Crown of Silence

Chapter 765 Under the long skirt

Chapter 764 Under the long skirt

At the moment when the stream of light from the Ethernet enveloped the whole area, before all the musicians had time to react, they immediately sensed the vibration from the deepest part of the Ether Realm.

It's like fine ripples being set off from nothingness.

After combining the Road to God, the Tree of the World, and many artifacts, the Land of Nothing controlled the power of the Yellow King, setting off a terrifying turmoil that spread in all directions in an instant.

Wherever it passes, all high-level dimensions vibrate.

Because a pair of void pupils opened from the deepest part of the crystal core, staring at the maze-like intricate etheric world, looking at the turbulence in the high-level dimensions that was like a dark world.

That's a commanding view.

A terrifying shock like an earthquake erupted from the etheric network.

Under the authority of the Yellow King, countless ladder music theories shuttled through the etheric realm, intertwined with each other, and swept away all the fog that obscured the sight from bottom to top.

Just like the former Yellow King regulated the etheric turbulence in the material world, he is reorganizing the chaotic etheric world!

Along with the top-down ordering of the land of nothing, in the material world, the flow of light covering the entire domain - the Ethernet - is also building a path from bottom to top towards the etheric world.

The huge network enveloped the chaotic ether sea, smoothing out every ripple forcefully and meticulously. Just like regulating hydrology, calming the turbulent flow and causing countless sediments to settle down, it unshakably unfolds its own veins and is deeply rooted in the sea of ​​ether.

Absorbing the endless power, like a seed taking root and sprouting, the ethereal network of nothingness was finally given entity here, and countless streams of light shuttled through the majestic sea of ​​ether.

Just like digging a river bed, a complex and detailed exclusive passage is constructed, countless streams of light are intertwined, and at the click of a finger, an unprecedented huge miracle appears here.

Above the material world and below the etheric world, countless ladder music theories intersect, forming a complex track connecting 'up' and 'down'.

Countless ladders to the sky descended from the sea of ​​ether, connected to the earth's veins of the material world, and then extended upward. After breaking through the border of the ether world, they penetrated deep into the higher dimensions, and finally connected with the land of nothing.

Since then, the material world, the sea of ​​ether, and the ether realm have been completely connected by the ether network!

A huge tree-shaped network rose from then on, and then descended from the sky, covering the whole world in the power of the Ethernet. From then on, all musicians can access this new system as long as they hold a terminal, and gain power and wisdom!

At that moment, Ye Qingxuan suddenly had an illusion.

The whole world is in his hands.

However, in this wonderful illusion, he saw areas covered by thick fog one after another - deep in the etheric world, there were countless secrets hidden in the gaps of the huge network.

It's like staring at the universe through an astronomical telescope. Behind countless shining stars, there are countless dark celestial bodies hidden faintly.

Extremely unpleasant.

Moreover, in the face of Ye Qingxuan's induction, those areas covered by the fog were dexterously transferred within the perception of the Ethernet, playing a hide-and-seek game with him by relying on the maze of high-level dimensions.


Ye Qingxuan smiled and stretched out his hand, "Here, let me see...what is hidden under the girl's skirt?"

At that moment, the ripples spread by the Ethernet suddenly became violent, turning from a weak shock into a terrifying tide.


It was as if this terrifying disaster was ushered in in an instant. The terrifying turmoil burst out from the etheric network, sweeping in all directions, dispelling the fog, tearing apart the disguise, and spreading light, illuminating the rats hidden under the floor.

That is... a secret realm!

Countless secret places!

I don't know how many secret realms are hidden in the gaps of the Ethernet, and more than half of them are connected to the Ethernet in a way that Ye Qingxuan has not noticed, quietly snooping and absorbing the power from it.

At that moment, even Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

Just as he wished, the lady's veil was lifted up, but what was hidden underneath shocked him!

"It's really... spectacular."

He murmured softly, smiling with anger.

If he hadn't completely sorted out the chaos in the etheric world, he wouldn't have known that there were so many strange things hidden under his floor!

He could tell that a few of them were weirdos from the etheric world who were known for their curiosity, and more were from schools of thought that had been trying to pry into the ethernet for different excuses and reasons these days!

There are even many of them who have been nominally integrated into the Ethernet!

Now, the skirt was suddenly lifted, but there was no way to hide the things underneath. In Ye Qingxuan's perception, there were even many schools that were still quietly stealing the music theory of other schools from the Ethernet.

What made him even more stunned was that he had never expected that these schools of thought would actually hide such a large amount of private money in the etheric world!

After the fog and disguise were removed, the hundreds of secret realms, large and small, all emitted a magnificent light. It was obvious that many precious elements and movements were hidden, and there were even many secret realms where the Holy Spirit resided.

He could even identify the music theory and characteristics of most schools without thinking carefully. There was even a Tie'an School that many musicians thought had already declined. However, among the many secret realms, the secret realm of the Tie'an School was so brilliant that it was almost second to none.

Of course, there were also many secret realms that had been cut off from inheritance, just like the thousand-year dream of the Ye family, floating in the depths of the etheric world, dim and without light.

If such a secret realm had emerged in the past, everyone would have been so strong that they would have been beaten to a pulp. But now, everyone had no time to feel itchy, and could only watch Ye Qingxuan reach out and put all those secret realms into his arms.

For so many years, everyone hid their own assets in the dark, fearing and spying on each other, but they did not expect that there would be an unreasonable guy like Ye Qingxuan who stuffed a little sun into the dark forest...

Moreover, he caught the thief and took the stolen goods, and he was caught by Ye Qingxuan for stealing the music theory.

But the expected thunderbolt did not come.

The Land of Nothingness still hangs high on the top of the Ether Realm.

Just looking down with cold eyes.

Let them make all kinds of calculations in a panic.

Ye Qingxuan had left the Ether Network long ago.

There are still many days to come, and it is better to boil the frog in warm water. There is no need to suppress them by force at the risk of letting them unite and fight against themselves.

However, the work of mending the fence after the sheep have been lost cannot be put down.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Qingxuan connected with Watson's contact.

"The anti-virus music theory you mentioned can be put on the agenda..."

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's voice, Watson laughed happily.


At this moment, at the bottom of the Ether Realm, many messages were also exchanged quickly.

For so many years, these schools have been fighting in private, and never thought that one day they would be investigated in broad daylight.

The moment of exposure was panic, followed by uneasiness, and finally, evil started from the heart...

Even many members of the Musicians Association rarely met in a public secret realm.

"At this point, we should unite."

"That's right, evil ways like the Ether Net must be eradicated. Such convenient things will only lead people to the road of destruction!"

"Adhering to the Great Source, any musician can let Anglu's ambition continue to expand!"

"How can a despicable villain like Ye Qingxuan who doesn't accept the right path shoulder such a heavy responsibility? He hasn't even received orthodox music education, just like his quick-made teacher! The Ether Net must be under the supervision of the association! Otherwise, the poison will spread endlessly!"

"I suggest mobilizing associations in various places to put pressure on Anglu."

"At least let him open up the upper authority first. This should be the common property of all musicians, and should not be enjoyed by him alone!"

"That's right, if you don't want to be a sinner, you can give him a chance to make meritorious contributions..."

In the heated meeting, a figure quietly left.


Antoine, the scepter musician, opened his eyes and couldn't help the sneer on his face.

I have high hopes for the Musicians Association, so I must have a problem with my brain, right?

Although everyone seems to be jumping for joy, no one is willing to stand up if they really want to do it.

Anyone with a brain can see that Ye Qingxuan has already become a big shot.

Long before this, when he was still young, everyone was stingy with their own land, unwilling to pay the price, and did not stand with the Holy City to suppress the expansion of the Ether Network.

Now that the Holy City is helpless, you feel regret... What did you do before?

Now you are so inflated that you even want to take over the Ether Network, and you are planning to take whatever you want from Anglu in the name of justice. Haha, you will regret it when the sword of the New Testament hits your head, right?

Fortunately, under his suppression, although the Gate of Change did not join the Ether Network, at least it did not do such a shameful thing as stealing music theory.

After thinking for a moment, he asked the servant to call his students.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

The young musician walked in, "Teacher, what do you want?"

Antoine smiled and motioned him to sit next to him, "Celia, how is your research recently?"

"Everything is going well, and I expect to complete the chapter of destiny soon."

Celia replied.

"Unfortunately, your research needs to be temporarily interrupted. You need to go to Anglu for me."


Celia was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized and smiled bitterly: "The God's Hand?"

"That's right."

Antoine did not hide this point, "You will be the plenipotentiary representative to go to the Gate of Annihilation and talk to the God's Hand. He is a man who cherishes the old times. I hope you can use the friendship between him and your brother Samuel in Auschwitz to gain the greatest benefits for the school."

Celia's expression was complicated: "Maybe Ye Qingxuan He will be nice to me, but he may not make the same concessions to the school. I am afraid I can't get much for the school. "

"As long as you can talk to him face to face, it will be the biggest advantage over all other schools."

Antoine stretched out his hand and pressed Celia's shoulder, with a serious expression: "The war between Anglu and Asgard is not over yet. Let's see what price he is willing to pay in exchange for the support of the Gate of Annihilation."

He paused, his expression became complicated:

"Or, what price should we pay in exchange for the survival of the Gate of Annihilation..."

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