the archipelago for a hundred years!

This is already the realm of ‘from illusion to reality’. Those warships were attracted by the illusion that was materialized into reality and became part of the music. As long as the flagship still exists, no matter how many times it is sunk, it can be restored again.

If it weren’t for this fleet, how could the illusion schools after the great migration have taken over the islands and become local emperors under the pressure of various countries?

The reason why this fleet is called the No Return Fleet is not because it swears to die without return, but when this fleet appears from the stormy night accompanied by the singing of the Siren musicians, all enemies can never return to their hometowns.

As a former pirate who has washed his hands, Yegor knows the strength of the No Return Fleet very well. At this moment, when he saw his old friend appear on the battlefield, he suddenly felt a sense of shock.

But soon, on the other side of the sea, a majestic melody rose to the sky.

Under the cover of the Golden Chapter of Victory, the Royal Fleet, shrouded in the phantom of the Phoenix, set off layers of huge waves and rushed over. Just as they had agreed with the No Return Fleet, they simultaneously surrounded the sea fortress...

Klein's face turned pale as he saw the Royal Fleet appear here.

The Royal Fleet used to delay the third formation was now fully occupied. There were only two possibilities. The first was that they allowed the third formation to destroy and damage, and the second was... Asgard's third formation had been completely annihilated by them!

Combined with the No Return Fleet that appeared here, it was not difficult to imagine what had happened.

"By the way, not only the third formation, but also the first formation was annihilated by us in conjunction with the Illusion Islands."

Watson added the final blow: "In other words, except for you, the whole army has been wiped out."

Ye Qingxuan whistled, admiring his twitching expression, took the cigarette from the corner of his mouth and flicked off the ash.

"Then, let me propose to you now... Should we consider changing the color of the flag?"

This time, it was Klein's turn to fall silent.

After a long time, he sighed softly:

"There are some things that I can't leave here."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and nodded, "I will give you a ship, within 30 people, take your things back to Asgard, but this does not include the inheritance of 'Handel', and you must stay as a prisoner of war."

After a short silence, Klein nodded weakly.

"Then, on behalf of the As family's naval fleet, I surrender to Anglu. We will not resist, please treat the prisoners well..."

Fifteen minutes later, the white flag rose in the sea fortress.

Five minutes later, Klein climbed up the Nomadic Mountain with the Messiah's Staff and surrendered to Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and took over the silent Messiah's Staff.

Very good.

From then on, he was on crutches...

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