Crown of Silence

Chapter 739 Miracle

Chapter 738 Miracle

No one knows the outcome of this battle.

It was not until twenty hours later that the invisible wall covering the northern sea area completely collapsed.

The musicians from various countries who followed closely witnessed the doomsday scene.

The sky was shattered. Even in the daytime, the original darkness of the universe was still revealed behind the broken atmosphere. The stars were dim, and the vicious rays passed through the dry air and shone on the broken seabed.

The seabed was barren and had decayed into gray-black sand. On the sand was entangled an unquenchable red flame, burning day and night, with no end in sight.

Countless seawater roared and rushed, trying to heal the tragic scar, but was blocked by the invisible force left there.

The rift between the material world and the etheric world could not be repaired and healed naturally. A large amount of unknown breath leaked from the etheric world lingered in that sea area, forming a strange and gorgeous rainbow light.

Most of the musicians who entered it never came out again.

After that, the Blue King was still in the dark world, and the Son of God had never left the Caucasus, as if nothing had happened.

Two hours later, the analysis report of the lighthouse was sent to the Golden Palace and placed on the table of the old musician.

The old musician stared silently at the analysis results of hundreds of musicians combined with the observations of the lighthouse, with a blank expression on his face.

Unlike many people's expectations that the Blue King was slightly injured and Charles was seriously injured, the analysis of the lighthouse pointed out that the Blue King was not injured, but he did not kill Charles.

For the old musician, what is more important is the ether linear diagram of the entire battle process given by the lighthouse.

From the beginning, it rose to the realm of natural disasters, with violent ups and downs, and the terrifying power that was enough to tear dozens of cities continued to soar upwards, until finally, hundreds of elements collided with each other, destroyed, and dissipated.

The collision between the Holy Cauldron and Eden caused a devastating disaster. Fortunately, both sides stopped before the consequences could not be controlled, otherwise the scene of the Holy City War would be repeated.

After the collapse of the abyss, the meaning of the existence of the Silent Moon has disappeared. Now the Silent Moon is probably completely hidden in the Great Source. No matter how out of control the war between the Sacred Cauldron and Eden is, it will no longer come out to stop it.

The Blue King and Charles are the agents of the Sacred Cauldron and Eden. Behind the fight between the two is the collision of two systems. If the two sides enter a full-scale war, the aftermath of the battle may spread to this world.

Now, the Yellow King has also disappeared without a trace. I am afraid that the last battle of Guixu was his last shot. It is unrealistic to expect him to appear again to clean up the mess.

Therefore, without the safety valve, the survival of the human world depends on both sides.

I can only say that fortunately, both sides stopped in the end.

Otherwise, before the winner is determined, the victory or defeat may have no meaning.

After a long time, the old musician bowed his head weakly and sighed hoarsely.

Has the Son of God of the Caucasus been promoted to this level...

No, it is better to say that according to the speed of improvement in that kind of observation, it should be more exaggerated than it is now. Instead, there should be something that drags him down and prevents him from fully exerting his strength...

For a long time, Asgard's greatest confidence, in addition to the exaggerated national strength, is the support of the three kings, but now, the other party has been able to confront the strongest Blue King without knowing it. can even reach a level that does not allow a winner to be determined.

In silence, his expression was indifferent, and I don't know what he was thinking.

Until the door was knocked, the soldiers of the Suzaku clan stood at the door, their faces pale, holding the military report from the front line in their hands.

"Sir, the news from the front line..."

"Well, I know."

The old musician did not listen to him finish, but just pointed to the table: "Put it there."

The soldier left, and silence returned again.

The old musician glanced at the report and didn't even have the strength to open it.

Is it still necessary to read it...

A miserable defeat!

An absolute defeat!

Not only was the sea routed, the main force of the Asgard Navy, which was known as the invincible, was completely crippled, and even the sea fortress was captured by the enemy.

Klein, the commander of the front line, is said to have committed suicide after surrendering...

If there were not a small number of fleets that did not go out with the main force to fight, the Invincible Fleet could have been disbanded now.

Not only that, at the same time, the Frost Giant Legion of the Brown Fortress was also defeated in the revenge action of the Knights of the Round Table. Under the unreasonable weapon of the Dragon Armor, more than half of the casualties were caused, and now they can only barely maintain a defensive position and wait for reinforcements from the country.

Asgard spent an unknown amount of materials and manpower in this war. It was expected that it could even imagine the magnificent military might of breaking through Anglu within ten days, but now it has suffered such a huge setback in the gutter.

Although Asgard's production capacity can make up for the lost warships of the navy in less than a year, it is probably difficult to have a second huge war weapon of the level of the sea fortress.

Within three years, Asgard will lose its advantage in the ocean.

It is a heavy loss.

But the last thing we can do now is to lose our strength. We must boost our morale and win a great victory!

At any cost!

Unlike Anglu, which lost the entire territory after losing the first battle, Asgard can afford to lose.

Such an external war is enough for Asgard to mobilize more than four times!

Since the sea battle cannot succeed, then we will win the battle with the army!

Now the old musician is already thinking about how to pick one of the other nine armored knight corps guarding the border to reinforce the Frost Giant Corps, or in other words, mobilize the garrison corps of the Western Military District in the country?

Supplies, food, training, morale, combat capability...

In deep thought, the old musician touched the few hairs on his head in sorrow, trying to find the best way from the myriad of threads.

This time, no matter what, Angru must be completely crushed with thunder! Even if it takes people to pile up, the Brown Fortress must be piled flat!

After making up his mind, the old musician suddenly felt relaxed.

Making up one's mind requires courage and determination, but the subsequent execution only requires experience and skills, and he has never lacked ideas and abilities for this. In terms of government affairs involving large-scale mobilization such as war, the old musician can take on most of the military and political affairs department alone. Without such ability, he would not be relied on by the emperor as a deputy.

Before the sunset, he finally sorted out a general strategy, leaning back in his chair, thinking carefully about what omissions there were.

But at that moment, a piercing alarm suddenly sounded from the foot of the mountain under the Golden Palace.

The alarm sounded mixed with the sound of the bell of the lighthouse.

Three long and three short.

The old musician was stunned and jumped up from his chair.

This is... the national security alarm!

The warning bell will only be sounded when the territory of Asgard is threatened.

In his heart, the vague uneasiness was infinitely magnified. The sense of crisis caused by some omission made him almost lose control and push the door open and rush to the building of the Ministry of Military Affairs.

Amid the chaotic footsteps, an operator in a gray uniform rushed forward and saluted the old musician: "Your Excellency, the Military Affairs Department asks you to preside over an emergency meeting!"

"Where is His Majesty?" The old musician asked subconsciously.

This kind of meeting involving national security is definitely not something he can lead, it must be presided over by the emperor himself, but now, where is the emperor?

"His Majesty is meeting with the envoy of Burgundy, and he ordered you to preside over it." The operator responded: "His Majesty will be here soon."

The old musician did not dare to hesitate or delay any longer, and rushed to the direction of the central conference room:

"What exactly is going on?"

"Three minutes ago, the Caucasus officially declared war on our country. At the same time, the Redemption Corps of the Caucasus landed on our territory from Norman Port and has now engaged in battle with the Zhanhai Corps."

"The Caucasus?"

The old musician was stunned, his scalp tingling: "How is it possible!"

How is it possible! How is it possible! How is it possible!

At this moment, the same question echoed in his mind: How could it be the Caucasus!

If you want to ask why, the Caucasus today has no war mobilization capabilities at all! Not to mention equipment and weapons, just food and grass, where does the Caucasus get it from!

After experiencing the natural disaster attack, the devastated Caucasus was reborn in the revolution called capital liberation. At this moment, it can be said that it has swept away the accumulated problems and has the potential to become a great power.

But the price of this unrest is terrible famine and infectious diseases, as well as a tragic shortage of supplies.

No matter how much the weak Caucasus mobilizes its people for reserves, it is difficult to reorganize the chaotic people in just a few months. Not to mention that more than half of the country has lost its land and the plagues that come and go...

The Caucasus, which lost all its food reserves in the natural disasters and famines over the years, missed this year's spring plowing.

Although the land is vast, there is very little land that can be cultivated in the Caucasus. Most of it is snowy wasteland, which can only be cultivated once a year. The barren land can't even feed itself...

It's like a knight who can't even fill his stomach. No matter how powerful he is, he must wait until he is full before he has the strength to fight on the battlefield.

But now the Caucasus has declared war on Asgard...

Are they crazy!

In the messy and noisy meeting room, the old musician sat on the chair with a gloomy expression, listening to the officials representing various clans arguing in a ball.

Until the end, he angrily grabbed the crystal ashtray beside him and smashed it against the wall.

There was a loud bang.

Everyone was stunned.

The old musician stared at them coldly for a long time, then sat back in his seat.

"Tell me, how did they solve the problem of food and grass?"

He asked coldly: "Which country violated the convention and sold food and grass to them-why did our secret lines in the Caucasus and various countries have no reaction before?"

Everyone fell into a strange silence.

After a long time, someone with a complicated expression sent a picture secretly taken by a spy.

"I'm afraid it's because of... a miracle?"

The old musician silently picked up the photo, looked at the image on it, and fell into a long silence.

In the photo, there are thousands of hectares of fertile fields rising from the wasteland... Countless heavy ears of wheat grow out of the barren land and are bent by their own weight.

The dense number seems to have turned the entire field into a golden blanket.

In the middle of the wheat field, a figure holding wheat seeds scattered on the barren land under his feet. Green sprouts broke through the soil wherever he walked...

"It is said that the granaries in the Caucasus were full overnight."

The intelligence chief loosened his tie, his face pale: "According to our private statistics, this damn rice seed yields more than 100,000 catties per mu... Under the care of the son of God, it will mature in just one day and one night...

Not only that, in the hinterland of the Caucasus, dozens of abandoned mines have developed a terrifying amount of rare mineral deposits overnight... This is not something that humans can predict, Your Excellency. "

He lowered his head in shame: "We are powerless."

The old musician said nothing, just stared at the photo in front of him, and lit the cigarette in silence.

A miracle...?

"Is there a blanket?"

The old musician lowered his eyes, "I'm a little cold."

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