Crown of Silence

Chapter 793 The Past

Chapter 790 Past

Chang Paradise.

It sounds like a palace for the emperor to enjoy, with beautiful scenery, exotic pines and cypresses, rockeries and rocks... all kinds of luxury enjoyment are available.

There are no shortcomings except not being able to get in and out freely.

It should be said that once you walk in here, don't think about coming out alive again.

This is the place where the protons of the nine surnames of the Dragon Vein are placed. The important direct descendants of the Tianren family, the heirs of the family head, and even the successors will be imprisoned here when they pass on the position of the family head.

To put it nicely, it meant accompanying the emperor day and night, listening to his teachings and increasing his self-cultivation.

To put it harshly, they are just hostages.

Bai Heng walked into the courtyard minding his own business, walking along the winding roads and pavilions. At the end, he opened a door, and everything in the courtyard at the door seemed to remain as it was.

Bai Heng turned around and smiled: "It seems I will live here from now on?"

"Do you still like it?"

The emperor asked, "I specifically ordered them to clean up your original room. From now on, you will live here honestly for the rest of your life. I will help you find another woman, have several children, and continue Bai's music theory..."

"Sounds good, so be least it makes sense here."

Bai Heng nodded happily and did not resist. He just wandered around the courtyard. Finally, he stopped under the old locust tree and stroked the knots on it.

"This is where I am," he said, "where I first met you."

"Is it?"

The emperor glanced at him and said, "You still remember such boring things, Bai Heng."

"Well, after all, what can I's worth remembering."

Bai Heng sat on the stone bench in the courtyard, patting his aching knees, as if he were an old man returning to his hometown.

Returned to my hometown.

"Then, let's talk about something unrelated... I still remember that at that time, I was an unknown proton in the imperial capital. I indulged in wine and sex all day long. All I knew was singing about the wind and the moon. When I heard that my father died of illness, I was in panic all day long. , I don’t know what my brother, who will inherit the position of head of the family, will do to me, and how I will live my life in the future.”

Bai Heng said with emotion: "So, I can only feel sad about spring and autumn all day long. The only companion I have is a wild cat in the palace, but the wild cat also fell down from upstairs and broke its neck..."

The emperor smiled, "Let me guess, according to the story in the folk tale book, at that time I should be able to comfort you and help you get out of the shadow and pain?"

"No, you were still young then."

Bai Heng said softly.

Just looking at the patch of ground under the shade of the trees, I couldn't see the small tomb.

"...You're going to do some cruel things," he said, "like a little kid."

After a long silence, he laughed to himself:

"Later, you didn't look like you anymore..."

"Girls mature early," the empress said.

"I guess so."

Bai Heng shook his head and waved his hand indifferently: "It's been a tiring journey all the way. I'm going to rest. If your Majesty is fine, please go by yourself.

As for other dispensable words, just don’t say them. "

The empress looked at him deeply for the last time, withdrew her gaze, turned and left.

In the silence, Bai Heng closed his eyes and leaned against the tree.

Twenty years, Bai Heng, twenty years have passed.

How many more twenty years do you have left in your life?

In the long-lost fragrance of flowers and plants, he vaguely felt a little thing jumping onto his lap, barking softly, and its tail tickling his wrist. He subconsciously touched it, but in vain.

The cat is dead.

Twenty years ago, it fell from the attic, broke its neck, and lay dying in his arms, licking his hand but not whining, just looking into his eyes.

That look was filled with pity and reluctance.

It was like saying goodbye to an old friend.

And all he could do was hold it in his hand and ask for it everywhere, then sit helplessly under the tree, thinking about his situation, and burst into tears weakly.

Even if someone climbed over the wall and saw his ugly appearance, he would not notice it.

"Is it dying?"


"It's sad." The little girl looked at him, "You shouldn't let it continue to suffer."

"But what can I do?"

"Do what you can."

Those clear eyes looked at him with a purity and cruelty that he didn't have: "You know what to do, and you shouldn't lie to others."

In the reflection of those eyes, he clearly saw his ugly and weak self.

There is only one thing that can be done.

Bai Heng closed his eyes, shed tears, and embraced the faint warmth in his arms for the last time.

Then reach out your hand...

Cut off the only warmth with your own hands.

Until the last moment, I didn't dare to look into its eyes.

There was only one small hand holding a handkerchief to wipe away the tears and ugly things, making him look barely presentable.

"Don't be sad. Strong people will never cry or be lonely."

She said softly, "I want to be a strong person, and you have to join me."

For a moment, Bai Heng seemed to have been saved.

It seems like I got something.

It seems like something has been taken away.

But many years later, Bai Heng still couldn't help but think: At that last moment, when it was freed...were those eyes filled with resentment or pleasure?

he does not know.

Even though he has gained power and become so strong that he can save a thousand or ten thousand cats, there is only one cat that he cares about.

There is only one person who cares.

But when he was able to meet his emperor.

She no longer remembers who she was back then.

She is no longer the same person she was before.

Fortunately, after exerting all his efforts and using every method to win everything he could, he finally became a person who would neither be lonely nor cry.

Never again.

He closed his eyes.

Fall into a deep sleep.


In the haze, Ye Qingxuan heard hoarse breathing, as well as screams, roars, whines and roars.

Silver flames ignited from the earth, and sky fire fell from the sky. Amidst the turmoil of heaven and earth, disaster swept across the silent world.

There was also the blood-stained eldest grandson standing in front of him, showing a heroic smile.


Amidst the steady sound of beeping, Ye Xuan woke up from his trance. He looked up and saw Changsun soaked in the recovery vessel. She was completely naked, her internal organs in her abdomen were trembling with difficulty, and her long hair was dancing in the liquid.

The electrode pierced into the chest maintained her heartbeat, waking her up from the scene and blinking slightly at Ye Xuan through the glass.

"you're awake?"

Ye Xuan was pleasantly surprised. He climbed up from the chair and pressed against the glass. He wanted to speak but didn't know what to say.

"I suggest you let the patient rest properly."

Liu Dongli stood behind him, his pale face reflected on the glass of the recovery vessel, looking slightly distorted, "She is fine, she just lost her right leg and part of her internal organs.

Today, she will undergo an implantation operation. The organs will be temporarily replaced by machines. After two months, the cloned organs will be grown and they will be replaced completely. "

At this point, the face that had been dead for ten thousand years made the same inappropriate joke as ever: "You can also take the opportunity to experience the feeling of having sex while holding an iron leg."

Ye Xuan turned around and glared at him, "Shut your mouth."

"You are a family member, you have the final say."

Liu Dongli shrugged, "The Crew Committee has convened urgently. I'm here to inform you to make a statement. You don't seem to be in good spirits. Do you want me to give you a shot?"


Ye Xuan shook his head, glanced at his eldest grandson one last time, made a gesture to come see you later, turned around and left with Liu Dongli.

in the corridor.

"Have the losses from exploration been calculated now?" Ye Xuan asked.

"Most of the equipment was destroyed, six people were seriously injured, and no one died." Liu Dongli was much better informed than him. As the chief physician on the ship, many things could not be hidden from him: "But the worst thing is not this... …look by youself."

He pulled out a photo from the file and threw it into Ye Xuan's hand.

The photo shows a silver star, as if bathed in silver flames, immersed in turbulence, and separated by flares one after another, it seems that the turbid currents running on the earth can be glimpsed.

Starting from a small circular scar, the blood spread in all directions, covering the entire star.

It seems to be on the verge of destruction, but also seems to be undergoing transformation and rebirth...

"What is this?" Ye Xuan was stunned.

"Weren't you still there a few hours ago?"

Liu Dongli walked in front and did not answer his question.

Until the door of the large conference room opened, everyone looked at Ye Xuan with solemn eyes. The atmosphere was not like a meeting, but like a court hearing... some kind of questioning session.

Captain Xiao pinched his beard and motioned for Ye Xuan to sit in the center, where everyone's eyes intersected.

It doesn't feel good to be stared at by everyone.

Although he felt the same uneasiness and pain in his heart, the ghost-like Ye Qingxuan could not help but investigate the various incredible machines in the conference room, and was shocked by the advanced civilization of heavenly beings long ago.

Finally, he looked in the corner. Peter was sitting on an iron chair, looking down at the ancient scroll in his hand.

Looks indifferent.

It was as if nothing had happened.

"Dr. Ye, please relax. I just have a few questions to ask you this time." He said, "Regarding the descent detection of the 'Silent Star', we already know the specific process from Peter's report, but there are We need to ask you for verification on several parts. This is a necessary step. Please understand.”

Ye Xuan didn't say anything, he just sat upright and said, "Please speak."

"During the lowering process, did you notice any illegal operations or behavior by other members of the immigration ship?"



"I'm sure that the entire process was cross-supervised and probed by autonomous machines. Machine sensory records are more reliable than people. You can check Peter's records to confirm my answer."

"Don't talk irrelevant nonsense." Another person asked, "Were there any abnormal situations during the descent?"


Ye Xuan looked cold and pushed a soft nail over: "There are no politicians in the team. Everyone has enough respect for their profession. This is a serious matter."

Captain Xiao coughed twice, motioned for others not to interrupt, and continued to ask: "So, when did the disaster start to happen?"

"There were signs during the falling process, but unfortunately we didn't notice it and just regarded it as a blizzard-like weather."

The man asked again, "Why was there no report?"

Ye Xuan looked back at him with an expressionless expression: "Aren't you guys watching from the beginning to the end?"

The man's expression was unbearable: "Pay attention to your attitude, Ye..."

He was interrupted by the captain.

"-Shut up or get out!"

The man was stunned for a moment, then shut his mouth and stopped talking.

"Continue reporting, Dr. Ye."

Captain Xiao waved his hand and looked attentive: "I'm listening."

"...The changes that can be visually detected occurred after the landing. After we left the warehouse, we saw an abnormal blizzard phenomenon, but the temperature was normal. The color of the snowflakes was also abnormal, closer to the color of metal... Analyzer report The temperature is normal, not close to freezing point, and no hydrogen and oxygen components have been detected in the snow.

After careful operation, we tentatively named it ‘unknown substance’. From here on, everything is normal. "

Captain Xiao was silent for a long time and looked at him with solemn eyes:

"Until you broke the rules and took off your helmet?"


Ye Xuan closed his eyes and admitted his mistake frankly.

After rejecting the radio communication, he took off his helmet and breathed in the fresh air he had never experienced before, completely unafraid of the 0.1% unexplained substance.


"It's like the 'avalanche' recorded in ancient dictionaries."

Along with his voice at that time, terrifying waves set off from the 'metal snow' and swept in all directions, and the turmoil in the world began...

All things fell into the oven.

"Dr. Ye, I hope you understand that based on your illegal operations and the serious consequences, the crew committee can completely sentence you to 'humane destruction'."

Captain Xiao pondered for a moment and then said: "Actually, other immigrant ships also have such strong demands."

"Yes, I understand."

Ye Xuan nodded and smiled reluctantly: "I am willing to take responsibility for my actions."

"Responsible? Can you afford it?" The sinister voice sounded again. It was Bai Nan. He had never liked Ye Xuan.

"But in fact, I think that although your behavior was illegal, you found hidden dangers that we had never discovered before the commission made a large-scale investment in the land.

Although the consequences are serious, if it were not your behavior, it will happen sooner or later, and it is difficult to avoid. Therefore, as punishment, I will temporarily deprive you of your freedom of movement, but your seat on the Crew Council will remain.

Until the joint court’s judgment comes down, you must remain useful and continue to contribute to mankind..."

Captain Xiao ignored the uproar around him and made his decision.

On the ship, although everything is decided by the crew committee, the captain has an equally important position and has the authority to veto any orders from the committee. Even if there are restrictions, the power is still great.

Ye Xuan was also a little disbelieving about the captain's protection.

He could also imagine how passive his actions would make the captain in the joint council of the immigrant fleet.

"That's it, kid."

Captain Xiao showed a pleasant smile: "Don't ask me why... If it were me, I would do that. So, for my sake, don't use those rhetorical tricks for me anymore, and answer me honestly:

——Is the air in the new world pleasant? "

Ye Xuan nodded.

"Then go back to the cage and continue to reflect."

Captain Xiao knocked on the table and ended the meeting: "For the rest, let's wait until the joint science and technology department makes a preliminary report on the situation on the ground and the most important 'unknown substance'."

The sound of getting up sounded.

He turned and left.

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