Crown of Silence

Chapter 743 New Testament

Chapter 742 New Testament


There was silence in the dark room.

All the musicians sat quietly on their chairs, and the priests in clerical robes seized the last moment to maintain the alchemical matrix on the ground.

In the silence, the only sound was Ciel's yawn.

A stream of light flew into Paganini's hand.

He opened his eyes and looked at Ciel: "The Redemption Legion that landed in Norman Port has begun fighting with the Asgardians, and a letter has been sent from above to urge them."

"Don't worry, wait..."

Charles glanced in Angelou's direction, "Zi Zi hasn't moved yet. I don't believe he can endure it...just wait."

Paganini smiled bitterly, shook his head helplessly, wrote a reply, and threw the streamer out.

Silence returns.


Amidst the thunder, Shi Dong climbed onto the fully prepared Nomadic Mountain.

He looked up and stared at the thunder falling in the sky.

"There can be no further delay."

He sighed softly, "It's time to go."

"Is this good?"

Watson, who was seeing him off, asked, "Isn't it already a crime of treason in the court to set off without waiting for His Highness's order?"

"The greatest advantage of living a long life is that you can rely on your old age and make your own decisions."

Shi Dong laughed strangely, "Besides, it's all planned, but it's just in advance. Being in advance also has the advantage of being in advance, and being late can cause changes.

Fortunately, he handed the stuff to me in advance. "

As he said that, he shook the box in his hand and said, "I'm just running an errand for him."

Watson did not dwell on this point anymore and just said goodbye:

"Bon Voyage."

Shi Dong thought for a moment and stopped.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to come back in time by then, so I'll leave the coordination of the tribunal to you."

He took off the coat of arms from his collar, pinned it on Watson's body, and patted his shoulder, "I have taught you everything I can teach you these days. You are better than I was then."

Watson nodded calmly, "One generation is better than the next, as it should be."


Stone laughed and pointed at Watson's calm face: "You have countless advantages, but I like your arrogance the most."

The old man took one last look at him, then turned around and climbed up the Nomadic Mountain. Soon, the Nomadic Mountain sank into the deep sea and disappeared.

On the silent dock, only Watson smoked silently.

After a long time, he sighed softly.

"Let it go if you say let it go. The old man nowadays is really big-hearted..."

Watson looked down at the coat of arms on his chest and smiled bitterly:

“It’s only when I sit in this position that I feel so much pressure.”


In the core of the Ethernet, Ye Qingxuan held the Staff of Destiny and the Staff of Messiah in both hands. He took a deep breath and collided with the two staffs.


Like a large copper bell, a low roar bursts out from the slender cane. The two canes buzzed and trembled. Under this strike, they impacted each other, and the blazing alchemical circuit lit up from the core.

The uncontrollable vibrations were transmitted to the staff, along the ether sea, and even extended into the ether realm.

At that moment, even the sacred cauldron resonated in response.

In the Holy City, the Red King suddenly looked back, his brows furrowed, and his eyes showed unconcealable gloom and anger.

And just in front of Ye Qingxuan, from within the Messiah, a shining light slowly emerged, rising, and in this pure shock, was stripped away from the Messiah Chapter.

This is the inheritance of the holy name of Saint Handel!

In the deepest part of the etheric network, the music theory that comes from the same source—the music of Genesis—sounds in response.

Ye Qingxuan hesitated for a moment, but in the end he did not accept Handel's inheritance. Instead, he waved his hand and slowly pushed it into the etheric network, allowing its music theory to freely extend and grow, and to be combined with the ladder music theory.

From then on, Handel's legacy became, like Haydn's, part of the ethereal web.

With the integration of Handel's inheritance, the etheric network also burst out with violent vibrations, and transformation began to sprout from the deepest part. In addition to the core forbidden music theory, the changes and chant factions that were originally shortcomings also began to increase rapidly.

In the huge crystal cube, countless modules rotated rapidly, moving vertically and horizontally. Driven by the growth of music theory, they collided with each other, causing thunderous noises and lightning flashes.

The spiritual spirit of the Messiah chapter runs in it, which symbolizes that the movement that takes the place of gods to shepherd the world also shepherds many musical spirits. With the influx of this power, it is like the moment when alchemy is realized, and the secret of the soul is obtained from the transformation of metal.

The Ethernet gets the soul of nothingness.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan felt the deep pulse between himself and it, so smart and smooth, without any stiffness or rigidity, just like a loyal and silent servant, listening to Ye Qingxuan's orders and completing all his will.

The "Genesis" that opened up the world and the "Messiah" that protected the spirituality were now combined into one, and such an amazing transformation occurred, which made Ye Qingxuan laugh.

With this spiritual help, Ye Qingxuan suddenly became much more confident about the next step.

He held two canes representing supreme power in his hands, closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and collided them together again.


A sharp whine spread from the two staffs. Different from the shallow taste just now, this time, under the control of Ye Qingxuan, two completely different music theories collided at the same place, causing an almost mutual shock.

Outside the crystal cube, even the realm of heaven on earth was torn apart, revealing the bizarre rainbow light in the etheric realm.

Countless phantoms emerged from the cracks, quietly staring at Ye Qingxuan's back, as if they came from the past and the future. Under the pull of the double stick music theory, the afterimages left in the etheric world of the past generations were summoned.

On the left side of Ye Qingxuan, the Handel of the past generations has an expressionless face, and on his right side, the past judges of the Inquisition, who represent the justice of the gods, stand solemnly.

The history of the Inquisition and the Silent Institution overlap here, and all the elements are in Ye Qingxuan's hands.

At this moment, with the tapping of the two staffs, the cold eyes from the Holy City looked at Ye Qingxuan without any concealment.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and the two sticks collided again.


Countless afterimages turbulent and dissipated, losing the basis of their existence amidst the turmoil and collapse of music theory.



"Maybe this is good."

"Madness will kill you!"

"So be it……"

"Why bother!"

Some of those projections smiled cheerfully, some had gloomy faces, some glared at Ye Qingxuan, and some had approving eyes. Those overlapping sounds continued to sound and then disappeared without a trace.

Ye Qingxuan sneered, and amidst the roar, he slammed down his two staffs:

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, don’t stay behind when it’s time to go.”

With the final tearing roar, those figures fell apart along with the two canes.

In the rising fire of music theory, the rod of Messiah and the rod of destiny were completely shattered, turning into countless light spots shining like stardust, dancing with flames and light, triggering various intentions.

The elements of annihilation erupted from the broken staff, and the terrifying power that humans could not predict spewed out from it, and was tightly restrained in the flames by the Ethernet.

"Old men, get up and get to work!"

Ye Qingxuan roared, raised his right hand, and the scepter of Wuhewuxiang emerged and smashed into the flames.

At that moment, deafening bells erupted from all the churches in Angru. Countless bells vibrated angrily, playing hymns in response to Ye Qingxuan's rhythm.

Starting from Westminster Abbey, whether it is a bustling city or a deserted mountain, a dilapidated church, a dilapidated confessional, or a silent monastery.

All the monasteries in Angru were mobilized by the call of the bell. The melody of the hymn resounded between heaven and earth. The sacred light soared into the sky, converging towards Avalon and towards the heaven on earth. Finally, it flowed into the core of the Ethernet and merged into the blazing fire.

With roaring sounds, the electric light that revolutionized music theory flowed out from the land of nothing and shot out in all directions.

In the flames, the shadow of the sword slowly emerged.

The moment the sword blade faintly emerged, harsh sounds burst out from the void, and the sounds of electricity converged into a solemn hymn, praising the birth of this power in the world.

Even though they are both sacred, they are completely different from the religious theory of music, and there is a clear distinction between the two. Just at the moment of birth, the tit-for-tat fate between the two was destined.

At this moment, the hymns in countless churches suddenly changed under the reflection of the sword blade.

Around the altar of the church, countless musicians who devoutly played hymns stared in astonishment at the projection that appeared in front of them thousands of miles away.

Under the reflection of the sword blade, the chant music theory in their bodies actually moved on its own. With the assistance of the Ethernet, they broke away from the shackles of the Holy City in an instant, completed their transformation, and entered a new realm.

Even though they appear to be equally brilliant, their essence is completely different.

Just like the Caucasus once broke away from the Holy City, since then, all sects and religious groups in Angru have drawn clear boundaries and separated from the system of the Holy City, and will no longer have any affiliation or connection.

At this moment, all the priests, all the priests, and even Mephistopheles and the bishops in all the churches in Anglu held their breaths and stared at the growing sword blade above the altar.

From then on, all the priests of Angru, and even the future of the sect that had not yet been born, rested on that sword blade.

But as the blade emerged, it seemed that the forging had ended. No matter how much music theory was poured into it, the sword of nothingness in the flames never showed its outline.

It took a long time before Ye Qingxuan finally understood.

He smiled self-deprecatingly and dismissed the scepter.

"Does this require me to come and pick it up in person?"

He gritted his teeth and put his palm into the flame formed by the turmoil of music theory.

Although it does not have the temperature of a flame, the damage of that fierce light is far greater than that of any flame. It is a furnace capable of forging the power of gods, just like a forging platform that contains the great power of creation.

At that moment, Ye Qingxuan felt his own music theory flowing out continuously, as if it had turned into material and been swallowed by an invisible existence.

Ye Qingxuan's expression remained unchanged, and he opened up all the music principles in his body, letting them sweep out like a torrent, feeding the great fire.

Until the end, except for the void scepter far in the future, all of Ye Qingxuan's power was swallowed up by the unborn creation.

Since the Wand Musician, Ye Qingxuan has been knocked back to his original form as a mortal.

After giving up everything he owns, he will usher in the final result!

Along with Ye Qingxuan's sacrifice, roaring sounds erupted.

At that moment, the outline of the sword emerged from the fierce light and was held tightly by Ye Qingxuan.

It was like holding a red-hot iron, feeling the burning pain coming from the disintegrated palm, spreading in his consciousness and non-existent soul, making him feel like he was in purgatory.

“Whatever you ask for, it will be given to you!”

He suddenly opened his eyes, stared at the light in front of him, pointed towards the crack leading to the great source, and announced the essence of its existence to the whole world:

"——Use this sword to bear witness to justice and sound the gospel for the world of mankind!

At that moment, everything roared.

It's like divine will moving on the surface of the abyss, opening up darkness and creating heaven and earth!

Mephistopheles heard the sound of countless wings unfolding, and turned around in shock, only to see the strong wind blowing in from the window, blowing away the scriptures on the desk.

There is not a single word among the pages flying all over the sky!

Only a faint glow emerges, as if human words have reached heaven!

At this moment, endless light burst out from the furnace, engulfing Ye Qingxuan, and the clanging sound of the sword resounded in the ears of all living beings. Then, the mighty bells tolled, dispersing the night and thunder.

The projection of the scorching sun moves across the sky, illuminating all darkness and filth and spreading light everywhere.

The light fell from the sky, dispersing the thunder that fell towards Avalon, illuminating Ye Qingxuan's figure, and the long sword in his hand that seemed to tear the world apart!

The long sword that was so simple that it didn't even have any decoration was held in Ye Qingxuan's hand, and countless hymns of praise sounded from all directions.

The radiance of divine power whipped the material world, tearing open the gap leading to the etheric world.

The boiling ether torrent surrounded the blade, reflecting the elements on the sword's spine that condensed into a new canon. Countless scriptures flowed from the spine of the sword like water.

“Lift up the foundations of the earth and form the dome of the heavens.

Heaven and earth will perish, but you will endure forever.

All these things are going to be old, so you roll up the heaven and the earth and replace them like a robe, and the world changes. Only you will never change, and the years will never end, so that righteousness will not be forgotten, and the gospel will last forever! "

This is an artifact that uses all of Ye Qingxuan's music theory as a sacrifice and is reborn from the power of fate and the Messiah. It is a sword that judges all things with the will of the gods.

It’s called—the New Testament!

In the silence of the world, Ye Qingxuan laughed.

He grasped the hilt of the sword tightly, raised the sword body, and his voice resounded in all directions: "With this sword as a warning, the new religion will be established from this day on. From now on, justice belongs to me!"

With his announcement, earth-shaking changes took place in the etheric world.

In the chaotic world of shining rainbow light, the illusory scepter slowly emerges from the darkness.

After gathering the etheric network and the heaven on earth, the New Testament resonates with Katina, bursting out with fierce light that stretches thousands of miles. The light held up the illusory scepter and rose up, standing at the top of the etheric realm, separated between the sacred cauldron and Eden!

The Land of Nothing comes back from the distant future, here to announce to the world that a new era is coming!

I'm a bit stuck today. I only have 4,000. Let me think about it carefully.

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