Crown of Silence

Chapter 754: Trade in the old for the new

Chapter 753 Trade in old for new

So, after a hearty meal, Shi Dong took the last sip of herbal tea and the topic shifted to work:

"Then, dear Consul, these days, we have finished talking about what should be discussed, and we have begun to talk about what should not be discussed. So, when will you allow me to meet with your Majesty?"

Caligula noodles are hard to color.

"This... I'm afraid it will be difficult." He sighed, "Your Majesty has been very busy recently."

"Squeeze in, there is always time." Shi Dong fiddled with the small box beside him and looked at him with a smile: "Just let me present a small gift on behalf of my family."

"And make a 'small' request?" Caligula looked at him with a strange smile.

"That's right."

Shi Dong nodded and looked into his eyes.

After the two looked at each other in silence for a moment, Caligula couldn't help but sigh.

"Why bother us so much, Bishop Stone?"

He tapped the tea cup in his hand and said calmly: "We were abandoned by this world and left the earth. We are no longer the sinful people of Romulus. The only ones who remain are the 'winged people'.

Humanity's war has nothing to do with us anymore. Let everything on earth stay on earth. Nowadays, we have finally gained a foothold in the dark world and are cultivating ourselves. Why do we have to make such excessive demands of 'alliance'? "

"Of course it's because you owe me."

Shi Dong replied indifferently.

It was as if there was a sound of the breaking of "eternal friendship".

Caligula's eyes became cold and his smile disappeared. He just looked at the old man in front of him and said word by word: "We don't owe anyone."

"Is it?"

Shi Dong smiled and reached out to touch the small box beside him, but found nothing.

He was stunned for a moment, then turned around in surprise, only to see a slender figure appear beside him.


Like a flame...

The young girl, who looked like she was no older than his own granddaughter, gave him a stinging feeling of fire, as if she was too close, she would be burned.

There was a phantom-like tingling sensation on the skin.

He blinked subconsciously.

It was like a blazing fire suddenly lit up in front of me in the darkness.

The box was in her hand, playing with it.

"Is this a gift for me?"

The girl played with the box happily, "Can I open it?"

Shi Dong looked away, covering up his gaffe, and bowed: "This is something dedicated to His Majesty, and it will naturally be handled by Your Majesty."

The box was opened.

There was a brief silence.

The Queen seemed stunned.

"It's him... I'm just going to tell you, grandpa, what exactly are you hiding from me these days."

She took the straw doll that was about to wither and fall apart from the box, held it in her hands, touched its button eyes, and turned around and asked:

"Is my friend okay?"

Stone smiled.


At this moment, above the ruins.

Ye Qingxuan stared at the divine armor in front of him.

"haven't seen you for a long time"

"Yeah, long time no see."

The voice of the old musician came from the steel, full of regret: "It is indeed the hand of God. Although I knew that the saints could not stop you, now it seems that I have missed the best opportunity..."

Ye Qingxuan knew what he was talking about.

He knows better than anyone how terrifying the old musician's scepter can be once used correctly.

Observing through a lens that is almost stagnant in time, you will never be so confused that the enemy can take advantage of it.

When dealing with this kind of opponent, you can never expect him to make any mistakes. Because he always has enough time to think and observe and get the most correct answer.

What the old musician regrets is that he made the safest choice when the Saints besieged Ye Qingxuan, but did not choose the most risky one...

In his expectation, under the siege of the Four Saints, Ye Qingxuan would be crippled even if he did not die. Instead of rashly taking action to give Leviathan a chance, it would be better to let the Holy City consume Ye Qingxuan's power. After he defeated Mary with an absolute advantage, Ye Qingxuan, who was severely injured, was about to face the divine armor that gathered the entire power of Asgard.

Unfortunately, the enemy of the saints is not Ye Qingxuan, but the long-dead Hermes - the backup he left behind to protect his works.

Under Hermes' calculations, the four saints were defeated in a devastating manner. Not only did Ye Qingxuan not suffer any injuries, but he lost four valuable fighting forces in vain.


This is perhaps the greatest weakness of veteran musicians.

He is old.

When people get old, they will have too much and carry too many burdens, so they will choose to be safe in everything. They cannot have nothing like young people, nor dare to gamble and spend thousands of dollars like young people.

If he had ignored the risk of Leviathan and him dying together and used Gangnir to kill Ye Qingxuan at the moment when he was restrained, then Ye Qingxuan would definitely die.

Unfortunately, he chose to play it safe.

From this point of view, he might even want to use Ye Qingxuan to consume the power of the Holy City.

People become treacherous, horses become slippery, and rabbits become old and eagles will capsize.

Ye Qingxuan never dared to slack off in dealing with such an old ghost.

These old ghosts have countless poisons and juices hidden in their hearts, and they don't even have any trust in their allies.

What's more, after Rommel took his own initiative and led to the destruction of the maritime fortress, an irreparable rift appeared between the two sides...

In an instant, he understood the thoughts in the old musician's mind. Ye Qingxuan tapped the sword between the New Testament and couldn't help but sneer: "You have so much confidence in me..."

The old musician ignored the sarcasm in his words and just sighed.

With a hint of impatience.

There is also undisguised disgust and indifference.

"When will you get rid of this disgusting modesty? Come on, Mr. Ye, why bother pretending anymore? Aren't you about to hold the world in your hands?

Until that day comes, there is only one step left to defeat Asgard..."

The old musician stared at Ye Qingxuan coldly, "It's a pity that the Holy City doesn't understand that the main enemy is not the puppet in Caucasus who Gaius pushed forward to block the arrow, but you."

"Me?" Ye Qingxuan was amused, "How can I be so virtuous and capable?"

"Yeah, they don't understand, and neither do you."

The old musician sighed tiredly, "The Order has never considered issues from a human perspective since hundreds of years ago. They have never lived in the human world, so they will not know exactly what you bring.

The most threatening thing in this world has never been power, just like the main axis of the human world has never been natural disasters.

Humanity's most terrifying enemy has always been human beings.

Unfortunately, I understood this too late, too late..."

The old musician was filled with regret.

If he had known this earlier, if he had known what was behind this monster's skin the first moment he saw Ye Qingxuan, he would have strangled him in his infancy at all costs.

Unfortunately, he is now done.

In fact, it was not until he decided to die and issued the extermination order on behalf of the emperor that his thinking perspective was freed from the shackles of the past.

No longer limited to oneself, no longer limited to one moment and one place, but taking the whole thing into consideration, transcending from Asgard's perspective, and looking at everything from the perspective of the entire human world.

It was only then that he realized how terrifying Ye Qingxuan was.

In this war, everyone was fighting for the world, but the only one who really wanted to destroy the world was Ye Qingxuan.

If the Order wins, then for this world, it will be nothing more than returning to the so-called 'right track' and continuing to move forward under the guidance of the Order.

If Gaius wins, then... in the end it will be nothing more than a religious order with a different name controlling the world.

Although he claims to be revolutionizing assets and creating a new world, he still cannot break away from the cage of the old world. In the end, it is true that the nobility will be overthrown, the order will be overthrown, and the gods will be overthrown.

But there will be a new big bourgeoisie to replace the nobility, a new organization to replace the religious order, and a new god to replace the old god.

Although God is terrifying, he is nothing more than a God.

Aren’t the countless blue kings throughout the ages gods? Is there any difference between their power and God's?

But in the end, the human world has its own rules. No matter how strong their determination is, they can only change some corners. At best, they can plant a experimental field.

Let him create the kingdom of heaven on earth and let him dream.

Dreams will wake up.

One day the gods will be tired of the world, exile themselves, and become empty clay sculptures, wood sculptures, clay dolls and stone statues.

Just like what the blue kings of the past generations have chosen.

And in the end, one day, Gaius will realize that everything he does is no different from the cult. This is the natural cycle of the human world. It has been like this since ancient times. It has always been like this, and everything has been like this.

But Ye Qingxuan is different...

What he wants is definitely not this. What he wants to do, what he can do, is far more sensational than it seems now. Now it seems that he is just competing for the protagonist on the stage, but what he wants to do is to bring the entire stage to life. All completely demolished.

He has completely cut off the road to power, using poisons like the Ethernet to erode humanity's path of musicians for hundreds of years, and distribute power to everyone.

Then use the New Testament as a weapon to wage war against the holy scriptures that maintain righteousness and justice in the old world, replace the old power with new power, and replace the old morality with new morality.

Perhaps in his lifetime, what he did seemed to be no different from Gaius, but everything Gaius wanted to do was just a temporary link in the entire plan...

As long as Ye Qingxuan himself does not become a god, leaving the position of god vacant and diluting the authority of god, in three generations, no, two generations, the world will become completely different.

If Gaius wins, Asgard can surrender, pay compensation, admit defeat, sacrifice a generation to support Caucasus, and let Caucasus become the next Asgard. You can figure it out later.

But if Ye Qingxuan can win, then the whole world will drown in his poisonous wine and commit suicide slowly...

The rules and pillars of this world will be cut off by his own hands. One day, all the countries will experience a devastating collapse, and then his kingdom will be built on the ruins.

What he wants is not the current world of second-hand goods.

He wants something new!

“I’m glad you think so highly of me, or…understand me.

Maybe you are the person in the world who knows what I am thinking best, but this still cannot change the force field between us - after all, we are still enemies, right? "

Ye Qingxuan slowly raised the blade of his sword with an expressionless expression on his face: "So, before we talk about the future, we might as well make a life-and-death fight, how about it?"

Silence fell in the divine armor.

After a long time, the old musician chuckled.

"No, you won"

He said something Ye Qingxuan had never imagined, stepped back three steps, dispersed the lightning spear, spread his steel arms, and the giant made a hoarse roar.

"With this power alone, I can't defeat the two of you. I admit defeat."

At that moment, Ye Qingxuan couldn't contain his astonishment and fell into a daze.

"What did you... say?"

One update today.

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