Crown of Silence

Chapter 75 Jianlan Underground Palace

Six days later, Friday.

The hot afternoon sun poured down from the sky, burning people's eyes.

In front of the ancient building, Brian and Dominic stood in the shadow of the entrance, quietly staring at the students gathered in the square.

"There are a lot of freshmen this year." Dominic looked at the eyes of the boys and girls: "I can see that there is a lot of trouble."

He said: "The school committee did not consider it too early to start practice classes for them so early."

Brian followed his words and said with a smile: "Maybe I hope they can see the true face of the world of musicians as soon as possible. This all depends on Mr. Dominic's teachings."

Dominic remained silent, just raised his hand and stroked the sad crack under the mottled white hair. I don't know if it was because Apocalypse was too hot, but the scar that extended from his forehead to the back of his head began to hurt a little.

But when he heard ‘The true face of the world of musicians’, Dominic couldn’t help but want to laugh?

"If you want to see the real world of musicians, why not go to the battlefield?"

He grinned, and his hoarse laughter was like panting, full of foreboding: "See some blood, look at the corpse, and understand the color of the bones and internal organs. Only after you get used to the sweet taste can you really see something." Have you passed it?

This kind of challenge and duel between sissies will only get you dinner party talk. "

In the silence, Brian felt a chill on his back.

He didn't know whether the negative energy came from the ancient building behind him or the laughter of the old man in front of him. He leaned back a little in fear, then became a little irritated and frowned in disgust.

After all, he was reckless. What was there to talk about with an old ghost like this who came down from the battlefield? Apart from killing people, he can only look at the door...

Suddenly, Dominic suddenly turned around and looked at him with his right eye full of white shadow, a smile appeared on his withered face:

"Aroused? I smell anger..."

Looking at those eyes that had been looking through the kingdom of death, Brian's face turned pale, he subconsciously took a step back, and forced a smile: "Is it an illusion?"

This damn battlefield wild dog is so old, but why is it still so sharp...

"Haha, really?"

Dominic smiled and stopped teasing the frightened 'child'. He just said in his usual hoarse voice: "The school committee's plan has nothing to do with me. I am just a janitor. Apart from being a janitor, , I can’t care about that much, and I don’t want to care about it.

If the school committee can sympathize with me, a stubborn old man who doesn't know how to adapt, and send me a teaching assistant, then you can take care of the rest. "

"Including class matters?"

Brian's expression changed, with a kind of uncontrollable joy and astonishment. He originally thought that it would take a lot of time to get rid of this old guy who ignored the arrangements of the school committee.

But he didn't expect that on the first day he took office, the other party would hand over what he had dreamed of.

So easy and simple?

It seems that even this stubborn old guy is aware of current affairs, right? Seeing the principal's defeat, he wisely chose to compromise.

He tried hard to maintain a serious expression and asked humbly: "Is this okay?"

"What's wrong?"

Dominic murmured softly: "Isn't this why you came here?"

Under the blazing sun,

He turned back to see the teaching assistant. Against the light, Brian couldn't see his face clearly, but that one pupil covered with white haze carried the coldness of a corpse. The coldness was like a tide, which destroyed the joy in Brian's expression.

"Now that you're here, do it well."

He raised his skinny fingers and held a bunch of rusty old keys on his fingers: "It's time, go and open the door."

It was clearly a commanding tone, but at that moment, the arrogant Brian actually obeyed and took the key. He was shocked by the majesty contained in that flat tone and couldn't help but be shocked.

His expression changed. For the first time, he felt that the task assigned to him by the school committee was not that simple.

A rough copper key as thick as two fingers penetrated the hole with a sharp friction sound. Brian used all his strength to twist it bit by bit.

The towering bronze door also shook, as if it was awakened by the rotating gears and hubs inside. A strong earthquake sensation came from the lever and the keyhole, and every shock made Brian feel like the bones in his body were rubbing against each other.

Until finally, the ancient door was finally opened. Behind the door, the world is dark, and the dark wind blows from the end of the darkness, carrying the smell of rotten air.

Brian took a step back, as if startled by something stirring in the darkness.

"Don't be stupid, bring the students in."

Behind him, Dominic leaned on his crutches and walked past him into the darkness:

"——It's time for class."

When the long spiraling corridor came to an end, all the students couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Along the way, the omnipresent darkness and depressive atmosphere made them feel like they were suffocating.

This palace hidden deep underground exudes an ominous atmosphere all the time.

Few people know that there is such an ancient building hidden among the shades of trees in the college. It looks like a church that is about to collapse. But the buildings of the Order are not so gloomy. They are always sharp and sharp, as if pointing to the sky. sword.

It's like an abandoned building made up of broken bricks and broken walls. After passing through the copper gate, there is a long corridor.

Along the way, the silence suppressed everyone's whispers, only the sound of heavy breathing and footsteps. There was also the sound of Dominic's cane hitting the ground.

"That's it for now."

At what was obviously the entrance to another palace, above the wide underground square.

Dominic stopped and looked back at the dark crowd behind him: "All public practice sessions will be held here in the future, so remember where you are now.

This is still within the entrance area, and there is a fork in the road ahead. "

He paused and laughed hoarsely: "If you accidentally get lost there, no one will be able to find you, put you together, and then put it together again."

As he spoke, he raised his palm, grasped the cord of the alarm bell, and pulled it down hard. In an instant, the bell trembled, and its sharp high-pitched chime stung everyone's eardrums.

But then, someone exclaimed in astonishment.

In the air, those silent ethers suddenly woke up and became active.

It was like being liberated from the shackles and accepting their perception and control again.

Then the darkness lit up.

Silver flames ignited from the top of the dome, and the ancient candlesticks lit up with light. The diffused light drove away the darkness and illuminated the ferocious statues and colorless murals all around.

When those weird sculptures that were half human, half snake or with deformed features were illuminated, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Where is this underground building?

This place is simply like...a tomb!

Yes, it is the tomb, the tomb where legends are buried.

Brian stared into the darkness and his breathing became heavier: that legend should be true.

After King Arthur's death, it is said that his sword killed the red dragon of calamity and created Angel's sword - the Sword in the Stone. There are also armors and weapons of the Knights of the Round Table, which are all sealed deep in the academy.

It is said that after losing its master, the Sword in the Stone will still vibrate every night, and the soul of the red dragon sealed in the blade will still roar in the middle of the night.

It was a weapon that was created by gathering the wisdom of all the alchemists in the East and the West at that time. After losing its owner, it has turned into a 'monster' that chooses and devours people.

The royal family was unwilling to destroy King Arthur's only relic, so it could only seal it deep in this tomb-like underground palace and suppress it with the dragon-slaying armor of the former Knights of the Round Table. Waiting for one day, a new king will be born again to conquer it.

There have always been countless similar legends, but this legend is the only one that has been passed down from generation to generation by major families. Brian spent a lot of effort to get this position in order to add a highlight to his resume.

This is also what he is most dissatisfied with Dominic. This qualification, which is enough for him to rise to the top in the future, has been occupied by an old man who needs crutches to even walk for a long time? Simply shameless!

"What are you waiting for?"

Dominic's hoarse voice came from behind him, like a ghost that penetrated people's hearts, "Let's go to class."

The old man leaned on his crutch and walked into the shadow where the firelight could not be found. Only the faint laughter of a night owl came: "I heard that the children have prepared a good show, I am really looking forward to it.

Can a graceful noble learn to fight like a hyena? "

Looking at his back, Brian's expression turned gloomy.

He began to feel that the old dog was a bit of an eyesore.

Brian stood at the front and began to teach the points and rules that need to be paid attention to in the 'Musician Duel'. But in the crowd, Bai Xi was so anxious that he jumped.

The people around him almost knew what was going to happen today, and their eyes were full of pity and complexity. The more this happens, the more irritable Bai Xi's temper becomes.

"What are you looking at? If you look again, I'll pluck out your eyeballs!"

She gestured her famous little finger to the people around her: "What? Not convinced? If you're not convinced, come and practice. Believe it or not, I'll teach you how to be a new person in minutes?"

Those gazes were retracted in shock, but Bai Xi's expression was still angry.

"How long has it been? Why hasn't he come yet?"

She stepped on Ciel's feet and asked in a low voice: "What did you do when you went out mysteriously this morning? Why are you the only one back?"

"Maybe it's because there are more papers."

Charles said with a mysterious face: "Don't worry, he promises to come on time. Hasn't this started yet?"

"Department of music history?"

An exaggerated voice rang out from the crowd. With a mocking expression, Bart stared at the badges on the chests of Charles and Bai Xi, and asked his companions: "What department is that? Is there such a faction in our school?"

"Oh, I've heard of that."

His companion chuckled softly: "Originally, we were from Enlightenment College, but later they were kicked out because they were too useless and were not wanted by the branch. Later, a famous college trash came out. After so many years, they have not been abolished. "?"

"Can you try saying something again?"

Without waiting for Charles to get angry, Bai Xi took three steps forward and stood in front of the student who was speaking. She raised her head and looked at him, her eyes filled with the coldness of drawing out a knife and slashing at the slightest disagreement, like a dagger covered with frost.

Unlike Ye Qingxuan, the look in that damned oriental kid's eyes is always full of pity. When he looks at others, he looks like he is looking at a fool. No matter what you say, he will not react.

But Bai Xi is different. She does not have the generosity of not arguing with idiots. Once she gets angry, she has the ruthlessness to bite back even if she is bitten by a wild dog.

Now she is standing in front of a boy who is a head taller than her. When she looks up at him, she actually forces him to take a step back. No one believes that such a sharp look comes from a little girl.

"Waste? Even if it is waste, it is the waste I protect."

She stretched out her finger and poked the man's chest, pressing step by step: "If you say another word from your mouth, I will tear your mouth. You can try..."

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