Crown of Silence

Chapter 757 All for You

Chapter 756 All for You

The two of them were determined to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

For the old musician who had already polluted Odin, since the Holy City had spared no expense and brought out the lineup that had dealt with the Hundred Eyes, awakened all the Holy Spirits, and fought in full force, then he would never mind tearing himself apart after dealing with Charles.

And for Ye Qingxuan, he could never let Charles fight alone.

As Ye Qingxuan's palm brushed across the blade of the New Testament, the natural disaster-level interference of the nature burst out from the steel. In an instant, countless music theories evolved and collided with each other, and the etheric transformation emerged in the same way as Abraham. The innovative music theory that was like lightning intertwined into the glory of the Day of God's Wrath.

With the New Testament as the bone and the reformed music theory as the blade, the sharp blade of the Day of God's Wrath was formed, but under the flow of music theory, there were layers of alchemical matrices.

Activity, creation, formation, outflow... The four major fields overlapped with each other and connected as one.

——The Road to God Reappears!

The huge alchemical matrix that Hermes created for Arthur in the past was now included by Ye Qingxuan on the sword spine. With the surge of revolutionary music theory, it was awakened layer by layer, and it actually pulled the ether sea in Vanaheim, forming the phantom of a giant tower.

In a flash, Ye Qingxuan seemed to have integrated into Vanaheim with the matrix of the Road to God!

Without any rejection or resistance, under the matrix of the Road to God, it was easy to run his own will between heaven and earth.

In essence, what the old musician wanted to do was no different from Arthur, and they also used the power of natural disasters to transform and control the world. It's just that one of them wanted to achieve Asgard, and the other wanted to achieve himself.

Since the essence is the same, the same method is equally useful!

The New Testament is a divine weapon born from the Wand of Destiny and the Wand of Messiah. If we talk about origin, I'm afraid there are few divine weapons in this world that can compare.

With the fragments of the former Spear of Destiny, the wreckage of the Dragon Slayer Spear, the Staff of Destiny flowing out of the Great Source, and the Staff of the Messiah of the Savior.

Any of these items is the mysterious crystallization of running the will of God to perform miracles, and the divinity contained in them is enough to achieve the artifact of the New Testament that innovates the world.

After combining with the matrix of the Road to God at this moment, it is even more powerful, and it is easy to interfere with the field of Vanaheim.

The same creation, why can you create it, but I can't?

Since Ye Qingxuan debuted, he has always been best at using small to win big, and using force to fight force.

At this moment, facing the creation furnace evolved by Odin, Ye Qingxuan did not intervene but foolishly went to fight against the power of the entire Asgard. That's stupid.

At this moment, on Odin's Crown of Light, the supreme element, the void, finally condensed completely.

Here, the long preparation is completely over, and the grand song of the creation of all things is played!

The first thing that emerged was the endless thick fog. The fog evolved from chaos filled the void. There was no sky and no earth. Then, a deep chasm emerged from the eternal fog.

From nothing, something came into being.

Then, in the north of the chasm, the sound of rushing torrents sounded, and the piercing cold sea water roared in. From the boundless sea water, a huge etheric fault emerged, countless music theories intertwined, and on Odin's crown, an element merged into it like a star, outlining the true name of the huge realm.

—— Niflheim.

The ice country in the fog.

Then, in the south of the chasm, red lava gushed out, countless flames soared into the sky, burning the thick fog of chaos, forming turbulence in the etheric world, and transforming into an inaccessible field of destruction.

The second element fell into it like a star, and its name was Muspelheim.

This is the land of desolation, the country of fire.

With the collision of ice and fire, the creation of the original world began!

Facing Ye Qingxuan who was close at hand, Odin did not hide his ideas and intentions at all, and revealed all his ideas thoroughly.

A huge outline emerged from the chaos, and the magnificent and almost crazy prototype even surprised Ye Qingxuan.

Those are the nine worlds!

With Asgard at the top as the apex and the world tree as the main axis, seven more realms were created under Vanaheim, and finally connected into nine worlds, forming a huge country that will never be destroyed.

It is not like the sacred cauldron that controls the world, but guards itself, digs inward, and constitutes a realm that can resist even the will of the gods.

If it can be completed, it is indeed so...

But Ye Qingxuan does not intend to stay here forever and become fertilizer for the world tree to take root and sprout.

With the collision of fire and glacier, the spirit of nothingness sprouted in ice and fire, absorbing ether and forming the appearance of a giant spirit, which was the first Holy Spirit of the Nine Worlds.

Then, a sword of the New Testament stretched out and cut the neck of the Holy Spirit who had not yet opened his eyes.

The action was not aesthetically pleasing and indescribably rough.

It was like killing a chicken.

Not minding his poor swordsmanship, Ye Qingxuan's sword turned upside down and stabbed towards the earth.

You want to create the world, right?

Let me help you!

In a flash, the matrix of the road to godhood spread from the sword blade and spread over the earth. In a flash, it radiated in all directions. Under the impetus of the New Testament, countless music theories were running, countless charcoal fires emerged from the earth, and the flames gathered, turned into a torrent, and poured into the Kingdom of Fire.

The balance of creation was broken in an instant. Under the blazing fire rising from the ground, the mist of the Ice Kingdom instantly evaporated, the glaciers boiled, and the elements wailed.

Relying on the lever of the Road to God, Ye Qingxuan easily distorted the balance of the nine worlds. The rising boiling river turned into heavy rain and fell from the sky, irrigating the earth into a quagmire, and there was no life anymore.

It was as if the devil had stolen the power of creation and was driving destruction.

The wind blew from the sky, tearing the boundary between heaven and earth, the flames rose, burning the muddy earth into a barren desert, the gravel turbulent in the wind, the storm swept, and rampaged in the world where vitality was fading.

Compared with Odin's divine power, Ye Qingxuan's power was almost insignificant, but at this moment, relying on the power of the Road to God and the New Testament, he continuously sprinkled bags of rat poison into the good soup of the nine worlds.

Creation is always harder than destruction.

Ye Qingxuan had always been doing repair work, and had never tried such a hearty destruction. When he let go, the beautiful world was turned into a strange and magical world in an instant, with no grass growing.

The sky was full of gaps, lava was flowing on the ground, and endless rainstorms were constantly falling from the sky, full of sulfur poison, destroying everything.

The nine worlds that had not yet been completed were riddled with holes in an instant by Ye Qingxuan.

The more he destroyed, the more hearty it was. At first, Odin tried to stop it, but when the signs of destruction appeared, he could no longer stop the nine worlds from collapsing step by step under Ye Qingxuan's destruction.

When Ye Qingxuan came to his senses, he had already taken all the power from Odin's hands, and even more and more power and divinity were constantly gathering.

Every minute, every second, every moment, the power never stopped, like a mighty torrent, constantly rushing into Ye Qingxuan's body, making him expand, expand, and expand, turning into a giant spirit that supports the world.

But at this time, Ye Qingxuan realized... he couldn't stop.

Odin no longer concealed his behavior.

It was as if he wanted his power to be as strong as possible. Fortunately, he was too lazy to continue pretending, and openly stuffed the power in his hands into Ye Qingxuan's hands.

More and more, more and more...

Countless music theories were running in Ye Qingxuan's body like boiling, and spirituality burst out from the music. Countless spiritualities gathered together, and they rubbed against each other to produce lightning. The hot lightning collided and formed an old face in Ye Qingxuan's body.

At that moment, all the power was completely stuffed into his incarnation of the Holy Spirit!

The power, regardless of his forced containment, was boiling in his body, entwining his scepter, infecting his music, and pushing his power forward. Just above his body, the huge matrix of the World Tree slowly unfolded and connected to his music. Then, the silver matrix rushed into the Sword of the New Testament, and countless lightning burst out, forming the shadow of Gungnir.

Not only Odin's divinity and the matrix of the World Tree, but also Gungnir had been offered with both hands.

Odin personally lifted Ye Qingxuan to the highest throne.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned, and he could not understand what the old musician was thinking before his death, and why the natural disaster became such a weird situation.

But the deep coldness and uneasiness spread in his heart, making him angry and struggling, wanting to abandon this sudden power. But it was too late.

Odin's divinity had been integrated into his scepter, taking root, and the power had been stuffed into his hands, lingering.

"What are you doing?" Ye Qingxuan fell into astonishment.

"Of course I'll let you do what you're best at."

Odin chuckled, and in Ye Qingxuan's scepter, the last obsession solemnly declared:

"Go, establish the foundation of the earth, support the dome of the sky, and lay a foundation for eternity!"

Even though he got the power of the entire Asgard out of thin air, Ye Qingxuan didn't feel any relief or joy in his heart, but felt unprecedented bitterness and anger.

He was tricked.

He was tricked by an old ghost who could be said to be dead!

Since his debut, Ye Qingxuan has always used routines to trick others, but now, he was tricked by his own routines. When the storm came, he fell into the gutter in front of his own door!

From the beginning, he fell into his rhythm and pace, and was led by him!

I'm afraid that even sending Mary away was part of his plan! No, this old ghost definitely has more than ten backup plans.

If it was Mary who left, then I would stay. If it was me who left… that would be great. Without me in the way, the power of Leviathan would not be a big deal under Odin’s suppression.

Now, Ye Qingxuan finally tasted the bitterness of being a ‘hindrance’.

Because Odin had no intention of getting in the way, and even hoped that he would come to snatch this power from me!

You want it?

I’ll give it to you!

All for you!

Don’t worry, I’m still writing the next chapter. I’ve been stuck all day today, and I can’t write this chapter. I won’t have dinner.

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