Crown of Silence

Chapter 775: Li Nu and I don’t go out

Chapter 773 Li Nu and I don’t go out

The four words "adult beauty" are easy to write, but nothing is more difficult to do.

Especially when these four words came out of Bai Heng's mouth, they seemed like a joke.

Maybe Bai Heng really has some conscience in his heart, maybe he actually said one or two truths in his mouth, but Ye Qingxuan is not naive enough to think that he can enjoy such luxurious treatment.

Well, now comes the problem.

What is Bai Heng thinking?

Ye Qingxuan looked at him as if he was getting to know him again, and asked curiously:

"To be honest, Bai Heng, is there something wrong with your brain?"

Bai Heng was not angry, and still smiled warmly, "What are you talking about, young man, I am in good health."

"Then what are you trying to do?"

"Of course because I love her!"

Bai Heng replied solemnly, "Bai Xi is now my daughter, the sole heir of the Bai family. I naturally love her, Ye Qingxuan. If possible, I can't wait for her to become the next emperor."

Ye Qingxuan sighed tiredly.


"Stop talking, Bai Heng." He shook his head impatiently: "People like you and Gaius can't love anyone - you don't even love yourself."

"It's really cruel to say that, Ye Qingxuan, I'm so old, but you don't even plan to leave any face to me."

Ye Qingxuan said indifferently: "When you talk to me, do you expect me to give you face?"

The distant roar finally stopped.

It was replaced by a faint whine.

In the low drum beat, the war temporarily came to an end.

Bai Heng stood up and patted his shoulder as if nothing had happened, as if he were an elder.

"Unfortunately, we did not reach a consensus."

He said, "The war is over. If you don't mind, I'm afraid I have to excuse myself. Ah, by the way, although you are unwilling to cooperate, I have no intention of confining you. You can stay or go as you like. However, the sky is already dark. It's early. You might as well rest here. I'll have someone take you to your room.

If you have time later, how about joining us at the celebration party? "

As he said this, he did not wait for Ye Qingxuan's answer.

I just straightened my clothes and stood up to say goodbye.

Ye Qingxuan didn't speak, he just sat in the dust, silently thinking about what the hell Bai Heng wanted to do.

Soon, a huge shadow appeared in front of him, almost covering him in it.

It was a tall man who was so burly that he looked almost humanoid. He was dressed in black and smelled of blood.

He looked down at Ye Qingxuan with a calm expression:

"Mr. Ye, the Lord ordered me to take you to a place to rest. Please come with me."


Ye Qingxuan stood up and followed him, looking at the man's calm and almost expressionless face, but he felt a trace of well-covered hostility.

Perhaps others would ignore this almost non-existent illusion, but as the head of the Ye family, the only telepathic skill Ye Qingxuan learned from Ye Lanzhou was not to read other people's emotions through the ether - but through body movements and micro-expressions Do 'Profiling'.

Although this kind of half-baked technique is almost non-existent, it often works wonders in strange places.

Just as he had read Ludovic's expression in the Holy City.

At this moment, he can feel this inexplicable hostility through his half-baked profile, which can only mean one thing - that is, this unknown friend's murderous intention towards him has become so strong that it is almost impossible to put it aside. .

To be precise, it's the awkward feeling that although you can't stand him, you just can't get rid of him, right?

"What do you call it?"

Ye Qingxuan's expression remained unchanged and he asked calmly.

The Gundam man's expression remained calm, but he did not show any indifference or rejection. He spoke concisely and concisely:

"Nine babies."


Ye Qingxuan nodded suddenly, and then realized that he didn't recognize him.


never heard of that.

Forget it, there are so many unknown people in this world, do you want everyone to like you?

Ye Qingxuan smiled nonchalantly and whistled.

There were cheers in the distance.

It seemed like he was returning victorious.


Compared with the joy among the coalition of princes, the palace was shrouded in gloom and mist after midnight.

Especially the trace of blood outside the palace gate that could not be washed away no matter what, made the back of everyone's head feel cold.

Over the past few months, the war has spread to almost all of Cathay.

There were victories and defeats between the emperor and the princes, but overall, compared to the mixed army of princes, the number of legions loyal to the emperor was smaller, but after careful calculation, the advantage was even greater. A little bigger.

It's a pity that today's victory at Zijingguan has completely eliminated the advantage.

Not only has the situation that was finally regained been completely eliminated, but the most important of the three inner passes, Zijin Pass, has also been lost. As long as the coalition forces of the princes capture Tianmen Pass, they can march straight in and march to the city...

As early as three-quarters of an hour ago, news of the defeat came, and the entire country was suddenly enveloped in an atmosphere of sadness. The emperor's uncle, King Wei, who was in charge of countering the rebellion, was dragged out of the palace gate and beheaded in public.

For a time, all kinds of rumors started to spread.

Some people say that the King of Wei accepted Bai Heng's treasures and beauties, and secretly colluded with the coalition of princes, deliberately causing the defeat of Zijing Pass. Others say that the coalition used treacherous schemes and poisons to secretly harm the defending soldiers, which led to all this.

Some people even say that in front of the two armies, Bai Heng burned a memorial to the heavens and listed the ten major crimes committed by His Majesty after being deceived by the villain. The heavens were furious and sent down angels to help break through Zijing Pass.

It's simply nonsense!

However, the situation is weird... Generally, when encountering such a time, the imperial city should be undercurrents and people's hearts should be floating, but at this moment, it is completely stagnant, let alone waves, not even a ripple.

It's like a huge machine, not stopping because of temporary setbacks and losses, but speeding up, without the slightest deviation, and the silence contains a mighty storm.

Soon, news came that reinforcements from various places had entered the pass, and wealthy merchants suddenly offered 200,000 stones of grain and grass. What was even more exaggerated was that several musicians who were loyal to His Majesty broke through to the scepter level, and the arsenal suddenly had thousands of weapons and armor...

According to statistics, compared with the past, the emperor's army was not only not weakened, but much stronger.

In an instant, the hearts of the onlookers were chilled.


Not afraid of Bai Heng, but afraid of His Majesty.

What is this?

Auspicious sign from heaven?

Doesn't God usually send a purple cloud or Ganoderma lucidum down and that's it? No matter how great it is, he can send a unicorn, but how can he send reinforcements, grain and grass, musicians, and equipment?

Or has His Majesty been prepared for this day?

In an instant, everyone's expression became heavy.

There is no way not to be heavy.

The shrill roar and disbelief of the King of Wei before he was beheaded are still vivid in my mind. After his head was chopped off, his eyes were almost popped out of their sockets.

Those insults of disrespect for the emperor and father are simply unbearable to listen to.

I am afraid he will become a fierce ghost after death.

No one expected that the King of Wei, who was in charge of the military power, would die so simply, just like killing a chicken.

Victory and defeat are common in the military. Although the Zijing Pass was defeated, there is still a fight to be fought. Although guilty, he can still make meritorious contributions, not to mention that the King of Wei is the uncle of the emperor and a powerful person in charge of the military power.

In the end, he died as soon as he was said to die.

And he died without any movement.

All the students and old friends did not make a sound. Before the news of the King of Wei's death spread more than ten steps away, the military power had been smoothly taken over by the emperor.

Except for one or two stubborn guys who wanted to stop the chariot with a mantis arm and be buried with the King of Wei, everyone else bowed their heads to His Majesty honestly.

The turmoil was strangled in its cradle before it could even begin.

This is far from over, but has just begun...

Until now, everyone has realized that this is a purge.

A thorough purge.

Six of the three dukes and nine ministers were replaced in just half an hour!

As violent as thunder.

This majesty changed his gentle style of the past, showing the cruel and brutal side of the king, and completely grasped the power that was beyond his control.

I don’t know how many people in the capital were frightened and unable to sleep during this short night.


I don’t know if others can sleep, but Bai Xi slept soundly anyway.

She was obviously a criminal, but she was still fat and generous, and she didn’t give a good face to the emperor who disturbed her sleep, but her behavior was even more presumptuous than before.

There was a sense of pleasure that the broken jar was broken, and what else can you do to me now that I am like this.

"What a pity, it's ten years too early."

Bai Xi yawned, gloating over the defeat, "No, even if you are given another five years to manage, the situation will definitely not be so bad, right?"

"In fact, three years is enough."

The emperor looked indifferent, not caring about the temporary victory or defeat, "Unfortunately, I thought I hid it well, but in the end, I still underestimated Bai Heng."

This time, the King of Wei was defeated, not because of the war.

No matter who it is, facing the anxious coalition of princes and the blood of the gods and men who are out in full force, it is difficult to avoid mistakes. Now that the army has not been annihilated and a part of it can be withdrawn, it is already a good arrangement of the King of Wei.

In the end, the King of Wei still died.

"How cruel! That was your last uncle, wasn't he?"

Bai Xi glanced at her, "When you first came to power, everyone opposed it, but he was willing to support you and help you through the difficulties. Now he just wants more power, why are you so cruel?"

"Because he lost." The emperor looked indifferent, "And I gave him a chance, but he left me no choice."

Bai Xi sneered, not giving him any face, "Yes, yes, it was the King of Wei who sought his own death, and your majesty is always right."

The emperor was not annoyed.

In fact, everyone was confused as to why the emperor loved the daughter of a traitor so much, knowing that her father had a wolfish ambition, but he still kept her by his side without any scruples, and taught her all the music theory and music that only existed in the royal family.

Now that Bai Heng has rebelled, as a hostage, Bai Xi was not only not beheaded, but was also kept in the palace, with good food and drink three times a day, and even gained several pounds...

Isn't she Bai Heng's adopted daughter, but your majesty's biological daughter?

Well, considering his age, Your Majesty is thirty-two this year. Having a daughter this old seems... reasonable?

These days, all kinds of bizarre rumors have been circulating in the palace. Even His Majesty just smiled when he heard about it, and didn't explain anything, which made others look at Bai Xi more and more strangely.

And now, the emperor's words made the eunuchs not far away tremble.

"If it were you, how would you deal with the King of Wei?"

"Of course, behead him immediately." Bai Xi answered without thinking.

"Then what is the difference between you and me?"

"Of course there is a difference."

Bai Xi looked at her with a serious expression, "You killed him just to enforce the law and take power. And I killed him because he always took advantage of his seniority and angered me."

The emperor shook his head and sighed, as if he heard a child's joke:

"Bai Xi, power is not a toy."

"No, power is a toy." Bai Xi's answer was tit-for-tat, and his tone was sharp: "It should have been your toy, but now you have become its slave."

"It's really outrageous."

The emperor glanced at her with a pity in his eyes, "At such a young age, why did you grow up to be a tyrant?"

"That's not right, Your Majesty..."

Bai Xi smiled, "In comparison, being born a wise ruler would make people feel more terrible, wouldn't it?"


A finger stretched out and flicked her forehead, making her eyes black.

There was no anger, nor dissatisfaction.

Just like punishing a naughty child, it was simply knocked.

Leaving a swollen bump.

"It seems that you have become really brave because of your idleness."

The emperor shook his head helplessly, "It just so happens that Li Nu has been away from you for the past two days, and has lost a lot of hair. It also scratches my clothes. You can depend on it for your life."

She said nothing more, got up and left, followed by the palace maids. In a flash, the room was empty, leaving only Bai Xi and the fat cat placed on the table by the maid.

"What a weird woman, isn't it, Li Nu?"

Bai Xi pouted, picked up the fat cat, and hummed a song:

"Let's ignore her and go to bed!"

Outside, the night was deep.

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